Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Life Day Among the Falling Petals

The Reaper of Won Shasot
By the time the two actually made it to the gates, Dax was panting. Either he was out of shape or all his twenty seven years were catching up to him. Woe was the old man. At the mention of the guard, shook his head and waved them off, "Take the day off guys, I got this." A cocky grin on his face as he spoke, certain to earn an eye-roll from his wife, "I'm pretty sure a Forcer, spy, ex-Jedi, veteran of seven wars and Grand Marshal of the Coalition can handle one day of protecting her Highness." Of course, Dax just wanted some time alone. No more of this constantly being watched stuff, just some real quality time with his wife.

The guard were the ones rolling their eyes, but an affirmative nod from Ki abated their protests.

As they dissipated, Ki led Dax through the gates and into the city of Kitsuhana. The city had prospered since the regime had toppled and Kimiko had brought peace. But it had also brought a certain amount of chaos as well.

Here was where the past and present collided as the modernization efforts were in full-swing. Many off-worlders were here on Ki's behalf bringing her planet and people up to par with the rest of Galaxy. Some areas would need more attention in time however, as traditions were well rooted into the fabric of the people's being.

The short distance to the market district was not long, but Ki made a point to point out all the interesting spots on their journey. She made mental notes to bring her family around some time.

Once they reached the entrance to grand, open-aired market, the festivities were in full swing. All around were vendors marketing their wares to passerby, bot Akaran and not. Various food smells filled the air as dozens of different traditional songs joined the chorus of voices around them.

"Welcome my dear!"

[member="Dax Fyre"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Dax waved good bye to the guards before taking Ki's hand in his to begin their walk through the city. The last time he'd been here, much of it had been marred or just flattened to rubble. He was impressed with how much they gotten done, not just by way of rebuilding, but also how much closer they were to achieving galactic standards.

Of course, that hadn't gotten rid of the market stalls. And Dax loved market stalls. He had to stop himself from looking at every single one, his curiosity begging to be answered. That wasn't even the best part though. The smells of food struck Dax, and the Rogue immediately ran to the nearest vendor and ordered whatever it was they were selling. He didn't even really know what it was. Handing one of the two hand foods to [member="Kimiko"] the man began to devour the food with gusto, "Ki, I don't think I can live off the Mess Hall slop anymore...In fact, I think the only thing I can eat anymore is whatever it is your people make..." he said wistfully.
She watched Dax run into the crowd with enthusiasm of a child, coming back shortly with two local fruits, dipped in caramelized coating, on a stick. Ki took one that was offered, giggling before taking a bite and savoring the sweet taste of the candy and bitterness of the fruit.

"You are more than welcome to come eat whenever you desire. The people here love you as much as I do." she offered just as a group of younger children flocked around her legs, beaming and shouting happily that she was here and they could see her. Her free hand reached down and patted them as she returned thanks for their support before their caretaker came apologizing for their disrespect.

Ki just laughed it off and offered the caretaker an on-the-house meal.

[member="Dax Fyre"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Dax stood by his wife smiling at the scene that played out before him. "Ya know, not many monarchs that can say they're well loved and well respected. You should be proud." he said before biting into his treat again and then smiling at the children's caretaker as they waved goodbye. Dax began to speak again with his mouth full, his words coming out slightly, both on account of the fact he was covering his mouth and he could hardly open it with so much food in it, "You've done wonderfully, and you will for years to come."

Ki smiled, a genuine smile as she scooped up one of the younger and smaller girls from the group of children. The little one's tails wagged happily as Ki offered a bite of her treat. She began,"I vowed to treat my people better than they had been in the past. I listen to them, I've eaten, and walked, and worked with them as the construction continues. I do my best to be fair in judgements and mediating any unrest." Her gaze left the little girl and swept over the gathered crowds going about their various entertainment. Laughter and music, cheering and clapping all around the festival grounds. More snow had begun falling as the sun set and lanterns were lit, casting a warm glow on the entire grounds. She finished her looking about by looking at Dax, her warm look was still there, but the tone in her voice would be different,"But I am also firm in rulings and orders, not that I execute anyone who disobeys or disagrees, but, if there will be no serious acts of treason. Thus my personal guard is loyal to me and me alone. Yet, there is balance, the palace guards may remove me from the throne if there is enough evidence to warrant it." Her shoulders shrugged,"I have tried to learn from mistakes of governments in the past. We shall see how it will all pan out here, yes?"

