Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Party Night on the Kyber | KC and Family


Location: aboard the Midnight Kyber in deep space appxomately 6 parsecs north of Ryloth

In the 'Crystal' onboard nightclub


Time for another party on the Midnight Kyber with good drinks, good food and a fun time planned for all. The ship was stationary near an asteroid field in a quiet an uninhabited system with a very active star. Cass had chose this system because first, it was out of the way, and second, she had a very special treat planned for the party guests, a race for her four best fighter pilots with wagers on the victor.

The ship had a single deck accessible to the party goers, a long corridor the length of the deck and either side of which we're guest rooms and other non sensitive rooms. There was only one elevator on or off of the deck and there were no terminals that led to other parts of the ship. There were two airlocks on either side of the main corridor where other ships could down and at one end was the night club. It was as if Cass had planned this whole deck specifically to entertain her criminal friends, and she absolutely had.

Inside the club was a beautiful bar with a dark blue Twi'lek bartender called Jerome, he was as good at drinks as he was good looking and Cass adored him, name a drink and he would mix up one of the best versions you could wish for, Cass thanked Ashla for the day she hired him as she waited for her guests to arrive. She had invited the Kraken Coalition and she had invited the family and was looking forward to their two socialite groups mixing together. She had also told Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud thar a few of her darkwire contacts were welcome as long as they were trusted by her, Cass having very little contact herself. She had even extended and invite to Arturo Braga Arturo Braga Of the Black sun, but they were far from his space and it was very last minute, so who knew if he would attend.

Cass looked at the dance floor and smiled, imagining it full of friendly faces. She lived for the party. Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene was already aboard in Cass's private quarters just putting his glad rags on before he came out, he was one of only two people who the elevator off of the deck would work for, the other being Dispara Na'Gara , her closest friend.

Cass popped a couple of tablets out of a little tray and let them dissolve in her mouth, she read the label, Maternal Alcohol Inhibitor, these things made her nauseous, but as long as they stopped alcohol getting to her bump, she would take them every two hours for the rest of the evening. She washed tablets down with a bright red cocktail that tasted of cranberries.

She looked at Jerome, "One of the guests, her name is Ivory, she has the most gorgeous tattoos on her chest, I need you to make sure she feels welcome right, top shelf stuff for her and her closest ok?" he gave her a knowing look as if these words were completely unnecessary. Cass stuck her tongue out.

At some point in the evening there will be a race, Cass has 4 high performance fighters and some amazing fighter pilots, this race will be through the asteroid field, a round active star and back again. It will be televised inside the ship. You are free to place a wager on any or all of the four pilots with the following odds.

If you choose to gamble, make a note in your post and donate you stake in UC to Cass Gemini. You are obviously free to make bets amongst yourselves.

The rolls are how i will pick the winner
  • Pilot 1 - Pix Teleisha
    Roll 1d20+1d6
  • Pilot 2 - Abrax Torn
    Roll 1d20+1d4
    3/2 odds
  • Pilot 3 - Uh'Ahabins
    Roll 1d20
    5/2 odds
  • Pilot 4 - Claire Fox
    Roll 1d20-1d4
    5/1 odds

Maximum stake is 500 UC per pilot
Bet on a maximum of 2 pilots


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Viz is now cursed by the Eye of Koda, which is said to bring misfortune to any of the owner.

She will be rolling dice for herself to determine outcomes of situations which require a skill.
These dice outcomes effect only Viz, and continue to effect her until her HP runs out.
If her HP dips below zero, she is burnt and has to leave the thread to seek medical attention. She
She MUST roll in every post, until she can offload the amulet.
Rolls are based on Trait Stats HERE
Dice - 1D20 (add D6 Force Mod if applicable)
Current HP: 188 (current)

Possible Events

Firefight: above (+)12, Deal damage equal to the amount on the dice (DD) // No Force Mod (NFM)// Below or equal to (-=) 12 - no damage (ND)
Theft: + 16, DD// FM +1D6 // -=16 (ND)
Sneak: +9, DD// FM +1D6// -=9 (ND)
Lightsaber: +4 DD // FM +1D6 // -=4 (ND)
Piloting: +10 DD // NFM // -=4 (ND)
Repair or Mechanics: +15DD// NFM// -=15 ND
Persuasion: +13 DD // FM +1D6// -=13 (ND)
Charisma: +10 DD // FM +1D6 // -= 10 Nd
General Luck: +10 DD// NFM// -=10 (ND)
FIRST AID: +1D20 every 3 posts

Viz wasn't sure how she's been talked into going somewhere are far removed from her own personal comfort zone as a party, but here she was. And, most surprisingly, it wasn't Moragan who took up room in her body this time. No, the plump woman nearing middle age, three husbands in, usually covered in a monkey-lizard and grease grime who now wore a chartreuse curve-hugging dress and environmentally thoughtful stole was, in fact, Viz Harridan. The Original Humble Hermit.

She pretended to smoke, putting on her sassiest attitude, knowing full well it was opaque, channelling (and listening) to Moragan tell her to stand up straight, walk evenly and not stick her elbow in a puddle of punch. She looked around, praying there was someone here she knew, and also praying there wasn't, considering her get-up.

