Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Coruscant, Level 5120, Darius Maltoya's Apartment, Late Evening
Adjusting The Detective Hat | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Dangerous Game ~ "I see a storm coming in, I see the ground crumble in, starting a chain reaction."

Lynnori was used to hiding how individuals could impress her. That's why she only offered an indulging grin to Kole when he looked back to her after seamlessly getting them unfettered access to the scene, "Nice work, officer," The tones of her voice were lower and almost more sultry, clearly teasing, "If only they employed us 'fleshbags' for that work, then my pheromones would make a dent in them." She went to flick a droid's head as she passed and clearly thought better on it and chose instead to shove both hands back in her pockets, saddling up beside him once more so they'd pass together through the lavish atrium of the building, to the turbolift that Lyn all too eagerly keyed for Maltoya's apartment. It was unlocked, most likely by the building staff, so the CSF could go back and forth. Or for the two foxes in the henhouse, huh?

Lyn made a good fox. Kole was passible, but with some work he'd do. Maybe she'd see to it. Maybe she wouldn't. The uncertainty was what made her feel alive in the moment, at least, much more alive than their Clawdite actor buddy. She whistled in the turbolift, of course she did, some upbeat cheery dance tune that no doubt was being blared in various clubs across the planet at this very moment.
Coruscant, Level 5120, Darius Maltoya's Apartment, Late Evening
Lawfully Being Unlawful | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ List of People ~ "It could've been magic, nearly had ya, can you imagine."

It was nothing but the elevator's hum, the music that played, and Lyn's whistle. Kole's hands remain planted in his coat-pockets. His head barely moved, zoned out as he stared in one direction throughout the majority of the trip. Nearing the halfway point, Kole glanced to his left, looking down at Lyn as she whistled, his gaze remained on her as if he was questioning himself 'why' once more. He hadn't known, nothing was certain here and now. "Hey, uhm, remember that you're not to touch anything." Kole mentioned to Lynnori, the Zeltron he had eyes for purely based on the pheromones affect. Yes, that.
Coruscant, Level 5120, Darius Maltoya's Apartment, Late Evening
Throwing The Hat Away, Time To Snoop | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Dangerous Game ~ "I see the dark coming in, I see a voice is here, starting a chain reaction; It's a dangerous game."

"Hey, I've seen the shows. I've got it."

That wasn't exactly reassuring, but the best he was gonna get out of her. The doors slid open to reveal-- Well, a miniature paradise. Exotic furnishings, expensive portraits, a ghostly space that once belonged to an enigmatic acting mind. Lyn almost instantly stepped off and into the space but then ducked off to the side, to travel down a hallway flanked by columns, "You can, uh, check out the balcony area, that's where he died." It wasn't entirely clear where she was going, but she was clearly going for a snoop about, probably in search of 'evidence'. Various movie awards lined the walls, rich carpets decorated the floors. It was a place she once would have trashed on a sloshed night as Racer Z, now something she only dreamed of attaining again to throw away again.

Whilst Kole did his... Proper detective work, Lynnori busied herself inspecting Maltoya's private quarters. For one, salacious details, always a plus on jobs like these. But also the fact that those with things to hide often hide them in bedrooms. She wasn't biased in assuming that. No. Never.

"Yell if you find something weird!"
Coruscant, Level 5120, Darius Maltoya's Apartment, Late Evening
Lawfully Being Unlawful | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ List of People ~ "'Til it becomes another one of those things that I can't talk about."

It was a quiet first, few steps off of the elevator and into what was essentially an urban oasis, or paradise; both terms could be used interchangeably. Kole's eyes only scanned the area ahead, taking in the life of an exorbitantly paid holo-star whilst this booted feet traversed the apartment, colliding with the marble flooring beneath him. It was a familiar sound, a familiar texture. Not a word escaped him, not a shift in his expression. It was then, however, that Lyn spoke aloud (as expected), he shifted to face her, and then watched as she disappeared into the hallway, off into a room no doubt. Lingering until she vanished entirely before getting on with his own investigation. The question of 'how far to pheromones stretch' crossed his mind once, maybe twice. It came with his concern of a feeling in regards to her. Appreciated, sure, wanted? Unknown. Just as many other things were in his life.

