Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Back on the Plains (Veino Garn)

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra sat alone as she looked over ancient ruins of what used to be an enclave. Much of it was gone now but the site remained noticible and she was able to tell how far the Enclave's grounds reached. Walking among the ancient ruins that remained she looked over the piece of history with wonder, after all she was standing in a site of momentous importance to the course of history and right now she felt at peace, more so than any meditation could leave her.

(Sorry if the post is alittle short, its pretty late so my attention to detail is suffering a little

@Veino Garn
@[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Veino paused and let his eyes sweep across the ruined vista. Odd, how such a place as grand as this must have been could have fallen into such disrepair. He strolled slowly into it, sensing its history, and lowering his emotional walls. All was calm here. Was that their fate then? To crumble away into nothingness and leave nothing behind but drowsy ruins? Did governments happen the same way? How did one know which path to take to avoid that, or go that way? He paused. There seemed to be another being here. He changed directions, angling his walk among the ruins towards the presence, curious, and oddly enough, needing company.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
She sat down looking at what remained of what used to be a river that flowed around the compound, washing her hands of the dust and dirt that had covered them from her collecting what relics she could that would make any historical sense. Her hair was down for once as it rested along her back and shoulders, her cloak and hood bundled up while her plain white robes now turned grey from the dust that flowed with the wind in the air. Her Silvered eyes and hair remained clear though and a cheerful and calm expression rested on her face as she sat there and looked at her reflection for a moment. She sensed the other man and looked at her sabers on the ground for a moment, tucking them and her old master's holocron out of sight with her foot while betraying no notice of him. @Veino Garn
@[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Veino slowed when he saw the woman ahead of him, and then stopped far enough away to be non-threatening. He held up his hands, palm out to show he wasn't holding a weapon at the moment, although she didn't appear to take much notice of him. He called out, "I apologize for my intrusion. I was just wandering through." It didn't seem particularly dangerous at the moment, but that could certainly change rapidly. Better to be safe than sorry. That was one lesson he'd learned well.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
She looked over her shoulder and let a light smile remain on her face while she spoke. "No need to be sorry, i dont own these ruins and am merely just here to rest and study the piece of history that we are standing in, come and take a seat if you wish." She turned her head back forward and reached up as she slide her hair behind her ears and cleared her face of hair while she moved one of the two bags that was sitting on a stone where he could sit, using the bag to cover up her sabers and holocron now. @Veino Garn
@[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Veino nodded, and slid his pack from his shoulders, letting it thump to the ground, and then took a seat, removing his hat and wiping the sweat from his forehead. "Thanks." He looked around, examining the ruins. "Odd, isn't it? How might places can crumble so far with enough time?" He scooped up a handful of dust, and let it fall form his fingers, blowing away in the wind in a steady stream. "And we are less solid than these construction materials. "

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Is there any reason you are exploring and studying these ruins as well or is it just for a curiosity into the past of this place. Or are you someone looking for a way out of life and to find solitude in a quiet place where few go to be?" She crossed her hands infront of her and resting her chin on her hands now after shifting on the stone she sat on. @Veino Garn
@[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Veino shrugged with a sad smile. "Just looking for quiet in a relatively solitary place. Y'know. Figure stuff out." Where did his road lead now, for one. Back home? Further away? The questions raged inside his brain, racing back and forth, like starfighters in a dogfight. Nothing seemed to sort them out. So, he'd drifted here. Hopefully he could reach some answer.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"What are you trying to figure out if i might ask, im interested trying to help if i can." Alexandra spoke with a soft voice, careful not to push on an ill subject or sound like she was trying to intrude. Well she was being a bit intrusive, but she was curious in the man and tried to be a consul for him while she learned more about this man that she had just met. @Veino Garn
@[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Veino nodded, "I'd appreciate it. I...ah...sort of got cut loose from a job I was planning on being with for a long time, and I'm not sure I want to continue it with how it will be transformed in the future. So I'm trying decide where to go next." That was basically it. Somethings were left out, but he didn't want to divulge too much about it. It was rather odd, really. But, that was life, he supposed. Full of unexpected twists and surprises.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"How come you arent sure if you want to continue with it? I mean its not as bad as being a Jedi right?" She smiled at her joke then realized it could be very well that and could have just severely insulted this mand and spoke again just to clear up her words... or rather attempt would be a better word. "Sorry i mean it could be worse than,err no i mean that being a Jedi isnt that bad its just.... uh ya so, that Dantooine weather..." @Veino Garn
Veino gave a short, dry laugh and small smile. "It won't be what it used to be any longer, I don't think. It'll change into something different." He wasn't entirely sure that would happen, but he did know it wouldn't be quite the same as it had been intended. Odd how things turned out that way. "Can't say I know what it's like to be a Jedi to say for sure if it's good or bad."