11 -5 = 6: Viz rolls well on charisma: People find her quite sexy.
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A party! Star had been to hundreds...ok maybe not hundreds but enough to know most parties were formalism and strengthened ties between alliances. It allowed battle weary warriors to relax and enjoy a time of peace, speaking of which the woman on stars arm was the reason for star to come, her wife Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus could use the time out as well stardust wanted to introduce her to the family and potentially bring the clan into the business

Star wore a red party dress, she was devoid of most weapons except her sabers which stayed hidden, her voidstone ring sat in her hand along with her wedding ring as well wishing to show off she was married to the woman with her

I think you'll like this party dear, the people I trust, ivory wouldn't align with them if they weren't trust worthy enough

Ivory Stroud, Donna of The Family, smiled as the Midnight Kyber came into view through the shuttle's viewport. Her pilot, a Quarren Soldier hired for his expertise as a former Alliance Pilot, glanced at her but said nothing - he hadn't been told their destination specifically, merely instructed to set course for this specific area of space. The Donna reached out and patted him on the shoulder as she stood; silent congratulations that he'd followed her orders without question.

"Bring us in, then lock it down and join us." She said, reaching out and retrieving the black wide-brimmed Fedora which was her ever-present companion. She placed it atop her head, smoothing out her long raven-black hair, and sauntered from the cockpit feeling particularly sexy. She had been looking forward to this soiree since Cass had mentioned it weeks before.

A short time later, she would exit The Family's ship and step onto the deck of the Midnight Kyber - her first visit to the Vessel, ever. Immediately, she was in awe. The long hallway seemed to stretch from one end of the ship to the other - drawing her toward the music and swirling lights of the club at the very end like a magnet.

As she stepped into the elegant night-club, her black blazer dress & black hat fit perfectly with the crimson red & shadowy aesthetic of The Kyber's personal party room. She studied the room carefully, spying Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae and a beautiful woman whom Ivory immediately assumed was Star's wife, Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus ; unsure if she caught Star's eye, she continued to scan the room for faces she'd recognize.

Was... that... Viz?

Ivory's eyebrows narrowed in disbelief. An instant later, she was absolutely sure... Viz Harridan Viz Harridan was seated by herself, and was dressed to kill.

A small chuckle rose from deep within The Donna's belly as she considered the change "The Humble Hermit" must have gone through to adopt such a fancy outfit. She had to admit, the young woman from Nar Shaddaa certainly wore it well. Almost as-if she belonged. Just as Ivory was about to join the tinkerer and surprise her, she then spied the host of the evening - Cass Gemini Cass Gemini herself - overlooking the dance floor near the rear of the club. As a guest, Ivory knew to pay her respects to the host first.

She strode through the club, booted feet falling silently upon the soft red carpet (as red as spilled blood) which covered almost the entirety of the nightclub. She ascended a small staircase onto an upper landing, then walked down a small alley between some chairs and a booth, approaching Cass' personal seat. The two made eye-contact and Ivory grinned, flashing the woman a wink and perfect teeth.

"Cass, you look gorgeous. As always." She said upon reaching the Pirate Lord. "This place is amazing. I feel like I'm on Coruscant!"
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Dispara Na'Gara


Location: Crystal Nightclub, Midnight Kyber
Tag: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini | Viz Harridan Viz Harridan | Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae | Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud | Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus

Dispara had arrived early aboard the Midnight Kyber. The eccentric pirate witch had little to no social skills or fashion sense, and only at Cass's encouragement did she stray from her piecemeal fiber armor and old shaman garments for events like the party that night. She needed Cass's help with some cosmetics. Dispara had chosen her own outfit, a rather gaudy short dress with a collection of chunky jewelry that didn't really match. She had even died her hair. It seemed the half-Sephi would simply have a style all her own.

Several of the command crew of the Witch's Boudoir would be arriving soon, via the corvette's force tunnel. The smaller pirate vessel had no room for shuttles. In the meantime, Dispara had stopped to visit a few of Cass's crew. The two pirate women had worked closely, along with Isidore, and the crews had also become familiar with each other, thanks to the parties held there on the Kyber. Dispara finally made her way down to the club, making her way immediately to the bar. She had smoked some luna weed before arriving on the Kyber, rendering her quite ready for the evening, even before the first drink.

That drink would be mixed by Jerome. Dispara gave the familiar Twi'lek a flirty smile. She didn't need to say a word, the handsome barkeep knew exactly what the pirate witch would order. Jerome went to work creating the Comet Duster. A true artisan with cocktails, Jerome delivered the fizzing drink with a wide grin.

Sipping at the drink, Dispara made the customary study of the room. She was curious to see who would come from the Kraken's new allies, the Family. While both groups had participated in the pillaging of the Avenue 5, Dispara had not met any of them personally during the raid. Soon enough, she spotted several new faces.

The first to catch her eye was a short, stout woman with cute features, a cigarra held delicately between her fingers. Her curvy body was stuffed into a classy dress that flattered her full figure. She must have been Family, since Dis could not place her face among any of the Kraken's crews. The half-Sephi lifted her drink in greeting from across the room. Nearby, the tall green Twi'lek and the attractive woman at her side were strangers, but Dis suspected that they were the Solus's, by reputation alone.

And then there was the woman speaking with Cass. Elegant but edgy, she had a commanding presence that was as easy as sweet oil. Could that be the Donna? Dis sipped again at her drink, savoring the fizzing bubbles dance across her tongue. The Family was new to her, but she trusted Cass, who had become close with the Donna. Close, tight-lipped with an old-fashioned crime family feel, the Family certainly sparked one's curiosity. Their rather quick, efficient and quiet rise to power was something to admire. She agreed the alliance with the Family could prove more beneficial than with with any other group among the Consortium.