Kole had approached the balcony area, taking a keen interest on everything in his path. His hands remained within his pockets as the cold, night breeze flowed by him, running through his hair and causing some squinting with discomfort. His neck craned to take a look at the ground, an outline of where a corpse once remained was positioned ahead of him. Kole crouched down, bending at the knees to take a closer look. Some blood happened to be there, dried up, and then scratches in the ground, embedded, clawed chunks.

Coruscant, Level 5120, Darius Maltoya's Apartment, Late Evening
Snoop Game Strong | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Troublemaker ~ "If I could love you in the right way, I wouldn't let you down before I go."

Kole had said not to touch anything, and Lyn had seen all the shows about this sort of thing...

...Yet she still found herself sliding on a pair of leather gloves and idly poking through Maltoya's personal effects. A few holographic photo-frames (Lame), some bottles of liquor (Not so lame -- Good for you, Darius) and various datapads no doubt documenting the business side of his job, contracts and the like. Sadly unlikely to fetch any price but Lyn did slyly tuck away a short bottle of something exotic, more a flask, really. It was silver, gilded and pretty, she couldn't resist. What, exactly, did a Clawdite need with a bed at least twice the size of any average sleeping locale-- Actually, she could think of a few uses, and immediately banished them all from the mind. Now if I were a strange, shapeshifting, clearly lonely and repressed yet successful actor, where do I hide my dirt?

Lyn dropped down prone and peered in the space between his chest of drawers and the floor but found nothing except quite a bit of dust, he should have fired his maid before getting choked to death. The bedside tables had nothing of note except a few personal effects she had no desire to rifle through in the moment, nothing valuable or interesting there.

Ah, the closet. Always the closet. Actors seem to love going in and out of them.

The Zeltron poked at the interface panel to reveal Maltoya's extravagant wardrobe, not giving one damn about it (Men's clothes, really, she couldn't wear any of this unless in specific circumstances) before tiptoeing past the expensive suits and ties to the shoes, in the back of the walk-in space. A pair of boots still sat atop a bench situated in the centre of his closet, with the box resting beside them, lid on securely. Shoeboxes. Really, so classic? She found herself prying the lid off it without a second thought to reveal a sight that elicited a rather loud squeal of delight, "Oh, yes!"

Casino chips, the box was full of them. Jackpot.
Coruscant, Level 5120, Darius Maltoya's Apartment, Late Evening
Lawfully Being Unlawful | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ List of People ~ "'I'm gonna have to keep you on my list of people to try and forget about."

​Kole ran his eyes over the clawed out marks in the flooring beneath him. It had to be done rather fiercely for it to make such an impact, especially on a material so dense. It caught his eye, enshrined his attention, and then his mind ran rampant with theories, concepts, and the like. How much of a fight did Darius Maltoya really put up, how much of a fight was he capable of putting up. Clawdites, on average, weren't very sturdy beings. They were frail, smaller in size, with their main use being cunning and deception. No matter how much their shape-shifting abilities may have helped them appear different, it never altered their strength in the slightest. Maybe someone else was involved, someone that knew Darius? A friend, a colleague; they could of been taken, locked away and held for a ransom, or sold to someone else. The fowl stench of Coruscant was difficult to mask as the crime never ceased in an endless flow.

Ultimately, Kole had risen back up to stand upright. There wasn't much to note, and everything notable had already been logged. His eyes only stared downwards, maintaining the thought process. His attention ultimately shifted, though, thinking as to why the how was rather apparent in hindsight. What he had done to earn himself a death mark, and was anything in here telling of that?

The former-Officer turned his back to the balcony, returning to the warmer confines of the inside area. It was a rather large complex, and so it took more time than it usually did to go from room to room, searching for a certain somebody, preparing a baby-sit in reality. She spoke ecstatically and it piqued Kole's attention, his head craning to the side as he attempted to see the inside of the room, moving towards it, and eventually in.
Coruscant, Level 5120, Darius Maltoya's Apartment, Late Evening
Ever See 'Casino Royale'? She Hasn't | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Troublemaker ~ "I woke up in a black haze, tomorrow I'll be plowing through the snow."

A frown crossed Lynnori's face then as she idly picked through the tokens, an exasperated and over-dramatic sigh leaving her.

"Oh, damn it. These--"

There weren't the usual.

