Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Death To The False Emperor[The Iron Empire]

The One Sith's fall in Coruscant had brought in open Rebellion among the Chiss people, some of them wishing to rule for themselves. They had not anticipated the attempted massacre of the entire species, but as always, the Chiss survived, albeit with the Iron Empire's significant help.

Life on Csilla had been stable, efforts on rebuilding, and creating a better government helping the people. Despite the Iron Empire ruling over their own people, the Chiss had a large voice in the government, many Chiss officers making up a large part of the upper echelons of the Iron Empire. Even then, there were a minority that did not support it. They wished for the Ascendancy to return, for the Chiss to be ruled as one people, like they had been done to before. There voices were not loud enough, but today, they would certainly make their voices heard.

Over the past few months, the extremists had attempted to bring the attention of the Iron Empire to them. Small-scale terrorists attacks, kidnapings, and disappearances had brought them attention, some in the voice of support, and others in the voice of opposition. All of this however had been done in order to mask their largest operation yet, the operation that would hopefully begin the end of the Iron Empire, and the rise of the Chiss as an independent people.

The commander, Mi'tthraondo, otherwise known as Mitt talked via encrypted comm channels to Group A, and Group B. "Group A, can you confirm that the speeder blockade is ready, and Group B, can you confirm your positions."

"We are ready sir." they stated, each of them ready to when need be.

"What about you Group C?"

"We are ready commander."

"Excellent. Remember everyone the importance of this mission. We cut of the head, the whole entire body will fall down. This will be the beginning of the Chiss becoming independent. We will be remembered as heroes." he said. A small part of him however recognized the fact that the chances of success to the mission were poor. Even then, Mtt knew that the months of preparation for this mission would certainly serve them well.

"Now move out." he ordered, the man in an unknown location.
A convoy of three airspeeders made their way through the busy roads of Csaplar en route to a local orphanage where the young Lady Baelor's presence was eagerly awaited by the children. Like clockwork, Aster would visit the orphanage every Monday after lunch to spend time with the orphans often bringing new picture books to read to them and spend time with them whether it was participating in their games or lending them her ear to listen to what they had to say and a shoulder to cry on when they needed it. In short, she was almost like an elder sister to the children who lived there.

As an orphan herself, Aster understood the trauma of losing one's parents and how much crueller the world became after the deaths of the only two people were capable of loving her unconditionally. Without her parents, the world had seemed to have lost its colour and become a dull, lonely place. Having experienced this pain herself, the teenager strived to help those who were like her and attempt to bring a smile to the faces of the children.

Sandwiched between two bodyguards in the backseat of the speeder, Aster shifted uncomfortably in her seat as she peered out the window at the eternal winter of Csilla. The additional security that had been taken to ensure her safety was an annoyance to the teenager but unfortunately, it was a necessity after the hostage situation that had left the teenager with a nasty bruise on her cheek which had taken several weeks to disappear.

A little bored, the teenager shut her eyes and let her mind drift off as the convoy headed towards its destination.

[member="Chiss Extremists NPCs"]

Location: Expeditionary Library - remote around on the outskirts of Ac'siel City.


Nestled between two icy peaks in a remote area on Csilla is the Expeditionary Library. The place, like most of Csilla, was coated in ice and snow and the sun glared of the surface of it. Théo and Kiriko had been in the depths of the Library thumbing through as many tomes as possible learning what they could about the culture and history of the place they now call home. Kiriko had had his snout in a book and all Théo could see over the top of it, was a pair of twitching round ears moving randomly in an excited manner. No doubt it had been a book on art or something like that, that Kiriko loves so much. Théo was reading as much as he could about the properties of fire crystals, an unstable crystal that they had discovered in the abandoned mines, the damned things were very hot to the touch, and he was hoping to find means in which the Iron Empire could use them .. in a more stable environment.

However, their stay within the hall of the library did not last as long as they would have like, [member="Kiriko"] in his excitement over something he found, had made so much noise and disturbed the ambiance of the Library, that they had been kicked out. As much as Théo protested the more adamant the Head Librarian got in her determination to have the culprits removed.