Slipping from her stool, the odd half-Sephi began to mingle.

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Cynthia's Baskar'gamMulti WeaponCa (AI)
Alor's ReachCopious amounts of Solus weed



Cynthia's arm was rapped around Stardust's as her buy'ce bounced from her hip in a mesh bag. Everyone would see the colourful palate of gold red to black eye shadow, eyeliner that was done with a steady hand, even the perfect matte black lipstick. Of course she was not in a dress rather the alor was in her beskar'gam in it's entirety. The deep red and gold popped and commanded attention, the Solus symbol war proudly on her puldron. She was a mandalorian of the truest nature a proud woman who did not shy from the culture and embraced it in its entirety.

Cynthia did not make any attempt to hide the two weapons on her person. Not that she expected conflict or intended to start any but it was normal to her to be carrying one around. Her multi Weapon that matched the colours of her armor was tucked nicely in a sheath with a strap over the top. The Alor's reach rested on the other hip in a holster that was partly hidden by the Buy'ce.

Her ruby red eyes wandered around the room seeing a fair few people. Cynthia took a deep breath in and out. This had been the first time in a long time she had been around people that where not those she lead. "We will see riduur." Her eyes moved to look up to her wife that towered over Cynthia. "If am gonna last the party should probably see if I am aloud to spark up. You know I am not one for alcohol. Got a few for us and rolled a couple that can be passed around, would be rude to not share."

"You look beautiful by the way. Not that I have not reminded you every day or anything. Not often I see you in a dress. Kinda weird honestly not that it's a bad thing. Just means I get to apricate your curves a little more."
Cynthia leaned her head against Star's arm and hugged it for a moment before returning to being stood straight up. "So, who we seeing first? You know these people."


Viz is now cursed by the Eye of Koda, which is said to bring misfortune to any of the owner.

She will be rolling dice for herself to determine outcomes of situations which require a skill.
These dice outcomes effect only Viz, and continue to effect her until her HP runs out.
If her HP dips below zero, she is burnt and has to leave the thread to seek medical attention. She
She MUST roll in every post, until she can offload the amulet.
Rolls are based on Trait Stats HERE
Dice - 1D20 (add D6 Force Mod if applicable)
Current HP: 188 (current)

Possible Events

Firefight: above (+)12, Deal damage equal to the amount on the dice (DD) // No Force Mod (NFM)// Below or equal to (-=) 12 - no damage (ND)
Theft: + 16, DD// FM +1D6 // -=16 (ND)
Sneak: +9, DD// FM +1D6// -=9 (ND)
Lightsaber: +4 DD // FM +1D6 // -=4 (ND)
Piloting: +10 DD // NFM // -=4 (ND)
Repair or Mechanics: +15DD// NFM// -=15 ND
Persuasion: +13 DD // FM +1D6// -=13 (ND)
Charisma: +10 DD // FM +1D6 // -= 10 Nd
General Luck: +10 DD// NFM// -=10 (ND)
FIRST AID: +1D20 every 3 posts

Tags: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene Dispara Na'Gara Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae

No lie though, It was nice to feel noticed. She had gotten the attention of a few of the party's patrons, and that excited Viz. She knew she was pretty (three husbands later, there was no doubt) but always spent far too long covered in grit and steel. It was nice to fall into a new roll. Without Snitch, or even without CAB in here ear, she was lonely. It was tolerable. She saw Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud and nodded as the boss mingled and sought the hostess, a lovely looking woman, large with child. The glitz of the party was matched with sense of calm she felt just being there. She was used to a more raucous crowd.

Honestly, it was... slightly dull.

She took a drink from off of one of the serving trays around the room and prompty splashed half of it over the front of her dress.

Welp, so much for a facade of poise.


Minor bad luck event, nothing too terrible. Things are still kosher.



Location: Docked and already aboard the Midnight Kyber, now on his way to the nightclub
Wearing: This
Tags: Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae | Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud | Cass Gemini Cass Gemini | Viz Harridan Viz Harridan | Dispara Na'Gara | Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus


Isidor had to think of a good outfit the one he normally wears is sufficient enough, but he wanted to impress his beloved and get into the party scene without being prodded. The first time was a slow and awkward start as he wanted to remain where he was without being disturbed, the second time was easier and he wanted to join in, the Conga Line was just what he needed, something everyone joins in with. But it soon devolved into a drunken demolition derby conga where everyone collided with walls and each other, it was funny until one of his crew got a concussion for his troubles.

He had been led to Cass's quarters once he arrived. He loved a good party, well it took a while but he is there. He's even practised dancing that did not make him look like a convulsing tangle of limbs. Since the Dinner date, everything was going nicely, he relaxed and felt better and knew that he will be the best father out there, and do things differently from what his dad did.

He could never tie a tie and he always got either his fingers or his hair tangled in it, so he stuffed it back into the bag it was pulled from in a grump, long He would have used his baby toy but the clasping arms do not cling any more and he can't part with it. But he has a good idea of what the new family member would like.

After tying his hair into a neater braid this time, he gave himself a last glance over before donning his helmet and slipping out and heading to the nightclub. As soon as he walked in, he saw some new faces and familiar ones. His first call was at the bar to pick up a bottle of rum. He needed to see Cass and give her a party host kiss, an act of respect and love, he was besotted with Cass and he was sure to let her know that.

