Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Restricted Materials update and Event Rewards


Good evening folks,

Just a few housekeeping updates, the major one concerning Restricted Materials and Event Rewards. So without further ado changes are in green. These changes are effective immediately. More streamlining will be coming within the next month or so, so keep a lookout.

Event Rewards Codex/Factory rules:
  • Event Rewards are only valid for redemption within 90 days of the award date.

Restricted materials update:


  • Made Hijama stone, Ionite, Isotope 5, Laminanium, Neuraniam, personal cloaking device, ultrachrom and winterium free a unique for the Technology forum.
  • Designated a large list of the missions for RM's to be "U-Pick" missions so they are not fixed on specific ones.
  • For Alchemized Artifacts, Artifical Intel, Force Nexus, Impervium, Orblisk, Stygium Crystal, Void stone have fixed missions.
  • Impervium had its mission changed to ( In collaboration with another writer, write a story in an invasion/Rebellion that results in the complete loss of the ship you are PC Captaining - OR - In a duel with another writer, suffer a devastating defeat in an Invasion/Rebellion thread.)
  • Formatting changes like removing the alphabet portion for both restricted and banned items.

Restricted & Banned Items
Taken from the main Restricted & Banned Items Article
This list is subject to change without notice. Changes will not affect past submissions.

Restricted Items

A writer must first complete the objective attached to the restricted item in a convincing manner that adds to the quality of the role-play thread. Submissions using Restricted Items will be reviewed by a Role-play Judge and may be declined depending on the quality and effort of the submitter.

  1. Objectives which require you to visit a planet located within the Influence Cloud of a Major Faction may only be completed in Non-Private threads.

  2. Standard objective completion may grant between Unique and a max Limited production depending on the submission. Each completed objective usually only counts for one submission.

  3. Any submission which uses a Factory Submitted base material based on a Restricted Material (e.g., A Phrik Armourweave submission) will a have a maximum production value of Semi-Unique.

  4. If a restricted material is traded between characters, please link to purchase/trade thread of the restricted item along with the seller's original resource gathering thread.

  5. Only in rare instances are two restricted materials allowed per submission, but it's all dependent on intent. New alloys created by blending two or more Restricted Materials are not allowed.

Submissions in the Technology Forum with a restricted material from the list below will not require a completed ‘restricted material’ objective thread as long as the item that is being submitted is labeled as Unique. For more extensive productions and all other Factory Forums, please see the Restricted Materials Mission Board.

Restricted Materials Mission Board
Please select a mission thread below best suited for your needs for larger productions and all other Factory forums.

  • Mining: With one or more other writers, perform a public skirmish, mining operation, a raid, excavation, or steal to obtain the Restricted Materials from any of the following planets.
Beskar: Mandalore, Concordia, Echo'lya
Cortosis: Apatros, Obredaan, Katanos VII, Duro, Bal’demnic, Gallos, Conglomerate Prime, Bespin, Umphathia, Avis
Phrik: Gromas 16, Alderaan, Arkania, Rendili, Bastion, Wayland, Roche Asteroids, Seltos, Demonsgate,Val'hala, Sekalus
Winterium: Klatooine
Isotope 5: Makeb

  • With three or more other characters your character is familiar with, complete a story about how you met in the distant past.

  • With two or more characters your character is not familiar with, become trapped in hostile territory and escape.

  • With two or more writers, complete a role-play in reverse, starting with its end and ending with it’s beginning.

  • With two or more other writers, complete a Bounty thread from one of the posted Bounties on the Bounty Board.

  • With two or more other writers, successfully raid a Tier 5+ company in a public skirmish.

  • Complete a role-play from an NPC’s perspective who is accompanying your character.

  • Write a story about your character enduring personal sacrifice to save/help a stranger.

  • In a public Skirmish, successfully infiltrate and escape from a military base submitted to the Codex by another writer.

Fixed Restricted Materials Missions
Submissions submitted with the following listed Restricted Materials have specific RM Mission Parameters that must be met in all cases. Please review the Restricted Material below for the mission guidelines. These are not included as free of RM missions at Unique.

Artificial Intelligence (Non-Droid)
  • Objective: A thesis must be written, either in a blog or over the course of a role-play thread, consisting of the concepts of your Artificial Intelligence’s design. Scientific journal excerpts from your character’s time spent designing the Artificial Intelligence must be included. Minimum 1000 words total. --OR--Persuade a Player Character (not of your creation) to have their consciousness uploaded to a crystal matrix in order to serve as your AI's central core.

