Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Deadly Void (Fleeting)

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skin, bone, and arrogance​

The Grand Moff remembered, early in the expansionary campaign, on Thakwaa -- or so she thought she recalled -- praying to the Balance fervently for the safety of [member="Ludolf Vaas"]. She had prayed that day with every fiber of herself, with every shred of piety and devotion she could muster, with all the faith that she could bring to bear. Then, she had been relatively safe, relatively comfortable, and could only imagine the fear that he felt, the danger that he faced, the cold affirmation that he might not last the day. The ship had sailed on that man, but Natasi still held hope that she might find someone out there -- someone who cared enough to pray to whatever god or force or pantheon that they believed in, for intercession on her behalf, because today she felt fear, and faced danger, and stared down the cold affirmation that she might die before the end of this battle. She would like to think that there were some out there who cared whether she -- not the Grand Moff, not the glamorous face of the First Order, not the feted media personality, just Natasi Josephine Fortan came home from this fight. She would like to think.

These ruminations and fears and doubts evaporated in an instant, and Natasi could feel the unifying force of the Sith Meditation Sphere settle over her, the words of [member="Avicus DuSang"] echoing faintly in her mind. This is exactly where you're meant to be.

She took a deep breath, flexed her fingers, stretching the leather of her uniform gloves, and clasped her hands behind her back. Thank you, she thought. Even if the words didn't translate, she suspected Avicus would be able to feel the intent behind them. Other words echoed through time to her, which seemed vaguely appropriate now. If you want to save this nation -- lead it. It was time to lead. When she spoke, her voice betrayed none of the uncertainty or fear, only a cool durasteel spine.

"Grantham, Shackleton, Flintshire. Break your lines. Coordinates transmitting now. Colonel von Brinkerhoff." She turned towards [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"], who stood at the starfighter command station, far enough away on the command deck that he wouldn't be able to hear her unless over the communication channel. "Scramble fighters to these coordinates, defensive positions. Admiral Dusang, prepare to expand your meld to our starfighter forces. Colonel von Brinkerhoff will provide more orders." She turned and nodded crisply to Roderik before turning her head back to face the viewports and the command table.

Natasi tucked a strand of chin-length hair behind her ear and leaned over the strategic display as she watched her orders take shape.

Grand Moff Line: 2915m

Movement: 19.18 >>> 17.17

FIV Concordia: Resurgent-class, Star Destroyer
Shield/Hull: 2915/2915
Arm/Def: 18/17
Hangar: Deployed
Firing At: N/A

Destroyer Line One: 1600m
Movement: 20.16 >>> 18.16

FIV Thrawn: Executrix-class, Star Destroyer
Shield/Hull: 1600/1600
Arm/Def: 14/17
Hangar: Deployed
Firing At: N/A

Destroyer Line Two: 1600m
Movement: 20.18 >>> 18.18

FIV Gallius Rax: Executrix-class, Star Destroyer
Shield/Hull: 1600/1600
Arm/Def: 14/17
Hangar: Deployed
Firing At: N/A

Cruiser Line: 1960m
Movement: 20.17 >>> 17.18

FIV Centurion: Inflictor-class, Heavy Cruiser
Shield/Hull: 980/980
Arm/Def: 14/16
Firing At: N/A
FIV Warrior: Inflictor-class, Heavy Cruiser
Shield/Hull: 980/980
Arm/Def: 14/16
Firing At: N/A

Defense Line One: 960m

Movement: 20.17 >>> 17.16

FIV Scimitar: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: N/A
FIV Chakram: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: N/A
FIV Khopesh: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: N/A
FIV Rapier: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: N/A

Defense Line Two: 960m
Movement: 20.16 >>> 16.18 (Trident only: 20.17 >>> 16.18)
FIV Katar Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: N/A
FIV Falcata: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: N/A
FIV Machete: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: N/A
FIV Trident: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: N/A

[member="Valessia Brentioch"] | [member="Tanomas Graf"] | [member="William Kerkov"] | [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] | [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]​
First Imperial Navy
Sector Group Iron Fist
1st Fleet
Grand Admiral William Kerkov

3rd Command Line
Length: 3,000 Meters
Movement: 18.15 to 16.15
FIV Triumph Darr Itah-Class Grand Battlecruiser
3000 Shield/3000 Hull
20 Armament/12 Defense
Hangar: Deployed,
x24 TIE/MN Starfighters
x12 TIE/IN Interceptors
x12 TIE/FO-SK Bombers
Firing at: N/A

18th Assault Line
Length: 3,200 Meters
Movement I: 17.15 to 15.16
FIV Huntsman Imperial X-Class Star Destroyer
1600 Shield/1600 Hull
17 Armament/14 Defense
Hangar: Deployed,
x64 TIE/FO Starfighters
x12 TIE/FO-SK Bombers
x4 TIE/SF Superiority Fighters
Firing at: Fenris 3 [member="Omega"]

FIV Subterfuge Imperial X-Class Star Destroyer
1600 Shield/1600 Hull
17 Armament/14 Defense
Hangar: Deployed,
x64 TIE/FO Starfighters
x12 TIE/FO-SK Bombers
x4 TIE/SF Superiority Fighters
Firing at: Fenris 3 [member="Omega"]

839th Escort Squadron
Length: 960 Meters
Movement I: 17.15 to 13.17
FIV Relentless Dagger-Class Escort Frigate
240 Shield/240 Hull
6 Armament/4 Defense
Hangar: N/A
Firing at: Rend [member="Omega"]

FIV Ferocious Dagger-Class Escort Frigate
240 Shield/240 Hull
6 Armament/4 Defense
Hangar: N/A
Firing at: Fenris 4 [member="Omega"]

FIV Inception Dagger-Class Escort Frigate
240 Shield/240 Hull
6 Armament/4 Defense
Hangar: N/A
Firing at: Fenris 4 [member="Omega"]

FIV Deception Dagger-Class Escort Frigate
240 Shield/240 Hull
6 Armament/4 Defense
Hangar: N/A
Firing at: Fenris 4 [member="Omega"]

295th Rapid Assault Squadron
Length: 600 Meters
Movement: 18.14 to 12.17, 17.15 to 12.17
FIV Posthumous Fortan-Class Heavy Corvette
200 Shield/200 Hull
16 Armament/14 Defense
Hangar: N/A
Firing at: Fenris 4 [member="Omega"]

FIV Eraser Fortan-Class Heavy Corvette
200 Shield/200 Hull
16 Armament/14 Defense
Hangar: N/A
Firing at: Rend [member="Omega"]

FIV Warmonger Fortan-Class Heavy Corvette
200 Shield/200 Hull
16 Armament/14 Defense
Hangar: N/A
Firing at: Fenris 4 [member="Omega"]

89th Support Line
Length: 2,320 Meters
Movement: 18.14 to 14.15
FIV Domination Victory II-Class Star Destroyer
900 Shield/900 Hull
16 Armament/16 Defense
Hangar: Deployed,
24x TIE/FO Starfighters
Firing at: Rend [member="Omega"]

FIV Crusher Broadside-Class Heavy Cruiser KDB-1
500 Shield/500 Hull
16 Armament/8 Defense
Hangar: N/A
Firing at: Rend [member="Omega"]

FIV Obliterator Broadside-Class Heavy Cruiser KDB-1
500 Shield/500 Hull
16 Armament/8 Defense
Hangar: N/A
Firing at: Rend [member="Omega"]

FIV Eliminator Denial-Class Anti-Starfighter Frigate
420 Shield/420 Hull
10 Armament/14 Defense
Hangar: N/A
Firing at: N/A

As the rogue detachment of First Order ships had fired upon the Sith fleets, their careful approach had been spoiled. It was time for the fleet to bring the large amount of firepower the First Order could send at the Rogue Sith, they would not yield until the final enemy vessel floated in a collection of space junk, ripe for the scavengers. Now that Kerkov would let loose the firepower of the First Fleet, he had become, almost giddy with excitement. Now would he show these pitiful servants to the blasphemous "holy warriors" known as the sith, cleansing the galaxy of more of these force users. Yes, this sat with the Grand Admiral quite well, he was not only stopping the destruction of this weapon of mass destruction, but stopping the spread of more super warriors who kill at their own whim.

Now that combat was too begin, his place at the bridge was no longer needed. Captain Nublar would stay here and command the Triumph throughout the battle, but Kerkov was to head to the Combat Information Center. The stormtroopers guarding the door to the hallway connecting to the turbolift down into the body of the ship. His aide, and two other stormtroopers, seemingly out of no where, accompanied Kerkov on his path. All passerbys stopped and stood attention at the sides of the corridor, giving way to the Grand Admiral. A turbolift, and a ozen minutes walk away and he was in the CIC, or operations room. The whole compartment stood and saluted as he entered, Kerkov returned a brisk hand to the hat, and they carried on.

The commander in charge of the department, Captain Herns Grand, approached him, "Orders sir." Kerkov was quick to answer, "Prepare the long range concussion missile barrage on the Rend star fighter carrier with our two Broadside cruisers." Pointing to the location of the Talon class carrier before continuing on, "Fire turbolaser and other medium ranged attack batteries from the Domination, Eraser, and Relentless on the Rend. We wish to render their attack craft launching abilities in this sector to zero, complete annihilation of this vessel."

On top of a holotable was the layout of the entire battle. Kerkov grabbed the sector in which the frigate Fenris 4 was located, he expanded upon the region, and dragged the transparent models of the two unmentioned Fortan corvettes, and the three other dagger escort frigates he turned to the Captain and the lieutenant who was coordinating to the other vessels what Kerkov said, verbatim, "I want the remainder of Escort Squadron eight-three-nine, and the two other Fortans in the twenty-nine-five Rapid Assault Squadron to focus aggressive fire on this frigate, the Fenris 4." Finally an info tab popped up on the two Imperial-X Star Destroyers, their weapons crews were at general quarters, ready to fire, "The Huntsman and Subterfuge will begin fire on the frigate Fenris 3 using their laser batteries, full salvo."

The captain replied, "Aye aye," He turned to the other officers in the CIC and they began designating the combat roles of each vessel. The CIC was dark, illuminated by the blue glow by the holographic strategic tables and screens. Many young officers and senior enlisted men stared intently at each one, performing their various tasks. Kerkov himself had been a operations officer, far from this area of the vessels he had long served on. But he still felt at home in this hive of strategic planning.

Summary of Actions
Firing upon the Rend with Turbolaser batteries, other attacking weapons systems, and heavy concussion missile barrage. Firing upon the Fenris 3, and Fenris 4 with Turbolaser batteries and other attacking weapons systems. Re-organization of the vessels (Not mentioned for simplicity) and movement westward towards Rogue Sith.

[member="Cyrus Tregessar"] | [member="Flora Burn"] | [member="Valessia Brentioch"] | [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] | [member="Tanomas Graf"]
[member="Sara Lee Jones"] | [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"]

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
3rd Mon Cala Expeditionary Force - 10,000 meters
31st Command Line - 1,940 meters (Destroyer)
Movement: 3 speed / 2 turning 14.04 moving to 14.05 / Targeting: [member="Omega"] Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer - Devastator at 04.11
Ship Name: Ordo Argentum
Class: Imperious-class Star Defender / Shield:1,940 / Hull:1,940 / Armament:15 / Defense:16
Hanger: 3 Fighter Squadron, 3 Bomber Squadrons / Deployment: 14.02
Movement: 3 speed / 2 turning / Targeting: Holding Fire

32nd Destroyer Line - 1,200 meters (Destroyer)
Movement: 2 speed / 1 turning 15.04 moving to 15.05 / Targeting: Holding Fire
Ship Name: Solidarity
Class: MC80d Solidarity-class Star Cruiser / Shield:1200 / Hull:1200 / Armament:12 / Defense:20
Hanger: 1 Fighter Squadron, 2 Bomber Squadrons. 2 Pickets, 1 Assault Ships / Deployment:15.02
Movement: 2 speed / 1 turning / Targeting: Holding Fire

33rd Destroyer Line - 1,200 meters (Destroyer)
Movement: 2 speed / 1 turning 16.03 moving to 16.04 / Targeting: Holding Fire
Ship Name: Courageous
Class: MC80d Solidarity-class Star Cruiser / Shield:1200 / Hull:1200 / Armament:12 / Defense:20
Hanger: 1 Fighter Squadron, 2 Bomber Squadrons. 2 Pickets, 1 Assault Ships / Deployment: 15.01
Movement: 2 speed / 1 turning / Targeting: Holding Fire

34th Fire Support Line: - 2,820 meters (Heavy Cruiser)
Movement: 3 speed / 2 turning 14.03 moving to 14.04 / Targeting: [member="Omega"] Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer - Devastator at 04.11
Ship Name: Revenge
Class: MBC75 Battle Cruiser / Shield:940 / Hull:940 / Armament:16 / Defense:16
Movement: 3 speed / 2 turning

Ship Name: Repulse
Class: MBC75 Battle Cruiser / Shield:940 / Hull:940 / Armament:16 / Defense:16
Movement: 3 speed / 2 turning

Ship Name: Reknown
Class: MBC75 Battle Cruiser / Shield:940 / Hull:940 / Armament:16 / Defense:16
Movement: 3 speed / 2 turning

301st Support Line 1 - 1,050 meters (Frigate)
Movement: 6 speed / 3 turning 17.03 moving to 16.06 / Targeting: Holding Fire
Ship Name: Marjata

Class: MFG34 Mantis-class ELINT Frigate / Shield:400 / Hull:400 / Armament:2 / Defense:14
Hanger: 3 Fighter Squadrons / Deployment: 15.01
Movement: 6 speed / 4 turning

Ship Name: Maulus
Class: MFG37 Moray-class EWAR Frigate / Shield:400 / Hull:400 / Armament:10 / Defense:16
Movement: 6 speed / 3 turning

Ship Name: Rippington
Class:MCE30 Nautilus-class Escort Frigate / Shield:250 / Hull:250 / Armament:6 / Defense:16
Movement: 7 speed / 4 turning

302nd Support Line 2 - 1,050 meters (Frigate)
Movement: 6 speed / 3 turning 13.06 moving to 13.08 / Targeting: Holding Fire

Ship Name: Oste

Class: MFG34 Mantis-class ELINT Frigate / Shield:400 / Hull:400 / Armament:2 / Defense:14
Hanger: 3 Fighter Squadrons / Deployment: 15.02
Movement: 6 speed / 4 turning

Ship Name: Amari
Class: MFG37 Moray-class EWAR Frigate / Shield:400 / Hull:400 / Armament:10 / Defense:16
Movement: 6 speed / 3 turning

Ship Name: Horton
Class:MCE30 Nautilus-class Escort Frigate / Shield:250 / Hull:250 / Armament:6 / Defense:16
Movement: 7 speed / 4 turning

303rd Picket Line 1 - 370 meters (Corvette)
Movement: 7 speed / 4 turning 12.06 moving to 11.08 / Targeting: Holding Fire
Ship Name: Templar
Class:MCE30 Nautilus-class Escort Frigate / Shield:250 / Hull:250 / Armament:6 / Defense:16
Movement: 7 speed / 4 turning

Ship Name: PT28
Class: MPT10 Wake-class Multi-role Picket / Shield:60 / Hull:60 / Armament:4 / Defense:12

Movement: 8 speed / no limit turning

Ship Name: PT45
Class: MPT10 Wake-class Multi-role Picket / Shield:60 / Hull:60 / Armament:4 / Defense:12
Movement: 8 speed / no limit turning

304th Picket Line 2 - 370 meters (Corvette)
Movement: 7 speed / 4 turning 16.05 moving to 15.07 / Targeting: Holding Fire
Ship Name: Clorus Vandi
Class:MCE30 Nautilus-class Escort Frigate / Shield:250 / Hull:250 / Armament:6 / Defense:16
Movement: 7 speed / 4 turning

Ship Name: PT97
Class: MPT10 Wake-class Multi-role Picket / Shield:60 / Hull:60 / Armament:4 / Defense:12

Movement: 8 speed / no limit turning

Ship Name: PT108
Class: MPT10 Wake-class Multi-role Picket / Shield:60 / Hull:60 / Armament:4 / Defense:12
Movement: 8 speed / no limit turning

Reshmar watched as more and more ships began to fire on the sith formation. In the distance, a small group had broken away from the bulk of the light side group and moved in to attack the sith lines. As the sith returned fire on the group ship after ship began to weaken under the onslaught of fire from the Rogue Sith's fire power. To his port, the forces of the Imperial combined factions moved closer, but as of yet had only scanned the formations of the light side coalition. Reshmar h ad no doubt his enemies were among the commanders present. Many of the ships on the board were familure and their commanders were well documented and known to Fleet intel. Reshmar did not need to see or hear them to know they were there. They looked to his formation as he did theirs. Wondering and waiting to see if the Sith were the true enemy or if old rivalry's and ill will between the commanders would out weight the threat from the Sith and what ever their construct was. Reshmar did not come to fight the imperials nor did he come to fight the Mandalorian's. Known they were there weighted on his mind but for now he had to concentrate on the Sith, they were the real threat.

"Sir, we have a clear solution on the formation" said one of the tactical officers manning the master gunnery station. From there every gun on the massive destroyer could be monitors and controled in a bind if needed.

