Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Don't Tread On Me | The Je'daii Order

Out within the vast wilds of Aurum, amidst the jungles they called home, all manner of creatures existed. Whisper birds, and monkey-lizards were among the most common, species found elsewhere in the Galaxy, but when it came to those previously undiscovered there was proving to be just as many wonders to behold. Already several Tejdóru had been spotted close to Azar City, with a couple of Journeyers from the Order having taken keen interest in them, but what had been discovered more recently eclipsed all else thus far.

Large serpentine creatures, who sprouted wings at some stage in their lifespan - though they had not yet been observed enough to know just exactly when that was - gave even the many remains of older Tejdóru, those who had been gargantuan when compared to their presently tiny stature, a run for their money.

A nest of sorts has been discovered within one of the tall trees of Aurum, the remnants of who is presumed to be the mother or father of the significantly smaller serpentines lays at the foot of the trunk. While it is not always encouraged to step in and intervene when nature takes its course, a very real opportunity to study these creatures up close has presented itself and the Temple Master of Anil Kesh, Jal Som, has taken specific interest in preserving the infants.

Head out into the jungle, to the given coordinates, and find these creatures before predators or starvation take them...
Thasiktux could be seen donning his armor weave robe, strapping his phrik boots on and putting his phrik gloves onto his hands. Next to him could be seen a sniper blaster as well as a dissection kit. Several holopads could be seen fltutering as well. He'd be loading all of this into a travel bag and slinging his blaster over his chest.

[member="Asha Hex"]

Esis Nas

sᴛᴇᴡᴀʀᴅ ᴏғ ᴘᴀᴅᴀᴡᴀɴ ᴋᴇsʜ
This felt distinctly right. For months she had been doing research, field work, specimen study, the very same process she would be conducting today. But it all had fallen out of its grace, it was tedious, she felt the need to be somewhere else. Esis Nas longed to find herself once more in the planet that had birthed all her dreams. Dreams she had abandoned for far too long. Balanced seemed to have taken her back under its nurturing wing as soon as her feet had once again returned to walk the surface of Aurum.

The last time she had seen this jungles she had been but a teenager. Yet she remembered them so very well. They were different, time had the habit of changing things up a bit which was a trait she had learnt to cherish from it. Its beauty, however, was untouched if not increased. The Je'daii who had self-exiled herself from the Order had made sure to make her return quietly at first, beginning her work on the Tho Yor's that had always been closest to her heart: Padawan Kesh, the temple of youth, future and teaching and Anil Kesh, the temple of science and progress. Today, of course, she was in representative of the latter.

Recent sightings of a new, reptilian creature were reported. According to the information she had, they were serpent-like beings who developed wings at some point during their life cycle. She was deeply intrigued by them and eager to learn more about this wonderful beings. From whatever discovery they managed to make today, she would be sure to prepare some activities for the younglings in the Silent Academy, familiarizing them with another of Aurum's inhabitants and using it to make associations to other, most important lessons. She was a firm believer in that children needed to be exposed to many different ways of learning, for each was unique and variety allowed her to pinpoint the best methods for each of them.

With her objectives analysed, her mind clear and calming eagerness pumping through her, Esis made sure to be at the rendezvous point on time. She was wearing her customary white and light grey robes, with a light blue sash indicative of her adherence to Padawan Kesh. A sturdy, well filled backpack was safely attached to her shoulders, containing all the necessary equipment she would need inside. There was nothing left for her but waiting for the other Je'daii before beginning their incursion into Aurum's jungle. This was the first time she would expose herself so publicly once more among the members of the Order since her return, and she was prepared for it.
Ember finished covering the small, barely qualified as, light freighter with camouflage netting to prevent detection before turning towards the jungle ahead. A droid's melody turned his head to face the ID9 seeker droid he brought with him, or more exactly - the droid the Coalition shoved in his luggage. The darn thing could mimic all sorts of other droids' sounds, sometimes freaking Ember out while he slept on the freighter.

"Okay, so let's spread out. You go that way, I will go this way." He instructed the droid before it replied. "What do you mean you don't want to go that way?"



"Fine, okay. I will go that way, you go this way."


