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Restricted Materials update and Event Rewards

Rekali the Hutt

Darth Carnifex said:
RMs are just rebranded Dev Threads.

Factory is just being as sheisty as ever.
RM's have required dev threads since dev threads were a thing. First most non-stock submissions required dev, along with every ship over 1000m or so. The only RM's needed dev threads, but every mat required specific objectives. Now most of them have a large amount of general objectives, giving writers more options. The factory is not required.

Things have literally gotten easier at every update for a while now. What do you want?
Darth Carnifex said:
RMs are just rebranded Dev Threads.

Factory is just being as sheisty as ever.

I'll try to* let the Factory answer most of those questions, but yes.

They are.

I believe my words to [member="Cira"] were almost exactly the same you used: "Let's rebrand Dev Threads to Missions/objectives/whatever you want to call them, I don't want to ever hear Dev threads again." Because during my war on Dev threads, I acknowledged I could not get rid of Restricted Materials' dev threads without making them....not....restricted.

So that wasn't the Factory being sheisty, that was the Factory being unable to prevent me from being sheisty (and Cira convincing me not to go full stupid).

Hope this clears it up for you.

Are you looking to make something at unique or larger production?

You wont need a dev thread at unique as long as it is used in the Technology forum.

But if you want to use beskar at a high production - semi unique and up - then you would have the freedom to use any of the "u pick" missions for getting the RM.

So no, you are unable to kill a mandalorian for beskar. But you can do it 8 other ways including mining, skirmishing, raiding on one of the planets where it is found or one of the other missions there.

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