[member="Dax Fyre"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Dax smiled as his Empress spoke. She'd come a long way since he'd first met her on Nar Shadaa. Then, she'd been scared, unsure of herself, unsure of the galaxy. But now she was strong, confident, with a heart of gold and a just mind. "All the markings of a good leader," the Rogue confirmed, "And with any luck our children will take more after you, and lead their people just as well. Akarui is in good hands." The Rogue felt something tug on his pants and looked down to see a boy holding a small bokken, a wooden practice sword, in presentation to him. The Rogue took the small stick and gave it a few swings, as if to show he was testing it out. He handed the weapon back to the small boy, "That's a good weapon. And I'm sure it's wielder is worthy of it. If you practice hard, and do the right thing, maybe one day you too will protect them." Dax said, gesturing towards Ki and the girl she held. The boy's eyes grew wide before he began to nod vigorously, earning a chuckle from Dax who ruffled the hair between the boy's ears.

She watched the exchange and chuckled before placing the little girl down and passing off the treat and sending her on her way. She looked back to her husband and offered her hand lovingly,"Come, there is much to see, and I want too see it with you."

[member="Dax Fyre"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
The boy chased after the little girl as Dax stood back up from his kneeling position. He gave his wife a grin and offered her his arm saying, "Lead on my love. Force knows I'll get lost as hell around here anyways." As the two began to walk, the Rogue looked around at the festivites, listening to the music and enjoying this precious time with his wife. "So this festival happens every winter right," he asked.

A hum along with a nod,"Yes. One thing that I have found blatantly obvious, is that they are a bright and exceedingly happy people at heart. There are festivals and celebrations throughout the year for many different things."

The next several hours were a blur of excitement and noise. They bounced from stall to stall, Kimiko showing Dax the different foods and wares all the vendors were selling. She even went as far as to purchase a traditional set of clothing for Dax. It was colorful, though primarily greens, reds, and blues. The silk was soft and fleece lining would be warm. She admired him as he stepped out from changing...

[member="Dax Fyre"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
The Rogue was surprisingly pleased with the outfit that [member="Kimiko"] had picked out for him. He would even hang his saber's from the belt, although his slugthrower wasn't an option, instead being wrapped in his now spare clothes. The man stepped out of the changing room with his other clothes under his arm and his other hand on his hips. "So, how do I look?" he asked his wife, flashing her yet another smile.
Her hands clapped together excitedly as she giggled,"So handsome! It suits you dear." a bell tolled in the distance and she perked up to the meaning,"Come, the fireworks will begin soon, but first we must pray at the temple!"

And again they were hand-in-hand, Kimiko leading him through the crowd towards the city's main temple. A plethora of priests and priestesses ushered patrons around the grounds, and a certain one noticed Kimiko and rushed to meet the Empress personally,"Good evening Your Majesty...and Lord Fyre. It is a pleasant sight seeing the both of you spending such a lovely night with us." she greeted with a bow slightly surprised too see Dax along for the ride.

Kimiko rushed to embrace Nozomi, offering the season's blessings to her,"Nozomi! It is great to see you as well, and Dax came by to drop off Saya so I dragged him out to take a break from the current fighting. I see everything here is handled?"

[member="Dax Fyre"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
"Uh, pray?" were the only words Dax had managed to get out before Ki was once again pulling him along to the temple. Yes, Dax understood the concept of praying. However, as he knew it, it was beseeching a god or gods to some end or another, which wasn't much of an option for him being a Forcer. He believed and utilized in the Force, but one didn't exactly 'pray' to the Force...this was certainly going to be interesting...

Dax brushed against robes and bodies as the pair weaved through the crowd towards the temple. It was like the whole city had come! Thankfully there was at least one face who greeted him that he recognized, "Nozomi!" the Rogue in turn greeted, offering a deep bow, "It's good to see you again, and certainly under better circumstances. My wife been keeping you busy?" he inquired smiling cheerily at the familiar face.

The purple-maned mystic smiled, keeping her hands cordially clasped before her,"More than you could possibly imagine. But it's mostly good things." Ki looked at her in astonishment to which Nozomi chuckled mischievously,"But enough of official matters, please, come in and enjoy yourselves and celebrate as well. If you need anything, please let any of the attendants know. Have a good night you two~" she bowed and excused herself to continue her shift as the head priestess.

