Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Proclamation - the treaty of Vontor [Dominion of Klatooine]

In the deep hallways of the white palace technicians accompanied with critters and droids worked frenetically to assure that the broadcast would go without any interruption. the signal was the strongest sent from Sriluur in several centuries and although the machinery was powerful there were still many unknown functions with the palace main computer who sometimes seemed to live its own life.

But this day it served the technicians well. Which was a good thing - for them. Their master and employer would probably have had them skinned if they messed up.

Outside of the great balcony the tribes of Sriluur were amassing. Having the weequay and the houk side by side was a messy affair but the cartel enforcers made sure too much trouble was subdued without mercy keeping the mass in a general state of piece. Among the crowd were hundreds of other species represented as well. Even some lesser hutts had appeared drawn to the promise of gaining chances of wealth and power through this new from of the old cartel.

there were musicians and dancers spread out keeping the attention for the moment that they had been waiting for. Holorecorders from various angles made sure the signal would allow projectors of various models to project both image and sound far away from the Sriluur system. The hutts had wanted this message to be clear as crystal.

Finally Sempra Besadii Dhakun emerged and a cheer rouse to the skies. If it was whipped or from actual enthusiasm was hard to tell. Most likely a bit of both.

Sempra raised his arms accepting the masses. Behind him several prominent members of the cartel lined up, silently observing, silently agreeing with what was about to take place.

With a gesture the hutt managed to calm the crowd and as they turned silent he took a deep breath, overlooking them all. His posture showed pride and power. Which was the very meaning with this whole spectacle.


"Hear me!" He began with a dark rumbling voice.

"Here upon this ground the Hutt Cartel has anew risen from the depth of its deep slumber" with those words the roar of the crowd rose again. Silenced only as the hutt stilled it with a wave of his hand.

"We have grown weary of the disloyalty and acts of treason that has been bestowed upon us. It is true that we have learned from this and that we no longer will remain an economic power only. From here on the Cartel will claim supremacy over worlds that is rightfully ours. We proclaim this upon the tradition and history of the Hutts that for ages has justly ruled these systems only to be robbed off them by lying cowards and usurpers!" Sempras voice grew in strength, only to continue with a whisper, making sure the crowd almost leaned in to hear.

"However, there is nothing to fear from our might as long as you abide with the laws of the Cartel and act according to your hutt masters! We are fair and generous to those that bows before the cartel banner. For those of you who seek to support us a great future of wealth and glory awaits!" again the roar rouse and Sempra allowed it to continue for some time, gleaming with content at the scene.

"We lay the foundation of this new era with the claim of the The treaty of vontor and from here our reach will spread into the heart of Hutt Space. Any hutt or anyone who is willing to serve the Cartel will be welcomed in our family. But for those who oppose us there can only be utter and ultimate demise!" he bellowed emphasizing his words with an agressive stance and closed fist lifted to the air.

"Behold the might of the Hutt Cartel and choose your allegiance wisely." having fired the audience rumble and over excited listeners had trouble keeping themselves calm. A great roar of engines darted past above the apalce as a great number of cartel ships flew in a great formation, resembling the green Hutt Cartel emblem on the orange sky.

"Now my loyal subjects! Celebrate the rebirth of the Hutt Cartel and the rebirth of the treaty of vontor in honor of the time when the Hutt guarded the galaxy against ancient threats and foul pretenders!"

"Rejoice at my will!"
the charismatic voice of Sempra echoed over sand and into the recorders alike. After a short period of receiving the crowds cheer he backed away to retire into the palace where festivities that would last for days commenced.

Shortly afterwards the recorders turned of only broadcasting the green emblem of the hutt cartel.

For the masses outside the palace food and drinks would be spread out as the possibility to form new contacts and possible even get a VIP entrance to the palace held yearning among most who had come.
Inside the palace a feat few would dare dream off was presented with food and drinks served by hundreds of slaves tending the palace guests every whim.
The problem with hiring so many hired guns and mercenaries, was that any civilised power that felt threatened by the hutts might decided to lay down enough coin to turn one to their cause and spoil the day. The Hutt solution to this problem seemed relatively simple: pay top credits to plenty of hired bodyguards.

Unlike his previous diplomatic mission to Effekt, this time Thrukk was allowed to be armed whilst he strolled around the palace looking menacing. Keeping Sempra is his line of sight, and giving Sempra a deferential nod, he made his way to a repulsor table that floated through the guests. The servant looked up in dismay as four hundred kilos of Houk muscle loomed over the table.