"Very well commander, Target the lead destroyer of this group" said Reshmar as the highlighted a formation of ships on the tactical display. The Wyyrlok destroyer lit up as it was tagged on the IFF display and sent to tactical for targeting solution acquisition. "Le'ts see if we can take some of the heat off that Republic commander" said Reshmar as he zoomed out of the tactical screen and back into the over all tactical display.

"Sir the 34th report they are clear of obstructions and ready to fire" said a comm officer from somewhere behind Reshmar. He turned his command chair to look at the communications station and replied.

"Good, send them out telemetry and solution data. Have them fire on our mark" said Reshmar as he watched one of the officers sending the order over the laser comm channel. The burst data was sent via a low power laser and received by special decoders relaying the orders tot he three fire support cruisers. Reshmar spun back around towards the large central table and the tactical holographic display. In the distance, the battle raged as the sith forces pounded the Republic force that had moved dangerously close to the sith ships. He hoped his assistance would not come too late for the Republic commander and their crew.

"Sir solution plotted, the board is green to fire." said the captain of the Ordo Argentum. Reshmar looked at the board one last time and gave the order.

"Fire the long guns captain, Give them three full volleys then have all long range cannons fire in a stutter fire pattern and keep their shields under pressure. Have the 34th fire all energy torpedoes in three torp bursts with eight-second delays between bursts. Le'ts send that ship to whatever hell the Sith believe in." Ordered Reshmar. A moment later the energy torp launchers of the three scythe cruisers let loose their torrent of energy instantly traveling the distance to their target. Red and blue bolts of energy followed as the long range guns of all four ships fire on the Sith destroyer in the distance.

Reshmar watched in silence as the 3rd Mon Cala joined the fight against the mysterious construct in the distance. The Sith fleets lay before them poised to defend the massive vessel and it seemd they were ready to fight to the last ship to protect it. He knew the Sith would not flinch and there was no possibility of a route this day. The fleets of the galaxy were there to stop the Sith. Enemies working together for the good of the galaxy. It was a peace of necessity and one Reshmar knew would not last.

Fleet moved forward holding the port flank of the Light side formation
Imperious-class Star Defender Ordo Argentum Targeted and fired long range turbolasers and long range ion cannons on Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer - Devastator at 04.11
MBC75 Battle Cruiser Revenge Targeted and fired all long range turbolasers and long range ion cannons on Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer - Devastator at 04.11
MBC75 Battle Cruiser Revenge Targeted and fired all energy torpedo launchers on Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer - Devastator at 04.11

MBC75 Battle Cruiser Repulse Targeted and fired all long range turbolasers and long range ion cannons on Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer - Devastator at 04.11
MBC75 Battle Cruiser Repulse Targeted and fired all energy torpedo launchers on Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer - Devastator at 04.11

MBC75 Battle Cruiser Reknown Targeted and fired all long range turbolasers and long range ion cannons on Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer - Devastator at 04.11
MBC75 Battle Cruiser Reknown Targeted and fired all energy torpedo launchers on Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer - Devastator at 04.11
Fighter wings launched and forming up

Allies:[member="Zark"] [member="Astarii Saren"] [member="Aerion Ivelisse"] [member="Ayden Cater"] [member="Horus"] [member="Allison Martha Iversson"] [member="Winslow"] [member="Taneas Haring"] [member="Gir Quee"] [member="Charzon Loulan"]


Event Account
Round 4


The Republic’s brave but foolish forlorn hope had achieved one goal – it concentrated the attention of all the Sith nearby on them. This might be good for the overall tactical story, but it was little consolation to the crewers of the three cruisers which were now about to be shattered hulks.

Meanwhile the Omega continued its charging towards being ready to fire. Soon, it would be ready….

North: [member="Zark"] [member="Astarii Saren"] [member="Aerion Ivelisse"] [member="Ayden Cater"] [member="Allison Martha Iversson"] [member="Winslow"] [member="Reshmar"] [member="Taneas Haring"] [member="Gir Quee"] [member="Charzon Loulan"] [member="Knight"]
East: [member="Natasi Fortan"] [member="Flora Burn"] [member="Valessia Brentioch"] [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] [member="Tanomas Graf"] [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] [member="William Kerkov"]
South: [member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Verz Horak"] [member="Captain Larraq"] [member="Rach Vizla"] [member="Zofia Marek"] [member="Horus"]


Rogue Sith Fleet
Grand Admiral Myth Worgemuth Commanding

Station Command
Admiral Alina Sar'theron Commanding

Ship Name: Imperator Class: Imperator Prototype Frigate Shield/Hull: 400/400 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/18/10 Hanger: 3 fighter squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 01.17 Firing At:

Ship Name: Constrainer Class: Rhak Skuri Interdiction Cruiser Shield/Hull: 600 Armament/Flak/Defence: 4/4/10 Hanger: 2 fighter squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 01.15 Firing At:
Ship Name: Restraint Class: Rhak Skuri Interdiction Cruiser Shield/Hull: 600 Armament/Flak/Defence: 4/4/10 Hanger: 2 fighter squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 01.17 Firing At:

Ship Name: Wrack Class: Torment Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1000/1000 Armament/Flak/Defence: 4/8/10 Hanger: 8 fighter squadrons, 4 bomber squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 01.15 Firing At:

Ship Name: Hyaat Station Class: Hyaat Station Shield/Hull: 3000/3000 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/14/18 Hanger: 6 fighter squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 01.16 Firing At:

Flagship Command
Grand Admiral Chysa'sk Commanding

Ship Name: Razer 1 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 02.15 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 2 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 03.15 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 3 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 03.16 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 4 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 03.17 Firing At:

Ship Name: Tython Class: Maladi Strike Frigate Shield/Hull: 460 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/8/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 02.14 Firing At:
Ship Name: Corellia Class: Maladi Strike Frigate Shield/Hull: 460 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/8/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 02.16 Firing At:

Ship Name: Desire Class: Invidia Class Cannon Cruiser Shield/Hull: 900/900 Armament/Flak/Defence: 14/10/14 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 02.14 Firing At:
Ship Name: Want Class: Invidia Class Cannon Cruiser Shield/Hull: 900/900 Armament/Flak/Defence: 14/10/14 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 02.16 Firing At:

Ship Name: Agony Class: Torment Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1000/1000 Armament/Flak/Defence: 4/8/10 Hanger: 8 fighter squadrons, 4 bomber squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 02.14 Firing At:

Ship Name: Lance Class: Dark Blade Class Dreadnought Shield/Hull: 1050/1050 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/12/16 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 02.14 Firing At:
Ship Name: Spear Class: Dark Blade Class Dreadnought Shield/Hull: 1050/1050 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/12/16 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 02.16 Firing At:

Ship Name: Desolator Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1300/1300 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron
Movement: Stationary at 03.15 Firing At: Contempt (16.12) [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]
Ship Name: Tyrant Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1100/1300 -200 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron
Movement: Stationary at 03.16 Firing At: Contempt (16.12) [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]
Ship Name: Slaughter Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1300/1300 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron
Movement: Stationary at 03.17 Firing At: Contempt (16.12) [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]

Ship Name: Dark Prince Class: Darr Itah Grand Battlecruiser Shield/Hull: 3000/3000 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/14/12 Hanger: 4 elite fighter squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 02.15 Firing At: Contempt (16.12) [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]

1st Immortal Command
Admiral Brotus Stark Commanding
Ship Name: Razer 5 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Moving to 03.12 Firing At:
Razer Squadron 1
Ship Name: Razer 6 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Moving to 03.12 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 7 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Moving to 03.12 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 8 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Moving to 03.12 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 9 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Moving to 03.12 Firing At:

Ship Name: Grinder Class: Boneshatter Assault Frigate Shield/Hull: 380/380 Armament/Flak/Defence: 16/8/14 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 03.11 Firing At: Nekogal (03.09) [member="Charzon Loulan"]

Ship Name: Onderon Class: Maladi Strike Frigate Shield/Hull: 460 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/8/14 Hanger: Squadrons Destroyed
Movement: Stationary at 04.11 Firing At: Nekogal (03.09) [member="Charzon Loulan"]
Ship Name: Balmorra Class: Maladi Strike Frigate Shield/Hull: 460 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/8/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons Deployed, Attacking Dunamas at 02.10
Movement: Stationary at 03.11 Firing At: Nekogal (03.09) [member="Charzon Loulan"]

Ship Name: Yearn Class: Invidia Class Cannon Cruiser Shield/Hull: 900/900 Armament/Flak/Defence: 14/10/14 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 04.11 Firing At: Sabrina (04.09) [member="Charzon Loulan"]

Ship Name: Ballista Class: Dark Blade Class Dreadnought Shield/Hull: 1050/1050 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/12/16 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 03.11 Firing At: Sabrina (04.09) [member="Charzon Loulan"]

Ship Name: Dictator Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1300/1300 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron Deployed, Attacking Dunamas at 02.10
Movement: Stationary at 03.11 Firing At: Sabrina (04.09) [member="Charzon Loulan"]
Ship Name: Devastator Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1100/1300 -200 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron Deployed, Attacking Dunamas at 02.10
Movement: Stationary at 04.11 Firing At: Sabrina (04.09) [member="Charzon Loulan"]

Ship Name: Colossus Class: Immortal Shield/Hull: 2000/2000 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/14/18 Hanger: 10 fighter squadrons, 4 bomber squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 01.13 Firing At: Dunamas (04.09) [member="Charzon Loulan"]

2nd Immortal Command
Admiral Jol Kallak Commanding
Ship Name: Razer 10 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 0/0 -222/-222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron. DESTROYED
Movement: Stationary at 01.11 Firing At:
Razer Squadron 2
Ship Name: Razer 11 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 50/222 -50 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron. Deployed, intercepting fighters/bombers at 01.10
Movement: Moving to 01.14 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 12 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 100/222 -122Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron. Deployed, intercepting fighters/bombers at 01.10
Movement: Moving to 01.14 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 13 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 0/0 -222/-222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: Squadron Destroyed DESTROYED
Movement: Stationary at 01.09 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 14 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 0/0 -222/-222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: Squadron Destroyed DESTROYED
Movement: Stationary at 01.09 Firing At:
Strike Squadron 1
Ship Name: Puncture Class: Boneshatter Assault Frigate Shield/Hull: 380/380 Armament/Flak/Defence: 16/8/14 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 03.11 Firing At: Nekogal (03.09) [member="Charzon Loulan"]

Ship Name: Iridonia Class: Maladi Strike Frigate Shield/Hull: 460 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/8/14 Hanger: Squadrons Destroyed
Movement: Stationary at 01.12 Firing At: Nekogal (03.09) [member="Charzon Loulan"]
Ship Name: Fornax Class: Maladi Strike Frigate Shield/Hull: 460 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/8/14 Hanger: Squadrons Destroyed
Movement: Stationary at 03.11 Firing At: Nekogal (03.09) [member="Charzon Loulan"]

Ship Name: Spite Class: Invidia Class Cannon Cruiser Shield/Hull: 0/700 -600 -200 Armament/Flak/Defence: 14/10/14 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 01.10 (facing 02.09) Firing At: Sabrina (02.10) [member="Charzon Loulan"]

Ship Name: Scorpion Class: Dark Blade Class Dreadnought Shield/Hull: 800/1050 -250 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/12/16 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 02.10 Firing At: Sabrina (04.09) [member="Charzon Loulan"]

Ship Name: Praetor Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1000/1200 -150 -100 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron Deployed, intercepting attack craft at 01.10
Movement: Stationary at 01.10 (facing 02.09) Firing At: Dunames (04.09) [member="Charzon Loulan"]
Ship Name: Imperator Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1000/1300 -180 -100 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron Deployed, intercepting attack craft at 01.10
Movement: Stationary at 02.10 Firing At: Nelvaan (02.10) [member="Charzon Loulan"]

Ship Name: Jotun Class: Immortal Shield/Hull: 1200/2000 +200 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/14/18 Hanger: 10 fighter squadrons, 4 bomber squadrons Deployed, intercepting attack craft at 01.10
Movement: Stationary at 01.11 (facing 02.10) Firing At: Sabrina (04.09) [member="Charzon Loulan"]

3rd Immortal Command
Admiral Jenn Veston Commanding
Ship Name: Razer 15 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 01.21 Firing At:
Razer Squadron 3
Ship Name: Razer 16 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 01.20 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 17 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 01.20 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 18 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 01.20 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 19 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 01.20 Firing At:

Strike Squadron 2
Ship Name: Pierce Class: Boneshatter Assault Frigate Shield/Hull: 380/380 Armament/Flak/Defence: 16/8/14 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 02.20 Firing At:

Ship Name: Anaxes Class: Maladi Strike Frigate Shield/Hull: 460 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/8/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 02.20 Firing At:
Ship Name: Ebaq Class: Maladi Strike Frigate Shield/Hull: 460 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/8/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 02.20 Firing At:

Ship Name: Covet Class: Invidia Class Cannon Cruiser Shield/Hull: 900/900 Armament/Flak/Defence: 14/10/14 Hanger: 0
Movement: Firing At: Gett’se (07.28) [member="Verz Horak"]

Ship Name: Javelin Class: Dark Blade Class Dreadnought Shield/Hull: 1050/1050 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/12/16 Hanger: 0
Movement: Firing At: Gett’se (07.28) [member="Verz Horak"]

Ship Name: Obliterator Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 600/1300 -400 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron
Movement: Stationary at 01.22 Firing At: Gett’se (07.28) [member="Verz Horak"]
Ship Name: Ruination Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1000/1300 -200 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron
Movement: Stationary at 02.21 Firing At: Gett’se (07.28) [member="Verz Horak"]

Ship Name: Leviathan Class: Immortal Shield/Hull: 1600/2000 -200 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/14/18 Hanger: 10 fighter squadrons, 4 bomber squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 01.21 (facing 02.21) Firing At: Gett’se (07.28) [member="Verz Horak"]

1st Exalt Command
Vice-Admiral Attalus Choros Commanding
Ship Name: Razer 20 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 02.17 Firing At:
Razer Squadron 4
Ship Name: Razer 21 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 02.16 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 22 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 02.16 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 23 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 02.16 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 24 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 02.16 Firing At:

Skirmish Squadron 1
Ship Name: Claw Class: Talon Class Carrier Shield/Hull: 300/300 Armament/Flak/Defence: 2/8/10 Hanger: 2 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 05.17 Firing At:

Ship Name: Fenris 1 Class: Fenris Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 325/350 -25 Armament/Flak/Defence: 12/10/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 05.17 Firing At:
Ship Name: Fenris 2 Class: Fenris Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 350/350 Armament/Flak/Defence: 12/10/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 05.17 Firing At:
Ship Name: Fenris 3 Class: Fenris Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 350/350 Armament/Flak/Defence: 12/10/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 05.17 Firing At:

Ship Name: Assault Class: Vanguard Class Heavy Cruiser Shield/Hull: 625/625 Armament/Flak/Defence: 14/6/14 Hanger: 2 gunship squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 03.17 Firing At:

Ship Name: Chagrin Class: Torment Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1000/1000 Armament/Flak/Defence: 4/8/10 Hanger: 8 fighter squadrons, 4 bomber squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 03.18 Firing At:

Ship Name: Apocalypse Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1300/1300 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron
Movement: Stationary at 03.17 Firing At:
Ship Name: Armageddon Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1300/1300 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron
Movement: Stationary at 03.18 Firing At:

Ship Name: Worship Class: Exalt Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1800/1800 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/16/16 Hanger: 3 squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 02.17 Firing At:

2nd Exalt Command
Vice-Admiral Kyra Mir Commanding
Ship Name: Razer 25 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 02.19 Firing At:
Razer Squadron 5
Ship Name: Razer 26 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 02.18 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 27 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 02.18 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 28 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 02.18 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 29 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 02.18 Firing At:

Skirmish Squadron 2
Ship Name: Rend Class: Talon Class Carrier Shield/Hull: 50/300 -250 Armament/Flak/Defence: 2/8/10 Hanger: 2 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron.
Movement: Moving to 02.18 Firing At:

Ship Name: Fenris 4 Class: Fenris Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 100/350 -250 Armament/Flak/Defence: 12/10/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons
Movement: Moving to 02.18 Firing At:
Ship Name: Fenris 5 Class: Fenris Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 100/350 -250 Armament/Flak/Defence: 12/10/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons
Movement: Moving to 02.18 Firing At:
Ship Name: Fenris 6 Class: Fenris Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 100/350 -250 Armament/Flak/Defence: 12/10/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons
Movement: Moving to 02.18 Firing At:

Ship Name: Charge Class: Vanguard Class Heavy Cruiser Shield/Hull: 625/625 Armament/Flak/Defence: 14/6/14 Hanger: 2 gunship squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 03.19 Firing At: Be'vod Runi be'te Naast (10.24) [member="Captain Larraq"]

Ship Name: Interrogator Class: Torment Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 500/1000 -500 Armament/Flak/Defence: 4/8/10 Hanger: 8 fighter squadrons, 4 bomber squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 03.20 Firing At:

Ship Name: Warmonger Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1300/1300 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron
Movement: Stationary at 03.19 Firing At: Be'vod Runi be'te Naast (10.24) [member="Captain Larraq"]
Ship Name: Pacifier Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 900/1300 -400 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron
Movement: Stationary at 03.20 Firing At: Be'vod Runi be'te Naast (10.24) [member="Captain Larraq"]