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Location: aboard the Midnight Kyber in deep space appxomately 6 parsecs north of Ryloth

In the 'Crystal' onboard nightclub

Tags: Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene Viz Harridan Viz Harridan Dispara Na'Gara Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus

Cass was loving this as she saw different people entering her night club, she quickly pulled up a holo interface to see what ships were about but dismissed it again as she saw her friend Dispara Na'Gara across the room. She looked so good! Dizz was the reason that Cass had to settle for second sexiest woman in the coalition, she was glad to see her. The woman was a good friend. She saw Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae across the room, and another woman she didnt know was with her, most likely her wife Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus . Star was an impressive warrior, a good person to have on your side.

She continued studying the room and saw another, almost unnaturally seconds woman, she hadnt met Viz Harridan Viz Harridan before as far as she could recall, she would have to introduce herself at some point. She looked around trying to catch the eye of Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene . There he was on the other side of the club, looking good as usual, it was a shame he neede the mask really, it might be considered a party faux pas to blow all the oxygen out into space so he could remove it.

Cass reached for another drink as she saw Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud walking over. "Good evening Ivory, it is fab to see you here, you look stunning, she leaned to air ivory's cheek.

I'm pretty proud of this boat, and this little oasis is the perfect spot to entertain my favourite gangsters isn't it?"
she laughed and opened her hand just as Jerome slid a curiously designed bottle over to her. She pulled the stopped out and reached for two shot glass. She always liked to pour when she shared the good stuff. "Fun story about this bottle of rum, some hutt was saving it as a dowry to pay the wealthy father of his new bride. But a beautiful pirate snuck aboard an liberated it."
She laughed as she finished the pour, generous glasses for each of them. It wasn't the strongest rum in the galaxy but it tasted like spun silk.

"One bottle to make an entire hutt dowry, makes you wonder what it's worth doesn't it?"

She looked as she saw Isidor walking towards him she smiled very happily, "And here comes the beautiful man who is responsible for ensuring none of my old wardrobe fits me at the moment."

At some point in the evening there will be a race, Cass has 4 high performance fighters and some amazing fighter pilots, this race will be through the asteroid field, a round active star and back again. It will be televised inside the ship. You are free to place a wager on any or all of the four pilots with the following odds.

If you choose to gamble, make a note in your post and donate you stake in UC to Cass Gemini. You are obviously free to make bets amongst yourselves.

The rolls are how i will pick the winner
  • Pilot 1 - Pix Teleisha
    Roll 1d20+1d6
  • Pilot 2 - Abrax Torn
    Roll 1d20+1d4
    3/2 odds
  • Pilot 3 - Uh'Ahabins
    Roll 1d20
    5/2 odds
  • Pilot 4 - Claire Fox
    Roll 1d20-1d4
    5/1 odds

Maximum stake is 500 UC per pilot
Bet on a maximum of 2 pilots


Ivory laughed, appreciating Cass' compliment; kissing Cass' cheek in a similar fashion. The Donna slid into the booth across from the Harlequin Pirate Queen, glancing around the luxurious club as her host began pouring drinks. Crimson & Black dominated the space & pulsing lights matched her heartbeat. "Honestly, I can't remember the last time I could go out to a night club and feel like I didn't need to keep one hand ready to grab a weapon... so, this is nice."

She flashed a grin at the Pirate, recognizing that her admission might have put her at a disadvantage... but, she had a feeling a little trust would be returned rather than leveraged. At least, she hoped so.

Ivory reached out, taking the shot glass as it was offered. She kept her hat on for the moment - expecting that she might not remain long, as other guests were bound to arrive - and she was curious about the layout of the club. She hoped to become familiar enough that she could navigate it in the dark; an old habit, but it had served her well in the past. She expected she'd be spending quite a bit of time in this area of the Midnight Kyber.
"One bottle to make an entire hutt dowry, makes you wonder what it's worth doesn't it?"
"Mmm, and here we are, enjoying it on a very special occasion. Maybe not a wedding... but close."

The irony of the moment delighted her.

She looked as she saw Isidor walking towards him she smiled very happily, "And here comes the beautiful man who is responsible for ensuring none of my old wardrobe fits me at the moment."

As Ivory brought the drink up in a toast toward Cass, then brought it to her lips, she glanced in the direction Cass was facing. The shot of rum hit her tongue and tasted like warm honey & smoldering fire. It was Perfection in a bottle. She sat the glass back down on the table, smiling at the Ubese who approached them.

He was just under six feet tall and clothed in black; face hidden by a black helmet with a colored visor, and walked with the demeanor of self-confidence & power. Ivory had never met Cass' lover, though Cass had spoken of him before. Looking at him, Ivory would have assumed he was a Captain without any information. She tilted her head back, staring into the man's visor as he approached - making eye-contact anyway. Her beautiful, unusually colored violet eyes were deep & powerful in their own right, seeming to peer directly through the mask and into his soul.

She greeted him (strangely) in perfect Ubese: "Hello, Captain. I was keeping your woman company, awaiting your arrival. So glad you could join us."

Cass Gemini Cass Gemini Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene

While she would converse with Cass & her lover, Ivory would also keep an eye on the room out of habit. If she could at all get Viz Harridan Viz Harridan 's attention, she'd try to wave the woman over to join them. Cass & her people were often enough near Nar Shaddaa that the two might find some business together. Ivory also wanted to get a closer look at the "Humble Hermit" in her gorgeous dress.

