Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction The Beauty After Midnight (The Family)

[Ket's Soundscape for the Evening]

A garish nightmare of neon and lives not worth living. That was the Lupine's impression of the Uscru Entertainment District. He'd make no bones about it, being around the pulsating throngs of humanoids and droids alike was almost distasteful to him these nights. He couldn't help that, truth be told. He was used to being alone, and only ever appearing when the need arose. Yet, this was a man who once reveled in being in the public eye, no matter the reason. In his youth, he could be found nearly anywhere you could find gambling, 'hostesses', and illicit substances. He lived at the corner of bedlam and squalor, only a stone's throw from death's door at any given moment in time. This night, however, he braved the pink, blue, and green neon hues for a very specific purpose. Down the brightly lit walkways he moved, keeping to the shadows of those walking around him. Like formless smoke, he flowed through the crowds, no one paying him much mind. And that was precisely how he wanted it to play out. No need to be recognized, at least not yet.

And then... he stopped. He stopped, and stood at a corner, looking upward to the fascia staring back at him.


The Star Lounge

Even out in wild space, there were those who spoke of this place. Of it's 5-star gourmet offerings, both succulent and sweet, of it's expert bartenders and drink-crafters, of galaxy-class musical acts that had graced it's stage. And of a red hot singing sensation, that would leave you a smoking spot on the carpet if looks could kill. Yet, none of this interested the Lupine. He was seeking something a bit less reputable, something only spoke of in hushed whispers from those who knew of such things. A very specific group of people... no, that wasn't quite the word. A Family, of sorts. Yes, that's it. And he was not looking for some vague associate, no, he was here to meet the head of this clandestine syndicate of na'er-do-wells. He'd made some discreet inquiries among a few trusted acquaintances, and from these inquiries, he gleaned two details. The first, a name. The second, how to speak with the bearer of that name.

So, as he stood there leaning up against the railing, watching as both high class clientele and your common rabble all vied for position, trying to gain entrance, he pushed off. Walking across the gantry-way as airspeeders flew at nearly sonic velocities both above and below, he made his way to the entrance. As the doorman was busy with what looked like a high-society type with more credits than brains and her escort, he slid through with ease. Such were the gifts of the Force. It was second nature to him, as anything to avoid being noticed was his bread & butter these past few years. It was most likely his paranoia over his past transgressions across the vastness of space. Of shattering a Mandolorian's armor into pieces, of riding a ship like a speederbike directly into the heart of a city on Naboo. Of electrocuting over forty people in a dingy bar in Coronet City at the same time just to have the place to himself, to speak to a rather attractive young lady of course. And that only scratched the surface of the things he'd done in his past.

Making his way through the antechamber and into the main room proper, he paused, taking a moment to survey his surroundings. Dimly lit, yet not enough to make it hard to see, a pleasant if not artificial illumination. Tall ceilings, which lent to giving the appearance of it being much larger than it actually was. It tried so hard to be above it's station, the Lupine would give it that. But at the end of the day, all the warm wood and waterfalls you cold toss at a place would not hide it's true intent. At least, not to those like him, who'd been around this galaxy more times than most. You learned to spot patterns in the chaos, and this place, for all it's glitz and glamour, it also followed the path.

Spying the bar in a lower-landing from the entrance, he made his way over. His long, full-length black
leather coat barely just kissed the rich hardwood floor as knee-high boots thudded lightly with each step. Typically, the Lupine would leave his torso bare under the coat, but this night, he'd thought it prudent to dress himself for the occasion. A tight, black silk dress shirt clung to his lithe frame, the top button undone and revealing just an inkling of the tattoos underneath. Well-worn and slightly faded leathers creaked ever so gently as he brushed his coat to the side, taking a seat at the bar as the throng of patrons milled about, laughing, talking, creating all manner of background conversations and white noise. Waiters scurried around, bringing food from the kitchen and drinks ordered from the bar, all type of brightly colored liquids in every shape and size glass you could think of. Turning his gaze toward the bar proper, he spied a few people behind it. One, at the farther end of the bar, was a very dapper dressed Zeltron, who appeared to be mixing a drink in a rather showy fashion to the delight of a few young ladies who were 'ooing & ahhing'. Closer to where he was seated, he saw a pair of similar garbed bartenders, a human male and what appeared to be a much shorter pantoran female. Catching the gaze of the male, he made a motion with two fingers, as to beckon him over. He spoke with a low tone, a hint of animalistic growl hidden just beneath the surface. Yet, he made sure that the bartender would hear him just fine.

