Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Blood for Spice ; Mando, meet Monster

A half-hearted chuckle escaped the Crimson Devil at the Twi-lek's comment about her treatment of her cousin. "That particular Cousin is zealous in her duty to protect me, overly so at times. She often needs reminding that my claws are still sharp." Again the Zabrak's hand waved through the air as through dismissing the topic.

The pair walked on, the sharp report of Zenva's heels mingling with the solid thump of Tan'yill's armored boots. The Zabrak's horn crowned head often turned to keep the Mandolorian in her field of view as they went. Noticing the studying gaze, Zenva paused in her stride and turned to face the other warrior properly. "In this particular moment? Yes I think I would loss a fight with you." A smile curled her lips as she took a half step forward. "But it's not hard to step out of these shoes."

Zenva laughed, a dark and throaty chortle of amusement at her own humor. Abruptly she turned away, resuming her commanding stride as though they hadn't paused at all. After a time Tan'yill stepped off their path, directing the Blood Matron's attention to a local vendor. A hairless eyebrow quirked up in a questioning expression, but she followed the Death Watch all the same.

"I have no interest in cutting off the life blood of this world, Darling. I did after all, cut out a cancer from this city." She mused, taking the offered drink. She raised the bottle in a salute before taking a swallow. Turning the bottle in her hand and examining it for a moment after, she shrugged. "Not half bad." She said with a wink before turning to resume their walk.

Zenva laughed at her companions newest question. "First a pet name, now you ask about my love life? Are you sure we're not flirting, Mando?" She chuckled anew, taking another swallow of her drink. "I have lovers on occasion, but nothing so permanent as a wife, no. You're not interested in changing that, are you?" Again Zenva smiled, but didn't laugh this time.

Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla

Location: Settlement close to Skyhold, yet some woods and fields in between.
Wearing: Beskar'gam
Equipment: E-851 Dueling Particle Pistols, Kal dagger
Tag: Zenva Vrotoa Zenva Vrotoa


Damn it. Fething, damn it. By purchasing the drink, Tan'yill had single handedly and purely unintentional created a reason for herself to take off the helmet, and yet again break the shield to her emotions and thoughts. She silently cursed the decision, but still had a very hard time to determine where this would land her. If it would turn out pretty good and alright, or just real fething bad. For the first time in a very long time, the otherwise cold and callous riduur'alor of House Vizsla were actually worried about not to be able to keep chit together. It was something strangly odd about this zabrak lady, to the extent that Tan'yill thought that she had force powers and could read her mind if she wanted to. Tan'yill had hoped for the helmet to counter that, but now it looked like the protection would be brief, at most.

Zenva laughed at her companions newest question. "First a pet name, now you ask about my love life? Are you sure we're not flirting, Mando?" She chuckled anew, taking another swallow of her drink. "I have lovers on occasion, but nothing so permanent as a wife, no. You're not interested in changing that, are you?" Again Zenva smiled, but didn't laugh this time.

The riduur'alor fell silent. She felt... young, inexperienced, subordinate even, to their visitor. Pictures and memories from her youth on the streets of Corellia flashed before her eyes. The years with Mitch, the man who - looking at it soberly, with todays eyes - had her feeling like a prisoner at times, and often while being under the influence of a lot of fething spice! This wasn't the same thing, but it sure had its resemblance and Zenva had the similar ability to reel you in and tinker with your mind.

Tan'yill turned her head slightly towards Zenva as they continued their stroll down the main road through the settlement. That smile, those yellow-red eyes, the commanding presence made it impossible to continue laughing and joking it off, and to simply change the subject had not helped so far.

''Uhh...'' Tan begun and searched for the right words to say. Only that, there wasn't any right words to say in this moment. Instead, she used the armors wrist guard to pop open the bottle, before she reached up and took off the helmet in a determined fashion, hanging it in the belt again. Tan didn't look upon the zabrak crime boss, but instead took a quick and hefty drink out of the bottle. The chilled and fizzy drink made out of malt and hops were refreshing, but it was of little help to the odd situation. The urge of getting something way stronger were definitely present. ''I'm... What I'm sure of, is that... Aloy's going to kill you if she knew that you hit on me...'' she simply said, wiping her lavender lips with the back of the glove.

