Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Indra Vex


Dr. Indra Vex

Faction: The First Order

Rank: Scientist

Species: Deilokin

Age: 35

Sex: Male

Height: 6' 5"

Weight: ~180 lbs

Eyes: Grey

Hair: Black

Skin: Pale

Force Sensitive: No

Strengths and Weaknesses
+ Polymath: Vex possesses a remarkable intellect, memory retention and logical aptitude. Compiling evidence and drawing conclusions is a strong suit of his.
+ Surgeon: Vex draws from a mastery of biology to repair, enhance or even create living things. His skills were put to the test in several secret projects.
+ Chemist: With the right tools, Vex can produce a variety of desired effects to suit his needs, even in situations of limited means. He is indeed resourceful.
+ Engineer: Deilokin are renowned tech experts, and Vex is no exception. He grew up fixing starships, disassembling then rebuilding droids and so on.
+ Slicer: Vex's technical skills extend to software; he can crack all sorts of cyber security and is highly efficient at processing data.
+ Self-defence: In a last resort scenario Vex makes an agile combatant, capable of exploiting his knowledge and the environment to surprising effect.

= Eccentric: Vex may be difficult to comprehend at times. His mannerisms and attitude can be odd and unpredictable.

- Amoral: Vex is perfectly happy to disregard ethics in favour of advancement, putting him at odds with some of his colleagues.
- Abnormal: Vex doesn't understand people. Try as he might, their complex emotions confound him.
- Shut-in: Barring necessity Vex would rather avoid public spaces, preferring private, enclosed places where he can read in peace.
- Frail: Deilokin are physically weaker than humans. Vex is no exception to this; he tends to delegate the heavy lifting.
- Breathless: Deilokin are also incapable of breathing in commonly inhabited Type I atmospheres without respirators. This can be rather inconvenient.
- Civilian: Vex's lack of military training should place him firmly in a non-combative role. He is more the type to provide support from behind the front lines.

Appearance: Vex doesn't look like much. His thin, lean frame is on the lanky side, not helped by his generally poor, slumped posture. Often he is covered head to toe in a full enviro-suit, like a second skin, which hides his features and gives his voice a synthetic quality. He rarely goes anywhere without the tools of his trade, hanging from a belt and webbing worn over his suit. If he showed his face, his smooth, pale complexion and unkempt dark hair would make him seem more like a bored, precocious student than an experienced researcher. His cold grey eyes would appear to have a sort of emotionless, calculating quality.

Biography: Vex is gifted with a brilliant mind, a genuine prodigy. Perhaps a genetic anomaly, or environmental cues, in any case throughout his life he was exceeding academic expectations and surpassing others. He came to value personal growth over relationships, and the advancement of understanding over that of ideology. This led him to isolation, but also self-motivation and fulfilment in his work, devoted to elevating science and technology. He relishes the challenge inherent in facing new problems and overcoming boundaries. Few concepts elude him, but people are at the top of the list. Physically, he views them as no different than highly complex machines, but emotionally they are indecipherable; in all his reading, he has never been able to grasp what drives their higher functions, besides the more reductive observable explanations.

Background: Vex grew up on a First Order world with his family, refugees from some conflict or another. As a young child, he was a voracious learner and read history, philosophy and science texts well beyond his years. He was always strange, but being a prodigy, his parents were willing to overlook some antisocial behaviour. He helped in their workshop, and as his mechanical skills grew so did their client base. Some years later, they moved to a spaceport and worked on large commercial starships. As the business took off to new heights, he caught the interest of a prominent Naval officer. Impressed with his work, the officer recommended him for a scholarship at a prestigious academy on Dosuun, framing it as an opportunity to better serve his empire and reap the benefits. It was the latter that particularly interested Vex, so he took up the offer boarding the next flight to the capital.

As a xeno from the colonies Vex was initially treated as an inferior, but he shamed his rivals by excelling, thriving and ultimately graduating with honours. At this point, he was at a crossroads. His education had instilled a desire for more, so he plied his trade in the capital with the goal of using his savings to study other fields. Finally, with the aid of contacts from his time in academia, he found his calling as a researcher for the government. Success after success earned him a respected position in the community, and he found himself hand-picked for a number of cutting-edge projects. At last, he was contributing towards real progress. He was content. He settled into a routine and flourished in it.

With the collapse of the First Order, he had nowhere to go. He was forced to confront and revise old ways of thinking. Clearly it was not enough, if they were defeated so utterly and simply. Clearly, they need a new order.
Stranded - The citizens of the First Order were impacted in different ways by its shattering. Vex was working in a secret facility on Dagobah when it all transpired, researching biological weapons. The focus of their studies turned to countering the Ssi-ruuk invasion, but gradually they realised they were alone. The situation would only deteriorate from there, culminating in a mass containment breach.

Lost - Where is he? Who is he? Little is known of this time. What is certain: he did not return. People and memories were scattered like sands of the hourglass.

C-51 Charric Pistol (Laser sight attachment)
U-One Wrist Datapad (FO encryption, biometric lock)
Tool kit
Enviro-suit (HUD, Comlink, Holodriver, Personal Energy Shield)

Ship: First Order naval vessels.

(Thread name - Location; Description)
Welcome to Dagobah - Dagobah; Dominion. The Outer Rim Coalition wants to take Dagobah in the wake of the First Order's destruction. However, the Camp Aurark facility remains inhabited by its former staff, stranded and trying to survive their escaped experiments.
Imagine a Bullet - Dagobah; Faction. Continuing on from the previous story, Doctor Vex calls for help from the First Order remnant.

Chaos: Faction page / military assets / retribution corps
Wiki: The First Order
Playlist: Spotify
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