"Three fingers of whiskey, on the rocks, please."

Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud | Samuel Exel Samuel Exel & Ela Exel Ela Exel | The Family (All Welcome!)

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Getting in wasn't the hard part for Ghoul. It was not the first, or the last time, the man would talk his way into some of the fancier establishments in his pursuit of a good drink to combat the drink he normally ordered. For him the difficulty was trying not to argue at the doorway. The man, tall and toned Zabrak in appearance that he was, was very gifted in two fields: Shooting, and stubbornness. When he walked up to enter, there was an all too extended scene of the man's refusal to surrender his firearm. He had walked the city with it openly holstered on his side, and not all to make it subtle either. It was only at the repeated insistence of the staff did the man finally pull the long duster he wore over the firearm, concealing it at the least in name alone, but at the least earning himself the ability to enter.

Home. Coruscant was always an interesting return for the man, and it would be all the better if he knew just why he was back. His old boss having called him home, but that far from meant he was in a rush to return to his old haunts. Tonight was a well needed drink and a distraction from the memories. Unfortunately, a distraction was also what one could see the man as with ease. The wide brim hat he wore tilted down at an angle with his natural horns protruding from various holes did not seem at place within a more high caliber establishment, nor did the rather heavy clicking of spurs as he walked. The limp in his left leg making his steps a bit heavier than intended even if he was trying to be subtle about his approach to the bar. Almost directly drawn to it, as he slid his way past other customers and ignored any rude actions on his part to make the path as short as he could.

It was when he reached it, that bit of rude and distracting mannerisms continued. Credits already in hand, a few different units held between his fingers, as he would begin to lightly tap them on the bartop much like one would rattle their finger. The clank of it actually kept in a genuine rythm as rather than call out his order, the man seemed privy to wait his turn. Granted, withthe air of impatience he gave off. Another had just placed their drink, and the last thing he wanted was to steal another man's whiskey. For now he kept his head tilted down, rim of that well outdated hat keeping his vision atleast a little bit covered to hide where he may be looking. But in reality, he was just staring down at the bartop. Lost to his own thoughts, and concerns, as to why he was not only back home, but SUMMONED here.
Business, Espionage & Faith

'When You Were Young'​

It was busy tonight, plenty of folks coming in and out~ yet still just another night for the residents of the lounge. Marcy' had claimed her usual seating arrangement, a booth tucked into the side of the lounge opposite the bar. She was well equipped for the evening with booze and cigarras, her 'Chosen' scattered around the lounge enjoying themselves.

Her booth was perfect for spying on those entering, leaving and visiting the bar~ with enough room for anyone to join her, should they wish. Lighting up a cigarra, she signalled over to the bartending trio for a drink, dealers choice; they knew what she liked.

Taking a deep puff of her cigarra, she spied two intriguing, eclectic individuals, both seeming more 'rough and tumble' than their usual, rich patrons. One of whom she guessed could possibly be Ket Van-Derveld Ket Van-Derveld , here for a chat with the 'Donna.' The other, however, was a mystery~ a curious one too, looking as if he'd just come from a backward, lawless planet.. she'd keep an eye on this one.