The odd pair split up heading to their designated direction in search of an Outer Rim Coalition sensor node that had been knocked out from the orbit of Aurum. It was one of the many sensors the Coalition loved to send far away from their borders, especially hardly explored areas such as Wild Space. The planet was in the middle of nowhere to Ember's knowledge, he doubted he'd be able to navigate to here if it hadn't been for Merrill's navigational skills.

So here he was, roaming through a thick jungle of a planet in literal nowhere searching for a sensor node to retrieve back to ORC space with all of its data. Ember had been a good fit for the job, he knew electronics. If there was something broken, he had been provided an electricians' workbench on the freighter to fix it while travelling back. Quite efficient.
Aurum was her home.

Growing up she had not known any other than the inside of whatever ship [member="Jericho"] happened to be piloting at the time, and given his record for crashing ships that changed more frequently than the Master would likely care to admit. This Jungle was everything to her, the people who resided within the City her people, and the creatures which resided further afield? She felt a connection to them too. Even the pesky monkey-lizards who had caused her no small measure of frustration when she constructed her huts.

To be apart of the team which was to discover a new species? That was unbelievable to her. Naturally she was saddened to hear about the poor creature who had been killed before her - or his - young had grown, Asha was a pacifist at heart and while she understood the circle of life it still never sat right with her. Perhaps it was because no predator had actually bothered to eat it, almost as if it had been killed for sport. She ate meat, she understood the need for sustenance, but not to kill for the sake of it.

As their small group convened on the edge of the City, with packs and surprisingly enough weapons, Asha joined them. Unlike the others she didn't really have much on her person. Her lightsaber bounced upon the back of her belt but it had not been used in so very long now outside of training, her commlink was to the left, and a small tool on the right. It looked surgical in nature, but who really knew?

She noticed a new face, as well as [member="Thasiktux"] who she had previously met in the Hangar bay. She gave the Jawa a nod, before turning to [member="Esis Nas"] in curiosity.

"I don't believe we've met, I'm Asha," she offered, with an inclination of her head that mirrored a bow of respect. "All ready to go?"

[member="Ember Farseer"]

Esis Nas

sᴛᴇᴡᴀʀᴅ ᴏғ ᴘᴀᴅᴀᴡᴀɴ ᴋᴇsʜ
The jungle called to her. Esis allowed her mind to expand and flow, tingling sensations of familiarity stimulating her force-sensitivity every now and then. A tree who had managed to remain on its feet and grow during the time she had been gone, a stream she had once freshened herself in who had grown another flowing branch, rocks and boulders that maybe she had caressed while in passing. And this little familiar things were now almost hidden by new ones. New life, new beginnings. Aurum would always be the place closest to her heart.

The Zelosian carried no weapons except for her lightsabers, who unlike the custom were not attached to her hips but rather placed in a specially designed holster resting in her lower back. That way, they were mostly out of sight, specially if meeting her face to face. Inside her back, most of the equipment was related to the taking of samples, measures and information. Since they had no information of the existence of another adult specimen that could potentially take care of the hatchlings, they would have to gather as much as they could so that they were able to provide the creatures with a proper environment and care.

Esis was enjoying herself as the mass of life connections and Force paths of the surrounding masses of jungle were brightly displayed in her mind and flowing through her too. A small, truly peaceful smile decorated her lips. Then, she felt a flickering of a presence that seemed a little bit out of place among the flora of the place. Is that a person?... She was pulled from her deep enthrallment when a voice called out to her, so she left the presence get lost among the net. Her eyes fell upon a young woman, and her smile turned into a friendly one. "I am...Esis. Esis Nas." She said, for a moment she almost said her full name, the one she had kept secret for the past years. Lachesis. It had been too long since she had last used that name. Its emotional value was to big to carry. Lachesis, daughter of a beloved but estranged father. Lachesis, apprentice to a wonderful woman, who no longer walked among them. "Pleasure to meet you, Asha."

"Ready when you are." She added, her gaze shifting momentarily to the Jawa before returning to Asha.