And so Théo and Kiriko stand by the ground vehicle taking off skis and throwing them in the back of the truck. As soon as they had been settled, the vehicle began it journey back to the capital city, Csaplar. Théo ripped off his gloves, pushed back his hood on his Arctic jacket and began to shed the snow that had settled on his shoulders, a puddle of water soon formed on the floor. A disgruntled looked soon changed as he looked over to his padawan and a smile grew on his face before a laugh issued from him. And reaching into his jacket, Théo pulled out a book, "The Fire Within The Crystal" blazoned across the top, "Don't worry, I will return it".

[member="Aster Rose Baelor"] | [member="Chiss Extremists NPCs"]
[member="Aster Rose Baelor"]

"Sir, Lady Aster is believed to be moving in that airspeeder." one scout said, the unit ready to move out.

"Is the speeder blockade ready?"

"Yes sir."

"Then move out!" the Chiss commanded. Group A were the ones that were beginning their largest operation's yet, and they therefore had to make sure that they executed it perfectly, otherwise the entire operation would most likely be ruined. If they did not get to kill [member="Isamu Baelor"], then they could at least hold Lady Baelor ransom, and since she was the closest heir to the FullMetal Emperor, she was a valuable political target for them.

The unit move in a coherent fashion, maintaining practically the same speed. They were in prime position to to strike. He hoped that Aster's speeder would stop in the speeder blockade. He didn't want them to turn around, although he had ordered part of his unit to move into the opposing flank, while maintaining, hoping to pincer Aster, and the elite Wolfsgave in the process.

"Commander Mitt. We are ready to strike."

"Then move out, and good luck." he said, ready to strike in the process.
His master had said something about bringing him to a 'library.'

Much like the concept of 'moving picture,' which [member="Bato Golden"] had explained to him, 'library' wasn't a concept that he was familiar with. Growing up in a fishing village far from the shores of Midvinter's major continent, the boy's exposure had been about as rudimentary as they get. The Beorni were a simple, sea-faring people and wanted for very little.

So imagine his surprise, then, when they walked in to this 'library.' The boy looked straight ahead, to tables and shelves lined with books. He turned his head to the right, and was presented with shelves lined with books. He turned to the left, and there was still more books for as far as the eye could see. Arms upraised in a victory pose, the young Beorni belted out, "BOOOOOOOOOOKS!"

They were seriously the best thing ever. And also exceptionally rare on Midvinter, so were often cherished and passed down from generation to generation.

A sharp SHHHHH caused the bear to cringe backward, but not even being summarily shushed could dampen his spirits at being presented with this bastion of bibliomania. Crouching, the boy turned his head up toward Master Théo to whisper excitedly, "BOOOOOOOOOOKS!"

And so they had set out for adventure! To boldly go where no avid reader had gone before. to discover tales forgotten and old. To uncover knowledge both lost and found. Eventually, Théo arrived at a book about crystals and Kiriko had found a book about Chiss paintings.

See, one problem with paint was that it tended to freeze. And canvas could become quite brittle in arctic conditions. This meant that a painter on Midvinter could typically paint but a few weeks out of the year, during seasonally warm conditions. But on Csilla, it was arctic year-round. "THEY CAN PAINT IN THE COLD!?"

Seriously, how exciting was that?

...strangely, the librarian seemed less than amicable to the cub's thirst for knowledge.

Glancing from the book, to the Théo, and then back to the book, the cub just opined aloud, "I wish I'd thought of that."

[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]
"We can't go any further, there's something blocking the road ahead," Williams, the driver of the first speeder in the convoy informed Adair over the comlink.

"What?" Adair frowned. "I wasn't informed of this. Back up, we're taking an alternate route," he growled into comlink. "Clarke, since you're behind us, keep an eye our for any suspicious vehicles that may be tailing us and do whatever you deem necessary to intervene and stop them."

"Understood," came the replied from both drivers as the speeded in front guided the convoy to an alternate route to the destination.

