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Mission [NJO Padawans] - A Cold Warning


A Cold Warning
The Padawan sparring event on Coruscant had overall been a great success. It had brought the generation of NJO students closer together, and while there were some points of tension to work out... the future of the Order looked promising. Their cooperation, however, was something that the Council felt needed to be encouraged even more. So when a new, mysterious problem revealed itself on Ilum, all available Padawans were contacted to report to the Ilum Temple, where they would be briefed on their new assignment.


"Thank you all for coming today."

"After the sparring event on Coruscant, the Council decided that we wanted to bring you all together for a mission so that you can further develop yourself alongside each other. The task today is to solve a mystery — two days ago, I felt a disturbance in the Force here on Ilum. Something powerful in nature, and something I couldn't quite explain myself. This planet is rarely the source of these occurrences, but when it is, we can't ever underestimate it."

"I've asked Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze to conduct an early investigation, and he will share some details in a moment, but I will warn all of you now. Ilum is a very unforgiving planet, so whatever differences linger within the group, you must overcome them and address this problem together. We're placing a lot of trust in you, so do your best and prove that you can handle these assignments."

She paused a moment and looked at each Padawan individually for a moment.

"I will remain here at the Temple as your point of contact, should anything happen. But unless you contact me, this mission is yours. May the Force be with you all," she said before her gaze shifted to Dagon.


Command Deck,
Outcast Four

Dagon was slipping off the wintery gloves from his hands when Valery's eyes turned to him. The raven-haired man behind the screen placed the mittens to the side and cleared his throat.

It was pleasantly warm in the confines of the ship.

:: Right, Padawans -- Va-- Master Noble's given you pretty much the gist of it. My findings haven't wielded much so here's where you come in. The canyon where you will be dropping off is home to dozens, if not more, caves. Lots of them rich in kyber. It's the season of earthquakes on Ilum and tectonic activity has been very high so don't trust your maps too much -- there's holes where there were ridges and many passages of the caves have been buried so be careful not to get trapped. Last earthquake was twelve hours ago, right when I was out there, and the razhak worms are out of their pits and frantic. Their scales are practically durasteel and they carve their way through ice and snow due to their intense temperature, so if you see melting snow or your boots feel warm -- move. ::

The hologram stuttered as the Knight glanced at each of the gathered padawans. "Down there, you must have each other's back. That goes without saying. You're stronger together so trust in each other... even when you have some doubts." his eyes flashed at his own padawan -- Corin. The boy hardly made friends. "Corin, you will be responsible for the whole group."

"Everyone comes back."


The sharp tongue, the instinct for violence, and the hubris he carried were all rough edges that needed smoothing out. But his seniority, pragmatic thought, the abundance of invaluable experience, and even his martial prowess were all traits that could lift him to the next level. He had to learn to be part of a team. Even, no, especially with those he disagrees with.

And most importantly, he had to learn that they were not firstly hammers of justice to pommel Denonian criminals and Sith Lords but shields to protect the galaxy, bulwarks against the aggression and tyranny of the aforementioned.​


Iris huddled up as best she could. Even with her cloak, it was freezing. The furred overcoat did little to help that either. Man, she never realized how cold Ilum was before. And the crystal in her lightsaber was one she got from here to begin with! Did the planet get colder!? She huffed a little and pulled her hood more around her face. The more she started to pay attention to the world around her, the more she started to feel things like this.

Colors were easier.

She listened in silence, glancing between Valery and NotKa- Dagon as they spoke. So there was a mystery to solve? And they weren't getting much for information. Her lips pulled to a frown as she turned her gaze back to her Master.

"What kind of disturbance, Master? You're not giving us a lot of details to work on other than a vague feeling."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze

Hollis stood quietly, just taking it all in – she was out on her first 'real' mission with a group of padawans. The idea of a mystery was definitely intriguing. But the description of the cavernous area and the potential dangers that they may encounter made her a bit nervous.​
Though, this mission was being supervised... they wouldn't leave any padawans to die. That was comforting.​
She had a quick look around to the others when Knight Kaze said they'd need to have each other's backs. This would be the first time she'd worked with many of them. Hollis herself was still a rather new face, so she'd do her best with the limited skills she had. Her gaze flickered to a young woman as she spoke up, asking for more details – that was probably smart.​
Hollis arched her brows, waiting to see if there'd be more questions or answers before they'd be dropped off on Ilum.​

A Cold Warning

Briefing Room, Ilum Jedi Temple, Ilum

Inyak pulled the hood up on his heavy navy-blue parka and watched his breath leave his mouth in a small cloud. Inside his large pockets, he tinkered with some parts while at the very least feigning that he was listening in to the briefing.