[member="Ember Farseer"] [member="Asha Hex"] [member="Thasiktux"]
The Jawa seemed to be playing on his holopad, occasionally banging on it with his fist to make it work. It seemed to flash pictures of creatures one after the other until the reptilian was found.

"How are we going to get to our goal exactly? I can't drive a speeder on my own..."

[member="Esis Nas"] [member="Asha Hex"] [member="Ember Farseer"]
She noticed the slight hesitation when [member="Esis Nas"] gave her name but decided against bringing it up. For one it was rude, but even outside of that it was honestly none of Asha's business. What the woman chose to go by was her prerogative, and as such the young Hex merely smiled.

"A pleasure to meet you also."

Compared to the others she was actually feeling a little under prepared, but then again she knew these Jungles remarkably well these days, she even had her own mini-compound out amidst them which she had built herself. Between them they would likely have everything covered, as they even had a small troupe of men sent over from Bakura by [member="Sargon Vynea"] who were joining them incase whatever had killed the parent was still lingering around.

Thasiktux's question drew her attention, and she merely shrugged for a moment.

"It isn't too deep into the Jungle from here, we can walk. Who knows, maybe we'll spot more of them along the way."

Truth be told though she doubted it. She had been out this way countless times before and never spotted what they were looking for. She was curious as to what had drawn them this far toward the City, most creatures avoided populated areas.

Two of the silent guards set off ahead of them, paving the way, while the other two flanked behind. Following after them she glanced around their surroundings for a moment and could not help but smirk as she recalled the time she and Eden had ran through the trees chasing after a damn monkey-lizard. Pesky creatures liked to stick their nose in where it wasn't wanted, so hopefully none of them would toy with their expedition today.

@Thasiktux [member="Esis Nas"] [member="Ember Farseer"]

Esis Nas

sᴛᴇᴡᴀʀᴅ ᴏғ ᴘᴀᴅᴀᴡᴀɴ ᴋᴇsʜ
Now with her attention fully returned to [member="Asha Hex"] and [member="Thasiktux"], Esis was able to notice that the former had taken notice of her slight doubt-induced slip when introducing herself. She appreciated immensely that Asha didn't press further on the matter and showed her gratitude with a small smile. Esis knew she would have to explain sooner rather than later. It would do no good keeping her identity hidden, and she did not want to start this Journey - a Journey inspired by her late Master- withholding her true identity from the Je'daii.

Yes, she would have to ask them to still keep it a secret outwardly. She had built a very different life with the name Esis and used it as a shield from her past, which she could never forget or let go of. But in the end, the right thing to do was to allow them to know her for who she truly is and was, out of respect for the values the Order withheld and the teachings Asha Seren had gifted her with.

"I say we get going then, if we are all ready." She said, gently, once the Jawa's question was answered. She started making her way into the jungle alongside Asha and Thasiktux, attentive to any fluctuations she might feel. Esis had grown very attached to the Force thanks to her augmented sensitivity, she was so used to feeling it around her that the mere thought of not being able to tap into its currents was terrifying. Luckily for her, today her mind held much warmer thoughts and brighter memories.

Esis then remembered the strange presence she had managed to feel before they ventured into the thick jungle. Taking a deep, silent breath she focused again, trying to search for that particular mark that seemed a bit out of place among the foliage and other inhabitants of the ecosystem. She was able to pinpoint the presence once more and now being closer to it, could determine it was indeed a human. A man.

"Is there a possibility any other member of the Order was sent out ahead of us with the same purpose as ours?" She asked, directing the question to Asha though not turning to look at her. Aurum's jungle was aflame with different force presences and Esis had to strain her concentration not to lose the one she was currently highlighting. "A lone, human male. I'd say he is young but I cannot assure anything. Too many different presences to really tell..." They were walking right towards him, so she guessed they'd soon find out. Still, though she wasn't getting any alarming feeling out of this situation, she had the theory that this person was with a different objective.

Esis loosened some of her focus, not wanting to strain her mind so early in their mission. Now that she was free from the concentration sensing required, she turned her green eyes towards her peers, awaiting to see if any of them had answers to her previous inquiry.

