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Approved Starship AVSFL-2 "War Hawk" Ground Attack Fighter-XIII Battlegroup

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Aculia Voland

Protecting her children from the shadows.

A War Hawk stationed in a carrier.

  • Classification: Ground Attack Starfighter variant of the AVSF " Strike Eagle".
  • Length: 12.5 meters
  • Width: 4 meters
  • Height: 3 meters
  • Armament: Extreme
    • 1x Heavy Rotary Blaster Cannon capable of shredding infantry formations and light vehicles, can penetrate medium vehicles from the rear or sides.
    • 2x ATGM Rocket Pods (5 Missiles each)*.
    • 2x HARM Rocket Pods (5 missiles each)**
    • 2x Heavy Guided Anti-Infantry/Light Vehicle Cluster Bombs.
    • 2x Heavy Anti-Infantry Guided Incendiary Bombs.
    • * Per Pod: 2x Heavy ATGM capable of significant damage against heavy vehicles and average reinforced structures, 3x medium ATGMs against medium vehicles and lightly reinforced structures.
    • ** Per Pod: 2x High Speed Anti-Radiation Guided Missiles for taking out heavy anti-air emplacements/ AA vehicles, 3x Medium High Speed Anti-Radiation Missiles for taking out medium anti-air emplacements and AA vehicles from a safe distance.
  • Defenses: Extreme
  • Squadron Size: Very Low
  • Maneuverability Rating: Low
  • Speed Rating: Low
  • Propulsion: Sublight Engines (Space), Repulsorlifts (Atmosphere)
  • Hyperdrive: Class 1.

All standard, military-grade fighter features.


Meiro Integrated Anti-Missile Deactivation System: This integrated system lessens the effects of Missile Deactivation Transmitters.

Heavily Reinforced Armor:
The War Hawk XIII variant has thick, reinforced duranium armor of the highest quality in order to effectively take on enemy ground defenses including anti-air turrets, machine guns, and even direct hits from missiles.

Heavy, Hardened Shields: The War Hawk XIII variant has heavy, upgraded shields of the highest quality in order to better weather fire from enemy ground defenses including anti-air turrets, machine guns, and even direct hits from missiles.

Dedicated Anti-Missile Defenses: The War Hawk variant has significant amounts of chaff, flares, and a strong ECM capability, targeted mostly at dealing with surface to air missiles, its most dangerous opponent in appropriate operational usage.


Nightmare against Ground Columns:
The War Hawk variant was purpose-designed to make the life of enemy infantry and vehicle columns without air superiority a living hell and cripple their ability to maneuver openly. Its combination of heavy rotary blaster cannon and guided incendiary and cluster bombs can shred concentrated infantry formations, its AGMs can take out medium vehicles like IFVs, APCs, medium walkers, and artillery, while its heavy ATGMs are capable of causing significant damage to heavy armor.

Heavy SEAD Capability: The War Hawk variant is also designed, via its HARM missiles, to carry out effective long range suppression of enemy air defenses ranging from infantry-mounted devices to heavy anti-aircraft turrets and systems.


Vulnerable to Enemy Starfighters
: Being a ground attack variant of its parent fighter, it is not suited for dogfighting due to its comparatively lower speed, maneuverability, weight, and lack of anti-starfighter weapons. Dedicated interceptors and starfighters will be able to take out its heavier defenses over time, although the XIII variant is particularly resistant to attack, by outmaneuvering it. It is thus still recommended to use it with at least air parity and a fighter escort.

Poor Space Combat Capability: The armament of the War Hawk is specialized on taking out enemy ground forces and its hyperdrive was removed to allow its plethora of weapons systems. Its only notable space capability is to fly up and dock in carriers and fly down into the atmosphere, aside from that, all but the most lightly armored and bulky civilian ships can either outrun or withstand the War Hawk.


Essentially the same as the War Hawk with the defense rating upgraded from Very High to Extreme, including the new heavily hardened shields and heavily reinforced armor enabling it to take even more punishment. Due to the increase in cost necessary to accommodate this, it is of a limited production.
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Aculia Voland

Protecting her children from the shadows.
Yeah, I mentioned that to Manic in the original minor production version post but she said it fit more in vehicles and I edited the template to be more in line with vehicles as a result. Just figured since the main difference between this and the original approved version here in the vehicles subsection is just buffing the shields and armor a bit it would go in vehicles?
Aculia Voland Aculia Voland

Having looked into this I have decided that this submission and those based on it, and of its parent count as starships and not vehicles due to their ability to fly through space.

Thank you for your time. I'll move on to the rest of the review now.

Primary Source:

Could you please provide a link to the original submission here? So it's easier to follow through the records and see this is based on another submission.​


You'll need to link the Elysium Empire here. However, please note the following:​
As per the template, limited submission can not be affiliated with an entire major faction but only a "Group within a faction".​
In this case, I would recommend not affiliating it with the Elysium Empire, but rather letting anyone from the empire ask for permission to use it.​

If we can tidy this up the submission looks just fine. Good work.
Aculia Voland Aculia Voland

Almost there, but if you mention the battlegroup you'll need a link. If you're planning on making a codex sub later then I'd just not mention anything. As the creator your word is law on affiliation, so you could just link it into the codex entry without creating the affiliation here.

You also don't need to say this:

one can ask for permission to use it if they are in the Elysium Empire.

Since that's a given in the way the factory system works.
Submission Name: War Hawk Ground Attack Fighter
Link to Submission:
Reason for Factory Modification Request: need to include the company's new Meiro Integrated Anti-Missile Deactivation System

Submission Name: Strike Eagle Fighter
Link to Submission:
Reason for Factory Modification Request: need to include the company's new Meiro Integrated Anti-Missile Deactivation System

Submission Name: Screeching Owl Bomber
Link to Submission:
Reason for Factory Modification Request: need to include the company's new Meiro Integrated Anti-Missile Deactivation System

Submission Name: Flying Falcon Interceptor
Link to Submission:
Reason for Factory Modification Request: need to include the company's new Meiro Integrated Anti-Missile Deactivation System

And more later for the civilian models! But I don't want to spam too much at once!
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Aculia Voland Aculia Voland

Thank you! And one more thing, you wrote the Squadron count twice in the template, but left the Hyperdrive. Please edit it:
Hyperdrive: (Does this ship have a hyperdrive? If this ship has a hyperdrive how fast is it? The lower the number, the faster the ship is, you may choose decimals. Any speed below 1.0 requires the hyperdrive to be added to the ship’s strengths and accordingly balanced with weaknesses. Links: Hyperdrive, Hyperdrive Comparisons)
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