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Inflictor II-class, Heavy Cruiser

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Fiolette Fortan



  • Intent: To submit the new Inflictor II, a refit of the original and to redefine its overall combat role within the First Order’s navy.

  • Image Source: JBJHJM // Deviantart (x) (x)

  • Canon Link: Conner Nets (x) | Retribution (x) | Particle (x) | Mass Cannon Drivers (x) | Disruptor Torpedo Launchers (x) | MX-I5 Ion Mine Launchers (x) | Heavy Tractor / Pressor (x) | 220 SIG Tactical Jamming Device (x) | Missile Deactivation Transmitter (x) | Hyperspace Signal Interceptor (x) | Hyperwave Transceiver (x) | Hyperwave Inertial Momentum Stabilizer (x) | Dedicated Energy Receptor (x) | AR-0B Damage Reduction (x) | [SIZE=10.5pt]Reflec[/SIZE] (x | Mass Sensor (x) | Proximity Sensor (x) | Aural Sensor (x) | IFF Confuser (x) | Sensor Decoy (x) | 804.z Holotargeting System (x)

  • Restricted Missions: N/A

  • Primary Source: Inflictor-class, Heavy Cruiser (x) | Mauler Turbolaser Systems (x) | Annihilator Turbolaser Systems (x) | Retaliator Turbolaser Systems (x) | Particle Lance Turbolaser Systems (x) | Pursuit Defensive Missile Systems (x) | Bastion Combat System (x) | E-Warfare System (x)


Defenses: High

Hangar: 2 Squadrons

Maneuverability Rating: Low

Speed Rating: Low

Hyperdrive Class:


  • Elven Forward - A place where the crew, enlisted and officer alike can come, hang out and relax after a long day. Music, camaraderie and the like can be had here as well. Food is served hot and fresh, there’s a wet bar as well, but it’s all synthol anyway.

  • Fabrication Labs - Because the Inflictor serves as a fleet tender outside of battle, she has her own built-in fabrication labs, where her engineers can produce new parts with the resources available to them - on the go and help get repairs underway. Or, even begin new construction projects on behalf of the First Order.

  • Manufacturing - Some pieces require a little more work and need to be manufactured, these are pieces are small to medium with the biggest being a set of pipes used to assist with planetary development. The Inflictor can only produce a very tiny-amount of these pipes, but can produce a large quantity of nuts, bolts, washers and little things to help keep construction going, or to help with repairs.

  • Extensive Infirmary - The Inflictor comes equipped with extensive and uprated onboard medical, including three operating rooms, a small ambulatory center that can see up to six people at a time. She also comes equipped with a dentist and dental surgeon who is on-call, along with standard sickbay compliments.

  • Electronic Warfare CM/CCM Systems - Equipped to handle sensor jamming or an attempt to overwhelm sensors, the Inflictor can also, inflict the same on her enemies.

  • Scientific Laboratories - Includes, astrophysics, biochemistry, quantum physics, botany and geology, other disciplines share the ‘free roaming’ lab which means it can be transformed into whatever type of lab that particular scientist is in need of.

  • Bridge - Where the commanding officer and his/her team monitor ship’s vitals and coordinate to ensure mission completion.

  • Tactical Offices - The Inflictor comes equipped with offices for tactical officers to coordinate, study and keep up with the Inflictor’s weapons and defensive systems.

  • Security Offices - There are a few of these on the Inflictor, several, actually. Including brigs, and armories along with a shooting range to keep officers up to par on their skills.

  • JAG Office - There is one, one assigned to the Inflictor to help security officers and keep things moving smoothly. JAG also doubles as a Diplomatic Officer, and Liaison/Arbitrator when dealing with species who already reside within First Order territory.

  • Main Engineering - Houses the main components of the Inflictor’s engines, and this is where you’ll see the most activity with regards to the engine and keeping her well maintained.

  • Lower Engineering - Houses the secondary components to the Inflictor’s engines this also houses the secondary generators for the redundant shielding system.

  • Sub Level Engineering - Mostly houses the last of the generator components, chief engineer offices, along with offices for who are deployed off the ship to assist with projects around the galaxy and who are considered to be on-call for the First Order.

  • Logistics Management - As you can imagine, being a quartermaster or personnel officer or someone who works with rosters, posting of assignments, etc on a ship of this size with a ship of this nature can be. Well, it can be quite daunting, and as such Logistics Management has several offices aboard the Inflictor-class.

  • VIP Lounge - Meant for diplomats, guests of the First Order, this lounge can double as the courtroom should one be necessary and members of the First Imperial Military or the First Order are not anywhere near a planet with judicial capabilities.

  • Hygiene - Aboard the Inflictor and other vessels who are of her size or larger, a hair salon will be included to assist members with upkeep (maintaining inspection quality looks). A dry cleaning center is also offered to keep uniforms wrinkle free and crisp.

  • The Commissary - A small little market in the centermost part of the ship, this allows officers, enlisted alike to purchase little things for themselves. Those unlucky enough to serve on a ship that is not an Inflictor - will have to wait until they arrive at a base to do so.

  • Hangar - New to the Inflictor is her very own hangar that holds two squadrons of either auxiliary or attack craft, built within the hangar is a small maintence office and locker room for pilots, as well as their own barracks.