''You have our gratitude, though... For taking care of that storm cloud... Word was that he caused the village and its inhabitants a great deal of trouble...'' Tan continued, taking another sip of the local not half bad, side-eyeing Zenva every now and then.

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It was the silence that drew the Zabrak's attention. In her life quiet was a rarity, and not a very welcome one at that. Silence happened in the moments of an ambush, in those fleeting seconds before a hunter pounched and something died. The silence was offensive to the Crimson Devil's senses, and instinctively set her twin hearts to racing. Her grip reflexively tightened on the pistol she had largely been ignoring since their walk began, adrenaline causing her bizarre yellow-red eyes to dilate.

As the Twi-lek reached up to remove her helmet, Zenva turned on her, eyes wide and focused, studying her every movement. Tan'yill spoke for a few moments while Zenva stared at her with all the intensity of starving Nexu eyeing it's next meal. It was only after the she was finished thanking her that Zenva realized she had flustered the Mandolorian. A snork of amusement shattered the Zabrak's serious expression. She simply couldn't help herself, her musical laughter rang through the street.

"You're wife! Oh gods. Not. You're wife." She managed between fits of laughter, covering her face with her pistol as she snorted in amusement once more. "That is too adorable. It's not every day I'm threatened with a wife finding out. I'll be sure to wear a more resilient dress should I ever meet your spouse."

Still chortling with laughter Zenva turned away to resume their walk. "You don't need to thank me, Riduur'alor of House Vizsla. I'm taking what I came for, the nightclub and the narcotics that have been running though it. Which will be diverted away from Mandolorian space. Thus giving you a healthier, happier, local population. It's just good business, Pateesa."

Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla

Location: Settlement close to Skyhold, yet some woods and fields in between.
Wearing: Beskar'gam
Equipment: E-851 Dueling Particle Pistols, Kal dagger
Tag: Zenva Vrotoa Zenva Vrotoa


As she went silent, and thanks to being a mandalorian, Tan'yill definitely noticed and felt the burning gaze from the zabrak lady. It pierced her like a thousand needles, despite wearing one of the galaxy's best beskar'gam. It wasn't different from their first meeting, though. Zenva had the power to undress anyone she liked, and it bothered Tan to the bones but she didn't know how to respond to it. An odd tension rose between the two women, and Tan'yill silently prepared to defend herself. Blasters were too clumsy this close. No, she would utilize her good old fists on the woman. Maybe not to kill her, but to show her what happens to people turning on and betraying House Vizsla.
"You're wife! Oh gods. Not. You're wife." She managed between fits of laughter, covering her face with her pistol as she snorted in amusement once more. "That is too adorable. It's not every day I'm threatened with a wife finding out. I'll be sure to wear a more resilient dress should I ever meet your spouse."

Tan gave their guest a mildly amused look, but didn't dare to let her guard down just yet. ''Well, someone doesn't like silence...'' Tan'yill said plainly while side-eyeing the crime boss visiting their world, as her suspicion of her hosts silence turned to amuse in an instant. Tan'yill had prepared herself to punch the zabrak lady in the face if a fight were to erupt, but seeing it were quickly evaded, she would not have to get into a brawl right now. ''You were simply going to shoot me, hun? That's awfully modern and unsportsman like, if you ask me!'' Tan continued, nudging Zenva while they walked side by side.

Still chortling with laughter Zenva turned away to resume their walk. "You don't need to thank me, Riduur'alor of House Vizsla. I'm taking what I came for, the nightclub and the narcotics that have been running though it. Which will be diverted away from Mandolorian space. Thus giving you a healthier, happier, local population. It's just good business, Pateesa."