Force Nexus [Locations, Planets, Items]

  • Embark on a quest to locate / create and research the Nexus in question. The larger and more powerful the Nexus, the more unique writers should be involved in the process. There is no set post limit, though you should tell a complete story.

Impervium :

  • In collaboration with another writer, write a story in an invasion/Rebellion that results in the complete loss of the ship you are PC Captaining - OR - In a duel with another writer, suffer a devastating defeat in an Invasion/Rebellion thread.

  • Objective: Closed to Lightsiders. Darkside only, must be a force user. Travel to Dxon and attempt to find the parasite and construct the armor (or what you're trying to do), must have every post of the dev thread be a haiku - 15-20 posts without repeating a line more than 3 times --OR-- (Darksiders only) In a public thread, visit or explore three approved Codex Locations created by Darkside-oriented PCs, ending with orbalisks attaching themselves onto your body as they feed off your Force Sensitivity.

Stygium Crystal

Void Stone

  • Objective: With two or more characters that your character does not already know, get trapped in Otherspace by a hyperdrive accident and escape - OR - Perform a mining operation, a raid, an excavation, or steal to obtain small amounts of Void Stone from any of the following planets: Kayri, Elrood, or Caeliar. As with all restricted materials, this objective applies to the use of derivative materials (such as voidsteel or Velokite). Note that derivative materials often have specific affiliations. (Either options are only suitable for Semi-Unique production or less)

Banned Items

i. Banned Items are not permitted to be used in canon role-play threads on Star Wars RP: Chaos without the explicit permission of the SWRP Staff Team.
ii. Banned Items are not permitted to be used in submissions within the Factory without the explicit permission of the SWRP Staff Team.
iii. Banned Items are only permitted to be used in Non-Canon role-play threads or Non-Canon Campaign threads.
  • Celestial Technology
  • Extragalactic Subjects (canon species/technology/planets/etc exempt.)
  • Gree Technology (Not including Nav Computers: they provide no information on the technology of the Gree)
  • Hypergate
  • Neutron Bomb
  • Nanotechnology: All nanotechnology is banned.[ x ]
  • Plagiarism: Any obvious use of material from outside the Star Wars universe, including but not limited to: Gundam Wing, Halo, Marvel, DC Universe, Dragonball Z, Final Fantasy, Star Trek, etc. Attempted plagiarism could result in disciplinary action as it directly contradicts Star Wars RP: Chaos’s General Rules.
  • Quantum-crystalline Armor
  • Rakata Technology
  • Stargate ( See: Hypergate )
  • Superweapons
Cira said:
Submissions submitted with the following listed Restricted Materials have specific RM Mission Parameters that must be met in all cases. Please review the Restricted Material below for the mission guidelines. These are not included as free of RM missions at Unique. Alchemized Artifacts/Items [including methods of Force Imbuement, Alkahest, Jal Shey, etc] that provide lightsaber resistance and/or Major Force benefits Embark on a quest to research, locate and recover or create the alchemized, Force Imbued, Force artifact/item in question. There is no set post limit, though you should tell a complete story.
Another reason why the factory should remain optional.

skin, bone, and arrogance
Valiens Nantaris said:
[member="Natasi Fortan"]
Effectively yes, previous events have expired. It's been a year since Omega and 2+ years since the last event rewards. We're starting afresh with this.
I object to this in the strongest possible terms and urge you to reconsider. The First Order hasn't used its rewards and was never advised of an expiration date at the time or, indeed, at any time until today. Meanwhile, when the new factory rules were announced, it was stated that the rewards would translate to the new factory on terms to be announced -- terms which, to my knowledge, weren't announced yet.

The right course of action would be to start the clock today -- perhaps a 30 day grandfathering for old rewards would be fair? We're willing to take action under a deadline, but to remove the rewards entirely without even a warning to use or lose them would be entirely unfair.
[member="Natasi Fortan"]
You had six months from announcement to Factory 4.0. I never assumed I would need to set an expiration date on rewards.
The revelation that people would sit on these for so long has prompted this rule.

However, I am going to throw you a bone since I hadn't made it explicit back then.

From when the Incursion rewards are announced you will be able for 30 days trade in and use silver or gold Omega rewards. These trade ins will be at one level lower so a gold Omega would become silver Incursion and silver Omega would become bronze Incursion.

This is my final offer and concession. Take it or leave it.
I have talked to a couple of people who won the Magnus Metal during Dark Harvest and wish to elaborate on my position.

Its been 3 years, please leave it alone. Zero sympathy.

Its convenient for ya'll to continue to lead us on like a prom date and abuse our time, but never make it a priority to actually get it done.

Now we have good reason, going forward.