"Come on, yer used to servin' Hutt!" Thrukk announced, before taking a whole tray of light bits for himself. The morsels were too small for him to pick one by one, so he shovelled them down unceremoniously a handful at a time. He briefly considered going to the cigarra in his jacket pocket. His hand briefly rested there, feeling the reassuringly solid plate of tank armour he wore over his chest. No, he'd save that for later. Enjoy it when he didn't have work to do. One eye on the crowd, the other following the path of some particularly lithe dancers, Thrukk continued to eat.
Dressed rather fancy for a Hutt party eyes fell upon her as if she were a slab of meat. Kiandra wasn't quite sure what to make of it, she wasn't used to that sort of reaction from the Cartel, in her mind her family. She scooted a little closer to Gor, her 8 foot bodyguard that used to run with her father's old crew. Her father, of course, was Konicek Kinases a made man within the Cartel before of course he "fell" onto some blaster bolts. So ever since she could remember the Cartel took care of her like family. In Kiandra's mind they were the good guys. She was living in a fantasy world and turned a blind eye to the evils that they supposedly committed. She was treated like a princess by most of the Cartel so how could she see anything else? They were all the family she had ever known.

She walked passed the general riff-raff into the main hallway for the exclusive members. She smiled brightly at the Herglic doorman she called Lenny. She gave him a big hug making this scarred up giant melt. Everywhere she went she focused on making everyone else happy, from the doorman to the ruthless crimeboss it didn't matter she liked making people feel valued. Lenny held open the door and announced her.

"Miss Kiandra Kinases." He said in a gruff voice.

"Aaaaaaannnnnnnd Gor!" She said pulling the Yuzzem by his arm in behind her who was clearly quite embarrassed and even growled a little. "Oh hush." She immediately began wandering the floor and hugging everyone who'd let her, even the servers she had never met before.
"But for those who oppose us there can only be utter and ultimate demise!" ultimate demise, now there was an interesting string of words ultimate meaning the best achievable and demise a person's death, and it would fall to him as the Cartels fleet commander not just to facilitate ultimate demise but to administer it, he did not mind tho his ego and pride swelled at the chance for recognition.

He wandered the corridors, poking his head outside windows to gain full view of the crowd only to pull himself away, he was in the booth behind [member="Sempra the Hutt"], before the speech came to an end and a dull metallic sound came from behind, he was clapping. "The galaxy trembles at this."
[member="Sempra the Hutt"]

Location: Inside the White Palace


Jaster was of course attending such an event, this would provide him with much more contract opportunities as he was a transporter of goods. He was also the Hutts largest contractor for slaves as Jaster could not spare workers in this corner of the galaxy. Jaster always had time to speak with his largest client, and as he was securing more slave... he meant indentured servants, he was truely intreaged in what the Hutt would require now. New creatures of Jaster design, biological weapons to spread across a planet, or would it be to continue to sell his IFF transponders to the Hutts smugglers.

He truely didn't care either way, this was intended to be a party, so he would enjoy himself and continue watching as Sempra entertained his guest. The mood was high, but then again it was a Hutt party and that meant it was always high.

Grand Moff Helranth

Grand Moff of the Sith Empire
In the sea of faces, there were many people. These people ranged from hired guns to loyal bodyguards, from politicians to crime lords. The there was Vex, his name was not famous among the Cartel or anywhere except among the ladies. He had a soft spot that was he loved women. Sure his love for women did not blind him or weaken him, but if you asked him what the Hutt lord had said, he would have answered with which girls had low cuts on. He then saw a energetic girl, [member="Kiandra Kinases"], moving by. He waited until their eyes would meet and would give her a charming grin, "Aren't you an energetic one, seems you need a creative way to burn some energy." At the end of this sentence was where the wink would come into play.

[member="Sempra the Hutt"]


Rustic robes slipped through the crowd unnoticed. The cowled figure had begun to move directly after the Hutt finished his speech. Hidden underneath the hood was an expression of disgust, along with revulsion at the Hutt and a fierce fire of resentment. The palace was built in excess, resembling its builders in gluttony if not in figure. Ughal despised them as much for their greed as their inhumanity. Still, business with the Kajidics was unavoidable if he and his people were to survive. Negotiating through the maze of inter-clan strife made riding through a sandstorm seem easy by comparison.

He found his way between a pair of silent Weequay before reaching his goal: a towering Houk who looked of a size and strength to slay a young Krayt dragon. Ughal grit his teeth and brushed passed [member="Thrukk Gulpdar"], slipping a note into the being's hand as he did.

It read, "If you tire of your employers, you may find a new proposition waiting at Knoll alley."
As Thrukk puffed out a neat smoke ring the size of a human head - he had not been able to resist the scent of the cigarra for long after all - he noticed a roll of paper tucked into the back of one of his mechanical fingers.

His eyes shifted back and forth as he muttered: "weel, that were rude." He scanned the crowd for anyone watching him as he unrolled the scrap.

