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LFG The Ascania Family Fund for Ukatis [Charity Raffle/Donations Needed!]

A message arrives in your inbox:


Dear [NAME],

Several months ago, a devastating assault on Ukatis left the capital city of Axilla in ruins. With our own stores stretched so thin, many Ukatians remain displaced and are in urgent need of shelter, food, and healthcare.

A donation of any amount to the Ascania Family Fund will go towards support and services for Ukatians who've lost their homes and livelihoods. Donations of medical supplies, non-perishable foodstuffs, temporary housing and clothing would be greatly appreciated.

We are also accepting donations of items to be raffled off, with all proceeds going towards serving the Ukatian people and rebuilding homes and business that have been beset by this tragedy. To make a donation or purchase a raffle ticket, kindly see the form below this message.

Your support of the people of Ukatis can help change lives. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.


Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania
Dominick von Ascania Dominick von Ascania
Fantine von Ascania Fantine von Ascania

Of the Ascania Family Fund


How it works:
  • Your character can donate something to the fund - this could be credits, labor, supplies etc. You can also donate an item of value to be raffled off.
  • Any character may purchase a raffle ticket (one per character). Winners will be chosen randomly.
  • Post below if you'd like to donate something, and/or purchase a raffle ticket. One ticket per character.
  • There will be no IC thread for this on Ukatis (unless you guys want it) as this will take place over the holonet. A separate thread (or blog post) will be done to declare the winners.

Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Canned goods
Jonyna Si Jonyna Si of Si TechMonetary donation, custom sub
Cessair Ideon Cessair Ideon Construction droids, food supplies, farming equipment
House Aureus ( Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus )Monetary donation
Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Relief supplies
Treoff Kellak Treoff Kellak of Starguard DynamicsConstruction and medical supplies, Red bacta, cr1,000,000
Shan Pavond Shan Pavond Labor (Healing and/or managing clinics)
Hekler'Kok Defense & Galactic Foreign Legioncr5,000,000
Noah Corek Noah Corek cr5,000,000 and a custom sub
Clan Kryze ( Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze )Medical supplies and rations
Irwin Vuull Irwin Vuull of Vuull’s IndustriesFood, water, construction and supplemental supplies, cr500,000
Sera Mina Sera Mina of Bacta-Works of Epicacr4,000,000,000, 100 Tons of BWE MedSpice, 400 Tons of Meal Pies, 400 Tons of Fruit Pies, 200 Tons of Spice Biscuits, 200 Tons of Chocolate Stock , along with and additional 300 Tons of Civil Emergency Chocolate, 300 Tons of Salt Stock , 300 Tons of Sugar Stock , 300 Tons of Butter Stock
Caulder Dune Caulder Dune of the Galactic Commerce Guildcr18,000,000
Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau of the Eve FoundationShelter, medical care, hospice care, food, water, and rebuilding supplies
Malcoma Hesse Malcoma Hesse Blood products, cr250,000
Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr of the The Trade Federationcr20,000,000 and exchangeable bonds
Dystraay Bovark II of the The Galactic Mining GuildMining equipment, skilled technicians, labor
Anonymous ( Thelma Goth Thelma Goth )cr50
Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren cr50,000, medical supplies, non-perishable foodstuffs, temporary housing units
Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell of Salacia ConsolidatedIra-Class Civilian Atmospheric Station

Prize Donations:
Raffle Ticket Holders:
Please have all donation/raffle ticket requests in by January 27th!

Feel free to direct any questions below, to my DMs or discord (fat.raccoon).
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"Dear, Ascania Family.

We were appalled by the unprovoked attack by the Mandalorian Enclave on the Sovereign World of Ukatis, and wish to offer our support during these trying time as you rebuild and prosper once again. The Hutt Government is willing to send Relief Supplies in the form of Skilled Construction Droids, Food Supplies, Farming Equipment to your Planet.

Signed, The Supreme Mogul.
I will being purchasing 1 Raffle Ticket for this Character
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Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

StarGuard Dynamics will sponsor a donation of construction supplies and medical supplies.
They will also purchase another bulk order of Red Bacta from Sera Mina Sera Mina for the Ukatians medical facilities.

Treoff Kellak will donate 1,000,000 credits, with no strings attached, and purchase one raffle ticket.

In addition, all you need do is say the word, and StarGuard Dynamics will arrive and support the reconstruction of Ukatis, free of charge.

It's the right thing to do.

Hail, House Ascania!​
The sight of beskar-clad warriors upon your world would be ill-received, and so we cannot offer you the sweat of our brows. With our recent departure from our former home, however, we have found ourselves laden with a surplus of equipment - and as per the orders of our Alor, we are to rid ourselves of all unnecessary baggage.​
We recognize the role we played, through direct action or collusion with your enemies, in the ruin visited upon Axilla. We hope these medical supplies and preserved rations will help to ease the burden placed upon your people as you rebuild.​
Safety and peace be upon you and your family,​
The warriors of Clan Kryze​

I will be purchasing one ticket for this character.

Dear House Ascania,

Vuull's Industries has received the call for supplies and funds to support the afflicted in Ukatis.

We will be allocating one carrier group, designated 'Osella,' laden with essential provisions such as food, water, and building supplies. Additionally, I, Irwin Vuull, personally pledge to dispatch my Frigate carrying supplementary supplies to Ukatis. Furthermore, as a gesture of our commitment to the cause, Vuull's Industries will be sending 500,000 credits to the fund for one raffle ticket.

It is our sincere hope that these contributions will play a role in the ongoing rebuilding process and contribute to the lasting prosperity of the region.

