Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Road to Recovery

Road to Recovery

Location: Planetside on Ios
Tags: Millia Korraay Millia Korraay

She decided not to answer Millia's question, she already knew what the answer was.

"Well don't tire yourself out too much, remember, this is to study what I can do. Though, I'm sure we'll find time for...bed room escapades regardless." She was at least glad to find she was still able to draw color to Millia's cheeks. Her own face was well and truly burning after all the sweet things Millia had told her, making the Twi'lek hope that if it ever came to dueling, Millia wouldn't resort to underhanded tactics to gain an edge; she probably would though, and to Mi'la, that would be just fine.

Mi'la felt the tinge of emotional shift from her girlfriend, already ensuring her cheeks would be burning. "I'm if you're down trying to make me melt, we should be getting to the trip, there will be plenty of time for sweating later." She giggled, motioning for the woman to follow her, and once the pair headed down the ramp, they would be greeted with a blast wave of heat from the volcanic world, much to Mi'la's annoyance. "Hm, well, least the mining tunnels will have temperature control..."


Location: Time for some training
Tags: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari
Wearing: Workout Gear


The tormenting argument was dropped, meaning they both knew that they were as much to blame for the drifting thoughts as the girlfriend who’s statements and mere presence caused the thoughts. In the end it didn’t matter who was responsible for the distractions, they had to learn how to push through them.

And just as Millia was resolved to focus on the mission at hand both Jedi bring up the bedroom again. “I am not sure if I’m hoping this is just that honeymoon stage, or if I hope this desire to get each other in bed is something that will last forever and we just learn to handle it better.” Maroon cheeks turned even more red. "I will make sure that I am capable of helping you study, but will remain ready to take breaks as needed.”

Millia could sense the importance Mi’la felt in the mission and she decided she would control her humor and her urges. Or hold them back until they were appropriate to release. Millia was right beside her Twi’lek girlfriend as they exited the ship. She reached to hold Mi’la’s hand, pulled back almost afraid of what skin contact might stir up and then became determined to prove their relationship was not going to get in the way of duty. She reached out and help Mi’la’s hand. The blast of hot air struck Millia in the face and she was glad when Mi’la stated the tunnels would be less taxing. “Air conditioned?” Millia said with a smirk. “Let’s get to these tunnels quickly before we melt out here.” She gave Mi’la’s hand a squeeze. “So what exactly are you needing from me? Just a spirit to give you more strength? Or is this something we’re feeling out as we go along?”

Road to Recovery

Location: Planetside on Ios
Tags: Millia Korraay Millia Korraay

Maybe this was a honeymoon thing, though Mi’la had no real answers to offer. After all, this was her first real romance. “Well if it is, I don’t mind if it stays a bit longer. I think we finally have an outlet to flush all our emotions out into the a galaxy with. I think in time, you and I can learn to keep it under wraps. Maybe.” She said this with a face of bright violet painted on her cheeks. She felt there would be many, many breaks in their future. She had to wonder how long Millia could go without teasing her, probably not long.

Braving the blasted hellscape before them, Mi’la continued on with Millia with her, watching the flicking fireballs erupting into the sky, feeling the trembling of the world around them. “That would be preferable, it should only be a few meters ahead.” She muttered, motioning to what looked like a pair of metal arms sticking skyward, but upon nearing it was a series of metal struts that kept an aged mine tunnel upright. Feeling Millia’s hand squeezing, Mi’la returned the gesture. “I want you to try offensive force powers against me, and I want to see if this…nullification field I can do is subconscious, or if I can control it.” Mi’la responded, trying to recall how she had managed her feat earlier, and frankly had little to go off of. Regardless, this was a safer way to practice.


Location: Time for some training
Wearing: Workout Gear


Like her girlfriend Millia didn’t have the slightest idea how long a honeymoon phase might last or if their actions were because their bond was so strong. Millia like Mi’la had never been in a romantic relationship and that might be another factor in the couple’s difficulty in thinking about anything other than each other, especially when they were an arm’s length apart. There was no further teasing from Millia about their relationship. It was time to figure out this new ability of Mi’la’s. And they couldn’t do that playing footsie or kissing or more. Millia also guessed that the blush that kept forming on Mi’la’s face wasn’t going to be good for the Twi’lek Jedi’s focus.

Millia followed Mi’la’s lead towards the tunnel hoping that they would be in a more comfortable environment. One thing she would be able to say however was that it was unlikely too many germs were thriving on this planet. A plus for the Kuranu Jedi. When they reached the tunnel entrance Millia was glad until Mi’la explained what she intended to happen in their training. “So you want me to attack you with the Force? Lucky for both of us I didn’t spend a lot of time on offensive powers. If your new skill doesn’t answer as quickly when you’re not in the heightened state of danger, at least we know I won’t be able to do too much damage.”