Now, Thrukk was a practical, and somewhat robust personality. He knew that he was always one step away from losing his edge to another. In any given career, there were always people more skilled than you, and it only took a small slip to go sliding back down the ladder. However, he also had a reputation to uphold. No reputation, no career.

As he saw it, there were three possibilities. First of all, this was an attempt to draw him away by a very stupid assassin. Not implausible; he'd known many stupid assassins. Never for very long mind, the relationship between bodyguard and inept assassin was usually a short one with an abrupt end. That meant someone was in the area, waiting for their shot.

Secondly, this was from a mediocre assassin and someone wanted to abduct the houk and torture him for information. A second good reason not to go for a wee chat.

Finally the offer was genuine. Might be someone wanted him to play informant, might be a real offer. The former would be the kind of person who didn't like the answer "no". Thrukk decided to think on it for a while. He could have a look, from a distance, after Sempra's little gathering.
As servant slaves kept hard at work to tend every guests need the host, Sempra the hutt found his throne and settled in.
He was fairly pleased with his speech and could tell that it had some impact on the masses. The treaty of Vontor was an important piece of the puzzle and he spared no expense at this celebration. Anyone who wanted to someone in or for the cartel would show up.
It was an important gesture toward Sempra and he took note of who failed to present themselves.

After a few moments of greeting various individuals his eyes fell on one of the more trusted servants of the cartel.

A slave was dispatched and approached [member="Nyx"]

He made a deep bow before her.

"The great Sempra the hutt asks for your prescence at the throne." he forwarded and took a few steps back to give her room.
She stared at [member="Hakora Vex"] very innocently and smiled and nodded totally unaware of the sexual innuendos he may have intended. Gor however was not so innocent to the ways of the world. On several occasions he literally broke men in half. Gor's face scrunched up angrily and he barred his teeth silently just out of the sight of the girl less than half his mass.

"Well I don't know about over energetic, just happy." She said with a sincere smile. "I haven't said hello to everyone just yet, but if you play your cards right I might be willing to burn some energy off with you on the dance floor." She said with a wink. Gor looked sown sternly at the man, his eyes were rage as if to tell the man to stay away.
Post 1 of 20
Location: The White Palace

Dressed in his usual white garb, the Primeval ambassador stayed to the shadows at the fringe of the assembly.

He was really just there for show. A physical reminder of the pact between the Host Lord of the Primeval and the Hutt Cartel. A pact which, he supposed, he'd played some minor role in. But that which Halrormalenth made was done. So his was merely stepping into the actor's role for a part that had already been written for him.

Speaking of written, this Treaty of Vontor was a fairly big deal. Both historically and now. He'd read about it in his Military History courses at the Levantine Academy. In fact, it was likely to be on his next exam in the course, so it was advantageous for him to be here now. At the ground floor of how the treaty would achieve newfound significance in the modern age of Hutt and man. With some luck, he might be able to weave some of Sempra's speech into an essay for extra credit.

Such was the outlook at his age.

Everyone was rejoicing. Some were dancing. More than a few were drinking.

And Boo? He was stuck thinking about school work.
Cravern caverns, round and saucer like the eye's rolled and shuddered under the thin screen, semi-tranclucent underneath the flourescent light. Open and sharp the rise and fall of the flat footed gioleth took him next to [member="Thrukk Gulpdar"], there the pointed digits unwound the heavy oily metallic smell present in the cracks and creviouses of the cyborg. "Got a spare-" it was pleading, an almost cincere attempt at both greetings and request. "-cigarette?"

"Who'd have thought we'd get this far." he said the pronged toe's raking across the ground leaving thin diagonal scratches. "And who'd have thought me as one of the most powerful pirates in the galaxy, scratch that thee most powerful."
Location: White Palace
Speaking with: None


Jaster was here for pure pleasure and possibly a dash of buisness. This treaty that was to be signed would boost Jasters trade stock within Hutt space. In truth, who else would be able to transport a million slaves from one planet to another, no contract smuggler would do it as cheap as he would. The Cartel, or empire as it should properly be named, would have no choice but to work with Jasters insider trading. Plus as his stock increased in the market, Sempra, who was given some when he became partners, would be come richer. Jaster new that he would soon have to construct a space port to carry such a heavy burden that was to come as their boarders spread.

As Jaster though his very strategic buisness plan, he hopped that sooner or later, the talk of the treaty would come up. Yet their were only members here to party, Jaster was not interested in this. He was a political man, he didn't mingle with crowds. There were of course people he knew, and people he didn't, but he would remain in his corner until he was approched or saw someone who would peak his interest.
Catalys leaned up against the wall about half a meter from Boo. Dressed in his usual armour, the agent didn't stand out from the bounty hunters, mercenaries, and pirates that filled surrounded their Hutt benefactors during this auspicious occasion. He was there to observe, nothing more. His companion was the true Ambassador in every sense of the word; despite Boo's youth the fellow agent could see that the Pantoran had built strong ties between the two. As for Catalys? He was Anja's enforcer, it was his responsibility to see that the Galaxy favoured her goals.