Ship Name: Deify Class: Exalt Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1800/1800 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/16/16 Hanger: 3 squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 02.19Firing At: Be'vod Runi be'te Naast (10.24) [member="Captain Larraq"]

3rd Exalt Command
Vice-Admiral X Commanding
Ship Name: Razer 30 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 03.14 Firing At:
Razer Squadron 6
Ship Name: Razer 31 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 02.14 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 32 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 02.14 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 33 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 02.14 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 34 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 02.14 Firing At:

Skirmish Squadron 3
Ship Name: Hook Class: Talon Class Carrier Shield/Hull: 300/300 Armament/Flak/Defence: 2/8/10 Hanger: 2 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 02.14 Firing At:

Ship Name: Fenris 7 Class: Fenris Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 350/350 Armament/Flak/Defence: 12/10/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 02.14 Firing At:
Ship Name: Fenris 8 Class: Fenris Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 350/350 Armament/Flak/Defence: 12/10/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 02.14 Firing At:
Ship Name: Fenris 9 Class: Fenris Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 350/350 Armament/Flak/Defence: 12/10/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 02.14 Firing At:

Ship Name: Escalade Class: Vanguard Class Heavy Cruiser Shield/Hull: 625/625 Armament/Flak/Defence: 14/6/14 Hanger: 2 gunship squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 04.13 Firing At:

Ship Name: Flense Class: Torment Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1000/1000 Armament/Flak/Defence: 4/8/10 Hanger: 8 fighter squadrons, 4 bomber squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 04.14 Firing At:

Ship Name: Krayt Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1300/1300 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron
Movement: Stationary at 04.13 Firing At:
Ship Name: Centurion Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1300/1300 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron
Movement: Stationary at 04.14 Firing At:

Ship Name: Avatar Class: Exalt Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1800/1800 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/16/16 Hanger: 3 squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 03.14 Firing At:

1st Reserve Command
Rear Admiral Arian Kanno Commanding

Strike Squadron 3
Ship Name: Impale Class: Boneshatter Assault Frigate Shield/Hull: 380/380 Armament/Flak/Defence: 16/8/14 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 01.20 Firing At:
Ship Name: Slice Class: Boneshatter Assault Frigate Shield/Hull: 380/380 Armament/Flak/Defence: 16/8/14 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 01.20 Firing At:
Ship Name: Maul Class: Boneshatter Assault Frigate Shield/Hull: 380/380 Armament/Flak/Defence: 16/8/14 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 01.20 Firing At:
Ship Name: Dismember Class: Boneshatter Assault Frigate Shield/Hull: 380/380 Armament/Flak/Defence: 16/8/14 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 01.20 Firing At:

Ship Name: Telti Class: Maladi Strike Frigate Shield/Hull: 460 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/8/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons
Movement: Firing At:
Ship Name: Togoria Class: Maladi Strike Frigate Shield/Hull: 460 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/8/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons
Movement: Firing At:
Ship Name: Justicar Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1300/1300 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron
Movement: Stationary at 01.19 Firing At:
Ship Name: Victor Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1300/1300 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron
Movement: Stationary at 01.19 Firing At:

1st Scout Command
Commodore Yhorm Commanding
Ship Name: Celeres 1 Class: Celeres Class Light Corvette Shield/Hull: 48/48 Armament/Flak/Defence: 5/10/5 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 05.17 Firing At:
Ship Name: Celeres 2 Class: Celeres Class Light Corvette Shield/Hull: 48/48 Armament/Flak/Defence: 5/10/5 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 05.17 Firing At:
Ship Name: Celeres 3 Class: Celeres Class Light Corvette Shield/Hull: 48/48 Armament/Flak/Defence: 5/10/5 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 05.17 Firing At:
Ship Name: Celeres 4 Class: Celeres Class Light Corvette Shield/Hull: 48/48 Armament/Flak/Defence: 5/10/5 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 05.17 Firing At:

Ship Name: Corsair 1 Class: Corsair Class Gunship Corvette Shield/Hull: 160/160 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/4/12 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 05.17 Firing At:
Ship Name: Corsair 2 Class: Corsair Class Gunship Corvette Shield/Hull: 160/160 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/4/12 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 05.17 Firing At:
Ship Name: Corsair 3 Class: Corsair Class Gunship Corvette Shield/Hull: 160/160 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/4/12 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 05.17 Firing At:
Ship Name: Corsair 4 Class: Corsair Class Gunship Corvette Shield/Hull: 160/160 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/4/12 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 05.17 Firing At:
Ship Name: Corsair 5 Class: Corsair Class Gunship Corvette Shield/Hull: 160/160 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/4/12 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 05.17 Firing At:

2nd Scout Command
Commodore T’chall Commanding
Ship Name: Celeres 5 Class: Celeres Class Light Corvette Shield/Hull: 0/38 -48 -10 Armament/Flak/Defence: 5/10/5 Hanger: 0
Movement: Moving to 1.24 Firing At:
Ship Name: Celeres 6 Class: Celeres Class Light Corvette Shield/Hull: 8/48 -40 Armament/Flak/Defence: 5/10/5 Hanger: 0
Movement: Moving to 1.24 Firing At:
Ship Name: Celeres 7 Class: Celeres Class Light Corvette Shield/Hull: 0/30 -48 -18 Armament/Flak/Defence: 5/10/5 Hanger: 0
Ship Name: Celeres 8 Class: Celeres Class Light Corvette Shield/Hull: 48/48 Armament/Flak/Defence: 5/10/5 Hanger: 0
Movement: Moving to 1.24 Firing At:

Ship Name: Corsair 6 Class: Corsair Class Gunship Corvette Shield/Hull: 120/160 -40 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/4/12 Hanger: 0
Movement: Moving to 1.24 Firing At: Can'gal Kyramund (02.26) [member="Verz Horak"]
Ship Name: Corsair 7 Class: Corsair Class Gunship Corvette Shield/Hull: 100/160 -60 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/4/12 Hanger: 0
Movement: Moving to 1.24 Firing At: Can'gal Kyramund (02.26) [member="Verz Horak"]
Ship Name: Corsair 8 Class: Corsair Class Gunship Corvette Shield/Hull: 140/160 -20 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/4/12 Hanger: 0
Movement: Moving to 1.24 Firing At: Can'gal Kyramund (02.26) [member="Verz Horak"]
Ship Name: Corsair 9 Class: Corsair Class Gunship Corvette Shield/Hull: 130/160 -30 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/4/12 Hanger: 0
Movement: Moving to 1.24 Firing At: Can'gal Kyramund (02.26) [member="Verz Horak"]
Ship Name: Corsair 10 Class: Corsair Class Gunship Corvette Shield/Hull: 120/160 -40 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/4/12 Hanger: 0
Movement: Moving to 1.24 Firing At: Can'gal Kyramund (02.26) [member="Verz Horak"]

Combat Summary:

The battle really heated up in intensity this turn.

[member="Charzon Loulan"] those bombers which survived managed a run on the Wrrylok, reduced damage by flak etc. They are now being attacked by the fighters there.
I determined that the ramming ship would be so damaged by the time it reached its target that the effect would be quite minimal.
Two more frigates destroyed. Republic now has 666 victory points. An appropriate (?) number?

[member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] your ship moving to 15.13 wasn’t able to, so I relocated it to 14.13.

[member="Reshmar"] your ship going to 13.08 had to be relocated to 13.07

First Order, good coordination but please mark your from and to locations both. With the FO ships in such a blob it’s hard to follow.

If there’s any mistakes or if I missed something I do apologise. Let me know and I’ll fix it next round. This update took about 4 hours to do.
theme time here we go!

2nd Fleet Fighter Wings (Lead by [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"])

*Note, this is only for reference and informational purposes only, and will be updated based on the fighter movements of the parent fleet.

Concordia (Resurgent SD)

Fighter Hex: Deployed, 15.18

Alpha Squadron (TIE/sf) (Lead by [member="Pierce Fortan III"], flown with [member="Sara Lee Jones"])
Status: 16/16
Bravo Squadron (TIE/sf) (Lead by [member="Nils Brenner"])
Status: 16/16
Charlie Squadron (TIE/sf) (Lead by [member="Greta Kohler"])
Status: 16/16
Delta Squadron (TIE/sf)
Status: 16/16
Echo Squadron (TIE/sf)
Status: 16/16
Foxtrot Squadron (TIE/sf)
Status: 16/16

Thrawn (Executrix SD)

Fighter Hex: Deployed, 15.17

Alpha Squadron (TIE/FO)
Status: 12/12
Bravo Squadron (TIE/FO)
Status: 12/12
Charlie Squadron (TIE/FO)
Status: 12/12
Delta Squadron (TIE/D)
Status: 8/8

Gallius Rax (Executrix SD)

Fighter Hex: Deployed, 16.19

Alpha Squadron (TIE/FO)
Status: 12/12
Bravo Squadron (TIE/FO)
Status: 12/12
Charlie Squadron (TIE/FO)
Status: 12/12
Delta Squadron (TIE/D)
Status: 8/8

Faction: First Order
Fleet Boss: [member="Natasi Fortan"]
  • [member="Tanomas Graf"], [member="Valessia Brentioch"], [member="William Kerkov"], [member="Cyrus Tregessar"], [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] [Fleets]
  • [member="Pierce Fortan III"], [member="Nils Brenner"], [member="Greta Kohler"], [member="Sara Lee Jones"] [Starfighters]
  • Rogue Sith forces

Command Bridge, Resurgent-class Star Destroyer 'Concordia'

The constant and distinctive screech of twin ion engines in unison was imperceptible to the Colonel, though he heard them none the less. It continued to bother the man, to weigh on his soul that he was confined to this station, this bridge. Chained by duty, and bound by his own ambition. To rise the ranks, to affect real change where it was needed in tactical doctrine - that had always been his goal. But to achieve it meant he had given up the one true love he really knew, which was not flying itself - but combat flying.

Adrenaline mixed with a keen and clever mind, and the stamina to endure prolonged flights and terrific G Forces - even with inertial compensators and specifically designed flight suits, was what won the day. Dumb luck played a factor, as it did any battlefield. But superior flying, superior talent and a superior mind could generally tip the table in any engagement. It required competing mentalities, the adventurous spirit of the lone wolf along with the discipline of a vigilant guardian. It was a profession that called for tempered aggression above all else, and it was a personal motto that any victory at the cost of a pilot's wingman was no victory at all.

That motto would be retired after today he somehow knew as he found himself nodding back to [member="Natasi Fortan"], an acknowledgement of her command which he heard over an earbud comm-link. He too turned back to his console and holo-projection table, and displayed the desired coordinates.

Inputting a set of way-points, he effectively updated the navigational computers on board the starfighters to display the new information. Their course trajectories would take the Concordia's compliment of TIE/sf starfighters out in front a short distance to act as a blocking force along the route of the code-named Nebula Fleet's movement. The TIE/FO and TIE/D starfighters of the Thrawn and Gallius Rax would take up similar positions in escort of the fleet, at the 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock positions respectively.

He imagined the sight of all the fighters arraying together in their formations, traditional finger fours in tight proximity - at least until first contact with the enemy, in which case the swarm would break down into smaller sections, each hoping to lock their prey in a contest of angles and agility.

The colonel picked up the comm-line handset once more, but this time patched himself through to Concordia's Alpha squadron leader, [member="Pierce Fortan III"].

"Alpha one, Angel." He called, official call-signs used to set the tone. Professional. "Be ready to be flexible out there. You might be running point defense, you might be taking it to them. For now, just follow your map."

He paused, facade breaking for a moment. "Stay sharp, Smoke. This is going to be one for the history books, and you'll have to pick out who will play you in the Star Tours holo-vid that's sure to come."

"Angel out." He said again to finalize the one-on-one conversation he had with his friend and chief confidant, as well as one of his finest squadron leaders.

Roderik's mind drifted to the others under his command, [member="Nils Brenner"], quite possibly the best starfighter pilot that the First Order employed. [member="Greta Kohler"], whom Roderik was unaware had prior affiliations with the One Sith. Had he known, his opinion of her suitability to the mission would not have changed. She was a gifted pilot, and a natural leader herself, whose talents were sure to flourish with an upcoming reassignment to a specialized ground strike and atmospheric operations squadron. Lieutenant [member="Sara Lee Jones"] , whom Roderik could recall meeting on accident while she was still fresh from the flight academy. Talented, but with raw potential. Potential which had steadily grown into honed skill.

There were countless others he thought of fleetingly before pushing away entirely the train of thought. He instead turned to his Executive Officer, a particularly nondescript Major named Marston who was observing the holo-projector's depiction of the events unfolding out in space near them, while appearing deep in contemplation.


"We stay on point defense until we know whats really out there, sir."

Roderik nodded at the basic assessment. He understood the Major's reservations, the majority of the rogue Sith starfighter forces had not yet registered - most likely - on their sensors yet.

"Agreed. Hold down the fort." He told the man, before turning to pace down the bridge towards [member="Natasi Fortan"].

Summary of Actions:

Attack Craft Fighter Movement - Concordia Group to Hex 15.18
Attack Craft Fighter Movement - Thrawn Group to Hex 15.17
Attack Craft Fighter Movement - Gallius Rax Group to Hex 16.19

Avicus DuSang

The Patron Saint of Heartache​

Chateau DuSang - Earlier that Day

The Fleet Admiral had seated for breakfast. Something hearty and filling. He had a long day ahead of him. The quiet before the storm. He hadn't said much the day before. He probably wouldn't say much today. After a few bites of his breakfast, he set his fork and knife down. Turns out he really wasn't that hungry.

As he sparked up a cigarette, the doors to the dining hall crashed open. Viktor Maurow-DuSang stormed into the room, tossing his datapad in front of the Sith Lord. "You knew she was going and you said nothing?!" Avicus pushed the datapad back across the table to him. "It's her ship. Her fleet. She has every right to be there on the bridge." Viktor had his hands down on the table, the Sith Lord could feel the rage coursing through his veins. "I'm coming with."

A plume of smoke left his lips. "No."

Avicus stood to leave, but Viktor cleared the distance and leaped up and struck the Dark God. Pain rippled through his face as yellow eyes turned to his son. Viktor threw a jab, connecting to his father's nose. Avicus took a few steps back, his eyes closing. "Who do you think you are?!" Viktor lunged at the man again but Avicus waved his hand a huge wave of the Force rolled forward, throwing Viktor, a couple of chairs, and Avicus' breakfast up against the wall.

Fingers resting on his nose, he snapped it back into place. Letting out a light groan, tendrils of the force began repairing the damage. The blood that trickled down his face dried, turned black and disintegrated off his face. Viktor was curled up on the floor, clearly defeated. The Fleet Admiral picked his son up off of the floor, dusting him off. "You'd only be a distraction. You can't help her there. I'll bring her home." He brought his son in close, holding him tightly.

"I promise you."

The Present

You're very welcome. I made a promise to someone that I'd get you home. We will prevail.

His battle meditation was amplified through the Sphere. It blanketed the entirety of the First Order's forces. White noise was quiet. There was only the present. The capabilities of their ships. The capabilities of the men and women who worked under them. The calm that washed over [member="Natasi Fortan"] soon washed over the entirety of the First Order Navy present.

The mood on Concordia became what it should've been. They would face mortality with bravery swelling in their hearts. This was the taste of power that the Meditation Sphere was capable of. Lights flickered throughout Concordia, whispers in the darkness, but the lights came back on to a new sensation. Faith in their commanding officers. Faith in the Grand Moff.

For the Glory of the Supreme Leader!

Combat Summary

Activated Battle Meditation with Sith Meditation Sphere. Spread effect throughout First Order fleets.

Spirit of Druckenwell
Unknown Region
Engaging Rogue Sith forces
Allies: [member=Zark], [member="Astarii Saren"], [member="Aerion Ivelisse"], [member=Horus], [member="Allison Martha Iversson"], [member=Winslow], [member=Reshmar], [member="Taneas Haring"], [member="Gir Quee"], [member="Charzon Loulan"], [member=Knight]
Enemies: [member=Omega]

As the battle got underway, the three different battle groups began to close in on the Rogue Sith fleet. Ayden got reports of fleet activity, both friendly and unknown. Their EWAR wing was working on the other communications to learn what the First Order and Mandalorians had planned. Though Ayden knew himself that he considered the Rogue Sith to be the bigger threat, he could not say with absolute certainty that other powers would share that sentiment. Mandalorians in particular were known for holding grudges. And given what certain elements within the Republic had done to the Mandalorians... Ayden remembered the Sword of the Jedi's funeral. It was not a pleasant affair at all, though no funeral ever was. But that battle at Roche... There was bad blood for sure, and it wasn't likely to disappear for a long time, even in the face of total annihilation.

But perhaps it could be checked, held at bay, by more pressing threats. The Rogue Sith fleet began to open fire as well, retaliating against the forces arraigned against it. Long range turbolasers were exchanged with deadly force as the first waves of fighters began to move. In one corner of his mind, he was aware that someone on the battlefield was using Battle Meditation, but seemed to be limiting it to their own group. He had spent many years now utilizing that particular Force power, so was intimately aware of just how it felt and what it did. So long as this individual didn't try to mess with Galactic Alliance's forces, or the Republic's, then he wouldn't do anything to hamper it. Besides, against this many other Force Users who undoubtedly could sense such a display, if they wanted to paint a giant target on their ship, then he wasn't going to stop them.