"Lady Baelor, you're wearing the necklace with a Stun Pearl right?" Adair asked turning to Aster.

"Of course," she replied.

"You remember how to use it right? Just pull it off and aim it at your assailant and ditch your heels if you need to run. They'll either trip you or cause you to twist your ankle," he said, his expression stern.

"Yes, yes. I understand Adair," Aster sighed.

[member="Chiss Extremists NPCs"]​
Their trip back to the capital took some time, the snow vehicle was not built for speed but endurance. Théo had moved over to sit next to [member="Kiriko"], flicking through the pages showing him the interesting points on the crystal. It did seem to Théo that Kiriko, all of a sudden, needed one of his naps. Maybe crystals were not as exciting to the young cub as they were to Théo. And then Théo played to Kiriko's interest. "Look, see how the crystal forms", he pointed out the amazing patterns they made when forming. "No two are ever alike, totally unique in every way and most beautiful". And they were too! just like a snow flake.

Finally, the transport came to a halt when entering the star port, the snow vehicle is to cumbersome for streets of the Csaplar and so they would catch a transport more suitable, back to the Iron Lord's Academy. However, walking across the hangar Théo could not help overhearing some talk about a traffic jam in the center of the city, unusual he thought to himself however he and Kiriko had not been long in the Empire to know if this was a common occurrence.

There would be delays.

"Kiriko, it might be quicker for us to walk", it seemed the star port crew did not know the reason for the jam, nor was it common so something was up. If there had been an accident, the two might be needed to assist if there had been injuries or help clear the path once more. On the streets, indeed the traffic had banked up for miles, many in speeders growing increasingly angry and frustrated. Something was not right and with this feeling, Théo's pace quickened to a run. Yet they were still a far distance way from the epicenter of the congestion.
[member="Chiss Extremists NPCs"] | [member="Aster Rose Baelor"]
"Move up on the left, and right flank. Form up a circle behind them." the commander of Group B, Matt. He talked to them via the HUD, each of them wearing the standard Iron Empire armor for soldiers. We will beat them amongst them

"Attack them!" he ordered, and immediately tens of Chiss extremists came out, and the convoy guarding [member="Aster Rose Baelor"]. Smoke grenades, and flash grenades were thrown at them. The main group, in the center went for the convoy Aster was in, sending blaster bolts toward any enemies that attempted to stop them with accuracy, a product of their training. Thanks to the helmet's adaptive polarization(a modifier), and the HUD, they were able to see there enemies, even with the Smoke.

The elite group would then attempt to get Aster out of the car, in order to kidnap her, while the rest of the Chiss soldiers would be on the lookout, or attempt to finish off any guards who were attacking them.
Military personnel clad in the Iron Empire’s armour encircled the convoy and with it went any chance of escape.

"Kark," Adair cussed under his breath. "Lady Baelor, remain in the vehicle and remember what I've told you. Keep your head down. Everyone else, out of the vehicles and prepare your firearms. They've already attacked us so fire on sight," he ordered, speaking into his comlink.

"Yes, sir!" came the reply as members of the members Wolfsglaive - five in total exited the vehicles, surrounding Aster's vehicle and opened fire on the men clad in Iron Empire armour.

"What the kark is happening? Why are our own men attacking us?" Williams yelled into the comlink.

"I don't know," Adair replied. "Shoot now, questions later. Our priority is protecting Lady Baelor."

"Adair, Williams, Jones, Smith. I'm hit and probably fatally too. It has been my pleasure to serve with you all," Clarke groaned into the comlink then pulled the pin out of a grenade and rushed towards the armoured men, killing himself in a desperate attack.

"Clarke," Adair whispered, pained.

Out-numbered and out-gunned, the five members of the Wolfsglaive did not run and continued in their efforts to protect their charge as they fell one by one.

Inside the speeder:

Aster carefully peered out the window of the speeder, watching the fight outside. The men of Wolfsglaive were out-numbered; they were going to die protecting her.