[member="Ember Farseer"]
The white frost bitten fingers rolled across the floor, his neck creaking in slight agony. He didn't remember a single thing, other than the foul beast-like hatred for anything that opposed him. Wounds, beatings and pain burned over him; but he couldn't help to smile. His head spiralled, his mask covered the majority of his face with parts that could be seen fresh wounds made bare..

"Hey, we've got a mover!"

Came a voice from the corner, a bone tight man; wrapped by only enough skin to shade his true form from the world. Starved by life and by physical diet, with a long beard that could only tell the tale of his sentence. Clearly Jericho had wound up in a dungeon of some sort. The old man moved towards the youthful warrior, shaking in malnourishment. His untended body and face shimmered in the light of cracks of hope that had unfortunately quickly faded.

A loud clank in the dark, shifting the moving man back into his binded corner. He seemed to shake more violently now, stretching his finger towards Jericho whilst holding his other hand at his throat; desperately crying for help. How pathetic. Even a disorientated Jericho found this man weak as the rabble that had probably imprisoned him; if only he could remember who, his mind was too dazed form all the abuse that he had to endure. The old man's voice crackled with a laugh that the warrior merely ignored, with a weak breath he clasped his necklace. "Na--" He whispered.


Jericho opened his eyes from his deep meditations, a dream; more of an old memory from his youth. They have been coming back to him more and more intensely as of late. Despite his youthful exterior he was still old in age and one could not tell what effects his body might react to with all the experiments he has taken. He stood tall and went to the mirror; it was still strange to him, look that way he did, so young and scar free. After all the years of war and death that shrouded him would he ever be used to this appearance? He looked to his tatted arms to his hands; Suravi did clean work and spared the details despite disliking the the tats herself.

After taking time to think and reflect as he did every morning, he quickly place on his usual attire always looking as if he was going into war. His thick heavy armor, his mask, his sabers places at his sides. He walked out from his ship to see the vast shade of green jungle that surrounded all around him. He liked taking the high point too see the view and it was here that the monkey-lizards would never venture, Jericho would never hurt a 'non-lethal' creature in front of Asha but he would be lying to himself if he said that he was never tempted to force crush those creatures; they were the few that he actually dislike though he would never openly admit to his pacifist and loving daughter.

As he glided down the mountain top the earth shaped under his feet, the rocky edges would change to smooth trail. He went so fast and elegantly it seemed that wasn't movement his legs at all; heading to the coordinates. Before he made his way; he noticed a monkey-lizard running by with an item in hand. The warriors eyes saw all and knew it was that of a Je'daii's; it might have taken it from the camp. Fate was a funny thing; as he race by with a flick of his finger sent the creature flying a great distance away creating a great wind pressure and using the other hand to pulling the item with the force with another.

That was more satisfying than he would ever care to admit.

Not to long after he made it to the point and saw that his daughter was there as well as other Je'daii. He gave all a nod but his attention as focused on his daughter. "Little one." His voice boomed despite speaking casually. "Apologize for the tardiness." He said even though he was on time. On time for the Hex's was being there before anyone else, after all. He placed his head lightly hers; to show his affection. "Now, close are we to the creatures?" He stated getting down to business.
Before they could properly set out, with only a few yards having been covered, the sound of another pair of feet drew her attention - and that of the guards who drew to a halt. Turning around Asha was surprised to find her Father appearing from beyond the trees, stepping close to her with an apology upon his lips which she was surprised by. Of course it was in their nature to arrive everywhere as early as possible, something he had imparted on her from a young age. Safer to be there earlier, to scope out your surroundings, figure out the best routes away.

When his head settled against hers, the way it always had back when she was a child, she could not help but smile. He wasn't one for affection, and while to many outlookers who did not know anything about Jericho they may not see much behind this action to Asha it was everything. She glanced upon her Father in adoration, keeping the grin which wanted nothing more than to escape from doing so as they got right back to business as ever.

Like Father, like Daughter.

"Good afternoon, Sir," she began, before glancing down the path they were heading along. The guards at this point realized who it was that had joined them and now they were readying to walk once again, "They're a couple of leagues north of here. We shouldn't be too far from them."