''I do, Zenva... I do need to thank you...'' Tan insisted quietly as they continued their stroll down the road, and suddenly took steps up to meet the ominous but hard and disciplined yellow-red eyes that had been staring at her, stopping just an inch from the zabraks tattooed face, and dared to meet her gaze head on. ''You know, I've been addicted to that fething chit myself... There... there was a time I couldn't leave the apartment without first having to snort a line of spice... The bigger, the better... Made me feel... fething invincible, and I could do and did a lot of crazy chit...'' Tan made a pause, thinking about how good it had felt entering the fighting cage all high an mighty, but also completely robbed of feelings and empathy. It had led her to be feared, sure, but in the end of the day it had taken its toll on her, and Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla were pretty much the sole reason that she had got out of that that chit. Aloy, how she missed her wife right now.

''And now, yes... Now, I've got a wife who I love and adore out of this world... I'm... nothing without Aloy...''
she confessed and made another pause, looking to the side and wondered exactly how much she would be wise to disclose to Zenva. The Alor and Riduur'alor had only one thorn in their side. Their family were not complete anymore. A problem that Zenva would possibly be able to aid them with. ''This is our home, our keep... Where we are able to flee the squabbling amongst our people... Where we get to set our own rules...'' she continued and motioned out with a hand, meaning the whole of Roon. ''You know... we even got a daughter, Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla , who fought for her life in a bacta tank recently... Thought I'd lose her...'' Tan'yill continued, feeling anger, regret and lots of different other emotions boil inside her. ''And now, she's gone... I don't know where she are, or where to look for her... Only thing I know is that she is alive and out there somewhere...'' Tan'yill continued, feeling anger, regret and lots of different other emotions boil inside her. Anger for the gods or people that had robbed them of their daughter, and regret and self-blame for not being able to protect her.

''Sometimes, I really wonder if leaving the spice behind were the right thing to do...'' she sighed deeply.

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Zenva flashed a smile, pearlescent teeth contrasting sharply against her crimson skin and coal painted lips. She laughed as Tan'yill nudged her playfully. "I wasn't going to waste my time shooting at Beskar, Darling. I was going to test my bayonet against the armor weave protecting your throat."

The Twi-lek's tone changed, becoming insistent as she surged forward to block Zenva's path. The Zabrak stopped a moment before they collided, faces so close their breath mingled. Those caustic yellow-red eyes narrowed, studying the Twi-lek's features closely while she spoke. Zenva's licked her lips, fighting back the desire to lean forward and steal something else she wanted.

"Now, Pateesa, you shouldn't go telling the Devil what you're addicted to." She loomed forward, her face curling around Tan'yill's, threatening the kiss she suddenly wanted so badly. "Why, if we weren't friends, I might use all this against you." Zenva turned away abruptly, removing herself from the temptation.

"Luckily," She continued as she started moving away from the main road they had been walking. "We are friends. And since I am your friend, I must insist on helping you personally to recover your missing child." Zenva stopped at the mouth of an alley, her voice turning cold. "My own child was stolen from me. I will see yours returned." Slowly, the Zabrak began to saunter down the alley with her typical sultry swagger.

Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla

Location: Settlement close to Skyhold, yet some woods and fields in between.
Wearing: Beskar'gam
Equipment: E-851 Dueling Particle Pistols, Kal dagger
Tag: Zenva Vrotoa Zenva Vrotoa


"I wasn't going to waste my time shooting at Beskar, Darling. I was going to test my bayonet against the armor weave protecting your throat."

Tan'yill could imagine the feeling of Zenva's blade against the throat, as the thin yet strong mandalorian armor weave fought against the sharp edge. It was a frightening feeling sending shivers down her very spine. Zenva was as deadly as she was alluring. A powerful, dangerous and ruthless woman in charge of an equally powerful organisation you would do best to be on good terms with. The stakes were indeed high and the cards had to be played very carefully.

Green-yellowish eyes met yellow-red ones in an intense battle of stares. One which Tan had such a deep desire to break free from, but simply weren't able to. It was something eerily mesmerizing with those eyes, the pearlscent teeth behind those perfect coal painted lips wearing a dead certain smile. She regretted her decision to to step in front of the zabrak lady, not expecting that it would bring them barely a few inches from eachother. As much as she wanted to take a step back though, it was like Zenva's gaze had made her whole body freeze on the spot. A strange feeling without logical explanation torn the rutian twi'lek in half; she both wanted to back away and stay close to the red woman in front of her.