"No..." the teenager muttered as tears rolled down her cheeks. Desperate, and unsure what to do, she took out a compact camera that she had brought with her with the intention of taking photos and videos with the orphans and set it to record.

"We have been attacked by men in the Iron Empire's armour," she spoke into the camera the turned it to record the one-sided battle outside. "See?" she whispered. "Uncle Isamu, I don't know what is going on but if I should die, I want you to know that I am grateful for everything you have done for me."

Suddenly, the camera fell to the floor and sounds of a young woman screaming could be heard along with a few words in Cheunh and the camera would continue to record until it was found by another...

[member="Chiss Extremists NPCs"] - [member="Théodred Heavenshield"] - [member="Kiriko"]​
The Wolfsgave, the elite unit that guarded the Baelor family put up a tough fight. For every Wolfsgave member that died, 3 Chiss died with him. Ultimately however, the numerical advantage could not be denied, and for this at least, quantity beat quality by a mile.

The Chiss soldiers then went to grab the nephew of [member="Isamu Baelor"], [member="Aster Rose Baelor"], some of them feeling slightly saddened that she was crying, but remembering the ultimate objective, and as to why they did this: for the Chiss, and for the freedom of their people.

Matt had been in the battle, and had been lucky enough to have killed a Wolfsgave member. "We have captured Lady Baelor sir."

"Excellent. Form up around her, and protect her." he said. "Commander Mitt, we have captured Lady Baelor. Group A has captured it's objective sir." the Chiss said.

"Excellent. Group B, proceed to their location. They should probably send a group in a few hours. One of the Wolfsgave members also probably sent out a distress signal. You comprise a larger force than Group A, so you should be able to handle it. I want half of the remaining soldiers from Group A to reinforce Group B's position. Matt, bring lady Baelor to the secret location. We will hold her here for ransom. Group C, are you in position?" the commander said.

"Yes sir!" he said.

"Then prepare to get ready. I will be there myself to lead the charge."

Everything was going according to plan. Soon, the Chiss would be free, and Mitt would be among the highest leaders among the Chiss.

My rise will come soon enough.
The cub curled up on the seat.

Head resting on his forepaws, the young Beorni closed his eyes and dreamed of where naps came from...

...or he would have liked to have.

"Look, see how the crystal forms."

A soft, round ear twitched. The bear's eyes opened, as he raised his head up to look at his master. Then, angled his snout down so that he was peering down over his black nose to a book illustrated with fractal-like patterns and lines.

He could appreciate the aesthetics - the lines were very symmetrical and orderly - but it was... frankly not that interesting. So the cub just gave a yawn and put his head back down.

News of the traffic jam suited the bear just fine. Not going anywhere for a while? Perfect excuse for a nap.

As per the usual, however, napping was simply not on the agenda for Théo and, before the cub knew it, the Jedi was disembarking the vehicle in order to make his own way on foot.

Hopping out of the vehicle, the cub paused to arch his back and stretch for a moment. Then, began to trot on all fours as he picked up the trail behind his master. Théo's run caused the Beorni to pick up apace to a gallop. Which would hopefully be short lived.

[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]​
Not only had the traffic come to a complete stand still, but those closer to the attack had left their speeders for fear of their lives and a wall of people ran toward him in panic. Men, women and children pushing their way along the street to safety, only impeded their progress to get to the site. Théo had nearly knocked to off his feet on more then one occasion but continued to advance slowly. He could only hope that Kiriko would find a place of refuge if they began to trample him. Shooting a look over his shoulder, Théo caught sight of his padawan who seemed to have the ability to dodge and weave his way through, and soon would catch up to him. "Get in behind me Kiriko", at least large bulk would act as pathfinder through the throngs.

Eventually the crowd thinned, and when Théo turned to the corner into the street of the attack, what greeted him was pure carnage. Bodies lay in the street, either dead or seriously injured, most of which seemed to have been the entourage and guards. Théo ran to the nearest one, placed a hand on his skin and used to force to find any sign of life. Dead. As was the next and so on. In the distance the sound of sirens blared, something like this was soon reported and medical assistance was on it's way, it would be too late for some but Théo did his best to try and save those still alive.