The Spirit of Druckenwell took a brief pause in its movements, channeling power from the engines into the Javelin capacitors so as to recharge the powerful hypervelocity guns more quickly. That brief lull in movement was enough for other elements of the group to move forward and into position. Now it wouldn't be flying ahead and left the sole target of a larger group of Rogue Sith ships; a problem that a small element of the Republic's forces were presently experiencing. The Corellian made a disapproving sound; it was a terrible waste to throw those ships away like that so early. He understood the basic concept that likely led to the maneuver, a need to distract the enemy and draw fire away from the fleet, but there were a great many ships in the Alliance fleet that could have safely handled the focus-fire of the Rogue Sith ships for much longer than these frigates and carriers could. But was done was done. Now they had to make this sacrifice worth something.

Moving ahead, the Spirit of Druckenwell once again fired its heavy main battery along with its many heavy Javelin cannons. As it volleyed its heavy energy torpedoes, the ship began to tilt. The forward section began to dip forward while the back half rose in response. The ship began to slowly rotate, a maneuver that made sense as the space between it and the Rogue Sith fleet lit up like a Life Day celebration on Coruscant; it had moved into standard engagement ranges and its massive suite of cannons were now able to fire. Heavy ion cannons began belching great streams of ionized energy while fast-mounted ion cannons aggressively altered firing angles to more accurately fire on the Rogue Sith ships. To its sides, the pair of Noble Star Defenders and other smaller cruisers similarly moved into standard engagement ranges and likewise opened fire with their full arsenal of weaponry. The heavier Alliance ships each targeted Rogue Sith ships that foolishly decided to sit still. Any errors in initial firing solutions would now be corrected. This salvo would hurt, while the more agile cruisers made to eliminate the weakened escort frigates.

One technician on the bridge turned and called out. "Sir! The weapon, Omega! It's turning!" The already palpable tension on the bridge rose even further. "Sensors indicate a massive build up of energy. It looks like they're going to fire the weapon!"

"Route all available power to the forward shields. Take everything from the third wing; artificial gravity, life support. Sound the alarm, I want all hands to brace for impact." The third wing of the Spirit was a wing dedicated to the training of OmegaPyre and Alliance soldiers. It had dozens of decks all dedicated to simulating environments from across the galaxy. And now it was that snow stopped falling on the Ilum tundra deck. Great orbs of water were formed as the lack of gravity allowed them to rise out of their hand-carved lakes and simulated oceans. Lights went out in waves and the temperature across the wing began to fall as atmospheric controls went off-line. This was all made possible by the fact that the entire wing was empty when the Spirit first departed from Alliance space, but it nevertheless represented the dire situation the vessel found itself in.

Spirit of Druckenwell attacks Immortal Jotun, 1.11, with all of its weapons (3,680 CG, 145 HW), diverts all secondary power to forward shields
Noble Star Defenders attack Dark Blade Scorpion, 2.10, with all weapons (580 CG, 20 HW, 40 LW; 1,160 CG, 40 HW, 80 LW total)
Unyielding Cruiser attacks Razer 11, 1.14, with 80 CG (HVG and Mass Driver)
Horn Cruisers attack Razer 12, 1.14, with 60 CG apiece (HVG and Fast Mount Turbo), 120 CG total)

1x Teferi-class Star Dreadnought - The Spirit of Druckenwell | 7.04 → 6.05

6,000 Hull / 6,000 Shield
Armament: 20
Defense: 20
Target: Jotun, Immortal-class Star Dreadnought, 1.11

Speed: 2 Hexes
Maneuverability: One Turn

Attack Craft: Deployed, Holding Position

[*]18 Bomber Squadrons (216)

132 M47 Dropships
100 Tora Drop Pods

2x Noble-class Star Defenders | 8.04 → 7.06

1,000 Hull / 1,000 Shield
Armament: 20
Defense: 18
Target: Scorpion, Dark Blade-class Dreadnought, 2.10

Speed: 4 Hexes
Maneuverability: Three Turns

Attack Craft: Deployed, Holding Position

12 M47 Dropships

1x Unyielding-class Command Cruiser | 6.03 → 5.05

500 Hull / 500 Shield
Armament: 15
Defense: 10
Target: Razer 11, Razer-class Frigate, 1.14

Speed: Six Hexes
Maneuverability: Two Turns

Attack Craft: Deployed, Holding Position

12 T-70 X-Wing Starfighters
5 Eharl-class Assault Starfighters (Prim. Config)
8 M47 Dropships

2x Horn-class Escort Cruisers | 6.03 → 5.05

500 Hull / 500 Shield
Armament: 15
Defense: 14
Target: Razor 12, Razer-class Frigate, 1.14

Speed: Six Hexes
Maneuverability: Four Turns

12 B/E-3 B-Wing Assault Starfighters
6 M47 Dropships

1x Sentinel-class Cruiser | 8.04 → 7.06

500 Hull / 500 Shield
Armament: 5
Defense: 8
Target: N/A

Speed: Six Hexes
Maneuverability: Four Turns

Attack Craft: Deployed, Holding Position

24 T-70 X-Wing Starfighters
8 M47 Dropships
First Imperial Navy
Sector Group Iron Fist
1st Fleet
Grand Admiral William Kerkov

3rd Command Line
Length: 3,000 Meters
Movement: 16.15 to 14.15
FIV Triumph Darr Itah-Class Grand Battlecruiser
3000 Shield/3000 Hull
20 Armament/12 Defense
Hangar: Deployed,
x24 TIE/MN Starfighters
x12 TIE/IN Interceptors
x12 TIE/FO-SK Bombers
Firing at: Claw [member="Omega"]

18th Assault Line
Length: 3,200 Meters
Movement I: 15.16 to 13.17
FIV Huntsman Imperial X-Class Star Destroyer
1600 Shield/1600 Hull
17 Armament/14 Defense
Hangar: Deployed,
x64 TIE/FO Starfighters
x12 TIE/FO-SK Bombers
x4 TIE/SF Superiority Fighters
Firing at: Claw [member="Omega"]

FIV Subterfuge Imperial X-Class Star Destroyer
1600 Shield/1600 Hull
17 Armament/14 Defense
Hangar: Deployed,
x64 TIE/FO Starfighters
x12 TIE/FO-SK Bombers
x4 TIE/SF Superiority Fighters
Firing at: Claw [member="Omega"]

839th Escort Squadron
Length: 960 Meters
Movement I: 13.17 to 11.18
FIV Relentless Dagger-Class Escort Frigate
240 Shield/240 Hull
6 Armament/4 Defense
Hangar: N/A
Firing at: Fenris 6 [member="Omega"]

FIV Ferocious Dagger-Class Escort Frigate
240 Shield/240 Hull
6 Armament/4 Defense
Hangar: N/A
Firing at: Fenris 6 [member="Omega"]

FIV Inception Dagger-Class Escort Frigate
240 Shield/240 Hull
6 Armament/4 Defense
Hangar: N/A
Firing at: Fenris 6 [member="Omega"]

FIV Deception Dagger-Class Escort Frigate
240 Shield/240 Hull
6 Armament/4 Defense
Hangar: N/A
Firing at: Fenris 5 [member="Omega"]

295th Rapid Assault Squadron
Length: 600 Meters
Movement: 12.17 to 11.19
FIV Posthumous Fortan-Class Heavy Corvette
200 Shield/200 Hull
16 Armament/14 Defense
Hangar: N/A
Firing at: Fenris 5 [member="Omega"]

FIV Eraser Fortan-Class Heavy Corvette
200 Shield/200 Hull
16 Armament/14 Defense
Hangar: N/A
Firing at: Rend [member="Omega"]

FIV Warmonger Fortan-Class Heavy Corvette
200 Shield/200 Hull
16 Armament/14 Defense
Hangar: N/A
Firing at: Fenris 4 [member="Omega"]

89th Support Line
Length: 2,320 Meters
Movement: 14.15 to 11.17
FIV Domination Victory II-Class Star Destroyer
900 Shield/900 Hull
16 Armament/16 Defense
Hangar: Deployed,
24x TIE/FO Starfighters
Firing at: Fenris 4 [member="Omega"]

FIV Crusher Broadside-Class Heavy Cruiser KDB-1
500 Shield/500 Hull
16 Armament/8 Defense
Hangar: N/A
Firing at: Rend [member="Omega"]

FIV Obliterator Broadside-Class Heavy Cruiser KDB-1
500 Shield/500 Hull
16 Armament/8 Defense
Hangar: N/A
Firing at: Rend [member="Omega"]

FIV Eliminator Denial-Class Anti-Starfighter Frigate
420 Shield/420 Hull
10 Armament/14 Defense
Hangar: N/A
Firing at: N/A


As the First Fleet led it's salvo of weapons the Rogue Sith Second Skirmish Squadron began to retreat. Kerkov slammed the holotable which displayed the current action, "Do not let that squadron escape!" The officer shouted, "Yes sir!" Dramatically the Grand Admiral grabbed the three furthest squadrons of the First Fleet and pushed them up towards the Rogue Sith positions, "I want every vessel targeting a signature in that squadron, we shall not let them retreat and recover! I want any weapons system available, concussion missiles, turbolasers, all of them, on that squadron!" A commander who had recently been sitting at a console three meters to the flag officer's left, stood up and presented a holopad stating the positions of the two large star destroyers, and the battle-cruiser of which the Grand Admiral resided, "Sir, our IDXs, and the Triumph are in range of the 1st Squadron. Shall we engage?" Kerkov did not hesitate, "I want them to target the Claw, we want these advanced squadrons to retreat behind their main lines, fire for maximum efficiency."

The CIC was a hive of activity. Constant tapping of the glass displays and waving hands could be seen as they coordinated the First Fleet's efforts. A few junior enlisted could be seen handing out datapads for use as many of the ones in the Operations room has burnt out. Some flaws to be fixed in the equipping of the First Imperial Navy. Kerkov himself stared intently at the holographic display in front of him, describing the battle with holographic images detailed to a minute scale. All chaos had been let loose, and Kerkov had no choice, but to bath he, and his fleet in the fiery hell that was this battle.

It could be heard throughout the ship as the laser batteries were fired, filling Kerkov with pride, this was his moment, and he would not falter.

Summary of Actions
Fired upon all vessels of the Second squadron using the 89th Support line, 295th Rapid Assault Squadron, and the 839th Escort Squadron. Fired upon the Claw class Talon cruiser, with the two IDXs and the Darr Itah. Moved forward.
Perspective: Mazik Stazi
Allies: [member="Ayden Cater"], [member="Astarii Saren"], [member="Aerion Ivelisse"], [member="Knight"], [member="Reshmar"], [member="Gir Quee"]
Enemies: [member="Omega"]

Bridge, Indomitable-class Star Defender Light of Ashla
Unknown Region, Site Designation OMEGA

'Form up on the Spirit's flank and move in behind Cater's advance. Close to just within range of the main guns.'

It was a volunteer-only process to find a placement on Admiral Teros's bridge, any officers or crewmen uncomfortable with Draethos telepathy could request a transfer without any blemish on their record. The abilities of his species were non-invasive, he could not read thoughts, but the adjustment for some species nevertheless could be unsettling. It was not a noticeably superior form of communication, rather superior for the Admiral, in that he felt more capable of conveying his thoughts and commands to a bridge crew with his mind than with his voice. He felt more capable in most ways, in fact, and had rarely used his voice to say more than a few sentences in the past several years. All sentients possessed their imbalances, he supposed.

That was a notion the Admiral truly believed, as a devout supplicant to the Church of the Force. Though non-sensitive himself, Teros had spent much time among the Jedi reconciling his species' warrior instincts with a fervent compulsion for peace. He believed in the Force, in preserving the balance, and so it broke his heart to see the flurry of turbolaser exchange open up in the crowded void before them. So much unnecessary violence, so much senseless death. The vibrations in the deck plating quieted ever so slightly as the Light of Ashla moved into position on the Alliance line, and Teros prayed silently to the Force for forgiveness in the part he and his men would play in the holocaust of fire to come.

'Show them our resolve. Rearm the Javelins for another volley, open up with all turbolaser batteries at gunnery's discretion. Torpedo status?'

After receiving an acknowledgment from the pit below, Teros gave the order for the first rack to fire, then turned his attention to the rest of his detachment. On his port and slightly ahead of them he could see the Ab Aeterno and Capax Infiniti come into view, the two Nobles under his command, and begin unleashing their full payloads as well. That would mean the Providence and Halcyon, their Nonnah artillery cruisers, were setting up on their starboard and behind them, just barely within main weapons range of the Rogue Sith's left flank but well within the sights of the Nonnah's devastating long range guns. The rest of the 5th Expeditionary were moving now into more forward positions alongside Cater's vessels, and the order was given to fire at will.

The 5th Expeditionary had managed to scramble a sizable siege contingent to bring to bear against the sudden crisis, and the Admiral's plan so far was to move in just behind the main Alliance advance and chip away at the Rogue Sith flank until it collapsed. At such an extreme range from the majority of the Sith forces, the 5th could bring their heavy weaponry to bear against the edge of their line while still maintaining discretionary fire beyond into their ranks with the array of long range weaponry they had brought to bare.

"Admiral! Massive speak in energy readings from target objective!"

By the Force, that thing is operational, he thought just to himself, eyes wide, before relying upon the Force for calm, 'All nearby vessels, full power to shields! Who knows what kind of payload that thing is carrying.'

Quelling his fear, the Draethos hoped the Force was with the Spirit of Druckenwell and her crew.

5th Expeditionary Fleet
1x Indomitable-class Star Defender - Light of Ashla | 10.02 → 09.04

1,700 Hull / 1,700 Shield
Armament: 17
Defense: 17
Target: 01.10 Wyyrlock Class Star Destroyer Praetor [member="Omega"]

Speed: 2 Hexes
Maneuverability: One Turn

Attack Craft: Deployed, Attacking Target

12 T-70 X-Wing Starfighters
24 Inimica-class Heavy Gunships (2 Squadrons)
12 M47 Dropships
10 CXR-75 Heavy Dropships

2x Noble-class Star Defenders | 09.03 → 09.05

1,000 Hull / 1,000 Shield
Armament: 20
Defense: 18
Target: 01.10 Wyyrlock Class Star Destroyer Praetor, 01.10 Wyyrlock Class Star Destroyer Imperator [member="Omega"]

Speed: 4 Hexes
Maneuverability: Three Turns

Attack Craft: Deployed, Holding Position

12 M47 Dropships

2x Nonnah-class Assault Cruiser | 10.03 → 08.03

900 Hull / 900 Shield
Armament: 17
Defense: 16
Target: 01.10 Wyyrlock Class Star Destroyer Praetor, 01.10 Wyyrlock Class Star Destroyer Imperator [member="Omega"]

Speed: 3 Hexes
Maneuverability: Two Turns

Attack Craft: Deployed, Holding Position

8 M47 Dropships
6 CXR-75 Dropships

1x Sentinel-class Cruiser | 10.03 → 09.06

500 Hull / 500 Shield
Armament: 5
Defense: 8
Target: 01.10 Wyyrlock Class Star Destroyer Praetor [member="Omega"]

Speed: Six Hexes
Maneuverability: Four Turns

Attack Craft: Deployed, Attacking Target

12 T-70 X-Wing Starfighters
12 B/E-3 B-Wing Multi-role starfighters
8 M47 Dropships

1x Unyielding-class Command Cruiser | 10.03 → 08.06

500 Hull / 500 Shield
Armament: 15
Defense: 10
Target: 01.10 Wyyrlock Class Star Destroyer Praetor [member="Omega"]

Speed: Six Hexes
Maneuverability: Two Turns

Attack Craft: Deployed, Attacking Target

24 T-70 X-Wing Starfighters
8 M47 Dropships

2x Horn-class Escort Cruisers | 10.04 → 08.06

500 Hull / 500 Shield
Armament: 15
Defense: 14
Target: 01.10 Wyyrlock Class Star Destroyer Imperator [member="Omega"]

Speed: Six Hexes
Maneuverability: Four Turns

12 RZ-1 A-Wing Interceptors [MKII Variant]
6 M47 Dropships

4x Shield-class Cruisers | 2x 10.04 → 07.07 | 2x 09.04 → 08.06

450 Hull / 450 Shield
Armament: 0
Defense: 20
Target: N/A

Speed: Four Hexes
Maneuverability: Two Turns

2 M47 Dropships

4x OS-B1 Avengers | Attached to Horn Escorts (2 Per Escort)

50 Hull / 50 Shield
Armament: 20
Defense: 16
Target: 01.10 Wyyrlock Class Star Destroyer Imperator (Bombing Run) [member="Omega"]

