Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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tarish galland

  1. T

    Approved Starship  Z-97u-S Headhunter

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a flexible starfighter for Tarish Galland. Image Source: Source Canon Link: Source Permissions: Priddy General Engineering And Manufacturing - My Company Sleg Ultracapacitor - (Open-Market) Kirishima Cap Drain - (Open-Market) C-3a "Mercury" Class...
  2. T

    Private  The Past Calls Due: The Path Back

    LOCATION: Coruscant, Commerce District WEARING: Outfit WIELDING: Artifice & Probity TAGS: Briana Sal-Soren He'd left the amulet at the apartment today, and didn't hide the dark presence he washed an area in with his arrival. Figuring those that needed to know likely already did about his...
  3. T

    Private  Stare Into the Sun: The Path Back

    LOCATION: Jedi Temple, Coruscant WEARING: Outfit, Force Talisman TAGS: Aleena Aryss The Talisman around his neck seemed to grow heavier by the day. His presence on Coruscant a near constant to assuage some worries about his allegiances. But without correcting the deeper issue, his visits to...
  4. T

    Approved Tech  Artifice and Probity

    Artifice pictured first, Probity last with sheaths and throwing daggers. OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Personal weapons for Tarish Galland. Image Source: Image Source Canon Link: Vibro-Arbir Blade, Vibroblade Permissions: Priddy General Engineering and Manufacturing - My Alt Character's...
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    Private  A Casual Dinner: The Path Back

    LOCATION: Coruscant, WEARING: Outfit, Force Talisman TAGS: Amani Serys Alicio Organa His first errand of the day had been leaving a message for Amani, and by extension Al, that he would like to have dinner with them. The strange glances sent his way by being present in the office and...
  6. T

    Private  Sullen Vagrant - The Path Back

    LOCATION: Coruscant Jedi Temple, Coruscant WEARING: Robes, Force Talisman TAGS: Iris Arani He had spent the better part of the day showing everything that he had brought back. Which truth be told wasn't a whole lot. One of his few remaining possessions, his raiment, stored in a wheeled crate...
  7. T

    Private  Across the Stars: Knight to Knight

    LOCATION: Tython WEARING: Fancy Robes, Force Talisman TAGS: Iris Arani His ticket to a better part secured, he milled about, making small talk as best he was able to, pedaling about the smaller circles to find the one he'd first encountered here at the party. "Eeny meeny miney moe, where did...
  8. T

    Private  Across the Stars: Lost and Found

    LOCATION: Tython WEARING: Fancy Robes, Force Talisman TAGS: Valery Noble His coming to the wedding hadn't been as huge an ordeal as he had thought. Being your own echo chamber for thoughts had likely not helped. Silence being his only counsel on the matter of his presence while in transit to...
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