In the gutter by the main vehicle something glistened in the light catching Théo's eye. It was a device of some sort and on it a light flashed in constant rhythm, he moved and picked it up, realising it was some sort of recording camera. He played back the captured footage, Aster Rose .. "Kiriko .. we need to find Emperor [member="Isamu Baelor"] now".
[member="Kiriko"] | [member="Chiss Extremists NPCs"] | [member="Aster Rose Baelor"]
Dragged from the speeder and surrounded by blood-covered armoured men, Aster was forced into a waiting speeder and a hood forced over her head, depriving of sight.

Desperate to free herself, Aster struggled, hitting the men that sit on either side of her as she attempted to somehow force the door open and launch herself out of the car, however, her efforts were for nought. Strong arms easily overpowered her, pinning her arms to her side.

"My uncle, the Emperor, will see you all hung for this," she yelled as she struggled to free herself to no avail.

They will not get away with this, she assured herself having finally given up on her fruitless attempts at freeing herself from her captors and sat quietly in the car, tears forcing themselves out of her eyes and onto her cheeks. She could not allow them to see her cry - to see her weak. She needed to be strong.

[member="Chiss Extremists NPCs"]​
[member="Aster Rose Baelor"] [member="Théodred Heavenshield"] [member="Kiriko"]

Matt went to grab Lady Baelor, and she heard her speak. "Cut of one head, two more will rise to replace it. The Chiss will be free again, and we will be the ones to lead the Ascendancy, not some false Emperor." he quickly replied, his nationalistic stance evident in his tone.

"Take her to our secret location. We are going to move her off-world." he ordered. If they failed their operation, they would at least be able to -hopefully- remove the entire Baelor line, and they would end cut off any links to the throne in the process.

"If she doesn't behave, you know what to do." he ordered. He knew they couldn't kill her, but that was mostly in an attempt to intimate her, and make her quiet. Matt also knew some of his soldiers, while fully dedicated to their cause, also sympathized with her troubles.

**As they left, Group B moved in as they went to the original location of Group B. Group C also mobilized, ready to strike at the House of the Baelor Noble Family, in the hopes to kill [member="Isamu Baelor"], and end the Iron Empire by eliminating it's ruler.
Having resigned to being the unknown men’s captive, Aster no longer struggled. As there was little she could do at the moment, she thought it best to comply a little – at least for the time being.

No they will not,” the blonde replied, her voice slightly muffled by the cloth bag over her head. “My uncle will see to it that it does not happen,” she said, her tone defiant. She needed to be strong – or at the very list appear it.

Disorientated by the rough cloth bag that covered her head and consequently messed up her usual hairstyle – a rather intricate ponytail – Aster shifted to a more comfortable position. If they kill me, they’ll have no leverage, she thought unfazed by the words the unknown man had said. She needed to at least try to keep a cool head.

Without her sense of sight, a second felt like a minute, and a minute like an hour as the speeder made its way to its destination. “We’re here,” said the man to the right of her when the vehicle finally came to a stop then helped the teenager out of the speeder.

This way,” came another voice as a hand roughly took hold of her slim wrists and she was dragged towards the ship.

I’m going to trip soon if you don’t slow down,” Aster snapped at the owner of the hand.

Fine,” the man grunted and slowed his pace as he led the teenager onto the ship. It was clear he held no affection for her.

After being dragged around in what felt like a maze, the man finally stopped, briefly releasing Aster’s wrists from his grasp followed by the jingle of keys and the sound of a door opening. “This is where you’ll be staying,” he said and threw the girl into the room.

[member="Chiss Extremists NPCs"]​
Standing on top of the buildings ledge much like a Gargoyle, I could feel the wind playing through my hair, and the smell of the cold breeze through the holes in my mask. Just below me was the children orphanage. Why would a creature like myself be at a place to hold innocent minds?