If not their personal spaces had been dissolved before, the borders of them were certainly erased when Zenva leaned in and curled her face around Tan'yill's, like a predator making circles around its prey. Inadvertedly, Tan found her lavender lips part to show her grit teeth and the four sharp fangs which she had passed down to Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla . A low but threatening hiss left her. Yet, something invisible pulled her towards The Blood Matron.

''Was, Zenva... I was addicted to it...'' the riduur'alor dared to correct The Blood Matron. ''Since then I have sworn to kill anyone supplying Roon, Ryloth and the worlds inhabiting our vode - our brothers and sisters - with spice... I left that path a long fething time ago...'' she insisted, feeling that Zenva doubted her.

"Luckily," She continued as she started moving away from the main road they had been walking. "We are friends. And since I am your friend, I must insist on helping you personally to recover your missing child." Zenva stopped at the mouth of an alley, her voice turning cold. "My own child was stolen from me. I will see yours returned." Slowly, the Zabrak began to saunter down the alley with her typical sultry swagger.

Suddenly, the predator showed a slight bit of sympathy and generosity. Zenva's proclamation that they were friends felt genuine, despite her predatorial and ominous presence. She even admitted to having been robbed on her own child, which Tan'yill could make a very qualified guess that it was a deep secret seldomly told to others than real friends. Zenva had once again showed trust in Tan'yill, but on a whole other level. As their gazes broke, Tan'yill felt relieved, and exhaled silently the breath that she had been holding in.

''Your child?'' Tan repeated askingly, slightly peering her eyes at the woman and walked after her. Zenva had deviated from the main road and choosen to enter a more quiet alley. If The Blood Matron wanted to explore the village she had recently done a very big service to, Tan'yill had no reason to stop her. ''I'm... I'm sorry, Zenva... I didn't know... How did this happen?''
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Zenva's acidic eyes narrowed as the Twi-lek, just inches from her face, bared her teeth and hissed at her. Her nose flared, her upper lip quivering as a snarl escaped her. Serrated teeth flashed, snapping loudly and so close to Tan'yill's face that Zenva nearly bit the girl's lavender lips. A giggle, girlish and mischievous, bubbled from the Crimson Devil as she spun away from the Mandolorian. It was obvious she was enjoying taunting and teasing the Beskar clad Warrior.

Once more Zenva's hand waved through the air dismissively as she strode towards the alleyway. "Yes, yes passed tense. You were addicted, once upon a time. Much like I was once interested in men." Another laugh rang through the air, amused by her own humor.

The topic changed however, and Zenva's mirth seemed to drain from her as they spoke of stolen children. When asked how she had lost her own child, Zenva came to a sudden stop. Her head turned sharply away from the woman beside her, and for several long moments Zenva was silent. She seemed frozen, unwilling or unable to react to the question. Abruptly she slapped her pistol against her own thigh, startling herself back to the present. She laughed once, dry and humorless before she spoke. "I've told very few people about my daughter."

Slowly she turned to meet Tan'yill's gaze. Her face could have been made from porcelain for all the emotion she showed. "I couldn't stop the Jedi that fathered her when he came to steal her from me. I have spent a long time, and a lot of resources ensuring another Force Wielder can never take from me again." The expressionless mask she wore broke as one corner of her mouth curled up in a faint smile. "I've never told anyone that before. I wonder if that's significant." One shoulder rose and fell in a shrug before she moved to resume their walk.

Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla

Location: Settlement close to Skyhold, yet some woods and fields in between.
Wearing: Beskar'gam
Equipment: E-851 Dueling Particle Pistols, Kal dagger
Tag: Zenva Vrotoa Zenva Vrotoa


Once more Zenva's hand waved through the air dismissively as she strode towards the alleyway. "Yes, yes passed tense. You were addicted, once upon a time. Much like I was once interested in men." Another laugh rang through the air, amused by her own humor.

Tan'yill looked suspiciously at the woman, as she catched up to her side and couldn't help but to smirk ever so slightly at the unexpected yet rather invitational comment. Not that the Crimson Devil hadn't sprinkled with those ever since they begun the walk, just the two of them, the guards keeping their distance to just have visuals on them.