It wasn't a surprise that Lyn was a patron of many casinos. The majority of her previous fortune had been spent there, gambled away on wagers too extravagant to fathom now. Despite the awkward soreness that came with poor choices, it did resurrect memories that were direly relevant. Most casinos had systems, suites, of tokens. Mass produced by machines deep in the levels, probably by droids, each one identical.
These, were all handmade. Carved from wood, it looked like, expensive, but cheap at the same time. Painted with the telltale patterns of a casino chip, each one like a snowflake; different. It puzzled her, blue brows pushed together as she tried to recall the significance of handmaid chips in the underworld.

What didn't help the situation was the fact Kole could actually sneak up on her. Her telepathic senses normally could alert to an approaching mass of emotions, but, she still couldn't read him for whatever reason. Maybe he was an Epicanthix. Those were the ones that were hard to read, right?

Either way. The Zeltron was busy inspecting a wooden chip in her gloved fingers, totally unaware of her approaching somebody.
Coruscant, Level 5120, Darius Maltoya's Apartment, Late Evening
Lawfully Being Unlawful | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ List of People ~ "'And as the years go by your name will fade out gradually."

Fortunately, for Kole, he had a rather quiet foot-fall. It barely, even rarely, made much in the way of a sound as he approached anyone or anything. It had proved to be a beneficial trait, skill, or talent in previous endeavours; especially when one delves into the field of work that these two are currently in at the moment. It was because of this that Lyn couldn't hear him, but she couldn't feel him for another reason all together. An Epicanthix? No, certainly not. You hear that they're a species that are much taller than the average person, and Kole rested at a simple six foot. Much more dense too, and Harper hadn't been the heaviest set out there, not by far. Lynnori could only keep guessing, and at this rate she'll find out well before Kole does.

"I thought I said not to touch anything." Kole stated, jogging his own memory as well as her own. The item in her hand, he hadn't known what it was, hadn't cared either. She was snatching at an item within an active crime scene, and that can put the two of them on the radar. Certainly something he hadn't wanted in the slightest. Kole had met with the command element of the CSF before, working directly under them but the circumstances were purely business related. He hadn't the intention of appearing before them again for a scolding, or some form of reprimanding.
Coruscant, Level 5120, Darius Maltoya's Apartment, Late Evening
Being The Best Bond Girl | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Troublemaker ~ "Your heart is strong, yeah, your back is made of gold, these lies don't work and these ties are getting old."

"I mean, yeah, I know you told me that."

"But I took it more like life advice. Also, these were just left out in the open, so... Not really touching. And I got gloves."

Pitiful excuses, but the breakthrough was worth it as all of a sudden Lynnori squeak in delight again, "Oh, oh! I know what these are! Oh, this is juicy."

Yeah, he had startled her with his sudden arrival. So what? It was just a brief 'jump', a shudder in her shoulders, darting down her spine. It was gone as soon as it had arrived. Lyn only went back to fiddling with the token, prepared to launch into a ridiculous explanation as to the significance, no doubt.

"So, you know Casinos, right?" Assumedly, he did, "They use tokens, right?" Yep, "Those tokens are legal tender in the casinos 'cause they're all licensed and tracked and whatever. Anyways, these-- These are done by hand, supposed to do the same thing, right, but untraceable because they're organic material." How did Lynnori even know so many big words? Seems like her true intelligence only came out when talking about obscure criminal tactics, "No legal casino would want this anywhere near them, could get them in serious trouble. Chances are this is from an illegal set-up, talking around 1313, probably. So why's Darius got a couple, oh, hundred-thousand-credits-worth of them just lying out in the open, in a shoebox, where anyone could see them?"

The question of the hour for her, it seemed. Her smirk was pleased and proud, clearly happy to have found something thanks to her rule-breaking. She even held the token out to him, to see for himself.
Coruscant, Level 5120, Darius Maltoya's Apartment, Late Evening
Lawfully Being Unlawful | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ List of People ~ "'They'll think my heart won't try but it was waiting in the winds."