Taking a little break from the activity, he glanced around quickly at all the faces that surrounded him. Each of their expressions was like a mixture, confusion, worry, boredom all mixed into one. Cee-Three hopped onto his shoulders. The droids white receptors like glowing orbs helping to illuminate the somewhat dim environment. All of this, the missions, briefings, even the lightsabers felt so.. unfamiliar. perhaps in good time he'd come to understand it - truly.

The padawan rubbed his gloved hands together to try and regain some feeling in them as the dark-haired Jedi finished off the briefing. The mention of the worms piqued his interest. To Inyak animals held a large place in his intellectual palace. Nature, in every form to him was beautiful and the worms being a danger didn't still right with him. Shifting uneasily, he pondered on what the caves might be like. After all, he couldn't remember the last time he heard the name Ilum.

Hearing another voice, he immediately located the source, watching Iris Arani Iris Arani air her rather valid concerns. Stepping up, he mustered the courage to speak. "I concur, could the recent tectonic activity have something to do with the disturbance?"

Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Iris Arani Iris Arani | Hollis Orenn Hollis Orenn

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Location: Training Room​
Wearing: xxx
Weapon: xxx
Arm: xxx
A trip to Ilum, there was no way Justice was going to pass that up. He begged and pleaded with his master to get off the grounded list. It only took him nearly humiliating himself to get the okay to go, but it seemed Justice was more persistent than his master gave him credit for. It was good thing he got himself on the mission too because Valery Noble was there, giving some instructions, Iris, a Jedi he did not know, and…​
Justice smiled as he came up beside her. This mission was meant to develop the padawans as a team. Part of Justice wondered if it would be a disaster. Every time he had been sent out with a group of other padawans it usually was. There was the sith on the train, Bri going after the sithspawn, and well other incidents. I mean that was not going to happen this time… right?​
“The caves are not just full of kyber crystals, but focusing crystals, enhancements, and one of the coolest set of temple ruins you might every set your eyes on. There is so much history here,” he whispered to Hollis.​
It was clear Just was giddy over the idea they might get to the temple. The mission did seem vague, but that was not the point. This was Ilum and Justice had the maps all but memorized from his studies.​
Being an archeologist did come in handy sometimes. This was one of those times.​
“Stay close hmm?”
Kai didn’t seem to feel the cold, even as an icy wind ruffled his hair. Wrapped up in a similar fur coat to the others, he folded his arms across his chest and stared down at the ground.

At least, until Dag appointed Corin the leader of the group. Then Kai’s head snapped up, gaping in shock at Dag, then shooting a close-lipped glare at Corin.

Just great.

Other people were asking important questions which he wanted to hear the answers to, so he stayed silent. But he wasn’t happy about how things were looking.

Jem’s nostrils flared.

“You?” She said to her fellow Padawan and house mate what she was sure the others were thinking. She had no problem checking Corin Trenor Corin Trenor ego. She wasn’t as easy to bash in as the others.

Her eyes skimmed over him, keen and skeptical. “…that’s my shirt again.” Black. Boxy. Run down. It was probably Dagons before it was hers. …or still was.

Maybe it wasn’t even hers.

She snorted at him and push to the terminals around them, biting back the sting of Dagons shifting attention. Valery would sense it a mile away and she would want to have another talk. Jem didn’t feel like talking today. She just wanted to focus on this.

You're not giving us a lot of details to work on

There is so much history here,”

The voices passed by her like distant figures. She stepped to the screens on the temple wall and watched the coordinates roll through.
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Jasper was still dressed in his regular attire. The cold never bothered him. In fact, he rather liked it, much to the dismay of his friends. Iris Arani Iris Arani seemed to not be fairing as well.

“Pyf, come here,” Jasper told his droid with a mischievous grin, gabbing the little droid.

“What?!” Pyf reacted, startled.

Jasper approached Iris with a grin, holding out the hand with Pyf in it.

“Here, hold onto my friend,” Jasper told the padawan. “He has an internal heating system to keep him from turning into a popsicle, so he’s pretty warm.”

