Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Life Day Among the Falling Petals

The Reaper of Won Shasot
The King followed the Empress to the hidden away balcony and sat beside her when she beckoned him to. The thousands of light strewn out before them like a sea of little flickering fires. "It was wonderful Ki," Dax said, "If I could stay, you know I would. I miss you, all of you." It was far and few between that Dax had a chance to be home with his family. That much was true, even less that he got to spend any real time there. He'd take what precious little he could get.

The Rogue looked out past the city, towards where the snowy woman pointed, just in time to see the first brilliant flash of light bloom across the sky. Dax hadn't seen fireworks, well proper fireworks, in more than a decade. Maybe even more than that. "Wow." he murmured quietly as he stared out at the colorful blossoms of light. The Rogue wrapped an arm around his wife's shoulders and pulled her in close as they watched the distant display. "Thank you, for today." he said, "It was great, really."

[member="Kimiko Taiyō"]
She silently snuggled into the embrace, thriving in the warmth, she knew it wouldn't last. Her heart ached knowing this would be the last time spent with her husband for quite some time.

She enjoyed the rest of the brilliant display by her people before whisking him away back to the palace for the night, making every second count.

~~~The next day~~~

She made sure he was prepared before departing for the other side of Coalition space once more. With fresh food stores and several volunteers loading to accompany him, Ki herself stood at the edge of the platform with Saya and Oji holding onto each leg watching as well.

[member="Dax Fyre"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
As the fireworks ended, Dax gently kissed his lover before they left together back to the palace. He did his best to forget where he was going to the following morning, the war he'd be fighting once more, and the people he'd be leaving behind. For now, he drank in every moment he could with his love before drifting off to sleep.

The following morning, the Rogue woke before the woman beside him. He didn't move though, instead choosing to watch her sleep for a moment, the gentle rise and fall of her chest, the warmth of the both against his. Dax gently brushed away a stray strand of hair and kissed her forehead before quietly sliding out of bed and into the shower.

Sometime later, with the last of his gear packed, supplies loaded onto the Revenant and a whole cadre of volunteer fighters onboard, it was time to leave. And all too soon. The Marshal walked through the hangar, and up to his wife, daughter, and the boy who might as well have been his own son. Dax set down his bag and knelt down in front of the two children and held his arms out for hugs, "Alright. Daddy'll be home as fast as he can. Promise me you'll be good for your mother?" Saya and Oji both nodded before flinging themselves into the Rogue's arms. Saya appeared to be fighting back tears as she clung desperately to her father's neck, "I'll be back soon." Dax promised once more before prying the small beings off of him and standing up to face his wife, "Not gonna have some secret affair with the gardener while I'm gone right?" he asked in a joking manner.

[member="Kimiko Taiyō"]
Ki's own tears were threatening to spill as the children bid their own emotional farewells. They were quickly ushered off by a palace attendant and Ki looked back to him smirking unamused at the jab,"Very funny." she punched his shoulder playfully,"You know I would come with you if I could. But, Chika will be right behind you with what help I can spare." she said solemnly.

She watched the crew load one by one until they were all aboard, leaving them alone on the platform,"Please be safe. I know it is asking a lot, but I cannot help but worry." she went about brushing off non-existant specks of dust from his uniform.

[member="Dax Fyre"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
"You've done more than enough." Dax assured her with a gentle smile. Ships, troops, that was far more than Dax had expected to receive when he first came here. "I'm sure Chika'll just be itching to get out there anyways. Thank you."

"Please be safe..." Ki told him, a request to which Dax could do little more than halfheartedly chuckle at. "You know I'll do my best. Someone's gotta make sure Tsubasa doesn't fly into a black hole after all. Besides, I'm a jealous man and I can't stand the thought of anyone else warming my side of the bed."

[member="Kimiko Taiyō"]
Ki clasped her hands before her, tucking them into her robe,"I will be much to busy to even think of anything of the sort. I have to begin the mobilization of the populace, complete construction around Sakura, among many other things. Things that will hopefully help the Coalition end this conflict and keep our enemies at bay."

She sighed,"But none of that is for now. You need to keep your head in the game." a devilish smirk,"I'll have Chika keep an eye on you."

[member="Dax Fyre"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
"Looks like you'll be a busy woman," the Rogue commented, proud of the woman she had become and all she had and was going to accomplish, "Just don't forget to send me a quick holo every now and then." The charming little smirk could do little to hide the fact that those little messages wer what got him through the day.

"Oh, the heavens know she'll rail me on any mistakes." Dax joked with regards to Chika, "I'll make sure to bring her back in one piece."

[member="Kimiko Taiyō"]

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