Dispara Na'Gara

Though The Donna's own Force signature would be subdued, due to the Signet ring she wore on her left hand, she could sense a strange field of energy in the bar... somewhere...

This Force-signature was unlike anything she'd recently experienced; a wild, mysterious co-mingling of sensations which The Donna couldn't place. It didn't feel like a Jedi or a Sith - nor had Cass ever mentioned she had any in her employ - but it was... Similar.

But very, very different.

Dispara Na'Gara


Location: Crystal Nightclub, Midnight Kyber
Tag: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini | Viz Harridan Viz Harridan | Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae | Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud | Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus | Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene


The drink glass lifted again, Dispara no longer sipping at the cocktail in favor of a deeper swig. Overhearing a conversation regarding the fighter race Cass had arranged, Dis was reminded that she needed to place her bet. Pale blue eyes found Cass again, now sharing a bottle with the Donna of the Family. Unwilling to interrupt what might be a productive conversation between the women leaders, Dispara decided to make her bet remotely.

Setting her drink on a nearby low table, the pirate witch hiked up her skirt, baring most of her thigh, around which was strapped a small pocket. Pulling out a mini datapad, delicate fingers danced over the glowing screen. Over a secured channel she transferred her credits and made her bet. Dispara's money was on Pix. She knew the pilot, a delicious Zeltron that Dis suspected to have some Force sensitivity, given her remarkable piloting skills. She also knew the fighter commander shared Cass' bunk at times.

The skirt was hiked again, leg bared as the datapad was slipped back into the small garter pocket. Smoothing the skirt with her hands, the half-Sephi retrieved her near-empty drink and allowed her gaze to glide over the party patrons. Again Dis spotted the cute, stout brunette just in time to see her pick up a drink and promptly spill it over the front of her dress. Dispara decided that soul needed some company.

Making her way to the woman, the pirate witch offered the brunette a slightly wry smile. She held up her nearly empty glass. "Looks like we both need a new drink, why don't you join me at the bar?" Dispara glanced down at the stain on the woman's dress, her gaze lingering for a breath longer then seemed necessary. "Jerome has something that will take that out, I'm sure. Name's Dispara, but most call me Dizzie." The pointy eared blonde offered, placing her hand on the woman's shoulder to gently guide her in the direction of the bar.

Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Cass Gemini Cass Gemini Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene

She could easily sense her wife's nervousness and gently squeezed her shoulder and smiled, looking around the party as she smirked and looked down to her wife

worry not cynthia, I wouldn't drag you anywhere I didnt trust

Her hand brushed over the pauldrons as she admired her wife openly and lansdown to place her forehead to Cynthia's

heheh dont worry, these people probably do a lot worse then a little green herb, spark away my pink warrior

Star said teasing lightly as she stood up a little and scanned the room once more looking for ivory in particular

mmm yes I don wear a dress often, it's more a formality at this point I'm not worried about being caught without armor...most here know my name and legacy

With that she spotted ivory and their host as well, pulling cynthia with her she carefully waded the crowd till she cane up to the group and smiled

miss Gemini, ivory, sir, lovely partys far the atmosphere is perfect

Stardust said then gently moved back and motioned to cynthia

may I introduce, cynthia solus, my wife and alor of clan solus.


Location: aboard the Midnight Kyber in deep space appxomately 6 parsecs north of Ryloth

In the 'Crystal' onboard nightclub

Tags: Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Viz Harridan Viz Harridan Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene Dispara Na'Gara Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus


It was very good to hear that Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud felt at ease on the Kyber, Cass was very proud of her own brand of piracy and hospitality was an important part of that to her. "Trust amongst thieves is an interesting concept isn't it, by our very nature we should be the last people you should trust, but we have to, otherwise we sit in iut respective bubbles wondering who might stick a bag over our heads and hand us to a bounty hunter." she laughed playfully and glanced at Ivory's hat, the woman had a gorgeous style. "going to need a big bag if I want to get it over your head... smart move"

As Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae and Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus approached Cass smiled again as she was introduced, Stardust was an impressive woman, the two of them made a very beautiful couple, it was a pretty group at the table if she said so herself, and there was a lot of power at the table too, it was almost intoxicating to Cass that these powerful people had come to party with her. "Its good to see you again Stardust, and to meet your beautiful wife, I hope Jerome has made you both something delicious.". It was strange how the universe worked, a year ago she was engaged in running battles with Mandos and ended up briefly in a mandalorian prison. How in Ashla's name did she now have the head of one of the most powerful clans sat in her bar for drinks. "I would love to get to know you a little better Cynthia, I have become familiar with several mandalorian clans over my years as a pirate." she laughed, really hoping that this woman would be friendly beyond a temporary party themed ceasefire.

She smelled the herbs that the two were smoking, it smelled nice, she missed it herself but quickly found the Inhation added to her nausea, so it was something she could enjoy after she had given birth, she would just enjoy the passive high that being around all these people gave her.

She caught a glance of her friend Dispara Na'Gara hitching up her dress to reach for something, maybe a gun, she knew better than pull a gun on someone unless they deserved it, and the little witch didnt need something like that to kill anyway. Cass admired the woman's legs and briefly wondered how the two had never hooked up? She watched her as she approached Viz Harridan Viz Harridan , a woman of a very different stature to the last woman that she had seen Dispara with.