Now that the congregation had begun to walk again Asha picked up on what [member="Esis Nas"] was saying and she tilted her head curiously to one side. She forced herself not to delve into the Force to find out who it was, she was much too used to relying upon the strands of time to reveal to her what she did not already know but in this case she knew that her fellow Journeyer seemed to have it under wraps. No need to interfere.

"I don't believe anyone should be out there, there's nothing really but jungle."

The sanctuary was in the opposite direction, as was her hut.

"Perhaps it is a Journeyer exploring?"

It wouldn't be too much longer before they reached the fallen creature and its hatchlings... Who knew if they would run into [member="Ember Farseer"] before that point?

@Jericho [member='Thasiktux']
Ember tread through the thicker canopy of the jungle with care. His mind focused on the small pad in his hand - a metal detector, that kept flashing more and more often with each he step he took. The Jedi Knight shifted his head from one side to the other looking for any remains of the sensor. He was getting closer.

Beep, beep.

"No, I haven't found it yet." He tapped on the pad to talk. It had an integrated comm along with its metal sensor. Quite handy actually. "You can stop checking on me every thirty seconds. Told you I'd tell you when I find it- I am not being rude, hello?"

The comm line broke from the side of the droid and Ember shook his head. Sometimes he remained baffled at the personalities droids had installed. His complete focus on his task, the noise of nature around him and his below par Force sensing capabilities resulted in him popping out from a thick bush to be startled by the appearance of four individuals, all very different from the other, a dozen feet away. He locked eyes with the group, all were trained in the Force, that was easy to tell.

Ember stood silent for a moment only gazing at the group with a pondering expression.

"My greetings." He began. "You would not exactly be looking for the same thing as I, would you?" The Jedi hoped they would not be hostile.

[member="Asha Hex"] | [member="Jericho"] | [member="Esis Nas"] | [member="Thasiktux"]​
[member="Ember Farseer"]

Thasiktux was still messing with his holopad when he heard Ember calling out to them. He could be seen analyzing the structure of the creature they were looking for. As he began talking, his drew his head up to look at the new arrival.

"Hello there! I am Thasiktux of clan Embrix. You are?"

Esis Nas

sᴛᴇᴡᴀʀᴅ ᴏғ ᴘᴀᴅᴀᴡᴀɴ ᴋᴇsʜ
Esis' warm smile was suddenly wiped from her face, turning into slight confusion as a cold feeling run down her spine. Cold. She recognized it all too well, it was how she felt whenever memories of the past, the ones her head simply couldn't let go of, threatened to break into her consciousness. She could hide it easily, she had been doing it for years and thus ensured no one of the others noticed the slight shake that her sensing had given her. As she focused again on her surroundings, and less on the feeling that had been imposed in her, she realized her hand had rose to lightly clasp a thin chain around her neck between her index and thumb. She lowered her hand back to her side, overlooking the meaning of it.

Another man had joined them and greeted young Asha quite affectionately. By their way of interacting, Esis could tell they were father and daughter. She remembered her father well, even if he had left her so early in life. There was something about this man however that had her mind working much harder than usual, as though there was something she should be seeing but that was covered from her. A strange familiarity, if she dared put a word to the vague sensation, but the fact that he didn't seem to have felt it had her deciding she must have been wrong. It could happen, not always could one interpret the messages of the Force so easily. No being was meant to do so.

So, Esis only returned the respectful nod and tried to ignore the nagging feeling, pushing it to the back of her mind and willing herself to focus on the task at hand. She was about to answer Asha when the enigmatic presence suddenly emerged from the foliage. The bright green eyes of the Zelosian did a quick assessment of him. Esis recognized the device in his hands as a metal detector, she had used such technology several times during the last years as she developed her scientific researches. The stranger was the first to speak, and Esis was glad he didn't seem to be the troublesome kind of stranger. She offered a small smile and a nod of her head in return to his greeting, "Hello. I do not know what it is that you seek but judging by the device in your hands, I doubt we are after the same objective." She replied, her voice calm and friendly. Her eyes then moved to her fellow Je'daii, finally setting on Asha and her father before returning to the Jedi.