She'd approach the bar at some point, however drinks were a priority. Leaning back in the booth, she'd take deep puffs of her cigarra, waiting to be served and wondering if any of her associates would join her in the lounge.
Jay slowly walked up to the lounge. He wasn't wearing his usual armor, minus having kept his hood on, and only had a vibrodagger tucked out of sight. He didn't look like he was hunting, that was for sure, but he didn't really fit the usual atmosphere of a place like this. Ki'tala made him leave the ship for a while though so he figured here was as good a place as any. Thankfully judging by a few others there he wasn't the only one out of place. He wasn't sure who they were Then he noticed the familiar face of Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora . He worked with her... ok he delivered supplies and ended up joining a rescue mission, but it was someone he knew at the very least.

The man walked up to the bar, sitting down and asking something strong before looking over.

"Hey, ma'am. Looks like I'm not the only one either wanting or being forced to relax."

Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora Ghoul Azri Ghoul Azri Ket Van-Derveld Ket Van-Derveld

Being hired at the Star Lounge definitely rates as one of Samuel’s better career decisions he has made in his lifetime - though that was a very short list. Being able to be hired and work alongside Ela Exel Ela Exel at the same time however, was something of a miracle given how picky some establishments could be. Especially so at a place like this. He was quick to get along into the swing of things as best he could, and while there were difficulties in adjusting to the far more refined environment for the once-rugged bounty hunter, it was a whole lot better than having a blaster pointed in your direction at every other patron. Even so, there were complications at the front with Phaelix before opening, the head bartender which he often warily regarded. Their blasters, for one, were too ‘unsophisticated’ to openly wear whilst serving patrons. Back home, he was used to the sight of it making patrons feel at ease with the knowledge the bartenders would step in should there be complications - but here, there was no need for such crude methods, and having it would likely cause the opposite effect of the intended one. With the aid of some polite stubbornness, he managed to haggle it down so that it would be stashed under the counter should the need arise. He never felt comfortable without a weapon at the very least within arm’s reach.

As the hours turned to dusk and to night, the Star Lounge often saw an increase in visitors rather than a decrease. Most of which consisted of high-class individuals looking for excitement, or at least some form of entertainment in their comfortable lives. It was a long way from the hardened individuals he was used to serving, but it nonetheless made his job easier. Side-by-side with Ela during the calm before the storm, there was an amused side-glance to her, noting her obvious expression of excitement. “You’re in quite the mood.” Tone mirroring that of a joking one, as he shifted his hands to fold in front of him whilst he took inventory of who was going in and out. “Best decision we made so far, mmh?” Jesting, yet he was genuinely pleased to see her in such spirits.

Listening along to her response as more people filed in, he saw the familiar face of Marcella enter at one point or another, followed by her usual posse he often saw lingering around. They haven’t interacted much since they were last hired by her, but he was nonetheless grateful. At some point after was the entrance of the gruff individuals of Ket and Ghoul. First Marcella signaled for a drink - the variety of which both of the new hires were familiar with, and he nodded as he complied - taking out a bottle with the mixer and combining the usual blend of sweet undertones and tropical delights. Once finished, he moved out from around the bar and over to the booth, setting the drink down in front of her with a nod, acknowledging her with a “Ms. Fiora.” Upon doing so, he would turn, moving back behind the bar, waiting for whoever came next. His gaze caught Phaelix wooing some of the patrons with some tricks, quirking a brow as he glanced in Ela in comical fashion for a brief moment before it went to the main crowd.

It was then Ket sat down, catching Sam’s gaze and making a small motion with his fingers in request for a drink, there was a nod to Ela that he’ll handle it, stepping over curtly. "Three fingers of whiskey, on the rocks, please." Said the individual, in which Samuel was already grasping a glass, placing it under the tap whilst gaze regarded the man, “Very well, sir.” Polite in his own gruff voice as the whiskey was poured. Now this type of individual was one he was used to serving - he could tell in the demeanor and voice. But, he supposed he shouldn’t judge a book by their cover.