Summary of Actions
5th Expeditionary moves into position (movement in fleet list).
5th Expeditionary opens fire on the 01.10 hex with both close and long range fire.
Indomitable-class Star Defender fires on 01.10 Wyyrlock-class Praetor
2 Noble-class Star Defenders fire on 01.10 Wyyrlock-class Praetor and Imperator
2 Nonnah-class Assault Cruisers fire on 0.10 Wyyrlock-class Praetor and Imperator
Sentinel-class Cruiser and Unyielding-class Command Cruiser fire on 01.10 Praetor
2 Horn-class Escort Cruisers fire on 01.10 Imperator
OS-B1 Avengers attached to Horns begin bombing run on 01.10 Imperator
Bombers from the Indomitable (two squadrons) and Sentinel (one squadron), begin attack run on Praetor
Fighters from Indomitable (one squadron), Sentinel (one squadron) and Unyielding (two squadrons) escort bombers on Praetor attack run

Valessia Brentioch

Faction: The First Order
Commanding Officer: Adm. Fiolette Yvarro
Fleet Size: 9,800m

Alpha Line: 3,200m
Movement: 14.17 >> 13.16
FIV Chevalier: Inflictor-class, Heavy Cruiser
Shield/Hull: 980/980
Arm/Def: 14/16
Firing At: 5.17 - Fenris 3 ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Resolve: Empire-class, Heavy Frigate
Shield/Hull: 500/500
Arm/Def: 17/13
Firing At: 5.17 - Fenris 3 ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Valiant: Empire-class, Heavy Frigate
Shield/Hull: 500/500
Arm/Def: 17/13
Firing At: 5.17 - Fenris 3 ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Fortitude: Empire-class, Heavy Frigate
Shield/Hull: 500/500
Arm/Def: 17/13
Firing At: 5.17 - Fenris 3 ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Starknife: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.17 - Fenris 3 ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Cestus: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.17 - Fenris 3 ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Morningstar: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.17 - Fenris 3 ( [member="Omega"] )

Bravo Line: 1,500m
Movement: 13.18 >> 11.16
FIV Dosuun: Retribution-class, Star Destroyer
Shield/Hull: 900/900
Arm/Def: 17/15
Hangar: TIE/FO x2 Squadrons | In Screening Mode - On Standby
Firing At: 3.16 - Wyyrlock( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Caracal: Fortan-class, Heavy Corvette
Shield/Hull: 200/200
Arm/Def: 16/14
Firing At: 3.16 - Wyyrlock( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Felis: Fortan-class, Heavy Corvette
Shield/Hull: 200/200
Arm/Def: 16/14
Firing At: 3.16 - Wyyrlock( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Leopard: Fortan-class, Heavy Corvette
Shield/Hull: 200/200
Arm/Def: 16/14
Firing At: 3.16 - Wyyrlock( [member="Omega"] )

Charlie Line: 3,200m
Movement: 14.18 >> 12.17

FIV Warden: Inflictor-class, Heavy Cruiser
Shield/Hull: 980/980
Arm/Def: 14/16
Firing At: 5.17 - Fenris 1 ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Resilience: Empire-class, Heavy Frigate
Shield/Hull: 500/500
Arm/Def: 17/13
Firing At: 5.17 - Fenris 1 ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Victorious: Empire-class, Heavy Frigate
Shield/Hull: 500/500
Arm/Def: 17/13
Firing At: 5.17 - Fenris 1 ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Fearless: Empire-class, Heavy Frigate
Shield/Hull: 500/500
Arm/Def: 17/13
Firing At: 5.17 - Fenris 1 ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Cutlass: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.17 - Fenris 1 ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Gladius: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.17 - Fenris 1 ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Sickle: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.17 - Fenris 1 ( [member="Omega"] )

Delta Line: 2,000m
Movement: 14.16 >> 12.16
FIV Sloane: Executrix-class, Star Destroyer
Shield/Hull: 1600/1600
Arm/Def: 14/17
Hangar: TIE/IN x2 Squadrons | TIE/SF x2Squadrons | En Route to 13.18, Supporting Dosuun.
Firing At: 5.17 - Fenris 2 ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Warhammer: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.17 - Fenris 2 ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Kukuri: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.17 - Fenris 2 ( [member="Omega"] )

Unknown Region
FIV Rae Sloane, Command Center
Objective: Destroy the Omega Weapon
Allies: [member="Tanomas Graf"] | [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] | [member="William [/I][/FONT][I][FONT='times new roman']Kerkov"] | [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"] | [member="Avicus DuSang"] / [member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]
Enemies: Rogue Sith, Omega Weapon
Neutrals: The Galactic Alliance, The Mandalorians

"All lines, FORWARD!" Admiral Yvarro shouted, "engage targets at these coordinates and fire on my command." She walked from her holo table to her galactic map with a zoom in on this particular battle. "Tell Captain Rausgeber to move his lines, and for the love of the Balance, someone tell Grand Admiral Kerkov to keep his bombers at his side. " Yvarro ordered to Galeway who commanded her communications team to relay the information. Focusing on the galactic map she noticed the movements of the Mandalorians and the Alliance. "Close the wedge, we're going in tight through their lines on my signal."

There was a lot at stake, and now the game was changing. "Relay to the Grand Moff a suggestion of targets and have her guns on the ready."

"Aye Admiral," Galeway acknowledged.

Walzer looked over to where the Admiral was standing. "Pavanos reports all squadrons at the Dosuun."

"Good, I want defensive screens - prepare for full contact engagement," Admiral Yvarro remarked as she looked at the map again and turned to watch her holotable. "Defensive formations Strike Force Avalonia."

"Admiral, all lines have their targets locked."

She didn't hesitate, "fire all weapons."

Galeway could be heard relaying the Admiral's commands. "All lines, fire, fire, fire - all lines I repeat you are free to fire on your targets." The lieutenant paused for breath. "Message relayed to Rausgeber and Kerkov, and relaying suggestions to the Grand Moff." Taking a deep breath she hoped that they would all make it home, but even with the Mandalorians and the Alliance here - something told her this was only the beginning.

Summary of Actions:
  • Alpha Line fires at Fenris 3, 5.17
  • Bravo Line fires at Wyyrlock, 3.16
  • Charlie Line fires at Fenris 1, 5.17
  • Delta Line fires at Fenris 2, 5.17
  • All Attack Craft on the Dosuun at 11.16, Defensive Screen

Tanomas Graf

Death Squadron - 8390m

55th Command Line
Movement: 15.19 >>> 14.20
Firing At: Holding Fire

1600m in total

56th Destroyer Line
Movement: 15.20 >>> 13.20
Firing At: Warmonger, 3.19, [member="Omega"]

1600m in total

57th Cruiser Line
Movement: 14.19 >>> 12.19

[*]Firing At: Warmonger, 3.19, [member="Omega"]

[*]Ship Name: Pride of the Order

[*]Firing At: Warmonger, 3.19, [member="Omega"]

[*]Ship Name: Devastator​

[*]Firing At: Charge, 3.19, [member="Omega"]

2700m in total

58th Support Line
Movement: 12.18 >>> 11.20
  • Ship Name: Alignment​
    Class: Dagger-class Escort Frigate
  • Shield/Hull: 240/240
  • Armament/Defense: 6/4
  • Firing At: Charge, 3.19, [member="Omega"]

[*]Ship Name: Warlord​

  • Ship Name: League
    Class: Dagger-class Escort Frigate
  • Shield/Hull: 240/240
  • Armament/Defense: 6/4
  • Firing At: Charge, 3.19, [member="Omega"]

[*]Ship Name: Accuser​

[*]Ship Name: Pellaeon​

[*]Ship Name: Elitist​

1440m in total

59th Cruiser Line
Movement: 13.19 >>> 12.20

[*]Firing At: Charge, 3.19, [member="Omega"]

[*]Ship Name: Judgement

[*]Firing At: Charge, 3.19, [member="Omega"]

[*]Ship Name: Freedom

[*]Firing At: Charge, 3.19, [member="Omega"]

1050m in total
"Damnit!" the old commodore sweared as frigate line they had been firing at turned tail and hid behind their much larger cousins, just as they had began their turbolaser volley upon them. Graf skulked back over to the tactical map and moved the lines around to see which combination would work for that moment. "I want the lines to move up again, have the Dagger frigates at the front and the Tyrant at the rear with the Abdicator lagging behind to keep it our of enemy fire." He growled over to the comm operator.

"Use our TIE squadrons as a defensive screen for now but if the enemy begins attacking us directly, send the strike bombers in with fighter support." Tanomas added before glaring through the viewports. He had a small idea as the squadron once again advanced towards the Sith fleet, followed by the dozens of other ships of the First Order, they had apparently had the same idea, boxing the Sith into a corner and overwhelming them with their fleets.

His little idea came to fruition once all of the ships were in their assigned positions again. "Change target from the retreating frigates to that small group consisting of a destroyer and a heavy cruiser, the one currently firing at the Mandalorians." He dryly stated for all of the crewmen to hear, the comm operator once again transmitted the orders. Graf felt it would be wise to give the Mandalorians fair warning of what they were doing so he added "Also, send a transmission to the Mandalorian squadron closest to us. Tell them we'll be providing fire support as long as neither of us pierces the other's back. We're here to destroy the Omega, not each other.".

The turbolasers of Death Squadron swung away from the retreating engines of their adversary and came to rest over two ships that were having a row with the Mandalorians, beginning their hundred-laser response of "You mess with them, you mess with us!"

Summary of Actions:
  • Squadron has moved
  • Firing at ships on 3.19
  • Transmission sent to Mandalorians informing of assistance
[member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="William Kerkov"] | [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] | [member="Avicus DuSang"] | [member="Valessia Brentioch"] | [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] | [member="Roderik Von Brinkerhoff"] | [member="Captain Larraq"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
  • The Fortress - Bastion Class Star Destroyer - 2200m
    No Fighter [SIZE=14.6667px]Complement - No Deployment[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Shield/Hull - 2200/2200[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Armament/Defense - 19/19 [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Movement/Location - 05.32 ---> 04.31 [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Firing - [/SIZE]

[*]The Clotho - Grievous Class Star Destroyer - 1800m

[*]The Lachesis - Grievous Class Star Destroyer - 1800m

[*]The Atropos - Grievous Class Star Destroyer - 1800m

[*]The Kopis -[SIZE=14.6667px]Omini[/SIZE] Class Cruiser - 800m
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Firing - No Firing [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Movement/Location - 04.31 ---> 03.31[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Armament/Defense - ?/? [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Shield/Hull - 800/800[/SIZE]
  • No Fighter [SIZE=14.6667px]Complement - No Deployment[/SIZE]

[*]The Broadsword - Hellfire-Class Cruiser - 1000m
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Firing - No Firing [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Movement/Location - 05.32 ---> 04.31 [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Armament/Defense - 19/17 [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Shield/Hull - 1000/1000[/SIZE]
  • No Fighter [SIZE=14.6667px]Complement - No Deployment[/SIZE]

[*]The Comet - Deliverance Class Corvettes - 50m - Squadron A
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Firing - No Firing [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Movement/Location - 06.31 ---> 05.31 [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Armament/Defense - 18/12 [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Shield/Hull - 50/50[/SIZE]
  • No Fighter [SIZE=14.6667px]Complement - No Deployment[/SIZE]

[*]The Meteor - Deliverance Class Corvettes - 50m - Squadron A
  • Firing - No Firing
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Movement/Location - 06.31 ---> 05.31 [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Armament/Defense - 18/12 [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Shield/Hull - 50/50[/SIZE]
  • No Fighter [SIZE=14.6667px]Complement - No Deployment[/SIZE]​
Aboard The Fortress​
Objective: Start the light show​
Allies: Those with the Mythosaur​
(Will add the IC portion after classes, work, and the gym.)​
Summary of Actions - Only Moved ships, stopped firing. [member="Omega"]​
"The Razer Squadron is breaking off!" Squadron Besh's commander told over the comm.

"Meanwhile, we're taking heavy fire!" the commander of the Nelvaan told before his ship explodes.

"Admiral, we have massive power spikes: the enemy superweapon appears to be trained at the Spirit of Druckenwell! The Omega is operational!"

"We will harass the enemy escorts while our flak on the frontline squadrons defend against the enemy fighter squadrons"

The Nelvaan, heavily damaged, rams the Praetor in a last-ditch move, inflicting light hull damage, while succumbing to enemy fire from point-blank range from that ship. Even though Task Force 17 is taking the brunt of the light-sided damage, it does so that it can keep the rest while [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] orders the entire First Order fleet down the Rogue Sith center. And it was a fight between the enemy flagship and the First Order flagship. For now the Republican line held, but how long until these antiquated ships making up Task Force 17 would hold against twice the ships? They couldn't risk the carrier anymore. Then again the screen would allow the carrier not to be as heavily targeted as it used to. They have a juicier target in the Spirit of Druckenwell to milk. They may have scored the first three kills of the day, but will Charzon's gambit work and the forlorn hope actually help the fleets of the galaxy achieve victory? Mandos and Republicans all attracted each their share of enemy fleets, but will they be able to ensure victory today? They have scored the first kills of the day, but also suffered the first losses of the day. Hopefully more kills will follow, and in all directions.

"She might be an inexperienced commander, recklessly charging into the fray, but I have to say that it was part of the grand plan the galaxy has in store for us" Julie commented...

"Perhaps we should trust her for the time being. We scored the first three kills of the day, hopefuly it will allow the friendly squadrons to take less flak when they will be launched"

"Groups Aurek, Besh, attack the Balmorra, everyone else target the Puncture!"

Command battlegroup:

Ship name: Mateus
Class: Mateus-class fleet carrier (3-hex move)
Shield/hull: 400/1400 (+200 shields, the supply of parts sent by Knight allows another 200 points of hull repairs per round for 3 rounds)
Armament/defense: 5/13
Hangar: (deployed at 01.10, targeting enemy squadrons)
Movement: Moving from 03.02 to 03.05
Firing at: Puncture (03.11)

Ship name: Fortan
Class: Praetorian-class corvette
Shield/hull: 180/180
Armament/defense: 6/10
Hangar: None
Movement: Moving from 04.02 to 03.05
Firing at: Puncture (03.11)

Ship name: Vizsla
Class: Praetorian-class corvette
Shield/hull: 180/180
Armament/defense: 6/10
Hangar: None
Movement: Moving from 04.02 to 03.05
Firing at: Puncture (03.11)

Ship name: Saren
Class: Praetorian-class corvette
Shield/hull: 180/180
Armament/defense: 6/10
Hangar: None
Movement: Moving from 04.02 to 03.05
Firing at: Puncture (03.11)

Ship name: Heavenshield
Class: Praetorian-class corvette
Shield/hull: 180/180
Armament/defense: 6/10
Hangar: None
Movement: Moving from 04.02 to 03.05
Firing at: Puncture (03.11)

Ship name: Carnifex
Class: Praetorian-class corvette
Shield/hull: 180/180
Armament/defense: 6/10
Hangar: None
Movement: Moving from 04.02 to 03.05
Firing at: Puncture (03.11)

Squadron Aurek:

Ship name: Sabrina
Class: Spearhead-class cruiser (5-hex move)
Shield/hull: 0/500
Armament/defense: 10/13
Hangar: (deployed at 01.10, targeting enemy squadrons)
  • 1 squadrons of T-70 X-Wings
Movement: Stationary at 04.09
Main batteries firing at: Balmorra (04.11)
Flak firing at: Fighters at 04.09

Ship name: Nelvaan DESTROYED
Class: Spearhead-class cruiser (5-hex move)
Shield/hull: 0/0
Armament/defense: 10/13
Hangar: (deployed at 01.10, targeting the Praetor)

Ship name: Dunames
Class: Spearhead-class cruiser (5-hex move)
Shield/hull: 0/500
Armament/defense: 10/13
Hangar: none
Movement: Stationary at 04.09
Main batteries firing at: Balmorra (04.11)
Flak firing at: Fighters at 04.09

Squadron Besh:

Ship name: Nekogal
Class: Udarnik-class assault frigate (7-hex move)
Shield/hull: 150/500
Armament/defense: 13/16
Hangar: None
Movement: Stationary at 03.09
Main batteries firing at: Balmorra (03.11)
Flak firing at: Fighters at 04.09

Ship name: Ameba
Class: Udarnik-class assault frigate (7-hex move)
Shield/hull: 500/500
Armament/defense: 13/16
Hangar: None
Movement: Stationary at 03.09
Main batteries firing at: Balmorra (03.11)
Flak firing at: Fighters at 04.09

Ship name: Larvas
Class: Udarnik-class assault frigate (7-hex move)
Shield/hull: 500/500
Armament/defense: 13/16
Hangar: None
Movement: Stationary at 03.09
Main batteries firing at: Balmorra (03.11)
Flak firing at: Fighters at 04.09

Ship name: Catoblepas
Class: Udarnik-class assault frigate (7-hex move)
Shield/hull: 500/500
Armament/defense: 13/16
Hangar: None
Movement: Stationary at 03.09
Main batteries firing at: Balmorra (03.11)
Flak firing at: Fighters at 04.09

Ship name: Longueuil
Class: Udarnik-class assault frigate (7-hex move)
Shield/hull: 500/500
Armament/defense: 13/16
Hangar: None
Movement: Stationary at 03.09
Main batteries firing at: Balmorra (03.11)
Flak firing at: Fighters at 04.09

Squadron Cresh:

Ship name: Pencil
Class: Hammerhead frigate (7-hex move)
Shield/hull: 315/315
Armament/defense: 10/13
Hangar: None
Movement: Stationary at 02.08
Firing at: Puncture (03.11)