[member="Jericho"] [member="Asha Hex"] [member="Ember Farseer"] [member="Thasiktux"]
Asha has grown a lot over the years and achieved many things in her life and was the eldest of his children but to Jericho she was his little Asha. It might be his old age but he knew he was growing more and more lenient and more open with his love for his children. He even began to ponder the though of having his children meet with Asha, would that be a good idea? Would she feel betrayed? Would she love them as her family so easily? The thoughts circled his mind for a moment before shook his head in his mind; not yet, he hasnt spent enough time with her alone. This would have to be a topic for another time. Not long after these thoughts a presence was felt, his mind was set for a moment solely to Asha and the mission he looked over to [member="Esis Nas"] .

His eyes quickly scanned the woman looking her up and down, the woman who stood before him looked nearly the same. From her jaw line to her body but those eyes. Those Emerald eyes made an impression more so than any Zelosian he had met, even the aura around her breezed to his in familiarity. Time has been kind to her so it seems; so much so, even Jericho questioned himself. Was it really her, she looked almost from those times? Then he began to think of how he looked and how he has changed so immensely. It was doubtful that she would remember who he was, was it? He did not truly know but he wanted to. He was about to make his way to her before he noticed the Jawa and another with a gadget. Her voice called out and it was then he knew who she was; once he knew his mind focused on the task at hand, he would have words with her when they had the time.

"Seems there is more to the jungle." He stated calmly to Asha as he looked at the man who greeted him up and down. He felt the aura around the man and saw him not as a threat, as of yet anyway. While Esis and the Jawa already addressed the man; Jericho turned his attention to the north. "Let us continue without delay."
The emergence of the stranger had Asha turn her attention away from her Father to instead glance upon [member="Ember Farseer"] as he came across their path. Even without the words he spoke it was obvious he was looking for something, though the detector in his hand obviously helped to solidify this fact. That, and these Jungles were not often traversed without due cause. There wasn't much out here after all.

"What is it that you are looking for, friend?" she inquired, as welcoming as ever though Jericho would be able to tell that she also had her guard up, remaining observant as ever incase the man turned out to be more foe than friend. Her tells had always been smaller than most, but that's what happened when you were raised Lorrdian.

Jericho expressed a desire to press on toward the serpentine remains, and she knew that wasn't necessarily a bad idea. They needed the specimen in tact, as well as to hunt down the young, and every minute they delayed was just another chance for a predator to get to either of them. Despite this Asha was one who could never turn down assisting another when they seemed to need it, and so she allowed herself to linger just a moment more than perhaps she ought to have.

"We are seeking something of our own, though I daresay it is time sensitive; if you would like assistance I'm sure one of us can help, or we could seek you out once we're done. Of course you're likely fine with continuing on by yourself - so feel free to decline."

[member='Jericho'] [member='Esis Nas'] [member='Thasiktux']
They were Force sensitive, all of them. Even with his below par capabilities in the sense school of the Force, Ember could clearly feel it. The man standing tall clearly demonstrating a stronger power output than the rest. Yet, the Jedi Knight could feel no malicious intent behind any of them. Quite the opposite.

"Ember. Ember Farseer." He replied slightly startled by a Jawa talking in Basic but quickly switching to a soft smile. It was the first time he'd seen a Jawa, but he knew they didn't talk the standard language across the galaxy. The Jedi turned his attention to the two ladies addressing him. "You most likely are right." Ember glanced at the scanner device in his hand. He then paused wondering how much information he should divulge. Who knew how they would react if they learn that the Coalition had a long range monitoring sensor in space above their planet. It was for no hostile purposes but you never know the primal reactions of people these days.

But he was a Jedi. Despite the total collapse of their reputation across the galaxy over the last few decades. He wondered how it was before his age, when the Jedi of old's words and actions were always known as the greater good. Ember decided against being too honest. For now.

"I am looking for a lost part, hence this." He waved the device around briefly. "I would be happy to help you in your endeavor. Should you not object, of course." Ember nodded respectfully.

Perhaps they could help him later with his own errand, if they were locals they'd know the place by heart. Or perhaps they won't. It didn't matter.

Jedi did good for the sake of good without expecting a reward in return.

That was their Code.