Road to Recovery

Location: Planetside on Ios
Tags: Millia Korraay Millia Korraay

Millia was right, Mi’la’s seemingly everlasting blush was of no help to her current situation. Though it was something she probably should have started to try to learn. The Twi'lek had prided herself on being disciplined and focused before the purple woman had popped up in her life, she knew that in time, she'd have to regain that discipline; though that would take being more reserved around Millia, something she needed to practice with. As the pair arrived at the mines, the glow of atmospheric shields under the crossing of the two metal arms was a welcome sight, and upon crossing them, the pair would find a much cooler environment, dimly lite by aged and fading glow lamps stretched out on thin wiring, that seemed to stretch on into the darkness of the mine.

"Well, not attack exactly, more like...probe? Test my defenses, attempt to seize me, or throw an intent of moving me about like a rag doll. Something that will pressure my defenses in the force would be apt I think." Mi'la agreed, not wanting Millia to fret about trying to hurt her; after all, she had just gotten out of the hospital. The pair would continue on, lead by the dying light of the lamps, the cool wind of the systems environmental controls, until they arrived in the center of what had once been a thriving mining operation. All about them, abandoned scaffolding and long forgotten devices laid about against metal struts, and bare stripped tunnel walls. Mi'la gave a squeeze to Millia, smirking to try and ease the woman's stress. "I think we'll be just fine. I'm sure you'll find some way to try and make me cry for mercy. Regardless, it'll be good for training."


Location: Time for some training
Tags: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari
Wearing: Workout Gear


Once they were inside the mine and felt the relief of the temperature control Millia wiped a bit of sweat from her brow. The Kuranu Jedi took in a deep breath and fanned herself with a smile. She was quite glad that she opted for less clothing in the environment outside of the mine, but now that the cool “wind” was blowing she wondered if she might end up feeling a bit cold in the long run. Suppose there was only one way to find out. Luckily training tended to keep Millia warm, and attacking Mi’la with the Force would be quite the task.

Millia gave a little bit of a laugh, “You show a lot of confidence in my abilities babe,” Millia said with a smirk. “I know I was able to help with my blade to fend off those droids, but do remember that I am an archivist. I’m sure it wouldn’t shock you to find that most Archivists don’t get that position because they are natural combatants. Good thing for you I have a vested interest in not seeing you back in the hospital, so I’ll be sure to control my attacks.”

Millia giggled at the comment about crying for mercy. “I certainly hope that your new Force ability won’t be able to block my tickle attacks. That would certainly put me at a disadvantage.” She smiled and returned the squeeze of Mi’la’s hand. She took in a deep breath and looked around. Her “probes” would come in the way of Force Pushes and using the various objects around the room to toss at her Twi’lek girlfriend. “Ok. I think I’m ready. You ready?”

Road to Recovery

Location: Planetside on Ios
Tags: Millia Korraay Millia Korraay

Mi'la colored at being called babe once again. "I'm an archivist too, sorta, I just do more field research is all." She muttered shyly, of course she had faith in Millia's abilities. Who wouldn't? "You're a fully fledged jedi knight, not a youngling, I will respect you as you should be, else you'll probably beat me soundly and that'll just be embarrassing." She asserted, squeezing back at Millia's hand, the bond between the pair hardening like steel, as Mi'la's initial actions were seemingly broadcasted to Millia. She managed a smile, and braced for what came next. Though being threatened with Force tickles caused a small bit of panic in the Twi'lek. "Y-You can't actually do that, can you?" She swallowed, feeling Millia moving and toying with the force to steady herself, Mi'la took in a breath, and gathered it around her, building it up like a barrier within herself, as their link dulled to hide the intent from one another, yet emotion ran strong between them.

"I'm ready." She managed to say, before Millia's 'probes' were sent at her, prompting the knight to back flip back, avoiding the first strike by Millia, her sabers flicking into her hands as both blades ignited.


Location: Time for some training
Tags: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari
Wearing: Workout Gear


“No tickles in this practice,” Millia said with a giggle. “I can promise that. Those attacks are much more fun when I can actually touch you. The Force would elicit the same cute giggling and have you covering up in that adorable manner. But having my hands on you is half the reward.” She gave Mi’la a wink before becoming more serious. “But let’s not allow me to get sidetracked. Training first. Other stuff on breaks only.”