@[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Im sure if the Jedi still cared for it they would be here instead of you or me, after all these used to be their ruins." She leaned her chin onto her hand as she sat there and watched the dust flow with the wind like earthen waves and the crops in the far distant farm land sway with those invisible waves. "I have a question for you, I assume you are not a Sith or Jedi, but I can sense you have the force, who are you and who is it that you answer to?" @Veino Garn
Veino nodded slowly, "That is true." Odd, how even an organization as ancient and timeless as the Jedi could have abandoned ruins older even than them. How old was the galaxy, really? And everything within it? Probably older than he could comprehend. He gave a small laugh at the question. "I am Veino Garn, and I...answer to no one at the moment, except....perhaps an old friend I have not seen in a long time."

@[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
@Veino Garn

"I see, so you are a loner too, that is good to know otherwise i would have had to scold you for being a degenerate follower of some higher power." She smiled and rolled her neck, the words had come out without pause, sounding clearly as they erupted from her mouth. Though she did speak in the same soft voice though it had come out confidently and without pause, her eyes returned to him from looking at the ruins and she leaned forward on her hand.
@[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Veino choked back a sudden laugh at the surprising response, and managed to disguise it as a cough. He waved a hand in front of him, "Sorry. Dust." He cleared his throat. "Degenerate follow of some higher power?" He shook his head slowly. That was not at all what he had expected. But, so be it. It'd certainly be an interesting discussion. "Everyone follows a higher power. Some are just more tangible than others."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
She smiled again and glanced at him as he waved his hand and stated that it was just 'dust'. She knew a laugh when she heard it and that was not him just choking on dust but oh well, might as well play along. "Need some water for that dust then? I mean, we wouldnt want you to drop dead because of it." She thought for a few seconds before looking up at the sky again and speaking. "As for a higher power, i sure as hell dont serve one. No, all my decisions are my own, laws and regulations dont really stop me as long as you follow the small ones no one cares about the big ones." She glanced back at him, the grin still on her face as she waited for his response to what many saw in reverse. It would be the small ones that people skimp on, not the large ones, but hey keep low and you can do anything and follow any path. @Veino Garn
Veino nodded, and pulled a canteen from his pocket and slipped the lid off, taking a few quick swallows of water. He coughs once more to clear his throat before putting it back. "Dying from dust would certainly be unfortunate," He commented vaguely, trying to think of a response to her statement. "Governments and laws are not higher powers. They are what beings use to try and serve a higher power. Your higher power is your idea of yourself. Not unlike most smugglers and many bounty hunters, actually."

@[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Well they are the only higher powers i acknowledge, as invisible ones dont even process in my mind." She streched and looked up at the sky, letting out a sigh before breathing in deeply. "So, how about this, you ask a question, i answer and then ask you a question, passes the time and first one to run out of questions losses, sound good?" She smiled and turned her head back to the man, she was bored and he was a new piece of excitement in this place where only ruins remained. @Veino Garn
Veino shrugged. He'd gotten used to such reactions to his thoughts before, so nothing new by any means. "That sounds like a decent way to pass the time here." He paused, thinking. No invisible higher powers? Was that even possible? "I'm not sure there is such a thing as a visible higher power. All visible ones are extensions of an invisible one."

@[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

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