''Does the one who made you... uninterested in the opposite gender live today?'' Tan snickered at the assumption that some man had pushed the limit just a bit too far with Zenva once, and thus being the reason of her losing interest in the male gender. She looked forward and took another sip of the beer as they strolled down the alley, which was calm and quiet. A safe place to share your deepest secrets, it would seem.

Zenva stopped in her tracks. Shortly after, so did Tan'yill, looking at Zenva and immediately knowing that she had touched a very sensitive matter, as the Crimson Devil turned from her. They also shared this utterly terrible and indescribingly hurtful experience. A very unfortunate experience to share. One which could break even the strongest of Mando'ade. These two women though, while having gone through the deepest of sorrows, were still standing and fighting.

A moment, which felt like an hour of silence, ended when Zenva turned back daring to finally show all the different emotions that had ascended from within and onto her fine and tattooed face.

"I couldn't stop the Jedi that fathered her when he came to steal her from me. I have spent a long time, and a lot of resources ensuring another Force Wielder can never take from me again." The expressionless mask she wore broke as one corner of her mouth curled up in a faint smile. "I've never told anyone that before. I wonder if that's significant." One shoulder rose and fell in a shrug before she moved to resume their walk.

''I know how you feel.'' Tan said with a gentle and caring voice, while taking one or two steps closer to Zenva and studied the emotions dancing on her face and wondered how to best respond, which questions to ask and how she could help her friend. ''I never thought I'd become a mother myself, but after Tae'l... there's few things in this galaxy that I love and cherish more... I know exactly how you feel.'' she ensured and made a short pause. ''Of course, it is significant. You... You looked for her...? Tried to get her back...?'' Tan'yill added, trying to gently move forward with the matter. If Zenva still had hopes to getting her daughter back, Tan'yill would offer to help, just as Zenva just had offered to help find Tae'l.

Zenva chuckled along with her Twi-lek companion, each pausing to swallow some of their drinks. It was certainly an interesting question. The faces of a dozen different men, each of them belonging to a different species and social standing. All had failed or betrayed her in one way or another. "Oh, if only the was a single man to blame, Darling. I'd cut his heart out, and be content." Again she laughed dryly.

Tan'yill stepped closer, the narrow alleyway making it seem all the more intimate to the Zabrak warrior as she watched the Twi-lek. There was pain in Zenva's corrosive eyes that she scouldn't hide. The sorrow of an old wound which had never fully healed. Slowly a smile curled one corner of Zenva's mouth while Tan'yill did her upmost to console the Crimson skinned woman. "She came back actual." She managed, her voice trembling for a moment.

Clearing her throat, Zenva stepped back once and seemed to straighten herself. "All on her own. I did not welcome her back very gently." She paused, taking a long breath before motioning that they should continue walking.

Taking another swallow of her drink she continued as they walked. "I didn't have the resources to find her when she was first taken. Eventually I gave up on her. Forced myself to forget her. And then suddenly." Her pistol hand came up, a few fingers flicking through the air in a gesture meant to look like an explanation. "There she was. Standing in front of me in a space port."

Again she paused to finish her drink. "We are strangers that share blood. Different people, very different, if I'm being honest. I think she is afraid of me." Zenva laughed, but it was done in an effort to hide the pain that statement caused her.

Again Zenva waved a hand through the air. "I don't know what has gotten into me that I'm telling you any of this. You have a way of getting under one's armor, Riduur'alor. It's very dangerous." She flashed another, more confident smile.

Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla

Location: Settlement close to Skyhold, yet some woods and fields in between.
Wearing: Beskar'gam
Equipment: E-851 Dueling Particle Pistols, Kal dagger
Tag: Zenva Vrotoa Zenva Vrotoa


"Oh, if only the was a single man to blame, Darling. I'd cut his heart out, and be content." Again she laughed dryly.

Tan'yill had made that mistake herself, but only once, to get involved with and fully open herself and put her trust into a man. That was a long time ago now, and since finding love in Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla she couldn't see herself getting engaged with a man. There were exceptions though, men who had earned her trust and who she considered friends, like Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas and Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla .

She paid great attention in the Zabrak lady's story about her and her lost daughter, and it truly struck and hurt the rutian Twi'lek's heart. As the Riduur'alor of House Vizsla, she were not supposed to show vulnerability towards outsiders, but Zenva had already moved under her skin in more ways than just sharing this mutual and terrible experience.

Again she paused to finish her drink. "We are strangers that share blood. Different people, very different, if I'm being honest. I think she is afraid of me." Zenva laughed, but it was done in an effort to hide the pain that statement caused her.

Again Zenva waved a hand through the air. "I don't know what has gotten into me that I'm telling you any of this. You have a way of getting under one's armor, Riduur'alor. It's very dangerous." She flashed another, more confident smile.

''I think... that is the case between Aloy and Tae'l, which I so desperately try to patch and mend. She's young... Tae'l, but still so old and experienced the last time I saw her... Sometimes, I feel the hate inside her... Not towards me, but towards Aloy... and that really breaks my heart and make me wonder where I did go wrong raising her...'' Tan explained through a thin voice, still filled with hope and detemination to make things the way they once were.

''Dangerous? Well... I'm... prepared to take that risk...'' Tan replied, her green-yellowish gaze looking up and searching for the one belonging to her visitor, and friend. ''Seems like we share the same experience of losing a family member... and have searched for someone from outside the family to talk about it...?'' Tan continued with presenting her theory, and then became quiet for a short time while they continued their stroll and finished their drinks. ''You know... since you're our guest now, the least I can do is inviting you to dinner...?''

Moving away from the main streets gave the ever paranoid Zabrak an opportunity to relax, if only by a small degree. Her unusual yellow-red eyes finally stopped searching rooftops and alleyways for ambushes, and started to openly wonder across the woman beside her. Zenva's calculating gaze drank in details as the pair walked.

For a time all she did was admire the impressive Twi-lek beside her. The Mandolorian's armor was exquisite, and the longer Zenva examined it, the more she realized how many extra toys Tan'yill had in comparison. Her best attempts in armor craft still didn't come close to the expertise of the Mandolorian peoples. A little twinge of jealous ran through the Zabrak as she forced her eyes away from the hypnotic sway of Tan'yill's armored hips. If there were things in this vast galaxy more beautiful than a woman in full battle regalia, Zenva had never seen them.

Tan'yill spoke of their similar sufferings, and the lengths they had to go through just to speak on them. The words curled the Zabrak's blackened lips into a small smile. "As I'm sure you know, it takes fire and abuse to turn raw ore into Beskar. Our trials test our mettle, but you and I are made stronger for it, my Riduur'alor." Zenva's pistol waved through the air as she shrugged. "Though I don't see how the distance between us and our children makes us better at the moment." She added with a dry laugh.

Silence hung between them for a time, the sharp report of Zenva's heels and the heavy thump of Tan'yill's boots echoing off alley walls the only exception to their shared quiet. Tan'yill's suggestion of food caught Zenva's attention quickly. With a few powerful strides Zenva moved ahead and stepped directly into the Twi-lek's path, forcing her to stop. "You really need to choose your words more carefully, Tan'yill. First a pet name, and some light flirting. Then you tell me how we are so much the same, our shared troubles. If I didn't know any better I might think you were implying that we were forged in the same fires. Two pieces of the same Beskar'gam, if you take my meaning."

Zenva's pistol came up between them so the Mandolorian could plainly watch as she engaged the weapon's safety, leaving it mostly harmless before she lowered it once more. She stepped forward, attempting to invade Tan'yill's personal space. "I would love to go to dinner with you, Darling. It's like you can read my mind." The Twi-lek hadn't backed down yet, and Zenva didn't expect her to do so now either.

"Like you know what I want without me having to tell you." Zenva's lips curled in a devious smile as her off hand slowly reached out. One finger hooked behind the buckle of Tan'yill's belt, and with a sudden tug, Zenva pushed her pistol into the Mandolorian's belt. Her smiled deepened as a flirtatious giggle spilled from her plump lips. "Lead the way."

Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla

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