“Er, hello.” Pyf greeted. “My name is GH-PY447, but you can call me Pyf.”

"I concur, could the recent tectonic activity have something to do with the disturbance?"

“Maybe it’s the opposite?” the duelist theorized. “The disturbance could be the source of the tremors. Oh, I don’t think we’ve met,” Jasper paused, extending a hand to his fellow padawan, “I’m Jasper.”

If they were gonna work as a unit, it would be smart to introduce each other. Fortunately, Jasper was beginning to get better at meeting new people since coming back to the temple.
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His own eyes widened a fraction, a faint tilt to his brow as the words settled in. For all his years as a Jedi, Corin had been the Padawan; the student, the follower, the one intended to watch and listen out for someone else - in times Corin chose to do so, that is, and often times had disobedience taken hold. But the trials and tribulations of recent times had seen a swift overhaul of the life Corin had once known, and with it came the far-from-beloved duties and responsibilities of a mature Jedi. Or so it was demanded of him. But now, the burden of leadership?

He nodded without so much as a word on offer. Not even a sound.

Corin flashed a look across to Jem with narrowed eyes, then down to his shirt and Jem once more. His hand reached for the zipper of his cold-weather jacket and slid it upwards, the shirt of nebulous ownership concealed behind it before he followed on to examine the screens himself. Out of the classroom, into the ice box. His demeanour shifted, like a switch. He was absent all unsavoury comments or meaningless mockeries. Hard at work instead, with a focused sense of self that turned to the displayed information as much as the questions posed.

Valery Noble Valery Noble Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Jem Fossk Jem Fossk Iris Arani Iris Arani Silas Westgard Silas Westgard Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Justice Lesan Justice Lesan Hollis Orenn Hollis Orenn Inyak Yash Inyak Yash


"What kind of disturbance, Master? You're not giving us a lot of details to work on other than a vague feeling."

Valery turned to her own Padawan and offered a smile, "That's because there aren't many details yet. Your group is the first to investigate and figure out what sparked it. Knight Kaze has narrowed it down to give you all a starting point, but the rest of this mission is up to you."

"Exciting, right?"
She smirked a little and gestured at some datapads on the table, "These contain rough maps of the region, as well as emergency codes to contact me. Start there, and explore the area - follow the Force and try to figure out what's off about where you're going."

"I concur, could the recent tectonic activity have something to do with the disturbance?"

She looked at Inyak Yash Inyak Yash and nodded to what Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el said in response, "It's possible, but these earthquakes aren't uncommon on a yearly basis. The disturbance I felt, however, is very unique, and I believe that whatever it is you're going to find out there, you can't ever underestimate it. Work together and make sure you all return safely."

Her eyes now shifted to Corin Trenor Corin Trenor , who has had a moment to let the idea of leading the group sink in. She knew that some of the Padawans likely didn't trust him very much or had problems with him, but that's why he was leading this as well. This was an opportunity for them all to grow closer together. "Corin, we trust you'll see to it that this mission is a success," Valery said in an attempt to encourage him, should there be any doubt within him.

"If that was all, grab your gear and start moving. It's cold but there's no storm currently, so you're cleared to reach the starting point of this exploration mission."

Location: Ilum
Objective: Gather with the rest of the padawan's
Attire: Clothing
Tag: Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri

Silas finally approached the rest of the padawans slightly late, to the point where Valery Noble Valery Noble was halfway through answering questions. Another sleepless night plagued him, something which wasn't new on Ilum at all. It was the very same place Valery found him and saved him from the nightmare itself. Things had finally come full circle...

Walking up behind Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri he let out a loud yawn and looked to his right to see what the boy was doing. Right now the thought of Corin Trenor Corin Trenor being the leader hit his ego like a speeder. Looking him up and down he seemed to slowly shake his head "Why so glum, chum?" he said off the cuff in a dry tone, just before his master had finished talking to the rest of them.

"You're normally so upbeat and willing, what has gone wrong?" He said sarcastically, without even looking at him. From the short time he had seen Kai, he had looked nothing but miserable.

"Come on, I'm sure the cold breeze will change that"
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Well, there was the answer.

A non answer, but an answer regardless. Iris let out a sigh, rubbed the back of her neck. It was.. Interesting enough that Corin had been named leader of this whole thing. And now they were going to investigate the area without any idea on just what nature of the sensation it brought. If only one of them had felt it, not the master. Well, no point in standing around. The Padawan moved over, glancing to Corin with a rather bluntly judgmental expression.