The training began and Mi’la expertly dodged the first attempt to strike at her. Though her Twi’lek comrade lit her blades Millia made no move to do the same. She reached out to the Force, pulled on some of the various components lying around on the floor and flung them at Mi’la. There was no more talking all her concentration was on the attacks that she was performing. Making sure that they weren’t easy lobs, but also that she had enough control to be able to pull them off Mi’la should one find its way through her defenses.

Road to Recovery

Location: Planetside on Ios
Tags: Millia Korraay Millia Korraay

Mi'la gave a small huff at Milla's words, cheeks practically glowing in the dark of the cave. "And to think I thought you were a tad naive when we first met." Which frankly didn't matter. She enjoyed Millia's torments, though it embarrassed her to no end how often the women went to such under handed maneuvers to gain an edge. Not that she could really do anything about it, Millia was her weakness in a sense; a very potent one.

As Millia began the training in earnest, Mi'la began to move, first throwing a saber to slice apart a crate heading her way, tumbling to avoid a strand of dura steel lines that would have welted something fierce, flipping end over end as several small bits of some contraption narrowly missed her several times over. She began to focus, trying to feel for that same power that had saved her from Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren , but at current with her blood pumping, body shifting with a small degree of discomfort, she wasn't feeling it yet.


Location: Planetside on Ios
Tags: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari
Wearing: Workout Gear


“I’d say I’m still a bit naive for some things,” Millia answered with a blush of her own. “Just your giggles and defensive way you curl up is so cute it makes me a little mischievous too. I can definitely say you have made me much more adventurous, because I feel like I don’t have to fear your germs…Can’t share much more than we already have right?” Millia smiled and her blush deepened at the words she was saying.

Millia pulled and pushed objects with the Force. Mi’la was able to handle the “attacks” with her natural abilities. The Kuranu knight was both happy and disappointed with the result of the training. She knew that Mi’la was doing well and that her girlfriend would be safe, but that wasn’t the point of the exercise. Maybe she wasn’t pushing Mi’la hard enough.

Her lightsaber stayed put on her hip, but Millia tried a new tactic. She grabbed a bit of debris on each side of Mi’la’s position and pulled her hands together allowing the objects to rush towards Mi’la with no control. Release of control of the objects was not to make the effect more dangerous. She truly knew that neither object would do that much damage. It was a distraction. As the two objects approached Mi’la, Millia closed her eyes and when she sensed the Twi’lek’s attention shift to the objects she shoved out with the Force. A push centered on her girlfriend’s chest. One that wouldn’t do a lot of damage in the long run, but perhaps with Mi’la’s focus on the other objects they would see if this new ability was not something that conscious thought could control. Perhaps it was just a reaction of the Force itself to danger.

Road to Recovery

Location: Planetside on Ios
Tags: Millia Korraay Millia Korraay

Mi'la wanted so badly to respond to Millia's words, but she had to put the desire to flirt back in order to keep her focus on the battle at hand. Millia was right though. There wasn't much more between them that they couldn't share.

To be fair to the Kuranu woman, Mi'la had a great deal of combat experience, and with her Master being Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala , the expectations put upon her were rather high indeed. Or at least they had been. She continued to dodge, weaving and deflecting projectiles with her blade, though it was as she went into her defensive trance, that Millia had found an opening.

The two oncoming objects shifted, as Mi'la was in the midst of a cartwheel, she shifted, pushing off with her arms as she flipped through the air, avoiding one of the projectiles, only to catch the impact of Millia's force push against her, the Twi'lek letting out a cry of surprise as Millia's push knocks her off balance, her defenses having shifted, and sends her flying head on into a crate, leaving a very grumpy jedi to groan and sit up, arms frustrated that she had been unable to defend herself.


Location: Planetside on Ios
Tags: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari
Wearing: Workout Gear


Mi’la had been showing expert combat skills and awareness. So much so that when Millia’s three pronged attack actually was able to get through Mi’la’s defenses and strike true, the Jedi was quite shocked. The two objects she sent in Mi’la’s direction were grabbed out of the air and thrust against the far wall of the chamber as Millia yelped out in fear.

The Kuranu Jedi rushed forward to where Mi’la was now sitting up. Smarting a bit, but it seemed she was more upset with the outcome than she was hurt. That was quite the relief for Millia. “I’m guessing you expected the Force to reach out and protect you?” Millia asked not teasing in the least, more inquiring what Mi’la expected from the training. The Force had somehow protected Mi’la from demise at the hands of Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren , but if there was some power that could be grabbed this exercise had yet to discover it. “I hope you’re not going to ask me to do more. Maybe it’s only the Dark Side that your new power responds to. I’ve studied a few Dark Side powers. I lack the…” Millia paused for once not really sure of the word that fit her thoughts. “I guess desire to make any of these abilities manifest in any powerful manner. But I could throw one at you in the process of training to see what would happen.”