  • Advanced Heavy Tractor / Pressor Beams (x)

  • Standard Warship Hazard and Damage Control Systems

  • Standard Warship Sensors and Targeting Systems

  • Standard Warship Environmental Control Systems

  • Standard Warship Communications Systems
Detailed Special Features:
The Inflictor II is based off the original Inflictor-class design. As part of the Montague Program, the First Order naval ships underwent a standard modernization process which included adding various old-yet-new technologies. Namely, Anti-Ion Mesh, Anti-Ion Emissions Tracers, and Anti-Tractor Beam shroud, from here the ship borrows from ships such as the Halbred and Marauder using their standard sensor suite such as the Aural Sensor, Dedicated Energy Receptor, Energy-Wave Detector and Hyperspace Signal Interceptor. A holotargeting suite to aid in more precise attacks, and the Bastion Combat System to help the ship against warheads.

Just as before the Inflictor maintains its non-combat operation role as a fleet tender. To aid in this the ship was given two squadrons of her choosing, typically tug boats or repair drones. Her defenses and armament however were changed, radically. With the aforementioned sensors and defenses added on the Inflictor was also given disruptor torpedo launchers, and ion mine launchers to allow her to focus on disrupting enemy shields while in combat. In addition she was given Conner Nets which can be negated by cap drains just like the ones that the Inflictor is equipped with. Chaffs, Flares make it so the ship can attract missiles in its direction using the missile deactivation transmitter at the last moment when necessary.

Instead of utilizing standard turbolaser technology, the Inflictor used First Order turbolaser systems boosted by the ship's secondary engine. Mauler for short range, Annihilator and Retaliator at standard range and Particle Lance for long range. Giving the ship the ability to take on targets from a variety of distances. For all the technology on the ship, it is still not without its weaknesses. Prone to fire hazards from within the ship, slow manuverability and a secondary engine with the capability of freezing the ship's engines.


  • Damage: The new Inflictor doesn’t mess[SIZE=10pt] around and she’s got new teeth to prove it. Not only can she take the damage but she can dish it out just as well and is ready to go toe to toe with the foe’s[/SIZE] of the First Order. She’s also taken advantage of the secondary engine to boost her turbolaser systems. (CFE-G2MK7 x)

  • Tank: New armor, new hull and a new retribution shield, the Inflictor can now live up to her potential as a damage soaker. Add to this she’s equipped with more flares and chaffs than most vessels as she looks to take on enemy weapons fire. (Retribution Shield x)

  • Versatility: Equipped with a variety of turbolasers, the Inflictor is able to inflict damage from long range to short range combat.

  • Frozen: Utilizing the new crystal fused engine as a secondary, [SIZE=10pt]still, gives the Inflictor the same risks. Only this time there’s a [/SIZE]hypermatter reactor core to consider. Either way the results of this engine’s flaw being exploited, exposed or otherwise made to become a realization could prove fatal. (CFE-G2MK7 x)

  • Maneuverability: While the Inflictor moves a little faster than she did before, she’s still unable to turn as quickly as other ships in her class. She can still be easily outpaced by more maneuverable ships.

  • Firestarter: Even with her fire control systems, there is still a risk of the ship becoming a death trap with all of the machines, fabrication labs and manufacturing that takes place on the vessel. Should a fire break out and become uncontrollable the end result will be catastrophic.

  • Unstable: With all the work that goes on aboard the Inflictor, the result ends with unstable ventilation - for the most part it is safe, however; an enemy intruder can exploit this weakness and choke the life from the sailors aboard her.

  • Hangar: Armor around the Inflictor's hangar is weaker and more susceptible to damage from the outside, enough shots with a turbolaser or a torpedo can end the hangar and silence her squadrons completely, or leave them stranded.

The Inflictor’s refit rolled off the line just after the invasion of Hoth, from her shipyards on Rakata Beta, Dosuun, Ryoone and Vassek the re envisioned cruiser is now ready to engage the Galactic Alliance and any other foe that might want to test the First Order. Still a dual roled fleet tender/combat vessel, the Inflictor’s main role is to draw attention and soak up as much damage as possible. And, she can dish out what she gets in return. Equipped with a hyperwave intertial momentum sustainer, conner nets, and sensor decoys she isn’t shy about taking someone out of hyperspace and neutralizing them as quickly as possible.

Disruptor torpedoes and uprated turbolaser weapons, boosted by the secondary crystal fused engines lends the Inflictor credit to her namesake, at long last. While still in limited production the support cruiser works best with ships like the Hellstrom, Raptor II, Muhktiar and upcoming Empire IIs. Heavy tractor and pressor beams ensure that the Inflictor can push and pull her opponents at will. Equipped with the Bastion Combat System and Missile Deactivation Transmitters, warheads and missiles will have a hard time pinning the girl add to that the new retribution feedback shield and she’s certainly someone who enjoys the dance.

Unfortunately she still has her drawbacks, unable to maneuver as quickly as other ships - the lack of overall starfighter support even though she does have two squadrons to her name. She also suffers from the Crystal engine’s most fatal flaw and that is the freeze of her entire systems which can lead to a catastrophic disaster.

When it came to building the ship Imperial Shipworks, and [SIZE=10pt]Provisio[/SIZE] Duraworks continue their partnerships with Primo Victorian Shipwright on producing the ship named for Imperial Naval Captain Ciena Ree’s own Inflictor. The new FIV Inflictor, Indomitable, Illustrious, Imogen, Icebreaker, and Impulsive are set to debut shortly and will begin to work with local repair stations throughout the nation.

Mod Request 4.4.2018
Original Section/s:
Affiliation: First Order
New Section/s:
Affiliation: First Order | Primo Victorian Shipwright

Travis Caalgen

Hello, I'll be the factory judge reviewing your submission. If you have questions, please feel free to respond to this thread once we are underway.

Travis Caalgen

[member="Fiolette Yvarro"]

Before we proceed, please make sure all items linked under the 'Defenses' section have their abilities reflected in the Strengths and Weaknesses, and thoroughly described in the description if applicable.
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