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Patrons were taking to the lounge, and Ela stood ready to serve, practically jittering with excitement. She had waited so long for this, to work at a location with much higher reputation and class than somewhere on an Outer Rim planet. Though, she knew very well that Coruscant was no less crime-ridden. And she also knew, from being around him every day for so long, that Samuel’s jitters stemmed from a place of anxiety rather than eagerness. Then, he spoke, taking note of her mood in a lighthearted tone, and she looked over with a happy smile, and that gentle look in her eyes meant for him only.

Ela watched, now, as four new customers entered– Marcella, who she was always glad to see, and three men. One, she saw, asked specifically for Sam, and she let him take over. One of the others sat by Marcella and asked for a strong drink, to which she smiled, nodded, and immediately pulled out a bottle of alcohol to craft into an enjoyable beverage. She kept an eye on the fourth mentioned patron, a Zabrak man that reminded her, perhaps too much, of a bounty hunter she’d heard about many a time back on Tatooine. The tussle at the door, and the apparent disregard for situational awareness as he approached the counter certainly deterred her, but if she was being honest… she’d dealt with more questionable customers before. And as Phaelix was preoccupied with some other girls at the bar, she’d end up taking this man’s order anyways. As always, it gave her the urge to glance towards Sam, who was already looking her way, and they exchanged a smirk. Then, with a turn of her head, she watched the Zabrak sidle up to the counter, tapping, and she shifted her position just slightly so she could speak to him while making the other man’s drink.

“Welcome to the Star Lounge, sir, what can I get started for you?” She spoke kindly, putting on a friendly smile. Customer service, as always, was most important, especially with patrons that made her a bit more nervous than most– and she’d learned that treating them well could diffuse a tense situation. A trick she’d learned in Mos Eisley.

The Star Lounge. A meeting with The Donna. Of course, as Dominik looked into the credentials of the high-end bar and lounge, it had absolutely no visible connection to this organization Star had proposed to him. That meant shady, criminal. But a contact of his had mentioned this mob, this Family. They were smart, kept a distance from their acquisitions. The meeting was happening tonight, and if word were true, with more than just him. A few new prospects were coming in to meet The Donna. A little too high profile for Dominik, but he had an idea.

It turned out that getting hired as a simple busboy for The Star Lounge took almost as much effort as passing for an Imperial Officer on a Destroyer-class starship. He had to go through an entire course of etiquette and procedure, along with a test to make sure he knew how to make drinks if he needed to. All of them he passed, though he had a few rusty areas. It had been a while since he had posed as a waiter. For years it had been scientists, engineers, officers, that sort of thing. Military-grade. Turned out civilian identities were just as challenging. At least at this prestigious place, anyhow.

Joining the Family was something Dominik still had some reservations about, and he wasn't about to show up in line with everyone else. A meeting like this with new hires, new blood, meant a few possibilities. A war of some kind in the future was a possibility, and The Family was looking for muscle. Or they had suffered heavy losses and were trying to replace what they had lost. Or maybe they had just put an ad out on Spacelist titled "Hiring Thugs, Free Drinks in Interview". Who knew.

Dominik dressed in the busboy attire, a simple pleated white dress shirt with black buttons, black khakis with sharp edges, and a cumberbund of all things. He was freshly shaven and, when he looked in the mirror, thought that this was probably the best he had looked in literally a decade or more. The cumberbund was strange to him but allowed him to tuck a small filet knife inside. He made sure nothing would show or poke out, not a single thing out of place as he went about his new job. He cleaned tables, brought out food from the kitchen, took bottled drinks to tables from the bar, and otherwise observed everyone he could.

Two gruff-looking men came in and sat at the bar. One was dressed fully in leather, in complete contrast to the rest of the establishment. The other, a Zabrak, looked like he just stepped off an express ship from Tatooine. Both were here to meet The Donna. Dominik was quick to notice the blaster hidden beneath the counter, and with how much he was trained with standing straight and walking right, he assumed the bartender would know how to shoot. There were two bartenders to handle all the customers, one a tough looking human who kept close to the hidden blaster, the other a happy looking Pantoran. Bartenders were more trusted than simple waiters, they'd be in The Donna's pocket, if not under her influence. The goons following one Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora were also easy to spot and keep tabs on. A higher-up in The Family then, bringing muscle and protection while they looked over the new people. There was also a man sitting next to her. He could only assume he was in their pocket too.