At some point in the evening there will be a race, Cass has 4 high performance fighters and some amazing fighter pilots, this race will be through the asteroid field, a round active star and back again. It will be televised inside the ship. You are free to place a wager on any or all of the four pilots with the following odds.

If you choose to gamble, make a note in your post and donate you stake in UC to Cass Gemini. You are obviously free to make bets amongst yourselves.

The rolls are how i will pick the winner
  • Pilot 1 - Pix Teleisha
    Roll 1d20+1d6
  • Pilot 2 - Abrax Torn
    Roll 1d20+1d4
    3/2 odds
  • Pilot 3 - Uh'Ahabins
    Roll 1d20
    5/2 odds
  • Pilot 4 - Claire Fox
    Roll 1d20-1d4
    5/1 odds

Maximum stake is 500 UC per pilot
Bet on a maximum of 2 pilots



Cynthia's Baskar'gamMulti WeaponCa (AI)
Alor's ReachCopious amounts of Solus weed


"I trust you my riduur, that is enough for me." She said wishing to use a softer voice, but the music, that loud arutii music meant she had to speak up. As Stardusts forehead rested against her own Cynthia closed her eyes. "Why do I get the feeling you are understating that. I mean these people live in the underworld or arutii society. Longs as non of them are slavers that is a start. Besides it's good manners to ask but if you say so."

As her Riduur stood tall once more, Cynthia's hand dug into one of the bags attached to her hip taking out two small blunts with a dark wrap. Placing both between her lips a small flame shot out from her gauntlet. Her arm came to touch the dancing flicker of light against the ends of both blunts turning the ends red. The flame sizzled out as she took a drag from both before passing one over to Stardust.

She counted in her head for five seconds then exhaled a cloud of bluish white smoke. "Personally I like it when you're in armor, a dress is to easy to rip off." She flashed star a quick smirk while been pulled along. Her wife would exchange pleasantries and introduced Cynthia to the first set of people. "Su cuy'gar. I am not much of a drinker, so I will pass on that. The occasional tihaar on special occasions is enough for me." Her head dipped for a moment then looked back up and took a drag.

Cynthia looked the woman up and down as she spoke, though found it strange that a woman so late into pregnancy would be hosting a party. Clearly the reckless type. "I am familiar with your kind too. Though usually at the end of a blaster, mostly the nose of a fighter. So as you can imagine, this is my first time exchanging words with someone of your kind that. Though you need not worry, I promised my riduur I'd behave." Her arm squeezed around Stardust's for a second.

Really Cynthia did not know what to talk about, all these people where utter strangers. The only reason she was here was because her wife insisted. Not even she was capable of saying no to Stardust when the woman set her mind on something, sometimes it was better to go with the flow.



Location: Docked and already aboard the Midnight Kyber, now on his way to the nightclub
Wearing: This
Tags: Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae | Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud | Cass Gemini Cass Gemini | Viz Harridan Viz Harridan | Dispara Na'Gara | Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus


Isidor was mildly surprised at Ivory's fluent Ubese, he was also extremely impressed, it is not an easy language to master or learn without being born into the culture or being taught as you grew up. He inclined his head in respect and averted his eyes with the intensity of her gaze. The eyes are the windows to the soul after all and his soul was not something he lays bare to just anyone. It's also disorientating, he never let on about this of course.

Having ceremoniously sat next to Cass making a point to be closer to her, he was protective of his beloved but he knew not to overdo it. Isidor took a swig of rum, the party is in full swing and everyone is having a good time. Still, the fabled Conga line has yet to materialise from the people already on the dance floor. It took 7 drinks for it to happen last time, 9 if you were obstinate enough to rebuke the Conga. He knew it ended the last time with a few sore heads and bruising. Worth it and would do it again if given the chance.

He nodded in greeting towards Stardust. He wasn't particularly trustful of Mandalorians, Enclaves imprisoned himself and Cass a year ago. He was beyond angry then, his dedication paid off and they were reunited until he got captured. He had shaken himself free from the thoughts as quickly as they came. It was nice to see new people and not have them shoot or eat his crew. He made sure the families of those who were killed were compensated accordingly. He never wants to face anything like that on Tatooine again.

<"You are gorgeous, no matter what you wear."> Isidor purred into Cass's ear, grinning as he did so.

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Viz is now cursed by the Eye of Koda, which is said to bring misfortune to any of the owner.

She will be rolling dice for herself to determine outcomes of situations which require a skill.
These dice outcomes effect only Viz, and continue to effect her until her HP runs out.
If her HP dips below zero, she is burnt and has to leave the thread to seek medical attention. She
She MUST roll in every post, until she can offload the amulet.
Rolls are based on Trait Stats HERE
Dice - 1D20 (add D6 Force Mod if applicable)
Current HP: 131 (current)

Possible Events

Firefight: above (+)12, Deal damage equal to the amount on the dice (DD) // No Force Mod (NFM)// Below or equal to (-=) 12 - no damage (ND)
Theft: + 16, DD// FM +1D6 // -=16 (ND)
Sneak: +9, DD// FM +1D6// -=9 (ND)
Lightsaber: +4 DD // FM +1D6 // -=4 (ND)
Piloting: +10 DD // NFM // -=4 (ND)
Repair or Mechanics: +15DD// NFM// -=15 ND
Persuasion: +13 DD // FM +1D6// -=13 (ND)
Charisma: +10 DD // FM +1D6 // -= 10 Nd
General Luck: +10 DD// NFM// -=10 (ND)
FIRST AID: +1D20 every 3 posts

Tags: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene Dispara Na'Gara Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae

Viz was dabbing at her bodice when the woman came over... Dispara Na'Gara , "Dizzie", was a vision in a lovely, short, gown and very loud jewelry. Her hair, obviously freshly dried, was a peculiar color that Viz could not name.