Ship name: Cheater
Class: Hammerhead frigate (7-hex move)
Shield/hull: 315/315
Armament/defense: 10/13
Hangar: None
Movement: Stationary at 02.08
Firing at: Puncture (03.11)

Ship name: Pink Panther
Class: Hammerhead frigate (7-hex move)
Shield/hull: 315/315
Armament/defense: 10/13
Hangar: None
Movement: Stationary at 02.08
Firing at: Puncture (03.11)

Ship name: Medication
Class: Hammerhead frigate (7-hex move)
Shield/hull: 315/315
Armament/defense: 10/13
Hangar: None
Movement: Stationary at 02.08
Firing at: Puncture (03.11)

Ship name: Drill
Class: Hammerhead frigate (7-hex move)
Shield/hull: 315/315
Armament/defense: 10/13
Hangar: None
Movement: Stationary at 02.08
Firing at: Puncture (03.11)

Ship name: Clouseau
Class: Hammerhead frigate (7-hex move)
Shield/hull: 315/315
Armament/defense: 10/13
Hangar: None
Movement: Stationary at 02.08
Firing at: Puncture (03.11)

Summary of actions: Command battlegroup advances again, all attack craft target destroyers, taking heavy losses, frigates target escorts, cruiser and heavy frigate squadrons aim for the Balmorra, everyone but command battlegroup remains stationary to engage 2nd Immortal Command at point-blank range; the Nelvaan is destroyed after its ramming attempt hits the Praetor

OOC: Flak is assumed the same as defense

Allies: [member="Reshmar"] [member="Gir Quee"] [member="Ayden Cater"] [member="Knight"] [member="Zark"] [member="Astarii Saren"] [member="Aerion Ivelisse"] [member="Taneas Haring"]
Enemies: [member="Omega"]
Battlegroup: Thirteenth Expeditionary Fleet
Flagship: The Leviathan Super Star Defender - ‘Leviathan’
Commanding Officer: Fleet Admiral Astarii Saren
Faction: The Galactic Federation of Free Alliances
Allies: [member=Zark] | [member="Aerion Ivelisse"] | [member="Ayden Cater"] | [member=Reshmar] | [member="Gir Quee"] | [member="Charzon Loulan"] | [member=Knight] |
Enemies: [member=Omega] - The One Sith Remnant

From everything she had read, everything that she had seen, the Immortal-class warships had more than earned their name. It was what she expected to see, when the New Jedi Order had informed Alliance High Command of this weapon and the rogue elements of the One Sith that had constructed it in secret. However, what she didn’t expect was how capable it was to survive Seventy-Two ferromagnetic slugs shot out of the magnetic accelerators deep within the Leviathan and various other vessels within her staggered formation. She knew that several rounds would miss, it was the nature of human error. One missed calculation or a Zero in the wrong place, and the Ship-killing slug would find itself cast out into the void with futility. Those that had connected, were seemingly not enough to burst through it’s shields, or if they were lucky enough to do such a thing, unable to penetrate its thick iron hide. The Immortal over Dulvoyinn died with less effort, which to Astarii, meant that these Sith had upgraded this vessel in someway. Perhaps, thickening the armour and reinforcing the shields? Mysteries upon mysteries. If they survived this battle and had managed to slay one of these Battle Titan’s - the Hapan could see herself spending an entire lifetime combing through the starship and stealing the improvements for the Federation’s fleet. But, as she had a battle to win, the woman would have to store such ideas for another day. One when she had the time to look over such designs without having to direct the minute movements of an entire flotilla.

“Captain!” She called out as her mind began to refocus. The man who bore that rank turned from where he was standing with a flourish, nearly spinning on the spot. He was clad from head to toe in an Alliance military uniform, but wore the covering about his chest loose - though for the life of the woman - she had no idea why. Perhaps it made him think that he looked stylish in defacing the navy blue fabric? Astarii couldn’t tell. Another mystery for another time. “Ma’am!” He called out scant seconds later, offering a curt salute when he finished his pirouette. “Reload our expended Javelin’s and cycle through our remaining cannons. Let the capacitors charge to full this time and have the Weapons Master fire them when ready.” Her voice, though sent through the dreadfully monotone comms channel, had offered insight into her unamused thoughts. They were wasting precious ammunition in the attempt to take that Command Ship down, but the Hapan knew the benefits of denying the snake in the grass of it’s head. Once the Sith were deprived of their commander, they would break. It was proven countless times throughout the course of history, and would again be proven today - or at least that was her silent hope.

“Aye ma’am! I’ll get the Javelin’s reloaded on the double.” As he was about to turn and begin relaying the Orders, Astarii had regained his attention through an almost pretentious display of tuts. Rolling his eyes and clicking his teeth together, the Captain swung back around to face his commanding officer, his dislike for her painting every facial tick as he listened to what came next. “I want our fighters in the void, have them deployed and ready. With our interceptors in the air, I’ve got a feeling there might be additional munitions that will need to be taken care of - inform our gunships to prepare themselves for possible boarding actions and get our marines onto the flight deck.”

“Ma’am!” The Captain protested. “We’re no where close to the enemy, why would we prepare to repel boarders?” Narrowing her eyes, Fleet Admiral Saren stared daggers in her subordinates direction. “Preparations for every eventuality, Captain. If we have the chance to board one of those vessels as we move into range, I want out boys ready and eager.” Softening her expression and adorning a more patronizing glare. “Besides, they’ll enjoy the lightshow.”

Without pushing the matter further, the Captain went about his duties and relayed his Commander’s orders. Offering the back of the man’s cap-less head an arrogant smile, Astarii returned her gaze to the flickering tactical display before her. Across the battlefield, she watched the warships berthed from various ports across the galaxy move at their commander’s behest. Her augmented eyes had seen the subtle play materialize moments before it became reality, as several vessels from the First Order lines had begun to orientate themselves towards her formation and that of her allies. Were they out of their minds? Was this some ploy to cripple the Alliance in a single battle whilst the greater threat lay beyond the horizon? If it was, it was an intriguing play, and she’d have to give their Commander some credit. Had she been in whomever’s seat, Astarii would’ve done the same - though instead of leaving the implication of threat hanging in the air, she would’ve unleashed the remaining payloads from her Javelin’s.

That was the difference between the Lion and the Wolf. The Wolf, bereft of it’s pack, would circle it’s prey, seeking to understand and deny his prey the chance to escape.It would need the advantage of it’s mind, and it’s brothers in order to take down anything larger than itself. The Lion, on the other hand, would not wait for it’s Pride. It would surge into action and go for the throat, killing its prey before it had a chance to react.

“What will we do if the First Order attacks our flank, ma’am?” One of the nearby tacticians had asked, manipulating the hololithic image before them to focus on the maneuvering Imperial warships.”Our allies in the New and Old Republic’s would relish the chance to sink their fangs in and leave their mark, should such an eventuality come to pass.” He nodded in agreement, as his eyes went back towards the datapad in his clutches. “Aye, ma’am.”

“Until then? Have our vessels ignore them. They’re nothing to us when that Omega weapon’s on the field. We’ll have to break through, but if these old One Sith vessels have gotten an upgrade, we’re going to have to think of a way to thin their ranks.” Her voice became distant as the display refreshed, absorbing the newly acquired data and forcing the Fleet Admiral to consider any and all available options. If the Immortals were tougher than they looked, then perhaps the smaller craft would find themselves easy prey for her ship-killing ordinance. A plethora of torpedoes, ferromagnetic slugs, coalesced ionic and nuclear lightning? That would reap a bloody toll, especially if one of the superluminal slugs connected with a warship significantly smaller than the Battle Titan. Fires would blossom from venting atmospheres, and hundreds or thousands of souls would be atomized, consigned to a fate worse than death as their ashes danced with the darkness of the void.

Yes. That was it. While the main guns of the Leviathan would continue to pound away at the distant Immortal, tagged as the ‘Jotun,’ the rest of her fleet would begin to target the lesser craft and destroy them with punishing barrage after punishing barrage. Sure, it would take longer to decapitate this slithering python, but if she had broken their lines - it’d be marginally easier to close the gap between the two advancing lines. Nevertheless, as Astarii had finished her calculations and projected scenarios, she had passed on her information to her fellow tacticians and dismissed them to see her orders passed on to the rest of the fleet. With it done, she watched once again as the display refreshed, showing another round of movement pass through the manipulated hologram.

Well, she mused, now the fun could tru-

Warning klaxons blurted out over the the ordered chaos of the Command deck, silencing the Deck Officers and draw their attention towards the forward viewport. The Omega, from what information they were given, wasn’t supposed to be an active battlestation. It was supposed to be a possibility, not an affirmed actuality. The damned thing was a fully-operational battle station, and it was gearing up to fire! That wasn’t good. If her experience with super weapons could be trusted, mostly ancient records of the Death Star and the like, that spelled death for whatever ship they decided to target. With so many cramped into a small section of space? It had ample choices, and of all the warships brought to bear, the distant Omega weapon had chosen the Spirit of Druckenwell. Those bastards. Those damned, imbecilic bastards! She had to do something. The rage within her breast began to build, filling her veins with the sudden urge to hit something or someone. Very. Very Hard. They were lambs brought to the slaughter, and that distant fleet of rogue elements of the One Sith were standing in the way. They needed to die. They needed to die, quickly.

Clenching her fingers into fists and feeling the knuckles blanche, Astarii began plotting out the super weapon’s firing path. As she passed along her orders down the chain of command, the Hapan secretly hoped that the Legend had caught wind of this and seen fit to moving the Spirit in response. Until then, she gritted her teeth in irritation…

Galactic Alliance 13th Expeditionary Fleet

[background=transparent][ 1 ] Leviathan-Class Super Star Defender - 'Leviathan'[/size][/background]

[background=transparent]4,000 Hull / 4,000 Shield[/size][/background]
[background=transparent]Speed: Two Hexes[/size][/background]
[background=transparent]Maneuverability: One Turn[/size][/background]
  • Starfighter Complement(s):
[background=transparent][120] T-70 X-wing Starfighters (10 Squadrons.)[/size][/background]
[background=transparent][48] B/E-3 B-Wing Multi-role Starfighters (4 Squadrons.)[/size][/background]
[background=transparent][60] RZ-1 A-Wing Interceptor [MKII Variant] (5 Squadrons.)[/size][/background]
[background=transparent][60] X-83 TwinTail Space Superiority Starfighter (5 Squadrons.)[/size][/background]
  • [background=transparent]24 Starfighter Squadrons[/size][/background]
[background=transparent][36] BTL-A4 Y-Wing Starfighters (3 Squadrons.)[/size][/background]
[background=transparent][6] OS-B1-A Avengers (2 Squadrons. [3 Per Squadron])[/size][/background]
[background=transparent][48] Inimica - Class Heavy Gunships (4 Squadrons.)[/size][/background]
  • [background=transparent]9 Bomber Squadrons[/size][/background]
[background=transparent][60] M47 Illira-Class Dropships[/size][/background]
[background=transparent][8] CXR-75 Heavy Dropships[/size][/background]

[background=transparent][ 2 ] Noble-Class Star Defender(s) -[/size][/background] 'Eriadu's Vengeance,' 'Hammer of Fondor.'[/size][/background]
[background=transparent]Minor Production: 4/10 Map Limit[/size][/background]

[background=transparent]1,000 Hull / 1,000 Shield[/size][/background]
[background=transparent]Speed: 4 Hexes[/size][/background]
[background=transparent]Maneuverability: 3 Turns[/size][/background]
  • [background=transparent]Starfighter Complement(s):[/size][/background]
[background=transparent][12] M47 Illira-Class Dropships[/size][/background]

[background=transparent][ 1 ] Excubitor-Class Cruiser - 'Vanguard's End.'[/size][/background]

[background=transparent]550 Hull / 550 Shield[/size][/background]
[background=transparent]Speed: 3 Hexes[/size][/background]
[background=transparent]Maneuverability: 2 Turns[/size][/background]
  • [background=transparent]Starfighter Complement(s): [/size][/background]
[background=transparent][12] T-70 X-Wing Starfighters (1 Squadron.)[/size][/background]
[background=transparent][12] B/E-3 B-Wing Multi-role Starfighters (1 Squadron.)[/size][/background]
[background=transparent][12] M47 Illira-Class Dropships (1 Squadron.)[/size][/background]

[background=transparent][ 3 ] Horn-Class Escort Cruiser(s) - 'His Eternal Vigil,' 'Void Kraken,' 'Hand of Justice.'[/size][/background]

[background=transparent]500 Hull / 500 Shield[/size][/background]
[background=transparent]Speed: 6 Hexes[/size][/background]
[background=transparent]Maneuverability: 4 Turns[/size][/background]
  • [background=transparent]Starfighter Complement(s): [/size][/background]
[background=transparent][12] RZ-1 A-Wing Interceptors [MKII Variant] (1 Squadron.)[/size][/background]
[background=transparent][6] M47 Illira-Class Dropships (1 Flight.)[/size][/background]

[background=transparent][ 1 ] Sentinel-Class Cruiser - 'Warsong.'[/size][/background]

[background=transparent]500 Hull / 500 Shield[/size][/background]
[background=transparent]Speed: 4 Hexes[/size][/background]
[background=transparent]Maneuverability: 2 Turns[/size][/background]
  • [background=transparent]Starfighter Complement(s): [/size][/background]
[background=transparent][12] T-70 X-Wing Starfighters (1 Squadron.)[/size][/background]
[background=transparent][12] B/E-3 B-Wing Multi-role Starfighters (1 Squadron.)[/size][/background]
[background=transparent][8] M47 Illria-Class Dropships (1 Flight + Element.)[/size][/background]

[background=transparent][ 2 ] Relentless-Class Assault Frigate(s) - 'Aquila Ascendant,' 'Litany of Revenge.'[/size][/background]

[background=transparent]470 Hull / 470 Shield[/size][/background]
[background=transparent]Speed: 6 Hexes[/size][/background]
[background=transparent]Maneuverability: 4 Turns[/size][/background]
  • [background=transparent]Starfighter Complement(s): [/size][/background]
[background=transparent][12] M47 Illira-Class Dropships[/size][/background]

[background=transparent][ 3 ] MCR-125 Corvette(s) [Protectorate Blockade Runners] - 'Golden Consul,' 'Word of Hermes,' 'Errant Hero,' 'Wailing Chariot.'[/size][/background]

[background=transparent]150 Hull / 150 Shield[/size][/background]
[background=transparent]Speed: 4 Hexes[/size][/background]
[background=transparent]Maneuverability: 2 Turns[/size][/background]
  • [background=transparent]Starfighter Complement(s): [/size][/background]
[background=transparent][4] M47 Illira-Class Dropships (1 Element.)[/size][/background]

[background=transparent]Total Flotilla Point Value = 9,940pts[/size][/background]​

Combat Summary

[background=transparent]With 72 ferromagnetic slugs fired at the Jotun in a previous post, the Unfired HVG’s are cycled to the fore and unleashed. The Leviathan fires another salvo from Two of its cannons, providing another 6 slugs to the added number that need to be answered. Heavy long-range Ion cannons and mass driver cannons are added in for shield-damaging flavour.[/size][/background]

[background=transparent]Battlegroup Kerrigan’s Wroth targets and subsequently fires their HVG’s at the Praetor and Imperator. Void Kraken and Hand of Justice target the Imperator, unleashing 24 ship-killing ferromagnetic slugs. His Eternal Vigil and the Eriadu’s Vengeance cook off 27 ship-killing ferromagnetic slugs at the Praetor.[/size][/background]

[background=transparent]Battlegroup Avenger fires off it’s heavy long-range Ion cannons, mass-drivers, and unleashes 15 ship-killing ferromagnetic slugs at the Scorpion.[/size][/background]

Action Summary

Battlegroup Leviathan - 4,000 Metres

Deployed: 06.02
Movement: 06.04
Maneuver: Orientate/Turn to face the Rogue Sith.
Target: Immortal Class Star Dreadnought ‘Jotun’
Weapons Utilized: Heavy Long-range Octuple Ion Cannons, Heavy Long-range Mass driver cannons, Javelin-series Hyperveolcity guns [Standard Firing Rate] (Three Ferromagnetic Slugs, Fired from Two of the Five available Cannons.)
Shield/ Hull: 4,000/4,000
Armament/Flak/Defense: 20/18/20
Speed: Two Hexes
Maneuverability: One Turn
Hangar: Scrambling - Interceptors Deployed.

Battlegroup Kerrigan’s Wroth - 2,500 Metres

'Eriadu's Vengeance.'
Deployed: 05.01
Movement: 05.04
Maneuver: Orientate/Turn to face the Rogue Sith.
Target: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer 'Praetor'
Weapons Utilized (Noble-Class): Heavy Long-range Octuple Ion Cannons, Heavy Long-range Mass driver cannons, Javelin-series Hyperveolcity guns [Standard Firing Rate] (Three Ferromagnetic Slugs, Fired from One of the Two available Cannons.) Mini-Javelin-series Hypervelocity guns [Standard Firing Rate] (Three Ferromagnetic Slugs, Fired from Four of the Six available Cannons.)
Shield/ Hull: 1,000/1,000
Armament/Flak/Defense: 20/18/18
Speed: Four Hexes
Maneuverability: Three Turns
Hangar: Standing By

'His Eternal Vigil,' 'Void Kraken,' 'Hand of Justice.'
Deployed: 06.01
Movement: 05.01
Maneuver: Orientate/Turn to face the Rogue Sith.
Target: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer 'Praetor' - Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer 'Imperator'
Weapons Utilized (Horn-Class): Mini-Javelin-series Hypervelocity guns [Standard Firing Rate] (Three Ferromagnetic Slugs, Fired from Four of the Six available Cannons.)
Shield/ Hull: 500/500
Armament/Flak/Defense: 15/14/14
Speed: Six Hexes
Maneuverability: Four Turns
Hangar: Gunships Standing By, Interceptors Deployed.