Dominik wouldn't show himself, at least not for now. He wanted to know how these people acted, how they operated, and what kind of people they tolerated. He would have preferred if he had gotten approached by a Jedi or someone from a reputable government to hirer him. He knew everyone had their dark side, their dirty jobs that needed to be done. Or maybe just a dang good bodyguard. But finding work was hard at the moment, and Star was a familiar face. He'd take her request seriously and consider The Family.
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Ah the star lounge, home to the family and main center of business, a smile upon her face always came as she walked towards that lit up place. To her right she had brought her apprentice Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus whom she trusted greatly enough to bring into the family and subsequently into her own crew within, as well she had sent a message to Dominik Borra Dominik Borra hoping he had considered her offer to join the family but seeing as he hadn't come with the she was uncertain but had a feel dominik would be there given just how good the offer was. Her dress wa the perfect eye catcher that showed off her fiery nature in a wonder package suitable for such a lovely outing this night

just stay by me ok? Gonna be a little packed in here I dont want you to worry your among friends and believe me if any the patron get a little bold they wont be there for long...OR alive

She said to maíread with a smirk played upon her face as she made a simple hand motion to the bouncer similar to basic sign language, she was let in along with her plus one as she smiled taking in the atmosphere with a happy sigh. Glancing around she spotted Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora she moved to get her attention before she started speaking in the family's secret language, her hand would move rather quickly

<got one for the family, a strong user like me, she needs purpose this place will help. Is the Donna busy?>

Soon as she was done she turned her attention back to mairead as she guided them to a empty table



"Very well, Sir." came the reply from the bartender, pouring him his drink proper. A few clinks of cubed ice later, the glass was slid over to him. Ket reached out, and took the glass in his hand, lifting it up to eye level. For a few, fleeting moments, he let his eyes get lost in the intricate patterns etched into it. Twisting it around slowly, the dim barlight glinted off the various angles of those patterns, reflecting in all directions for but a single moment in time. It seemed like an eternity to the Lupine, but such was the way he perceived things. Flashes of time felt like eons, and years could pass by in mere moments. The Force was, if anything, a fickle mistress to be certain. Nodding to Samuel, Ket turned on his seat, and let his gaze wander once more as cool glass touched his lips, ice jingling as the sensation of warmth filled his chest with the first sip.

He noted a fair few others around the lounge, not paying any one of them more mind than the next. What looked to be a woman of some importance had taken seat at a booth across the way from the main bar, with rather large men also dressed for the night milling about her table. They tried so hard to seem casual, but it was almost painfully obvious they were protection of some sort for the lady in the smart suit, as she took a drag from her cigarra. Ket let his eyes linger upon the scene unfolding around her for a few more moments before he took another sip of his drink. Turning back toward the bar itself, he took notice of the rather pedestrian Zabrak seated near him. Well, a Zabrak whom fancied himself a dusty outlander. Fair enough, it took all kinds to make the galaxy spin round.

For now, he looked back to the rather tall bartender in the blood red shirt and black apron. He polished off his drink, and set the glass down on the bar, speaking to Samuel once more.

"Not bad at all, my friend. Another, if you please. I was told I could find the proprietor of this establishment close by. Any chance you'd know where they might be?"

Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud | Samuel Exel Samuel Exel | Ghoul Azri Ghoul Azri | Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora

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Velmorite bladed lightsabers
Comm device
Blaster pistol
Mairéad had looked forward to this evening with a nervous anticipation, this was a part of the new life her mentor Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae was helping her build. She finally felt like the life of a slave was truly behind her, but it would always be a huge part of her life, "never forget where you came from" it had always been a threat, keeping her down, but now it was a reminder of the journey she had taken. She looked at the tall Twi'lek next to her and smiled "I trust you Star, and I will make sure to keep my powers under control" she grinned with a slight concern, she was trying to learn full control but it came hard, and the fuel of despair could easily run away with her power if she wasnt aware of her thoughts.