I was seeking out the daughter of my Lord, and Emperor. However, it was now that I looked at the watch and hud system on my right wrist, and forearm. The quick look showed me that the future leader of the Iron Empire was late to her meeting with the children. She was always coming here at this time. Thalia had scouted out for me a few days earlier to figure out how I could approach her and talk to her about bringing myself into the fold once more.

It was when I looked down the street, I didn't see any regal vehicles that were supposed to be there. Girding up myself, I moved down the street by jumping from rooftop to rooftop. Most people look down or ahead of them. Never up. Its why I am able to be conspicuous and still have the bird's eye view. Looking ahead, I could see a baracade. One that was setup by various troops. It was with this, that I found infighting between the Iron Empire.

Troops from either side fighting for a moment before I could see the clear dress that the Future Empress wore being rent from her has she was being man handled. I had to wonder why this was happening. Why there were troops doing this. Was it a coup? I had to find out. Pulling into my vest, I retrieved an ear mounted device that folded around like a half pair of glasses. The ovate lens allowing me to record what was happening.

Taking a hold of the ledge in front of me, I dropped down from the building onto a lower roof to get a closer inspection. Watching as the girl was thrust into a different speeder. Hood thrown over her head. If she was smart, she would count how many seconds it took for each turn to reasonably make an idea to where she was going. As well as trying to hear for audible clues to what part of the city she was in.

However, I feared she wouldn't know this information. Instead, I would have to follow. I shook my head. Having no speeder, I would have to follow on foot by way of using the force to augment my speed. However, I stopped as groups spread out and began to move other directions. If they were hitting Aster here, then they would be after Isamu. Turning into the other direction, I made haste towards the capitol.

They would have killed her if they thought she was a threat, or if they wanted to send a message. No. This was a takeover. Hostile, and at the very least, they wanted to grab the attention of the Emperor. I was sure they had changed frequencies of the communications for the Iron Lords. So I had no way to contact them other than by physically being there.

I ran for it. Pushing my body, and my force potential to throw me over the tops of buildings. Hopefully I could get there before the traitors.

[member="Aster Rose Baelor"], [member="Chiss Extremists NPCs"], [member="Théodred Heavenshield"], [member="Kiriko"], [member="Isamu Baelor"],
And with Lady [member="Aster Rose Baelor"] now being on her way off-world to another planet, Group B, and Group C ready to strike, Mitt ordered the attacks.

While Group B waited for the rescue team to arrive at their location, Mitt had ordered for Group C to strike. Group C, the most powerful of their group had various weapons, and various soldiers for various tasks. Snipers in camouflage armor, and carrying heat dissipating equipment(so that thermal vision can't be shown on HUD), immediately, with their verpine shatter sniper rifles, sent magneticly launched projectiles to eliminate the front guards.

This was a full assault, aimed at eliminating [member="Isamu Baelor"]. It therefore made sense that most of the soldiers, totaling (170), attacked the main gates, RPG, Ion, and other missiles being aimed at the comm, and distress beacon towers. Smoke appeared in the large area surrounding the palace, and instantly, the soldiers striked.

A complement of 30 soldiers used the secret catacombs that connected to the palace to strike. Their data however were based on old Chiss maps, so they were entering a nest. All they would have however was their strength, there training, and their resolve, and with their resolve, the Baelor noble family would end, and with it, the False Emperor.

Isamu Baelor

Protector of The Iron Realm
“Tell me.” The Emperor beckoned.

“It’s Lady Baelor, Your Grace.” The soldier reported, his voice rife with trepidation “Her motorcade was among those attacked.”

“What?!” Isamu exclaimed. A rare crack showing, in his typically stoic exterior.

“We recovered the bodies of her Wolfsglaive guard.” The Soldier explained. “However, we have yet to locate her, Your Grace.”

The Emperor grew silent. A look of worry, washed over his face. For a time, he had been numb to fear’s embrace. Deaf to its whispers. But now, it swelled from within.