Battlegroup Avenger - 2,500 Metres

'Hammer of Fondor.'
Deployed: 05.02
Movement: 04.04
Maneuver: Orientate/Turn to face the Rogue Sith.
Target: Dark Blade Class Dreadnought ‘Scorpion’
Weapons Utilized (Noble-Class): Heavy Long-range Octuple Ion Cannons, Heavy Long-range Mass driver cannons, Javelin-series Hyperveolcity guns [Standard Firing Rate] (Three Ferromagnetic Slugs, Fired from One of the Two available Cannons.) Mini-Javelin-series Hypervelocity guns [Standard Firing Rate] (Three Ferromagnetic Slugs, Fired from Four of the Six available Cannons.)
Shield/ Hull: 1,000/1,000
Armament/Flak/Defense: 20/18/18
Speed: Four Hexes
Maneuverability: Three Turns
Hangar: Standing By

'Vanguard's End.'
Deployed: 05.02
Movement: 04.04
Maneuver: Orientate/Turn to face the Rogue Sith.
Target: Dark Blade Class Dreadnought ‘Scorpion’
Weapons Utilized (Excubitor-Class): Heavy Long-range Ion Cannons, Heavy Long-range Turbolasers.
Shield/ Hull: 550/550
Armament/Flak/Defense: 14/10/10
Speed: Three Hexes
Maneuverability: Two Turns
Hangar: Standing By

Deployed: 05.02
Movement: 04.04
Maneuver: Orientate/Turn to face the Rogue Sith.
Target: N/A
Weapons Utilized (Sentinel-Class): N/A
Shield/ Hull: 500/500
Armament/Flak/Defense: 5/8/8
Speed: Six Hexes
Maneuverability: Four Turns
Hangar: Standing By

Battlegroup Ascendant - 1,390 Metres

'Aquila Ascendant,' 'Litany of Revenge.'
Deployed: 09.02
Movement: 08.05
Maneuver: Orientate/Turn to face the Rogue Sith.
Target: N/A
Weapons Utilized (Relentless - Class): N/A
Shield/ Hull: 470/470
Armament/Flak/Defense: 20/18/
Speed: Six Hexes
Maneuverability: Four Turns
Hangar: Standing By

'Golden Consul,' 'Word of Hermes,' 'Errant Hero,' 'Wailing Chariot.'
Deployed: 09.02
Movement: 08.05
Maneuver: Orientate/Turn to face the Rogue Sith.
Target: N/A
Weapons Utilized (MCR-125): N/A
Shield/ Hull: 150/150
Armament/Flak/Defense: 10/10/10
Speed: Four Hexes
Maneuverability: Two Turns
Hangar: Standing By
skin, bone, and arrogance​

"Ma'am," the communications officer called across the bridge. "Priority signal from Admiral Yvarro's flagship, ma'am."

"Put it on the screen," Natasi ordered, her dark eyes narrowing as the message popped up. Her eyes traced on the tactical map the movements that Fiolette was suggesting. They seemed sound and logical. "Grantham -- Shackleton -- Flintshire -- transmitting updated orders. Go now. Helmsmen, you have new coordinates for the Concordia. Move us into position." Natasi studied the map; some elements of Battlegroup Nebula would come into range of a Rogue Sith carrier, identified as Talon on her strategic map.

"Get me firing solutions on that vessel," Natasi ordered the Battlegroup's gunnery coordinator. He ran the numbers and reported that their chance of a hit was less than half, but with the volume of guns firing, there was still a significant chance to deal some serious damage. "We can't afford to miss that chance, and with a little help from [member="Avicus DuSang"], we may just have an edge. Direct all vessels in range to focus fire on that carrier as soon as we get in range." The coordinator nodded; Natasi knew that Avicus heard and he could take it and run with it. With the order given, Natasi turned to see [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"] approaching.

"Colonel," she said gravely. "How do we look out there?"

Grand Moff Line: 2915m

Movement: 17.17 >>> 15.17

FIV Concordia: Resurgent-class, Star Destroyer
Shield/Hull: 2915/2915
Arm/Def: 18/17
Hangar: Deployed
Firing At: N/A

Destroyer Line One: 1600m
Movement: 18.16 >>> 16.16

FIV Thrawn: Executrix-class, Star Destroyer
Shield/Hull: 1600/1600
Arm/Def: 14/17
Hangar: Deployed
Firing At: N/A

Destroyer Line Two: 1600m
Movement: 20.18 >>> 16.17

FIV Gallius Rax: Executrix-class, Star Destroyer
Shield/Hull: 1600/1600
Arm/Def: 14/17
Hangar: Deployed
Firing At: N/A

Cruiser Line: 1960m
Movement: 17.18 >>> 14.18

FIV Centurion: Inflictor-class, Heavy Cruiser
Shield/Hull: 980/980
Arm/Def: 14/16
Firing At: 5.17 Talon Carrier (@Omega)
FIV Warrior: Inflictor-class, Heavy Cruiser
Shield/Hull: 980/980
Arm/Def: 14/16
Firing At: 5.17 Talon Carrier (@Omega)

Defense Line One: 960m

Movement: 17.16 >>> 14.16

FIV Scimitar: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.17 Talon Carrier (@Omega)
FIV Chakram: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.17 Talon Carrier (@Omega)
FIV Khopesh: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.17 Talon Carrier (@Omega)
FIV Rapier: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.17 Talon Carrier (@Omega)

Defense Line Two: 960m
Movement: 16.18 >>> 15.18
FIV Katar Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: N/A
FIV Falcata: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: N/A
FIV Machete: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: N/A
FIV Trident: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: N/A

Summary: Thrawn to 15.17, Rax to 16.17, Units from 17.16 to 14.16, Inflictors from 17.18 to 14.18, Units from 16.18 to 15.18, Concordia from 17.17 to 15.17.​
Defense Line One and Cruiser Line firing at 5.17 Talon Carrier (@Omega). Concordia's fighters to 10.19, Thrawn's fighters to 10.18, Rax's fighters to 10.20 per [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"]​
[member="Valessia Brentioch"] | [member="Tanomas Graf"] | [member="William Kerkov"] | [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] | [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]​
Location: CIC, Tercel-class Heavy Cruiser Black Sword
Allies: [member="Ayden Cater"], [member="Astarii Saren"], [member="Reshmar"], [member="Zark"], [member="Aerion Ivelisse"], [member="Knight"], [member="Charzon Loulan"], [member="Taneas Haring"]
Enemies: [member="Omega"], [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]?

Gir couldn't recall seeing a busier holo-tank as the odd amalgam of forces pressed against the rogue One Sith fleet. Yet the defenders held fast causing Gir to begin to doubt their chances of quickly dislodging them from around the Omega station. The foolhardy attack by the Republic forces suggested to Gir that they were not facing green forces that would easily be cowed or outperformed by his crew. It seemed to Gir that they were facing men equal in personal qualities and professional skill. The only thing wrong with them in Gir's mind was their allegiance.

"Let's bring the fleet to a full stop and rotate to face them head on."

The ship's captain slowly shook his head, "You're not thinking about charging forward, are you?"

Gir's lip twitched to the left for a half second, "I'm not much of one for blood and glory. Quite the opposite in fact. No, this is one to better our odds are survival. Our heavy cruisers are designed to absorb more damage from the front, and the rest of the ships will benefit by presenting a smaller target to our enemies that we can more easily concentrate our shielding as well."

The plain outer rim accent of the ship's flight controller rang out from the upper row of consoles.

"All starbombers are armed. Deploying now."

Gir turned his eyes to the lanky man, "Better give them an escort of starfighters as well."

"Yes sir, will do."

Gir turned his attention back to the holo-tank, keeping careful track of the First Order warships as reports filtered in that Alliance ships were being targeted by them. While his communication's officer's had not completely decoded the messages sent by [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]'s ships, one speculative interpretation suggested that the chatter was about the allied lightside forces. Combine the messages with the action of targetting our ship, and one could possibly infer that they mean to attack us. But an alternative interpretation could be that this is defensive posturing, and they are worried about us attacking. After all, if they intended to attack us, they probably would have maneuvered differently...but then again, perhaps they are planning to attack us if and once the rogue One Sith fleet is defeated. Running through the possibilities of what the First Order command staff's thoughts were intriguing, yet he knew that it was unlikely that he would be able to guess their intentions since he had had little interaction with them so far. More importantly, the rogue One Sith presented a threat to them both that would have to be dealt with first in Gir's book.

His warships continued to relentlessly fire upon the Spite even as the Republic continued to push their attack to the extreme. He felt a mixture of admiration and regret as one of their ships attempted to ram their opponent. Such a sacrifice of men and material demonstrated the desperate lengths that their commander was willingly to go to ensure victory. Yet Gir was not as sure that such methods would lead to victory in the end. His philosophical musings vanished as he watched teh fleet's swarm of Typhoon starfighters and Cyclone starbombers coalesce in front of Black Sword group. Under the careful watch of the Typhoons, the starbombers began to systematically lay down clusters of Cometburst-class space mines between the rogue One Sith fleet and the Silver Jedi warships. Such a fortification would be unlikely to fully stop the massive waves of strikecraft that the One Sith appeared to have access to, but it might be able to thin them out to the point where the combined firepower of his starfighters and warships would be able to beat back their attacks. Only time will tell....

Summary of Actions:
-All Capital vessels and escorts hold positions; begin to turn on their y-axis to face the rogue One Sith fleet head on
-Delpin-class Frigates and Tercel-class Heavy Cruisers continue to misdirect/confuse the targeting sensors of the Spite(01.10) with their Erebus jamming arrays
-Delphin-class Frigates and Tercel-class Heavy Cruisers continue to fire on the Spite (01.10) with their long-range weapons (hypervelocity cannons, mass driver cannons, plasma energy torpedoes and Firelance torpedoes)
-All 9 Typhoon starfighter squadrons and all 8 Cyclone starbomber squadrons deploy to 04.04
-Cyclone Bombers begin to lay down a defensive minefield of Cometburst-class space mines at 04.04

Silver Jedi Expeditionary Fleet
Heavy Line - Black Sword Group (2700 meters)
Ship Name: Black Sword Class: Tercel-class Heavy Cruiser Shield/Hull: 900 / 900
Armament/Defence: 16/18 Hangar: 0.5 sq shuttles (embarked)Movement: Hold at 05.03 Firing At: Spite, 01.10 [member="Omega"]

Ship Name: Green Mantle Class: Tercel-class Heavy Cruiser Shield/Hull: 900 / 900
Armament/Defence: 16/18 Hangar: 0.5 sq shuttles (embarked)Movement: Hold at 05.03 Firing At: Spite, 01.10 [member="Omega"]

Ship Name: Azure Hammer Class: Tercel-class Heavy Cruiser Shield/Hull: 900 / 900
Armament/Defence: 16/18 Hangar: 0.5 sq shuttles(embarked)Movement: Hold at 05.03 Firing At: Spite, 01.10 [member="Omega"]

Heavy Line - Steel Blade Group (1800 meters)
Ship Name: Steel Blade Class: Tercel-class Heavy Cruiser Shield/Hull: 900 / 900
Armament/Defence: 16/18 Hangar: 0.5 sq shuttles(embarked) Movement: Holding at 04.03 Firing At: Spite, 01.10 [member="Omega"]

Ship Name: White Cuirass Class: Tercel-class Heavy Cruiser Shield/Hull: 900 / 900
Armament/Defence: 16/18 Hangar: 0.5 sq shuttles (embarked) Movement: Holding at 04.03 Firing At: Spite, 01.10 [member="Omega"]

Heavy Frigate Line- Shadow Hand Group (900 meters)
Ship Name: Shadow Hand Class: Delphin-class Assault Frigate Shield/Hull: 300 / 300
Armament/Defence: 16/16 Hangar: 0.5 sq shuttles (embarked)Movement: Holding at 04.03 Firing At: Spite, 01.10 [member="Omega"]

Ship Name: Golden Nyss Class: Delphin-class Assault Frigate Shield/Hull: 300 / 300
Armament/Defence: 16/16 Hangar: 0.5 sq shuttles(embarked) Movement: Holding at 04.03 Firing At: Spite, 01.10 [member="Omega"]

Ship Name: Bright Jewel Class: Delphin-class Assault Frigate Shield/Hull: 300 / 300
Armament/Defence: 16/16 Hangar: 0.5 sq shuttles(embarked) Movement: Holding at 04.03 Firing At: Spite, 01.10 [member="Omega"]

Heavy Frigate Line- Crimson Dagger Group (900 meters)
Ship Name: Crimson Dagger Class: Delphin-class Assault Frigate Shield/Hull: 300 / 300
Armament/Defence: 16/16 Hangar: 0.5 sq shuttles(embarked) Movement: Holding at 03.03 Firing At: Spite, 01.10 [member="Omega"]

Ship Name: Brazen Petard Class: Delphin-class Assault Frigate Shield/Hull: 300 / 300
Armament/Defence: 16/16 Hangar: 0.5 sq shuttles(embarked) Movement: Holding at 03.03 Firing At: Spite, 01.10 [member="Omega"]

Ship Name: Blazing Claw Class: Delphin-class Assault Frigate Shield/Hull: 300 / 300
Armament/Defence: 16/16 Hangar: 0.5 sq shuttles(embarked) Movement: Holding at 03.03 Firing At: Spite, 01.10 [member="Omega"]

Pursuit Line - Cerulean Spear Group (1000 meters)
Ship Name: Cerulean Spear Class: Freedom-class Escort Frigate Shield/Hull: 250 / 250
Armament/Defence: 5/4 Hangar: N/A Movement: Holding at 03.03 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Iron Lance Class: Freedom-class Escort Frigate Shield/Hull: 250 / 250
Armament/Defence: 5/4 Hangar: N/A Movement: Holding at 03.03 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Hook Nebula Class: Freedom-class Escort Frigate Shield/Hull: 250 / 250
Armament/Defence: 5/4 Hangar: N/A Movement: Holding at 03.03 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Red Tails Class: Freedom-class Escort Frigate Shield/Hull: 250 / 250
Armament/Defence: 5/4 Hangar: N/A Movement: Holding at 03.03 next turn Firing At: N/A

Pursuit Line - Ivory Fang Group (1000 meters)
Ship Name: Ivory Fang Class: Freedom-class Escort Frigate Shield/Hull: 250 / 250
Armament/Defence: 5/4 Hangar: N/A Movement: Holding at 03.03 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Chrome Shield Class: Freedom-class Escort Frigate Shield/Hull: 250 / 250
Armament/Defence: 5/4 Hangar: N/A Movement: Holding at 03.03 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Night Hammer Class: Freedom-class Escort Frigate Shield/Hull: 250 / 250
Armament/Defence: 5/4 Hangar: N/A Movement: Holding at 03.03 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Emerald Standard Class: Freedom-class Escort Frigate Shield/Hull: 250 / 250
Armament/Defence: 5/4 Hangar: N/A Movement: Holding at 03.03 Firing At: N/A

Light Carrier Line - Blue Group (300 meters)
Ship Name: Blue One Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq fighters - deployed at 04.04 Movement: Holding at 04.02 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Blue Two Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq fighters - deployed at 04.04 Movement: Holding at 04.02 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Blue Three Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq fighters - deployed at 04.04 Movement: Holding at 04.02 Firing At: N/A

Light Carrier Line - Red Group (300 meters)
Ship Name: Red One Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq fighters - deployed at 04.04 Movement: Holding at 04.02 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Red Two Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq fighters - deployed at 04.04 Movement: Holding at 04.02 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Red Three Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq fighters - deployed at 04.04 Movement: Holding at 04.02 Firing At: N/A

Light Carrier Line - Green Group (300 meters)
Ship Name: Green One Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq fighters - deployed at 04.04 Movement: Holding at 04.02 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Green Two Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq fighters - deployed at 04.04 Movement: Holding at 04.02 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Green Three Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq fighters - deployed at 04.04 Movement: Holding at 04.02 Firing At: N/A

Light Carrier Line - Gray Group (300 meters)
Ship Name: Gray One Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq bombers - deployed at 04.04 Movement: Holding at 04.02 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Gray Two Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq bombers - deployed at 04.04 Movement: Holding at 04.02 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Gray Three Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq bombers - deployed at 04.04 Movement: Holding at 04.02 Firing At: N/A

Light Carrier Line - Gold Group (500 meters)
Ship Name: Gold One Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq bombers - deployed at 04.04 Movement: Holding at 04.02 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Gold Two Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq bombers - deployed at 04.04 Movement: Holding at 04.02 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Gold Three Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq bombers - deployed at 04.04 Movement: Holding at 04.02 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Gold Four Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq bombers - deployed at 04.04 Movement: Holding at 04.02 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Gold Five Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq bombers - deployed at 04.04 Movement: Holding at 04.02 Firing At: N/A

Aerion Ivelisse

Unknown Region
Engaging Rogue Sith Fleet

Allies:[member="Astarii Saren"], [member="Ayden Cater"], [member="Reshmar"], [member="Zark"], [member="Gir Quee"], [member="Charzon Loulan"], [member="Knight"], [member="Taneas Haring"].