Road to Recovery

Location: Planetside on Ios
Tags: Millia Korraay Millia Korraay

Huffing, Mi'la gathered herself up, looking up to the surely worried expression of Millia coming up to her. "Something like that. Well damn." She sighed, pushing back up to her feet and smiling to Millia. "Nothing hurt except my pride, sorta." She rubbed her sore bottom to reduce the ache, though still pondered how to manifest her ability.

The idea of having Millia having to use dark side knowledge was rather unpleasant, and not a road she wanted to send her lovely girlfriend down; though there was a degree of enticement there that she had to quiet her mind to. "As much as I enjoy your more, erm, passionate side, that wouldn’t be for the best.” She snickered, giving a peck to Millia’s cheek. “Try and hold me I suppose, maybe something more prolonged will work?” She inquired, shrugging as she put her sabers back onto her hips, shutting them off.



Location: Planetside on Ios
Tags: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari
Wearing: Workout Gear


Millia smiled slightly at having guessed what Mi’la had hoped to happen, but she frowned at the fact that it had not worked. Millia wondered if Master Velieris would be proud of her for finding a way to get past Mi’la’s defenses. Mi’la was obviously a talented combatant and yet Millia figured out a way to put her on her incredibly cute butt. Millia blushed a bit at having her thoughts stray just slightly. “Not sure what I can do to heal your pride, but remember I am a fully trained Jedi Knight. So thinking you could keep me at bay forever would be a bit naïve,” Millia said, wrapping an arm around Mi’la’s shoulders and giving a gentle squeeze.

Millia’s facial reaction to being turned down for trying out some Dark Side powers. She was honestly slightly disappointed, but honestly another thing for Mi’la to think about during this practice wasn’t ideal. That being the case the disappointment in not trying something new was less. Millia blushed at the soft kiss to her cheek and that made her giggle when the next suggestion came. “I’m very good at holding you,” she said with a wink and she took a few steps backwards. “I’m ready to give it another go. Let me know when you’re ready.”

Road to Recovery

Location: Planetside on Ios
Tags: Millia Korraay Millia Korraay

Mi'la gave a small huff as Millia pulled her in, hearing the woman's words. "I didn't plan on that, just thought maybe, combat would make it easier to use my power. Maybe since I know it's you, I can't channel it properly? I don't know." She mused, wiggling her fingers into Millia's exposed underarm, aiming to extort a squeal from the woman; she had to get her shots in while she could.

She caught sight of disappointment in Millia's expression, hoping her teasing tickles would eliminate it, if her kisses did not. "No pouting, while I think you'd look lovely in black, I'd rather not deal with another series of lightning burns today. Now behave, or I'll give you more germs to fret about." She teased, blushing at Millia's retort. "N-No, not actuall hold me, you-" She shook her head, coloring now as Millia stepped back and took up a position. "I'm ready." She said promptly, preparing herself for whatever Millia had in store.



Location: Planetside on Ios
Tags: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari
Wearing: Workout Gear


Millia continued to keep her arm around her Twi’lek girlfriend as they shared theories about her newest power. “That would make sense. With me I’m sure you don’t feel threatened as you would if I were a Sith and this was a real battleground. But there has to be some sort of way to practice it. While I can believe that the Force does extreme things when we are in extreme need. I don’t think anything exists that cannot be controlled in some way or another.”

Millia blushed mightily as Mi’la expressed that she would look good dressed as a Sith. Her disappointment at not being able to try out some new powers dissipated when Mi’la spoke of lightning burns. Even if Millia was confident that she could control the dark side powers, they were still intended to cause harm. In order to succeed she would hurt Mi’la and that was enough for Millia to decide it was not worth the test. And when Mi’la added the threat of germs to the matter it made the decision quite easy. “Ok. No lightning and no germs,” Millia responded innocently. Millia giggled when Mi’la took her tease about holding her seriously for a moment.

When Mi’la signaled that she was ready Millia started her “attacks” again. She again started with throwing things with the Force. She did not institute her three pronged attack again. This time after a few projectiles sent Mi’la’s way that should have been deflected with some ease, Millia pulled her own blade from her hip, ignited it and stalked forward hoping she wasn’t making a terrible mistake against Mi’la who was obviously a better fighter than she was.