He'd either do well or be a jerk. And she had little patience for the later.

"So, what's the plan?"

@Everyone I wish this was a thing
His brief and oddly thorough examination yielded few results. It seemed their information on-hand was rather limited, if not non-existent. Corin wondered if it was a test, another exercise, and that could explain the reason there were so few details to pour over. Maybe, a thought that retreated into the back of his mind, but in the meantime... This was very real, and so were the responsibilities entrusted to him.

Test, or not.

Corin met Iris' callous look and let it wash over him. She had her reasons, none of which were unfair to have. Yet the Padawan shifted his attention across to the horde of students under his care. "So there's very little that we know and our mission is to find out, so we march on over to do just that. But we do so carefully, with caution. In the caves, we leave markers and we don't split up. Bring climbing gear, never know if we might need it. From there," Corin said with measured authority though found some pause, "I guess we find out what's down there. But still, carefully."

He could afford to reckless with his own life, but not those of others.

But Corin turned from them and to the somewhat distant and holographic figure of his master. "Everyone comes back." He repeated.

The Padawan nodded along, as if in his own private musings. Maybe he was. It seemed as much with how his head craned and a brief period of silence took hold. "Anyways," he interjected, "Once you're all set and equipped, let's get on the move."

@LiterallyEveryoneGoddamn Valery Noble Valery Noble Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Jem Fossk Jem Fossk Iris Arani Iris Arani Silas Westgard Silas Westgard Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Justice Lesan Justice Lesan Hollis Orenn Hollis Orenn Inyak Yash Inyak Yash


Hollis turned and smiled as Justice moved up beside her. She could feel some of familiar energy around him, just like she'd sensed at Tython. Exploring ruins was his cup of tea for sure. Leaning slightly to hear his whispered words, she blinked.

So, including whatever they were to find here... there could be other things, too! Like crystals, who didn't like crystals?

"I will," she whispered back when he told her to say close.

She wasn't about to get lost on Ilum. Hollis returned her attention to the others as they discussed options and how to proceed. There was notable tension between some of the others present – though Hollis couldn't exactly pinpoint. People seemed to be glaring too. Oh, golly.

Hollis shrugged and exchanged a small glance with Justice. Clearly, there was something between some of the others. "Ready," she said, simply. She gave her supplies a last check, zipped her coat up to her chin, and put her hood up. Master Noble had assured them there weren't any storms at the moment, but Hollis hadn't experienced Ilum cold before...

She'd set out along with the others – equal parts excited and nervous.
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"Once you're all set and equipped, let's get on the move."

“Understood,” Jasper nodded.

He didn’t know Corin and had his own reasons to think that the boy was a bit odd after his display back on Coruscant when they were sparring. Still, Jasper had been on his own for a while, so he really had no justification to object, and Corin seemed to be saying all the right things. He turned back to his peers, gesturing to an extra blue coat, the one intended to be his.

“Anyone need an extra?” he asked, mostly to ease the tension amongst the group. “I don’t need it.” Jasper never used jackets anyways. He didn’t believe in sleeves.

After this, the duelist began to gear up. He had been a scrapper back on Corellia for a bit, so he was pretty accustomed to climbing. In theory, this would be similar enough.
"Why so glum, chum?"

Kai blinked, turning toward Silas in confusion.

"You're normally so upbeat and willing, what has gone wrong?"

Kai had never met the other boy before, or at least they had never spoken to one another. Rather than risk another bad impression by using telepathy to respond, Kai simply jerked a thumb in the direction of Corin Trenor, Designated Team Leader™, who was currently scolding Jasper for not wearing his jacket.

Buttoning up his own coat, he sighed and headed out into the cold.

Tags: Corin Trenor Corin Trenor

“Alright,” Jasper frowned, picking up the coat. “You got it, boss.”

Freeze to death? The idea was laughable. Jasper used to ride tauntauns on Hoth in nothing more than a pair of shorts. Unfortunately, Jasper wasn’t in a position of authority, and starting problems was the last thing he wanted to do.

Jasper put the coat on his shoulders, buttoning it up like a cloak, but nothing more. Corin never specified how he wanted Jasper to wear it, and he wanted his arms free to keep his arm movement unrestricted. If that wasn’t enough, he’d settle with “freezing to death.”

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