[member="Asha Hex"] | [member="Jericho"] | [member="Esis Nas"] | [member="Thasiktux"]​

Esis Nas

sᴛᴇᴡᴀʀᴅ ᴏғ ᴘᴀᴅᴀᴡᴀɴ ᴋᴇsʜ
Esis could feel a brightness about the man they had encountered. Since he clearly wasn't a member of the Je'daii Order, her next best guess was that he was Jedi. She could have seek confirmation to this theory by reaching further into the man through the Force, yet her reasons for not doing such a thing were many. It was invasive and even if her gift resided in the skills related to Force sensing, the Zelosian often refrained from intruding unless there was a true need for it.

The man did not seem to be a threat nor to hold suspicious intentions, so Esis wouldn't justify the use of those abilities. He introduced himself as [member="Ember Farseer"], and proceeded to reveal his objective. Or at least, part of it. After so many years of practice and the natural empathetic skills she possessed, the green-eyed Journeyer could tell that there was more to his words than what he was letting on.

She would not press further on the matter despite her beliefs. As had previously been stated, the man did not seem to hold an ill will and this meant that truth would -sooner or later- unravel itself. The Zelosian was not the type of person to intercede in situations unless strong reasons bid her to do such a thing. Ember then offered to help them accomplish their mission, to which Esis responded with a friendly smile.

There was no objection on her side to having the man tag along with them, one could never have too many skilled hands, specially when in tasks that were as time sensitive as this one was. Yet it was not her call to make, and she was interested in hearing the opinions of her fellow Je'daii. "I am Esis Nas. A pleasure to meet you, Ember." She introduced herself, offering an acknowledging nod too. Her gaze then drifted to [member="Asha Hex"] and [member="Jericho"], the same strange feeling overtaking her -albeit more lightly- when her eyes feel upon the man. She couldn't shake the strange feeling of familiarity.
Factory Judge
I had been taken to a strange new world.

So much had changed in the recent months. Having the various people aiding me into my spot with this group called the "Je'daii." At first I was confused. I had heard of Jedi. But learning of another group called nearly the same, but had a different code, and view upon the force. An unquantified, intangible, gift that many could use in various ways. I only knew of what had been taught to me so far. I enjoyed my time learning with Zeph. However, he had told me he could not teach me everything. That is why he sent me here. These Je'daii had a view of balance in the force. The difference between the Light and the Dark sides of this force.

Needless to say, I knew very little of the group, and even less of the people here. Holding to myself, I had my arms wrapped around myself. My hand rubbing my arm as I stayed a few paces away from everyone else. Many were already friends among each other, and were meeting one another very well. I however, stayed distance. Considering that these people all seemed stronger than myself, I was a little shy. It's just how I am. Walking up slowly to the group, I just looked around and nodded my head towards everyone.

"I uh... Hello."

[member="Esis Nas"], [member="Ember Farseer"], [member="Asha Hex"], [member="Jericho"],
"Pleasure to meet you, Ember; I'm Asha."

Losing something of importance was never fun. If they could assist him when their own objective was complete then they would, it only seemed right. After all they knew this planet better than anyone save for the natives, no sense in having someone stumbling around like a headless chicken.

"By all means, feel free to tag along. We're investigating a new species here on the world, one of our Rangers encountered one which had been recently killed and spotted some of its young. We're hoping to bring them back with us, to monitor them."

Who knew how long they would survive on their own without their mother... Plus there would be plenty to learn by watching the young ones develop over time, and even more to learn from the fallen one.

Jericho was anxious to carry on and in truth so was she. With a nod toward her Father she began to set off back along the trail they were utilizing. When a newer member of the Order caught up with them she turned her head and smiled by way of greeting.

"Hello there, always good to see a new face."

It did not take them much longer from that point to stumble upon the fallen creature. The beast was gigantic, even with its body curled up like it was, which left her with more questions than answers... Just what manner of being had brought it down in the first place?

"Let's secure a perimeter and check for the nest. Something brought it down, so keep your eyes open and remain alert. If you see or hear anything out of the ordinary, you let the rest of the group know."

@Ao'Kami @Esis Nas [member="Ember Farseer"] [member="Jericho"]

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