"Looks like we both need a new drink, why don't you join me at the bar?"

"Oof. Pity friendship." Stilza snapped. And Viz continued brushing at the stain. Truth was she was lonely just on her own, she was always game for a new chat.

Dizzie mentioned the bartender and guided her over to the bar in a way that made it seem she had limited choice in the matter. Nevertheless, she allowed herself to be steered. She pinned the environmentally conscious faux fur stole at an asymmetrical angle that covered the spot the drink had made. Her embarrassment hadn't left, but she was plied with more booze from the bar, which made it slightly easier.

She stuck out a hand, as was her fashion. "Viz Harridan. Mechanic, Larcenist and Humble Hermit." She gave the woman a small half hearted smile. "You've taken pity on me, I presume." She tilted her head toward the glamour of the evening around them, her eyes landing on Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud who had earlier looked interested in meeting or talking, she wasn't sure which. She'd have to put that in her back pocket, or else hope the extraordinary woman would meet them at the bar.

She fidgeted with The Eye which hung heavily around her neck and fell between her breasts. She felt the force power within shinny up her finger, fogging her foremind and tangling with the tendrils of her own small and untrained force ability. It felt... Dark. Ominous. Similar in color to it's brackish black haze and weight. It made the force inside her, usually subdued and uneventful tempestuous.

She swallowed down the feeling and continued. "Surely such a party requires more glamorous presence than a scrapper such as myself. I'm grateful though... The company is lovely".


Charisma Roll of Negative 1. Viz is EXTREMELY CHARMING AND LIKEABLE. yay.



Dispara Na'Gara


Location: Crystal Nightclub, Midnight Kyber
Tag: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini | Viz Harridan Viz Harridan | Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae | Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud | Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus | Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene


Once Viz and Dispara were at the bar, the pirate witch gestured to the handsome blue Twi'lek behind the bar. "Jerome..." Dispara gestured to herself and her companion, indicating fresh drinks were required. Then Dis turned as the woman, who had deftly concealed the drink stain, introduced herself. Dispara took the offered hand and grasped it with a firm grip. The stranger's introduction was simple and straight forward, stating succinctly who and what she was. Dispara liked that.

"Dispara, Pirate Captain and Witchy Woman." The pointy eared half-Sephi replied with a wry grin. "And Viz Harridan the Hermit, I don't bother with things like pity. The spilled drink was just an excuse to meet you. My interest in you began with your pretty face and the fact that if you are here, you must have something or some skill useful to the Kraken, or myself." Dispara added.

Jereome delivered the drinks, and Dispara promptly lifted her glass for a swig. No matter how much she drank, the pirate witch wouldn't feel more than a buzz from the booze, something about her constitution prevented it. Luna weed, however, did prove potent, and the captain of the Witch's Boudoir had a good dose before crossing over to the Midnight Kyber for the party.

Dispara's pale blue gaze made a quick study of Viz. Though she was adept at using the Force in certain capacities, she was not particularly gifted in detecting it in others. The former shaman couldn't discern whether Viz was Force-sensitive, but she did taste a curious tang of Darkness centered on the item nestled in her generous cleavage. This rendered Viz Harridan even more interesting.

Dispara glanced around, following Viz's gaze to the sharply dressed Ivory and Cass. "Don't let the gorgeous dresses and classy club fool you. You are on a pirate frigate, and we are all pirates, who rob and steal. If it wasn't for Cass Gemini over there, I'd be sitting here in tattered but comfortable scraps of fiber armor and we'd be lucky if a brush had been run through my hair. A larcenous mechanic scrapper certainly does belong here."

"And I agree, the company is lovely."
Dispara grinned, lifting her glass to VIz.

Viz is cursed by the Eye of Koda, which is said to bring misfortune to any of the owner.

She will be rolling dice for herself to determine outcomes of situations which require a skill.
These dice outcomes effect only Viz, and continue to effect her until her HP runs out.
If her HP dips below zero, she is burnt and has to leave the thread to seek medical attention. She
She MUST roll in every post, until she can offload the amulet.
Rolls are based on Trait Stats HERE
Dice - 1D20 (add D6 Force Mod if applicable)
Current HP: 114 (current)

Possible Events

Firefight: above (+)12, Deal damage equal to the amount on the dice (DD) // No Force Mod (NFM)// Below or equal to (-=) 12 - no damage (ND)
Theft: + 16, DD// FM +1D6 // -=16 (ND)
Sneak: +9, DD// FM +1D6// -=9 (ND)
Lightsaber: +4 DD // FM +1D6 // -=4 (ND)
Piloting: +10 DD // NFM // -=4 (ND)
Repair or Mechanics: +15DD// NFM// -=15 ND
Persuasion: +13 DD // FM +1D6// -=13 (ND)
Charisma: +10 DD // FM +1D6 // -= 10 Nd
General Luck: +10 DD// NFM// -=10 (ND)
FIRST AID: +1D20 every 3 posts

Tags: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene Dispara Na'Gara Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae

Viz blushed, knowing full well her paler-than-fashionable face was probably turning the color of the tatooine sunset she now found in her hand. She caught Dizzie glancing at the Eye (or her cleavage, she couldn't be certain) and lifted it, fingering it lightly.