"Aren't children supposed to enjoy themselves at parties?" He begged the question in a low tone, two silver eyes scanned the area behind his helmet.

[member="Boo Chiyo"]

[member="Flannigan Mcnash"]

Thrukk turned to the newcomer. He snorted indignantly. "Cigarette? Nae," he said. He placed his cigarra in the corner of his mouth and started searching his pockets with his organic hand. It wasn't something he ever discussed, but Thrukk always kept a few spare quality rolls, sized for an average humanoid. Enjoying a cigarra was one of his favourite activities, sharing a cigarra was even better in his mind.

"Ah!" he exclaimed, finding one. "But that'll knock yer socks off pal!" he said offering it.

"Ah, there's always someain at th' top. used tae be th' Hutt, 'en th' Sun again, recently th' Ravens was it? Guid tae be workin' fur th' one winnin' th' game at th' moment," Thrukk said.

"It's Thrukk by th' way. Boonty hunter an' occasional body guard!"


Insert Hilarious Title Here
Location: White Palace
Post Count: 1/20

Nyx was at the celebration for one reason: parties were awesome.
Not to mention parties thrown by Hutts, where she could properly appreciate the fruits of the labors of their fine organization.
In fact, she was doing just that when [member="Sempra the Hutt"]'s slave approached her. She had one of the many beautiful Twi'lek girls in her lap, and was enjoying her company. But then the slave announced her boss wanted to see her, and Nyx frowned as she shoved the girl off her lap with a muttered 'we'll finish this later.'
But of course, she knew the chances of her picking that same Twi'lek were rather small.
She approached the throne, and bowed slightly, her usual self-satisfied smirk not moving.
"You wanted to see me, boss?"
Sempra was moving his body to the rythm of the modern tunes played by the very costly but also very skilled band of musicians. they were doing their best to make the roof take off. Something they just might be able to accomplish. the crowd was going crazy in dance and spice mixed with a never ending supply of drinks and food added to that possibility.

But when [member="Nyx"] appeared in front of the throne Sempra raised his hand and the music stopped.
The occational drunken protests about this was silenced by Sempras all to sober body guards spread out through the room to observe and keep order.

Sempra straightened his back in an effort to to tower in a regal manner over the assembled. His four meters was not easily ignored even by the larger creatures in the room.

"Hear me servants of the cartel! Upon this mark I now bestow the honor of my clan upon this one, known as the [member="Nyx"] " the hutt declared with a booming voice. He licked the air with a serpents delight in catching a prey.

"Let it be known that this one from here on is under my protection and carries my trust in dealings I bestow upon her. To cause her is to harm my family!" Sempra threatened, his snake eyes roaring across the room dominating any objections.

He reached out his fat hand, carrying the ring of the Besadii, toward her. His mark of power over the Cartel and her gate to the inner circle of the Hutt Cartel.


Insert Hilarious Title Here
Location: White Palace
Post Count: 2/20

Nyx was taken aback at [member="Sempra the Hutt"]'s proclamation. She hadn't expected a promotion at this party, though she definitely appreciated it. She noticed several of the slave girls eyeing her now, and her smirk grew even larger. She supposed rank had it's privileges.
She eagerly came forward, leaning in to kiss the ring on Sempra's finger.
"I am honored, boss."
She looked up, a smile on her face.
"Maybe now I could get that raise?"
Sempra hummed and nodded as the leader of the Rat pack kissed his ancestral mark of power, the sigil of the Besadii.
He raised his fist into the air as if showing his dominance over her.

then he glared out across the room.

"Let the feast continue!" he ordered and the musicians turned up the volume as if boosting the recent promotion of [member="Nyx"] to an official cartel enforcer.

As the crowd returned to the festivities Sempra returned his eye to [member="Nyx"]

"Oh, your greed will be fairly compensated Nyx. You can count on that." he chuckled and waved her off into the group of twi'lek slaves clearly having an increased interest in the woman.

Sempra knew that she indeed would see great wealth as she rose in the ranks of his cartel. But he also knew that the more entangled she got the more he could demand of her. And [member="Nyx"] was a capable creature. Her journey was just starting and Sempra meant to use that energy to fuel his will even further.


Insert Hilarious Title Here
Location: White Palace
Post Count: 3/20

Nyx smiled as she approached the slave girls, and they quickly sat her down at a table.
One handed her a drink, and Nyx eagerly downed it.
A promotion, a raise, drinks, and surrounded by beautiful women? How could this party get any better?​
She decided it couldn't as one of the girls sat in her lap.​
If anyone approached her, they would find her. . .distracted, to say the least.​

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