Kole's expressionless gaze had cracked in that moment. It wasn't as set in stone as it seemed to be, and yes, he could feel an emotion or two beyond confusion and inquiry. Maybe they were the same to some degree, but it wasn't a question worth asking, not now at least. A brow of his quirked once more, raising upwards on his face whilst he continued to stare ahead from the doorway. It was as if he hadn't truly understood what it was he was hearing, or maybe it was because something had surprised him; spoiler, it's the latter of the two, of course. Kole wasn't a socialite, but he had spent enough time in the company of those that had money for things that needed to be done. The kind that were rich, famous, gorgeous, but ultimately moronic. He was pleased, most of all, to find Lynnori didn't fall into that category of beautiful. No. His eyes squinted, a light shake of the head, then a smirk creased across the lips in acceptance of the revelation. Contradictory actions, really. They had their reasons, but none that Lynnori could ever know.

The HRD took a step or so forwards, his own gloved hands reached out to take a hold of the chip that was extended to himself. "Hmm." Kole grunted in silence, flipping it over to grab a greater look at it with more detail. His eyes then shifted upon the box Lyn 'stole' it from, a finger was lazily pointed in it's direction as if he asking if that's where they call came from. After an assumed confirmation, however it came, he was to place the chip back, and then take it for himself. It was of more use to him than it was to the CSF. Kole could breaks the rules himself, but only when he deemed it fit to do so, otherwise someone may be scolded for their actions.

Not full of integrity.

"It's late, though. Can pick this up tomorrow." It was, and Kole was tired. She had the resources, and so Kole needed Lynnori. He wasn't to skip out on her, just as she wasn't to do the same to him- or so he hoped.
Coruscant, Level 5120, Darius Maltoya's Apartment, Day 1 Of The Job, Late Evening
At A Crossroads | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Troublemaker ~ "Can I put you in my pocket and save you for later?, 'cause you're too good to lose; you're the flavour I savour."

Lynnori's ego peaked a little as she spotted that slight fracturing of the facade, offering a nod to his silent question and proudly reaching out to grab at a token or two as Kole went to squirrel them away no doubt to wherever stoic ex-cops hid their chit, "Gonna guess there wasn't anything important where Maltoya kicked it, then." The Zeltron peeped out, smirking still. Once he mentioned the time her eyes glanced at a nearby display, of course, it was getting to the wee hours of the night now, "Yeah, yeah, not everyone's a night owl like me."

Ah, it was too much to resist. He left it so open, so vague, so tempting. Tucking her own tokens away-- To use to identify what low-life institution they came from, obviously --She somehow found herself still talking in his direction, following after a lag so she was a meter or two behind him when she called out, "Got, uh, got a nice place?" Lyn didn't. It was a mess, mostly by of her own design. If she could do it comfortably, she'd live in the Sulit.

Of course, the question came off a little forward. Maybe that was the point. Her species was forward by anatomical design, yeah, but not all the time. The makings of something deeper were always intriguing, alluring, attractive. Three words she could co-incidentally also use to describe-- Well. You know.

Part of it might have been the thrill of knowing that he was unlike anyone she'd ever met before. That was probably some of it. At least 25%. Maybe 30 if you pushed it.
Coruscant, Level 5120, Darius Maltoya's Apartment, Day 1 Of The Job, Late Evening
Lawfully Being Unlawful | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ List of People ~ "'And as the years go by you're still a banished memory."

Kole stopped in his tracks. It wasn't as if it was forced, or sudden, but instead natural and as if he simply decided to slowly stop walking. His eyes fell on the floor ahead him, staring in contemplation as the question lingered in the air between them. The true intention of that question was what he was really asking himself, but it wasn't as if it ultimately mattered. Kole wasn't going to leave Lyn in an apartment she had no right to be in, or force the woman to make her own way home. He was her lift, after all. And so, it was decided.

The HRD turned his head over his shoulder, he stared at her for a few moments as the the air grew tense. It was with an amused huff he provided a nod in the direction of the doorway, the exit, signifying he's fine with her coming along. It was the only real interpretation, no?

Let's hope he hadn't gained more than he bargained for with this job, though. That'd be... most unfortunate.
Coruscant, Level 5120, Darius Maltoya's Apartment, Day 1 Of The Job, Late Evening
Picking A Side | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Troublemaker ~ "Can I put you in my pocket and save you for later? Cause you're the trouble I want, you're my troublemaker."

It's hallowed ground she tread upon, now. One misstep and she would be sent right to the Netherworld.