Yours sincerely,

Irwin Vuull

The Bloodsucking Philanthropist

Ascania Family Fund

Galactic Commerce Guild

We are greatly saddened to hear of the current state of affairs which trouble Ukatis. The Commerce Guild has allocated cr18,000,000 to be donated to ongoing reconstruction and relief efforts being undertaken by the planetary government. Please accept the deep condolences of our organization during these troubling times.​
The Guild is, of course, at your disposal should further support be required.​

Caulder Dune



Greetings House Ascania,

I hope this letter finds you in good health despite the challenging times we are facing. I am writing to express our deepest condolences for the recent disaster in Ukatis and to convey our unwavering support for the relief efforts initiated by House Ascania.

The magnitude of the devastation has undoubtedly left a profound impact on the lives of the people affected, and our hearts go out to each and every individual grappling with the aftermath. In times of such adversity, it is inspiring to witness the resilience and strength of the various galactic communities coming together to support one another.

The Eve Foundation, deeply moved by the plight of the affected individuals and families, is committed to making a meaningful contribution to the recovery and rebuilding process. I am pleased to inform you that we will be directing recovery funds towards the comprehensive relief efforts led by House Ascania.

Our commitment extends beyond financial support, as we recognize the importance of addressing diverse needs during the recovery phase. The Eve Foundation will be allocating donations and services in the following key areas:
  1. Disaster Relief: We understand the urgency of immediate assistance, and our resources will be channeled to provide aid to those directly impacted by the disaster. This includes shelter, medical care, and other essential services to help restore a sense of normalcy.
  2. Hospice Care: In recognition of the emotional toll that such disasters can have on individuals, particularly those who have lost loved ones, we are committed to offering hospice care services. Our aim is to provide compassionate support and comfort during these challenging times.
  3. Basic Necessities: The provision of basic necessities such as food, water, and rebuilding supplies is crucial for the community's recovery. The Eve Foundation will be actively involved in delivering these essentials to ensure that no one is left without the fundamental resources needed for rebuilding their lives.
We believe that by joining hands with House Ascania and other organizations dedicated to the relief efforts, we can make a meaningful impact on the path to recovery. The strength of our collective efforts lies in unity, empathy, and a shared commitment to rebuilding Ukatis stronger than before.

As we extend our support, please know that our thoughts and prayers are with the affected communities, and we remain steadfast in our commitment to assisting recovery efforts in any way possible.

Thank you for your leadership during these challenging times. Together, we can make a difference.

With sincere condolences,

Danger Arceneau

The Eve Foundation


Your Highnesses:

I am in equal measure disheartened and pleased to have received your message—pleased that the unfounded rumors of criminal affiliation have not sullied your opinion of me, but disheartened to hear of the ongoing tragedy that you and your people face.

Unfortunately, I cannot offer as many funds as I would like to due to circumstances affecting my organization, though not nearly as troubling or difficult as your own. In addition to a quarter of a million credits wired to the Ascania Family Fund, I believe that a physical shipment of blood will arrive by the end of next week. Some of the residents of my boarding house organized an in-house blood drive, and the transfusion units that we collected were contributed to the Grand Alliance Medical Facility, which was already planning to send blood to Ukatis.

I am aware that it is a long way away, but the Guesthouse will open its doors to any Ukatish who find themselves on Coruscant and in need of comfort while reestablishing their lives on a new world. Should you become aware of such a need, please encourage them to seek out Headmistress Hesse in Monument Plaza.

Be well, my dears. May your world heal quickly.

Malcoma Hesse
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To: The Ascania Family Fund

From: The Trade Federation

We have been informed of the current state of affairs which trouble the Sovereign System of Ukatis. Therefore the Trade Federation of Planets have allocated cr20,000,000 credits and exchangeable bonds to be donated to ongoing reconstruction projects and relief efforts being undertaken by the planetary government and individual bodies operating on the system. Please accept our deepest sympathizes with your current plight.

The Federation would be more than willing to offer anything else you might require.


Rulonom Laborr, Director of the Trade Federation.


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Dystraay Bovark II



To: The Ascania Family Fund

From: The Galactic Mining Guild

It is unfortunate that the Barbarians of the Mandalorian Enclave have assaulted the Free & Fair People of Ukatis without remorse. The Galactic Mining Guild in a show of support for your planet and its people would be willing to send mining equipment, skilled technicians and laborers to assist in the reconstruction effort within the Sovereign System of Ukatis. While we can't offer credits or negotiable bonds, we hope that this small act of favor can bring about real hope and change in a galaxy ruled by fear and oppression.


Dystraay Bovark II, Magistrate of the Mining Guild



Dear Ascania Family,

I was deeply moved by the plight of the Ukatian people following the devastation in Axilla. The echoes of such a tragedy are all too familiar, as my own home world of Naboo has faced similar hardships. In the wake of the Cataclysm that ravaged Theed, I have witnessed firsthand the struggle of a community trying to pull together to rebuild and the immense impact that external support can have in such dire times.

As someone who understands your people's situation, I am committed to aiding in your relief efforts and will arrange for a shipment of medical supplies, non-perishable foodstuffs, and temporary housing units to be sent immediately. These items, I hope, will provide some relief to those who are most in need.

Additionally, I will make a personal donation of fifty-thousand credits to the Ascania Family Fund.

Please forward any necessary forms and details for the shipment and the donation process. My team and I stand ready to coordinate with your representatives to ensure that this assistance reaches the Ukatian people as swiftly as possible.

With heartfelt solidarity,



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