Kimiko shook her head and wondered how the woman became so eccentric. She turned back to Dax,"Nozomi, mysterious as always. Anyway, this is the ancient Imperial Temple. It has stood at the heart of the capital since it's founding." She began leading her husband through the grounds and pointing out small points of interest and going over etiquette. Before long, they arrived at a courtyard that surrounded a small shrine-like structure in the center and guided him to a spot.

"I know we may not believe in any form of religion or deities, but here, I promised not to interfere with their religion. It is a guide, something that allows the people here to look up to something higher than themselves. Nozomi and her clan have been shrine and temple attendants for millennia. I have yet to look into it, but I do believe it has a connection to the Force." her head shook and a more relaxed look appeared on her face,"Let's not worry ourselves with that now. Let us pray and then we can go see the fireworks!" she said eagerly.

Ki shut her eyes, becoming silent for a moment, as she thought of what to pray for. Not really into the whole religion idea, she still would offer something up here, to show her support...

Please, let this conflict end soon, allowing those who are away to return home...

[member="Dax Fyre"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Dax bowed once more to Nozomi as she left, leaving Dax to chuckle inwardly to himself at her comments. "Ever the troublemaker, that one," he agreed with Ki before she began to explain the temple and all of its customs and how to behave. By the end of it all, Dax's head was spinning, and to make it worse, he hadn't retained any of the information. Instead he simply nodded and blankly stated, "Yeah, religious freedom. That's good." Realizing that the praying had begun, Dax began to mimic his wife and others. He still wasn't sure how or what to pray for, and so instead began to meditate, seeming to be the next best option. He reached out with the Force, feeling each mind around him, a colossal amount, but one thing was a common factor. Reverence and thankfulness. The man slowly weaved each mind to another, that they might all be united in what he could only view as a special across the planet. A feeling of warmth flooded over him as he did so, peace flowing through him, and through him to others.

Ki had finished with a ceremonial clap of her hands and she watched Dax embrace the tradition knowing full well what he was doing at the moment, cause she felt it as well. The warmth he emitted caused her to bathe in the feeling. She cherished the moment, taking advantage of the private prayer booth and embraced him from behind, resting her head between his shoulders,"That was sweet of you. What you did for those around us I am sure gave some the push they needed to continue in life. Thank you."

[member="Dax Fyre"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
The Rogue didn't open his eyes, or turn around. But she could surely sense the smile that tugged at his lips as she spoke. "Sometimes that's all you need," he said quietly, "Just a little push. Force knows you and the kids are that push for me sometimes." The two had, without doubt, had their fair share of dark moments. It was expected in their line of work. But if the galaxy had taught him just one thing, it was that all it took to get through the darkness was choosing the right people to lend a hand, and to do the same for others. Nate. Zark. Joza. Bryce. Jorus. Julius. Coren. Veino. And of course, @Kimiko. If it weren't for them, Dax wouldn't be standing where he was now. If it weren't for them, his life would be far darker. And for that he owed them everything.
"We'll always be here as you are for us, and the kids and I appreciate that just as much." she giggled softly,"Again, thank you." she stepped back and moved to the entrance, returning the bows of a passing group of priests. She had been through some tough times herself, but had prevailed through them with the help of all her friends she met along the way, never wanting to trade anything in the Galaxy for what she currently had.

Done reminiscing, she reached for Dax's hand,"One more stop before we can retire for the night."

[member="Dax Fyre"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
The Rogue exhaled once more as he finished meditating and the prayer came to close. The man rose to his feet and lightly brushed off his clothing before turning around taking his wife's hand. "Alright, and where might that be?" he asked as he stepped out of the prayer booth and back into the light of day. They'd done much in the day, and so he was at a loss at what there could possibly be left. It seemed like they'd done everything possible. But, of course, his wife always had something up her sleeve.

@Kimiko Taiyo
Their path took them out from the main festival grounds and up one of the raised sectors of the grand city. Ki sat and patted the floor beside her on the wall that held up the district. Their view was quite spectacular as the multitude of traditional structures mingled with the modern buildings. The festival lit the center of the ancient city, warmly glowing against the rapidly approaching night, as snow fell into the crowds.

"We shouldn't have much time before they begin. Tell me, did your enjoy your day? I know you are needed elsewhere, but I need you as well." her gaze turned to look back at her celebrating kin down below, hiding the burgeoning tears as the celebrations seemed to be dying down,"Look...out there towards the outskirts of the city..."

And as if on queue, a firework screeched up to the sky and momentarily disappeared before erupting into a brilliant flash of white. It was quickly followed by many more, all in a grandiose display that celebrated who knew what...

[member="Dax Fyre"]

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