Proverbially, that is.

Lynnori trailed behind Kole still, though her smile was oh-so-winning, the ride down the turbolift uneventful except for that eternally-smug expression painted right across the Zeltron's pretty features. It remained even when they exited the CSF's perimeter, passed the droids, right up until they entered his speeder again.

"So. Do you think we're gonna get ten-grand each, or are they gonna split it, or..." Her question trailed off plainly, leaving it open-ended, eyes of molten amber appraising his expression and reaction. Sure, it was a little greedy, just a little, but also a valid point they'd never brought up before. Hopefully, it'd be ten for each. Lyn could think of a lot of uses for credits like that in her coffers.

Even then, though, she didn't seem overly interested. It was small talk that held importance but the way she saw it, Smalltalk all the same, something to discuss as Kole drove and she admired. The scenery. Admiring that.

But it was hard to watch traffic now.
Coruscant, Level 5120, In Transit, Day 1 Of The Job, Late Evening
Lawfully Being Unlawful | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ List of People ~ "'And as the years go by you're still a banished memory."

Kole's hands worked their magic, pressing, pulling, flicking several buttons that caused the speeder the two found themselves in thrum to life. It's engine was soft, muffled through the interior of the speeder itself. Coruscant hadn't changed, not in the slightest. The same sounds came about, if not louder than usual. It was a wonder as to how anybody found the ability to rest on a planet such as this, but Kole made do, and he presumed that Lyn had herself. The dark sky enabled the neon lights of the city to shine all the much brighter, reflecting off of the transparent glass that shielded the interior of the speeder. They were distracting, but Kole had become used to their existence. If not? He may have crashed into a building long ago, or something far worse.

As they ascended into the sky, heading in that direction Kole turned to face Lyn for a moment, listening to her speak. "Split." It was an easy reply, but it's what made sense. The man was tired, not so-much exhausted by willing to wire down and rest after a brief evening ritual. Presuming she was to do the same, too. He hadn't any plans for this night to get too ​eventful.
Coruscant, Level 5120, In Transit, Day 1 Of The Job, Late Evening
Maintaining The Median | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Troublemaker ~ "I'll chase you for a lifetime, if you leave me with a thrill I can't contain."

He was an adequate driver. Part of Lyn still wanted to lean over and take control, feel what this little speeder could really, really do -- But this was his vehicle, his rules. Soon enough he'd see her fly, hopefully, maybe. If it all didn't go to chit before then. If they didn't die in the process of her insane methods at work.

The neon of this planet was attractive. Zeltros was covered in the stuff, denoting all sort of parlours of entertainment that were supposed to lure you in and keep you ensnared, bedazzled by the lights and pheromones and telepathy. Only one of the triad would affect her unknowingly synthetic friend, though, which she saw as a shame. Her homeworld was... An experience... But perhaps one he didn't need, in further reflection.

Feeling crowded is what had led to her running away, after all.

"Half it is." If Lyn was disappointed, she didn't let it show in her voice. See, she could share too, like a good Zelron was supposed to be used to doing. Yet another pointless question rose in her throat, head rolling over to steal a subtle glance to Kole, "Your place big enough for both of us?"
Coruscant, Level 5120, In Transit, Day 1 Of The Job, Late Evening
Questioning Himself | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ The Less I Know The Better ~ "Oh my love, can't you see that you're on my mind."

Yes, it was. Kole's apartment wasn't entirely large, in fact quite small, but it made do. He wasn't a man that required luxury, just a place to stay and call his own, find some relative pride within it. Maybe she could respect that, or perhaps Lyn was more along the lines of wishing more grandeur that one could handle. Everyone wants a large home, but not everyone could afford it. Kole was a humble man, he didn't need a lot. He never did. With any luck, Lyn could accept that. "I can sleep on the lounge." He idly mentioned, cruising through the Coruscant skyline.

It was quiet, and Kole preferred it that way. There was something beautiful about idle nothingness. Sounds, none of it had to have any meaning beyond the fact that they exist. Her voice was soothing, comforting, and it only added to the serene moment. "You don't have a change of clothes, do you?" He presumed she slept in something else, not the clothes she had worn all day (presumably at least). His eyes, however, remained fixated on the area ahead. A neutral expression with a hint of a squint. Those lights were bright.
Coruscant, Level 5120, In Transit, Day 1 Of The Job, Late Evening
Questioning Him, Too | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Troublemaker ~ "With emptiness by my side, I’ll always have a place to hide the pain."