They were closer to their previous target now.

If Jax had so chosen, the bulk of the Fourteenth could've fired a large chunk of their payload at that, Praetor.

"The Imperials are firing on the Sith!"

There was an understanding nod from Hastings, he saw it. His mind raced. What game were they playing at? From their transforming formation, they had gone from a line at deployment to...

"They look like a pair of breasts," he said, perhaps too loudly when he turned his head from the tactical display. It was good that the ship's data logs recorded what went through the computer systems. He was certain that when High Command saw this battle, they were going to have a laugh when the displays came up. Until then, that small curve of his lips had changed into a determined line again. "Charge up all weapons," he said. "Get me targets here," he pressed one of the frigates at the head of the Rogue Sith formation. On the boards of the gunner officer's on the bridge, they pinged, and they too transferred the targets to the gunners on the aforementioned deck.

"Sir, the OMEGA is rotating."

If it were possible for his lips to become straighter, they did.

"I see."

Now, they were hard pressed to destroy that weapon. Naturally, he was curious as to what it could do. "Who is it targeting?"

"The, uh.. Spirit of Druckenwell, Sir." His turned head faced back to the front.

Yes, it likely wasn't the best idea, but no matter how hard they fired, how perfect his orders and actions, he wouldn't be able to stop the weapon from firing. Not in time.

I want to see what happens.

"We hold here. Order the Support and Picket lines," he started. "Target the same frigate. We'll take it out here and now, and then we'll press forward. Wait for my mark."

Orders were sent. Confirms received. Weapons activating, rotating, and then acquiring their targets. Thranta-MK II's were tipping forward, just enough to allow their dorsal hypervelocity cannons the ample angle for firing their two dorsal cannons. Three Thrantas. All of them dipping forward. Six hypervelocity cannons.

"Lines are waiting for orders."

Even if it can't take the hit... We still outnumber them.


Turbolasers, tore through the empty space towards the position of the Frigate on the coordinates. Mass drivers dropped into place heavily. Crashes echoing through the missile bays of each and every ship as the huge slugs were locked into position. Missiles were primed, bays opening up almost simultaneously to release the missiles with impunity. Ion cannons, blue bolts and orbs travelling through space, threatening to weaken the shields of the Sith Frigate. Long-Range weaponry, short-range weaponry, medium range, it mattered not.

Stationary targets were easy to hit.

All of their weapons that could, fired. Command, Picket, Support, a simultaneous explosion of firepower.

Even the Advanced Line continued on forwards, but they had brought their own weapons to bear in the same location as the rest of the Fourteenth. Twenty dual heavy mass driver cannons, thirty heavy ion cannons, twenty assault concussion missiles, altogether. The Advanced Line alone had great firepower. They had elected to target another, stationary ship.


[ 1 ] Tython-Class Prototype - ‘Audacity

1850 Hull / 1850 Shield

Armament: 18
Defense: 18
Speed: Two Hexes
Maneuverability: One Turn
Firing At: [member="Omega"], Onderon, at 4.11

  • Starfighter Complement(s):
[24] T-70 X-wing Starfighters
[24] B/E-3 B-Wing Multi-role Starfighters
[24] X-83 TwinTail Space Superiority Starfighter
[5] M47 Illira-Class Dropships

[ 2 ] - Horn-Class Escort Cruiser 'Remember Tython,' 'Akk Jaw'

500 Hull / 500 Shield

Armament: 15
Defense: 14
Speed: Four Hexes
Maneuverability: Four Turns
Firing At: [member="Omega"], Onderon, 4.11

  • Starfighter Complement(s): (Holding)
[12] OS-G1 Guardian
[12] OS-G2 Knight
[12] OS-G3 Paladin
[12] Eharl Assault Starfighter
[6] M32 Dropship

[ 2 ] - Excubitor-Class Cruiser - ‘Absolving Touch,’ ‘Forward’

550 Hull / 550 Shield

Armament: 14
Defense: 14
Speed: Two Hexes
Maneuverability: Eight Hexes
Firing At: [member="Omega"], Onderon, 4.11

  • Starfighter Complement(s): (Deployed; Holding)
[12] M47 Illria-class Dropships
[12] OS-G2 Knights
[12] OS-I2 Interceptors

[ 3 ] - Thranta Mk-II class Patrol Frigate 'Benevolence,' 'Control,' 'Eriadu's Return'

400 Hull / 400 Shield

Armanent: 16
Defense: 12
Speed: Six Hexes
Maneuverability: Four Turns
Firing At: [member="Omega"], Onderon, 4.11

  • Starfighter Complement(s): (Deployed; Holding)
[12] T-70 X-wing Starfighters

[ 3 ] - Warden-class Heavy Cruiser 'Light the Way,' 'Shadows Aside,' 'Haut Noon'

1000 Hull / 1000 Shield

Armament: 18
Defense: 14
Speed: Three Hexes
Maneuverability: Two Turns
Firing At: [member="Omega"], Onderon, 4.11

  • Starfighter Complement(s): (Holding)
[16] Peregrine-class
[8] M32 Dropship
[6] M59 Raven Dropship

[ 2 ] - Stalwart-Class Heavy Cruiser 'Shield,' 'Spear'

1000 Hull / 1000 Shield

Armament: 14
Defense: 14
Speed: Three Hexes
Maneuverability: Two Turns
Firing At: [member="Omega"], Yearn, 4.11

  • Starfighter Complement(s): (Holding)
[18] OS-G2 Knight
[8] M32 Dropship


Entire Fleet is targeting 4.11 ships. Fun times.
2nd Fleet Fighter Wings (Lead by [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"])

*Note, this is only for reference and informational purposes only, and will be updated based on the fighter movements of the parent fleet.

Concordia (Resurgent SD)

Fighter Hex: Deployed, 10.19

Alpha Squadron (TIE/sf) (Lead by [member="Pierce Fortan III"], flown with [member="Sara Lee Jones"])
Status: 16/16
Bravo Squadron (TIE/sf) (Lead by [member="Nils Brenner"])
Status: 16/16
Charlie Squadron (TIE/sf) (Lead by [member="Greta Kohler"])
Status: 16/16
Delta Squadron (TIE/sf)
Status: 16/16
Echo Squadron (TIE/sf)
Status: 16/16
Foxtrot Squadron (TIE/sf)
Status: 16/16

Thrawn (Executrix SD)

Fighter Hex: Deployed, 10.18

Alpha Squadron (TIE/FO)
Status: 12/12
Bravo Squadron (TIE/FO)
Status: 12/12
Charlie Squadron (TIE/FO)
Status: 12/12
Delta Squadron (TIE/D)
Status: 8/8

Gallius Rax (Executrix SD)

Fighter Hex: Deployed, 10.20

Alpha Squadron (TIE/FO)
Status: 12/12
Bravo Squadron (TIE/FO)
Status: 12/12
Charlie Squadron (TIE/FO)
Status: 12/12
Delta Squadron (TIE/D)
Status: 8/8

Faction: First Order
Fleet Boss: [member="Natasi Fortan"]
  • [member="Tanomas Graf"], [member="Valessia Brentioch"], [member="William Kerkov"], [member="Cyrus Tregessar"], [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] [Fleets]
  • [member="Pierce Fortan III"], [member="Nils Brenner"], [member="Greta Kohler"], [member="Sara Lee Jones"] [Starfighters]
  • Rogue Sith forces

Command Bridge, Resurgent-class Star Destroyer 'Concordia'

Roderik came to a halt as he neared the First Order's Grand Moff, [member="Natasi Fortan"]. During the initial stages of such a momentous, tension-filled occasion, and with so much hanging in the balance, it was easy to dispense with the usual pleasantries and petty displays of rank such as a salute. Instead, the Colonel immediately set in with his response.

"All wings have reported in, everyone is accounted for." Except me, he wanted to add. "They've taken up point defenses around the fleet, but with your permission I would like to adjust their mission parameters. We would be better suited with our starfighter forces arrayed out to meet the enemy away, rather than within." Roderik leaned forward to point to a section of the Grand Moff's strategic map, and then traced a route for all of Nebula Fleet's wings to conduct a simple fighter sweep to establish space superiority against this Rogue Sith menace.

It was a request that he could have made over the comm-line, if at all - he knew she would respect any command decisions that he made on his own regarding the proper implementation and usage of the fleet's starfighter assets. His competency and sound judgement as a commander was the reason she had requested his transfer back to her service as Nebula Fleet's air/space force commander, leader of three wings in total. It had been an exemplary unit to command, fielding the best equipment the First Order could muster. The dream assignment for the Colonel, with only one position obtainable left to the career pilot - General of the Starfighters. The ambitious pilot still wanted to climb the ladder, despite the unconscious acknowledgement that it would mean the further decline of his flying days. He had long since slipped past the denial stage of grief.

But still, Roderik wanted to inquire in person because he knew that the Grand Moff, much like himself, was an outsider to this environment. The bridge of a colossal Star Destroyer nearly three thousand meters in length, in the midst of the greatest naval engagement in recent history, was not the place one might expect to find a traditional Head of State. He knew her thoughts must betray her stony, collected exterior. Fear was common even among hardened veterans of countless sorties, and Roderik took some small comfort in the proximity of a friend, even if both would carry themselves as reserved professionals, both clinging to their duty and oath to the First Order and Supreme Leader.

"Your presence here will be a boon to morale for the fighting men and women, just the same as the Admiral." He offered reassuringly, and sincerely. Whereas the Sith's artful use of battle meditation would help sharpen a pilot's mind and reflexes, urge them into a reckless abandonment of fear and concern altogether - both positive forces in combat, in moderation - the Grand Moff's presence offered an invigoration in motivation in spirit. A man could push himself harder than he ever thought possible, if he fought for a cause. The Grand Moff's vision for the First Order, blessed by the Supreme Leader's approval, was the kind of vision Roderik could serve without a guilty conscience. The First Order represented discipline, in the face of disorder. Certainty, in the face of chaos. Strength in unity of purpose.

"With your leave, I will commit our forces." His mind shifted back to the task at hand as he waited for the confirmation of dismissal from Natasi before returning briskly back to his station to inform Major Marston of the change in objective.


The navigational way-points displayed on the flight computers of the swarming TIE Fighters would direct them to the fore of not only the Grand Moff's fleet, but also to the direct front of the First Order's lines. They would be joined at other various blocking positions by the fighters of the adjacent friendly fleets. The Starfighter Corps was eager to join the fight - but responsibly, not recklessly.


Attack Craft Fighter Movement - Concordia Group from Hex 15.18 to 10.19
Attack Craft Fighter Movement - Thrawn Group from Hex 15.17 to 10.18
Attack Craft Fighter Movement - Gallius Rax Group from Hex 16.19 to 10.20
Battlegroup Alexandria:
Ship Name: No Land Beyond
Class: TTW-1250
Shield/Hull: 494 / 494
Armament/Defence: 18 / 12
Hanger: N/A
Movement: On Standby at 10,32

Ship Name: Shortland
Class: TTW-1250
Shield/Hull: 494 / 494
Armament/Defence: 18 / 12
Hanger: N/A
Movement: On Standby at 10,32

Ship Name: Mandurah
Class: TTW-1250
Shield/Hull: 494 / 494
Armament/Defence: 18 / 12
Hanger: N/A
Movement: On Standby at 10,32

Ship Name: Birmingham
Class: TTW-1250
Shield/Hull: 494 / 494
Armament/Defence: 18 / 12
Hanger: N/A
Movement: On Standby at 10,32

Ship Name: Mayfield
Class: TTW-1250
Shield/Hull: 494 / 494
Armament/Defence: 18 / 12
Hanger: N/A
Movement: On Standby at 10,32

All was quiet on the deck. Horus turned his gaze onto a young midshipman and saw the beads of sweat drool down from his forehead and drip from the tip of his nose. War on this scale, the odds were stacked against them. Their indomitable Lord of Admirals was with them, but even the presence of their iconic commander was not enough to settle the fear that began to sink its teeth into the crew of the No Land Beyond.

They were dwarfed, ants among giants, but Horus would not let them think on it for too long. Quiet monitored chatter monitored through the command deck, Lord Admiral Horus turned to a technician on the lower deck, "Son, what're we picking up?" he asked. The young communications officer scanned the information pouring in, "Sir, they're giving speeches," the man said with some hesitation, perhaps confusion in the officer.

"Speeches? To what end?" Horus queried but something else had caught the technicians ears, "Lord Admiral," he paused, "Iversson is giving a speech on the fire deck." Horus frowned, "Iversson?" he pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. His hand settled on the controls beside his throne-like command chair, he activated the commlink that transmitted across the ship, "With all due respect, this is war. There is no time for speeches, let the historians write our speeches."

it was a grim call on Horus' part, and it was sure to take a blow on his crews morale, but it was also a gamble. He wanted everyone to know the seriousness of the threat they faced, an enemy far more numerous than they, and with allies they could not wholly rely on. He had no room for reckless courage, he needed desperation. Desperation to survive. "Sir," the technician announced, "The Mandalorians are hailing us."

Horus sat and listened, the Mandalorians were calling for aid but Horus was caught between a rock and a half place. Assisting them as they asked would place the Commonwealth vessels before the much larger destroyers of the Rogue Sith, so they waited, slowly drifting behind the line of Mandalorians vessels. They planned to swing up and around, relying on a thin chance the First Order would not openly attack. Politics were warm but you couldn't always trust your neighbours.

"Alert Winslow to our movements, have his Battlegroup fall in to my left, I want Battlegroup Uluru between us and the Mandalorians. Keep guns hot, prepare for combat." Horus switched his gaze to the viewport ahead, battle had already joined far ahead of his vision. He grit his teeth, "Iversson, arm the warheads, keep flak guns on standby. Await my announcement. Horus out."

All Frigates 8.31 > 10.28

RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
Battlegroup Imperator

Commanded by Captain Carlyle Rausgeber.

Total Length= 2840m

Vindicator (Flagship)[URL=""]]Imperial-x class Star Destroyer[/url]
Shield/Hull= 1600/1600
Hangar= Deployed.
Firing At=Not Yet

Survivor Empire-class Heavy Frigate
Firing At=Firing At: 3.16, Wyyrlock ( [member="Omega"] )

Sabre Dagger-class Escort Frigate
Firing At=Firing At: 3.16, Wyyrlock ( [member="Omega"] )

Brutal Empire-class Heavy Frigate
Firing At=Firing At: 3.16, Wyyrlock ( [member="Omega"] )

Rest of the ships moving to 12.15

Total Length=2840

Defiant [URL=""]] Imperial-x class Star Destroyer[/url]
Shield/Hull= 1600/1600
Firing At= Not Yet

Moving to 14.14

Blade Dagger-class Escort Frigate
Firing At=Firing At: 3.16, Wyyrlock ( [member="Omega"] )

Bruiser Empire-class Heavy Frigate
Firing At=Firing At: 3.16, Wyyrlock ( [member="Omega"] )

Bombardier Empire-class Heavy Frigate
Firing At=Firing At: 3.16, Wyyrlock ( [member="Omega"] )
Remainder of ships moving to 11.15

Total Length= 1880

Gallant Retribution-class Star Destroyer
Arm/Def: 17/15
Hangar: Deployed
Firing At: Firing At: 3.16, Wyyrlock ( [member="Omega"] )

Blade Dagger-class Escort Frigate
Firing At=Firing At: 3.16, Wyyrlock ( [member="Omega"] )

Machete Dagger-class Escort Frigate
Firing At=Firing At: 3.16, Wyyrlock ( [member="Omega"] )

Brawl Empire-class Heavy Frigate
Firing At=Firing At: 3.16, Wyyrlock ( [member="Omega"] )

Moving to 12.14

Total Length=2340

Rescue Retribution-class Star Destroyer
Arm/Def: 17/15
Hangar: Deployed
Firing At: N/A

Steadfast Vindicator-class Light Carrier
Hangar= Deployed
Firing At=Not Yet

Resilience Vindicator-class Light Carrier
Hangar= Deployed
Firing At=Not Yet

Cutthroat Dagger-class Escort Frigate
Firing At=None

Moving to 15.15

Total Length=9900m

"Alright ladies and gents, move the fleet forward, and begin to engage those star destroyers, understood?" Carlyle asked in a cold, commanding voice, "I want all Loyalty Line, and the remainder of Conquest and Victory lines to concentrate fire on those destroyers. We're going to break these fools, under the force of our fire. Do I make myself clear?"

"Sir yes sir." Comms replied.

"Tell the Defiant to follow our lead, I want us coasting behind, and ready to provide support."

"Will do sir."

"Move the royalty line to the rear, those fighters must be ready to engage."

Summary: The frigates of conquest and victory line have opened fire on a hex with the support of loyalty line. The two IDX's are moving slowly behind to act as fire support.
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