"Isn't it lovely?" She ventured, sizing up her new companion's reaction. "I lifted it from a luxury star ship." She paused bowing her head discretely. "Unfortunately..." She glanced toward Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud who was deep in conversation. She didn't want her boss to know quite yet the gravity of the item, and the... Implications of unpredictability it would have on her associate. She didn't want to potentially get expelled from the family.

She cleared her throat and continued. "...unfortunately I was unaware at the time that it was more than just a shiny collectable. I have reason to believe it may have some... Er... adverse effects." She gestured to where she'd spilled. "This wasn't my normal clumsiness."


Luck holds. Nothing happens.
First Aid Roll: recovery points
HP: 120
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Objective: Take Some Time Off
Accompanied by: NPC Matthew in Haywire Armor wielding a MAA-010 HiPR and a MAA-011 HjPBP
Niki's Equipment: Dress, Heartbeat Heels, Paralyzing Lipstick, Covert Colors in #10-Coal, Absorbelt, HH-Eclipse ring, HH-Iris, Force Warning Pendant, x2 Hutt Cartel Kidnap Jabber Rings-One on either hand, Tinfoil Hat Band, Earsculpt Comlink
Augmentation: PGEM-SAP "Amber Eyes"
Ship: The Tourist
Aboard the Ship: x2 Nuisance Engine Mark I Droids capable of producing Nuisance Droid Mark I

The sly invite was not missed.

It was however pushed to the back of her mind as the RTL continued to push for unity among the outer planets. Her own efforts mirroring theirs as she sent a small number of her company vessels along the route to ensure that the Five Veils had sufficient coverage. At least before using that route as a deployment area for the support fleet that she was preparing.

She however had left the matter to a new hire. Someone capable of managing her affairs in the absence of the rather particular woman. Matthew had been astonished that she'd hired someone rather than rely on one of her droids to push forward her agenda. Her rebuttal being a simple one of attempting to trust people with her interests once again. His frown was all the answer she received as the Tourist docked and she was allowed aboard.

"Hands off the guns. My accomplice is well trained and won't make a mess." Niki informed the doorman at the shakedown. Though armored and armed, Matthew kept his hands visible.

The click of her heels sounded across the doorway as she spied those inside. Milliseconds was all it took to scan the room and process the information. Her Amber eyes aglow with the augmentation behind them. The rings in her eyes settling on a familiar face as she kept Matthew on his toes. Her path shifting the last step of her entry to the table with Ivory and two others.

Her stride was graceful and confident. As though she had already strode through the room on any other day.

"Slow down. I don't understand how you got so fething fast." Matthew lobbed the question her way, shifting his whole body to follow after the sudden course change.

"Perhaps you've gotten slower." She shot back. Earning a grunt of annoyance as they passed by Cass and Star before Niki interjected herself into the meeting between Ivory and Cass.

"Ivory. A pleasure to see you again. And whose vessel do I have the pleasure of being aboard? It is exquisite." Charm and sweetness were ripe in her tone. Eyes scanning the duo she did not know of just yet.


Dispara Na'Gara


Location: Crystal Nightclub, Midnight Kyber
Tag: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini | Viz Harridan Viz Harridan | Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae | Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud | Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus | Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene | Niki Priddy Niki Priddy


Over the shoulder of her new companion, Dispara noted the latest arrival. The tall redhead with stunning amber eyes strode across the floor with a lackey in tow. There was no diversion in her course, no acknowledgement of anyone as she moved. Her destination seemed to be the Family Donna, and she moved with nothing short of lofty self-assurance. An interesting character, the pirate witch was sure. However, Dispara was much more interested in Viz at the moment. Her eyes darted down again to the gem-crusted amulet and the gentle pillows couching it.

"Lovely indeed." The half-Sephi repeated with a mischievous lilt, gaze lingering just a moment longer in appreciation before looking up again to Viz. The Force shaman definitely sensed a tang of darkness on the piece. Faint but teasing. Dispara's gaze met Viz's, dark eyeliner making the pirate's pale blue eyes appear almost white. When Dispara heard where the curious item came from, she tilted her head slightly. "The Avenue 5?" She interrupted. The Kraken had joined in a confederated attack on the luxury liner, of which she knew some of the Family had participated. The pirate captain walked away with a good load of booty from that heist.

Dispara took another drink as Viz continued, delicate brows lifting over the rim in response. The glass lowered, the tip of the pirate's tongued dancing across her lips to capture any residue of the cocktail. Adverse affects. "Well," Dispara replied with a grin. "I was thinking your clumsiness was charming, and here now we see its not you at all."

The pirate witch glanced around, as if to see who was nearby. She leaned a bit closer to Viz, as if to offer something in confidence. "I sense something from it, and its not good for you." Dispara spoke as softly as she could and still be heard over the music, her index finger reaching to brush ever so gently over the amulet. "But maybe there is something we can do about that." She offered the well-dressed scrapper a wink. "Are you willing to let me take a closer look at it?" The pointed-eared pirate girl inquired, almost seductively.


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