She looked around at a room packed with very glamorous people, she couldnt help but get a little chill down her spine, the last time she experienced decadance like this she was living a very different life. "These people all look so wealthy, the staff, they look, happy?" there was an inflection in her voice that requested reassurance, she would not dare to accuse Stardust of consorting with anyone who kept slaves, but she needed to do anything she could to make sure her mood remained stable.

Stardust started making hand signals at a woman across the room, a well dressed brunette ( Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora ) She mimicked the hand signals <> she looked slightly shy when Star spotted her copying. "A sign language? I don't recognise it, you'll have to teach me that too, who is the woman, i like her outfit." she grinned before taking a seat in the booth that Stardust gestured too and made herself comfortable. A barman approached and took an order for her, she felt slightly strange, but ordered a some dark cocktail with rum and vanilla in it. She also insisted on paying up front, just as a personal comfort knowing she hadnt created any debt. She quietly sipped on the cold drink, beginning to relax a little.
Business, Espionage & Faith

'Lovefool - Hayley Reinhart'​

Leaning back into her seat, she took note of Nessa Loroka, the most affluent performer within the lounge's repertoire, taking in the music she so wonderfully produced. After a few short moments and another puff of her cigarra, Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred had crossed her
path, she offered a grin; "Mm, take a seat," she smiled politely at the newcomer, "How're you finding the lounge?" she questioned, generating conversation between the pair.

Shortly and promptly after, Samuel Exel Samuel Exel appeared with Marcy's drink, "Ta', Sam," she grinned, feeling that the two new staff hires were an excellent pick~ they both appeared to be settling in wonderfully. Although, there appeared to be a new hire that she wasn't informed of..? She'd keep an eye on the seemingly new bartender, yet she'd sceptically assume that he was a recent hire from Phaelix, she had been off-planet for some time, after all.

After a few more moments, a familiar yet friendly face popped in, Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae and her guest, Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus . She'd offer polite smiles to the pair, acknowledging their presence.

<got one for the family, a strong user like me, she needs purpose this place will help. Is the Donna busy?>

She brought a single hand up to her chest to discreetly reply in their shared, coveted sign language;


She replied promptly, aware of the fact that The Donna was due to be in a meeting any minute now with a prospective associate, to her knowledge. She'd catch the eye of Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus looking her up and down, Marcy' raised her glass and offered a smirk as if to welcome her to The Family, she appreciated her style considerably although she wasn't thrilled at the prospect of another space wizard lingering around. Regardless, she trusted Star's judgement.

Finally taking a drink of her fruity beverage, she'd begin to relax some more, returning her attention to watching over the bar and gossiping with Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred , as well as anyone else who'd come to join them.

Ket Van-Derveld Ket Van-Derveld , Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud , Ghoul Azri Ghoul Azri , Samuel Exel Samuel Exel , Ela Exel Ela Exel , Dominik Borra Dominik Borra & Everyone!
One would be hard pressed to find any shame or embarrassment on the man's part for his, loosely put, extremely improper behavior since arriving. Though when Ela Exel Ela Exel found herself taking the man's order, something broke the otherwise gruff and intimating presence he may otherwise give off. Though his voice held a deal of gruffness to it? His words came out extremely calm and relaxed. A gentle demeanor behind his words which would be the sole thing to shatter the image he had given himself so far... In the occurrence one took to paying attention to those details, of course. Others were keen to ignore the trace signs and social cues to not let their guard down due to the other, lack of better words, red flags that he gave off.