Well-Known Member
[member="Tefka"] [member="Valiens Nantaris"]

3 years is a far cry from ~ a year, not to mention a portion of our hesitance was figuring out how the rewards would work given the change to Factory 4.0, which as Valiens has even said he wasn't explicit about.

On the note of abusing your time - I apologize if that's the way you feel. No one ever once came to us as a faction, as a faction owner, as anything saying "Hey guys, here's the deal. These are the changes we're likely to make - and it's because you guys are still holding on to your Omega rewards." or even "Hey, we're making changes and they're going to affect you, so you should probably get those rewards sorted out and used soon." Instead, changes are made with zero communication and zero consideration. As you've pointed out here, and previously, time is valuable and we shouldn't waste it - what then of the Incursion event? How in high heaven are you going to give incursion rewards for a failed and incomplete event where 2/3rds of the threads were effectively cancelled and all rolled into one final "Do what you want" thread with limited guidance?

Don't sit there and presume to tell me that only your time was wasted. First Order writers participated in both the Omega and Incursion events, and in the Incursion event made up a large portion of the fleeters in the fleeting thread. If this is how we're going to be talked to and treated you can rest assured that I won't be encouraging anyone to participate in future events if this is the kind of malarkey we're going to be dealing with. I understand that real life comes first, I don't think you'll find anyone that doesn't appreciate that for what it is, but actively cutting 2/3rds of the threads but still handing out rewards seems more than a bit off considering they didn't even reach completion before they were canned. Regarding the rewards our faction earned during the Omega Event, You're not "Throwing us a bone", what you're doing is being condescending and inconsiderate. All this would have taken to get sorted is a quick DM or PM, instead we get talked to in a public thread like we are an inconvenience - and from the head admin no less.

Valiens Nantaris said:
This is my final offer and concession. Take it or leave it.
Stay classy. :rolleyes:
[member="Rolf Amsel"]

Get off your lazy bum, stop focusing on your minor faction, get that reward done and then we can stop talking about this.

You've only got so many more salt-filled excuses until we put our foot down.

FYSA: It was the Dark Harvest reward, not yours, that spurred me to demand this ruling of the Factory.
skin, bone, and arrogance
[member="Valiens Nantaris"] - Sorry if I've offended you somehow by questioning this ruling. The hostility with which you have responded seems out of place and inappropriate to me, so I can only assume that what I've said has been misconstrued as a personal attack. I apologize if you were offended; it was not my intention to do so. However, I cannot in good grace accept a take-it-or-leave-it approach to this 'offer' of yours. Members of my faction busted their butts for the Omega event, and were widely recognized as having done so. They didn't do it for the rewards; quite the opposite, they received the rewards for being enthusiastic and contributing to the event. To downgrade or remove their rewards for something that we were never told we had to move on -- and, as you'll see below, we were specifically told to wait on -- isn't really going to work for me.

Per Tefka's specific request to "Link to this post if it seems we've forgotten", please view this link. Also this link, wherein you yourself indicate that the rewards would be "retooled" once the "new direction of the codex and factory is bedded down." To my knowledge, how the rewards would be retooled was never announced or communicated to us, unless I missed it somehow? If I have, please educate me.

Together, these posts from five months ago are the last communication I am aware of on the subject of the Omega rewards which, to my reading, indicates that there would be something forthcoming from staff to indicate how the rewards can be used in the new Factory 4.0 rules. As far as I was concerned, we were being patient in not harassing staff for a ruling on the subject. As we are told frequently, staff are volunteers, and pressuring them for an answer (on a matter that we were never told was time-sensitive, to boot) seemed inappropriate. Waiting after being told to wait does not constitute an abuse of time.
[member="Natasi Fortan"]

We all know where we're at now, and you still have an entire month - on top of the past 6 - to finish the reward.

We can avoid making further public spectacle by representatives from FO's leadership saying "We'll get it done" and then following through.

This is the last Staff'll speak of it until the deadline, vent away.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Tefka said:
[member="Natasi Fortan"]

We all know where we're at now, and you still have an entire month - on top of the past 6 - to finish the reward.

We can avoid making further public spectacle by representatives from FO's leadership saying "We'll get it done" and then following through.

This is the last Staff'll speak of it until the deadline, vent away.
I'm not sure how we can go from staff saying "You can't use these rewards til we decide how they can be used" to "You're lazy for not using the rewards we specifically told you you couldn't use." It doesn't make sense to me, but hey, I'm not a pharmacist. Regardless, I'll take this as confirmation that our rewards stand as originally issued and that the "retooling" [member="Valiens Nantaris"] promised won't actually happen. We'll go from there. Thanks for your time.

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