His love was dead. His everything taken from him. For such a man, who suffered so, what could he possibly fear?


Though not related by blood, she was his niece. His family. He feared for her safety, for she was but a fragile thing. Not a trained warrior, like that of his nephew.

From fear, anger was born. The Full Metal Emperor rose from his throne, standing tall amongst his people. “Sigurd Fellhammer.” Isamu beckoned.

From amongst the crowd, a hulking behemoth, plated in thick armour, stepped forward. He knelt before his Emperor, and asked in a deep voice, “What is your command, Your Grace?”

“Deploy the Iron Guard.” Isamu ordered. “Root out those responsible. Find where they have taken my niece. Then hang them for traitors.”

“Your will be done.” Sigurd replied. “I will see those responsible punished.” The mighty hammer of the Empire rose to his feet, and took leave of the throne room.

The Emperor turned his attention to that of the others. “Leave me.” He ordered. Hastily, the throne room emptied. Only soldiers, who sought to protect their Emperor, remained.

One such stepped forward, and he too knelt. “Your Grace. Iron Centurion: Theodred Heavenshield, seeks an audience.” He announced.

“Not now.” Isamu said, through gritted teeth. Rebuffing the request.

“But Your Grace.” The soldier persisted. “He claims to have information regarding Lady Baelor.”

The Emperor took pause. If the Iron Centurion’s information could help, he would see him. “Send him in.” He ordered.

[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]
Talos sat in his bunk, meditating, to keep the Echoes from driving Them totally insane. Then a bolt of lightning shot through the Force, someone close to the Emperor was in danger. He felt for the source, it was moving too fast for him to track. Then another alert came from the Echoes.

They are coming from beneath Us...We shall meet them...For the Emperor...The Echoes chanted in eerie unison.

Talos rose to his feet and strolled through the halls, searching for where the disturbance would arise. The whole while he searched, he'd sent an Echo to find Emperor [member="Isamu Baelor"]. Talos hoped the Emperor wasn't already under siege, the Echo would warn him of what Talos had learned, that the enemy was beneath the palace.

With his staff in hand, Talos began scouring the halls for signs, clues as to where the enemy would emerge.

[member="Chiss Extremists NPCs"] @Atheus @Aster Rose Baelor [member="Théodred Heavenshield"]
Theo paced outside the doors to the throne room, he could hear the conversation although somewhat muffled but the tone of the voice told him the Emperor had been informed of the events and most likely, that Aster had been abducted. The force rippling with emotion from all of them in the room and most palpable from the Emperor himself. Which was more then understandable. Upon hearing his name mentioned, Theo wasted no time in enter the room shoving open the doors with both hands and striding in. Time was of the essence and there was no time for protocols, but as Sigmund Fellhammer walked with purpose passed him, Theo stopped and stepped aside, but once passed him however, Theo continued to the Emperor Baelor.

"Your Grace", he stopped before the throne and bowed his head. "I found Lady Baelor's holocamera at the scene of the .. abduction. She had presence of mind to keep it recording", he said as he raised his hand and turned on the holorecording and instantly the blue images of the event unfolded. The sound of rifle bolts, screaming of people standing in the streets, and the yells of the guards. And there was the images of death, soldiers falling in pain and calling out before their voices had been removed by death's hand. And Lady Aster Rose, confused and demanding in terror to ask what was going on. The last image on the recording was the flash of an explosion and the call of death once more.

"I could not get there in time", he said in a low voice and allowed a pause for the Emperor to take it all in. "This .. is a well orchestrated attack. However this group is had known of her itinerary and caused a blockade of the traffic. Panic in the streets aided them to get away and .. many civilians were killed along side the guards protecting her. It is clear this has been planned for a long time. Enough for them to infiltrate your guards". That would be enough for him to say, the Emperor, a clever man, would come to the same conclusion. Theo stood and awaited orders.
[member="Isamu Baelor"] | [member="Chiss Extremists NPCs"] | [member="Atheus"] | [member="Aster Rose Baelor"] | [member="Talos Rygat"]

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