"Hm? Oh, uh, don't worry about that," Lyn mused softly, "I'll put something together." It was quaint how he must have assumed she'd wear something special to bed. Poor boy.

Still, her eyes dipped over to him again, "I wouldn't put you out of a bed. I can sleep anywhere, seriously." That perhaps came out the wrong way but it was true for both potential interpretations. Her authenticity wasn't mistaken, though; she'd been taught manners, believe it or not. And even though they'd known each other for a few hours at the most, she wasn't interested in making him bend over backwards for her. Well...

No. Well-- No, show some restraint. Her own mind brought her to heel, surprisingly, fingers back to drumming on the dash to the tune of some old dance song she'd heard in a forgettable club. Catchy, but ultimately another blip on her path through chaotic entertainment.

Silently, a part of her pined that this wasn't going to be another normal blip.
Coruscant, Level 5171, In Transit, Day 1 Of The Job, Late Evening
Being Polite | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ The Less I Know The Better ~ "Oh my love, can't you see yourself by my side."

Special? No, hardly. It was more along the lines of anything that wasn't the same clothes she'd worn all day. It wasn't as if he was the only one who did that, right? You know, shower, change, eat, sleep. That method, or was her chaotic life a bit more... chaotic? It was the likely answer, really. He hadn't known Lyn for long, much in the same way she had observed that about knowing him, but here he was, taking her home, and not in the same manner most may have preferred. Even Kole. There was no denying what it was that he felt, even if he could blame it on the pheromones. It was, as of now, purely physical. Kole wasn't going to bring it to the surface, though. That was the kind of information you repressed until it exploded outwards.

"No, it's fine." He persisted, "I can make-do on the lounge for a night." It was true. He'd slept in worse areas, both in his artificial memories and the real ones too. He hadn't any intention to make a guest sleep in the less comfortable area, that was rude. Kole wasn't very rude, sometimes violent and unreasonable but never expressly rude. Or, so he thought.
Coruscant, Level 5120, In Transit, Day 1 Of The Job, Late Evening
Handling A Gentleman | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ One Time ~ "You know you've got that thing, that makes the girls all swing; you know exactly what you do."

Ah, he was persistent. She had to give that to him, "Okay, okay, I'll take the bed, if you so insist. Probably gonna be up late figuring out where those chips come from, though. Coruscant never sleeps even if we gotta." Yes, Lyn seemed to be the antithesis to order. He slept, she stayed awake, he shied away, she embraced it. He... Did whatever he did, and she flirted. It was the way nature had designed them. Well, one of them.

Traffic kept moving by, Lyn's eyes kept finding something to lock into, something to numbly focus on as he drove, "What level do you live on, anyways? High roller or-- Opposite of that?"

Fair question. Better to know if she needed to stash a blaster under the pillow in case someone broke in.
Coruscant, Level 5171, In Transit, Day 1 Of The Job, Late Evening
Heading Home | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ The Less I Know The Better ~ "Oh, sweet darling, where he wants you."

Kole's left hand briefly left the stick, moving to scratch at the back of his neck as the gristle sound of hair being scratched became apparent, his neck craning down for the briefest of moments. "Five-one-seven-one." Kole explained as his head pivoted to the face pretty pink by his side. He hadn't lived anywhere extremely expensive, or luxurious, but it wasn't too deep below the surface of Coruscant. The skies above were heavenly, something to enjoy and embrace, and not shy yourself away from. The closer to the top, the closer Kole felt to liberation from an existence he couldn't truly appreciate in it's entirety. He only did what he had to in order to keep pushing on.

​The Speeder ascended, moving upwards and onwards as they further approached Kole's would-be home. He had lived on Nar Shaddaa prior to this, moving back into an apartment the CSF had paid for in an attempt to apologise for their actions against him. He wasn't complaining, it was free real-estate. The HRD's stomach churned in the slightest, he was hungry and the closer he got to home, the more that hunger of his became apparent.

"It won't run cold over night. We have plenty of time." His answer to the first statement she made.

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