Road to Recovery

Location: Planetside on Ios
Tags: Millia Korraay Millia Korraay

"I don't know, that sorta threatening tone you can take at times is rather-"
She stopped herself as she found herself drifting off topic, shaking her head in disagreement with herself. "This isn't going to work if we treat this like another date, Millia. Training, not...erm...flirtations. Right?" She was asking for her own sake, as well as Millia's. Though Mi'la herself was a bit frustrated at her lack of focus here and now. There was an issue with trying to extract her power from her in this fashion. Mainly, there just wasn't a method in which to safely do so. Millia wouldn't attempt to harm her, and anything that might have allowed that to happen, Mi'la refused to allow her to do so for the woman's own sake.

Just another hurdle they would have to overcome.

When the objects began to fly at her, the Twi'lek moved to dodge and parry, seemingly back in the flow, though as she noticed Millia moving with her own blade ignited, Mi'la did so in kind; igniting her second blade to begin putting up her defense now.

Her time with Sakadi had made her into a rather skilled duelist, but Millia held a key weakness that the Twi'lek couldn't overcome. The Twi'lek absolutely adored her.


Location: Planetside on Ios
Tags: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari
Wearing: Workout Gear


Millia’s eyebrow raised at the mention of her threatening tone. “Oh you like it when I’m forceful?” she asked with a smirk. “Agreed,” she responded to the comment about sticking to the business at hand. “But I will keep the tone thing in mind for later, for now I think you are right to keep us on task. Flirting too much will take me in a direction I’m not sure I can return from in your presence.”

When training was back on Millia wasn’t surprised that Mi’la again easily handled the flying objects that were sent flying merely as a way to test the Twi’lek’s defenses. Anything with enough heft to cause real damage was directed carefully to avoid doing so. The little things were just not worth the effort. They weren’t likely to cause Mi’la’s power to manifest even if they got past her defenses.

So it seemed that it was time for their first spar. With the goal of the exercise, Millia didn’t think it would be a good idea for each knight to give the other the security of using practice weapons. And at this point in their lives as Jedi they should be in control enough to be able to pull back when needed with a full powered weapon. Just as Millia held an advantage over Mi’la’s former master, Mi’la held the same advantage. Millia wouldn’t have been able to live with herself if she was responsible for causing Mi’la pain.

So the attacks with her saber were much slower and well thought out than the chaotic method of combat that Millia had been taught. There just wasn’t the trust in herself to be able to completely avoid injury. Sure she knew that she wouldn’t be able to do anything too damaging, but even a small burn would be very bad for the Kunari Jedi. Measured practiced sequences that Millia was sure that Mi’la knew better than she did were gone through as Millia looked for an opening to use the Force in some sort of safe assault that might coax out Mi’la’s new ability.

Road to Recovery

Location: Planetside on Ios
Tags: Millia Korraay Millia Korraay

Mi'la wanted to die when Millia began to tease her, to which the Twi'lek shrunk into her robes just a tad.

She ignited her blades, feeling that Milla was about to go back on the offensive, Mi'la moved to engage with the woman. Leaping and twisting with both blades ignited, she slashed several oncoming projectiles away, keeping in mind the gathering of power within Millia's being. She closed the distance, using both blades to keep Millia on the defensive, the Twi'lek turning and tumbling around. Her goal was to keep mobile, not allow Millia to lock her down, and ideally come out of this encounter with a better understanding of how her powers worked. Unlike before, she began to form a shield around herself, bracing for Millia's new force attack, her power echoing outwards from within herself.


Location: Planetside on Ios
Tags: Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari
Wearing: Workout Gear


Millia enjoyed so much the effect her teasing had on Mi’la. She just wanted to chase the Twi’lek into the robes she was retreating into. But the Kuranu woman made herself be good and focus on the task at hand. But there was always that bit of her brain that thought about all the fun things they could be doing instead of training.

Mi’la was not surprisingly able to keep Millia at bay quite easily. The fact that neither wanted to hurt the other definitely played into the hands of the defending Jedi. But Millia was convinced that no matter who was defending and who was attacking Mi’la was the superior combatant and if they were to ever get into a spar, Millia would have to use more than her lightsaber skills to come out on top.

Mi’la tightened her defenses this time, using the Force to put up a barrier of sorts. Lightsaber met lightsaber and lightsaber met debris and all through it Mi’la’s talent proved far and away better than whatever Millia could throw at her. The Kuranu knight grit her teeth and answered the challenge head on. She feigned an overhead strike. At the last moment she extinguished her blade and spun around. She didn’t wait to see how quickly Mi’la reacted to the tactic. Instead she reached out to push Mi’la as strong as she could with the Force. Millia wasn’t sure if she had spun entirely around Mi’la or only to the side. It didn’t matter she was just looking for a slight opening to get Mi’la off balance.

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