He tipped his hat upwards a bit, enough that the yellow and animal like eyes of the man could focus on his bartender. Though he didn't smile, as he spoke, that prementioned tone still carried. "Can't argue with the other gentleman at the bar. Three fingers, but I'll take my own neat, ma'am." Thumbing over to Ket Van-Derveld Ket Van-Derveld briefly, implying he was just going to mimic the order of Whiskey. If anything, the man was well perceptive. Something he had to have in his line of work, after all.

The credits he had then been clattering along the bartop were laid out, and while the man didn't question the prices in this establishment? The credits were enough for most smaller grade bars with a tip ontop. Though it wouldn't be beyond possible he was either short or just left Ela a slightly insulting tip. He kept his hat upturned now, not so rude as to turn a blind eye to the one serving him, and now that he was tended to that annoying rattling of the bartop had came to close finally. Hand resting on the bar now idly, the man's gaze somewhat downturned. In truth, uncertain what to focus on in the moment while his mind continued to dance. Briefly speaking up once more,
"And if y'all sell smokes, I'd be keen on grabbing something to keep me busy with after my drink's been polished off. If you'd kindly."​

Current Personality:

Viz was, as usual, bored out of her mind. Here at the Star Lounge were the usual suspects, and a few unusual ones, but for the most part it was just the same old playground, idling by and looking for work.

CAB bumped into her leg and she grunted, startled and nearly jumping out of her reverie. Snitch, curled around her neck and snatched the dice she'd been stacking and flicking absentmindedly. Then he rolled, allowing it to hit and come to a stop against the barricade of utensils she'd set there to stop them flying off the table.

She grinned. it was a 2. "Crapped out again, Snitch." She said, and grabbed them. She looked around. Maybe she could start a hustle if anyone showed a desire for a little gambling. She continued tossing her dice, to peak interest, and placed a few credits on the table.


How to Play:
1. Step up to the table and engage Viz.
2. Ante Up (Real or Fake Credits, Objects of Value) Place a Bet on Your Own Roll (If more players are active, they can bet on the shooter) .
3. At the end of your post, roll 2 D6

"It's Just Street Craps"

2. The "Come Out" is the First Roll
3. Roll a 7 or 11 on the Come Out = Pass YOU WIN, TAKE MONEY AND PLAY AGAIN
4. Roll a 2, 3 or 12 on The "Come Out" = Crap Out YOU LOSE! PLAY AGAIN?
5. Ante Up (Raise or Stay)

6. Roll a 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 on the "Come Out" = The Point.
SNITCH SPECIAL: Roll a 4 and Play Against Snitch the Monkey Lizard
7. If you roll "The Point" = YOU WIN TAKE MONEY!


Ket Van-Derveld Ket Van-Derveld Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Ghoul Azri Ghoul Azri Samuel Exel Samuel Exel Ela Exel Ela Exel Dominik Borra Dominik Borra Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora
Jay smiled a bit at Marcella, noticing Star as she walked in. He still wasn't as comfortable as he could be, at least to keep trying to mask the accent much. He wasn't a master at it by any means but he wasn't horrible. He would smile a bit and think about how to respond to the question before seeing the drink Ela was making and saying "Thanks" before answering Marcella.

"Well, my ship's engineer, Ki'tala, decided to make me go somewhere to relax, so figured I'd check this place out, and it seems great. What about yourself?"

Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora Ghoul Azri Ghoul Azri Ket Van-Derveld Ket Van-Derveld Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Viz Harridan Viz Harridan Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus Samuel Exel Samuel Exel Ela Exel Ela Exel
just keep yourself calm, my icey apprentice, remember this mantra. Gone are my bonds, the force will give me freedom, with it the stars are mine

Stardust caught the message from Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora and merely offered a nod to her as stardust ordered herself a fireball with extra shots in it. Glancing about the room she listened to Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus she spoke and nodded

yes these people are legitimately employed people, the family's stance on slavery is harsh, we will sell spice, we will sell different paraphernalia for whatever fix someone has, we will kill those that stand in our way or dare even put forth some sort of opposition, but we will not stoop so low to slavery....we killer slavers without mercy

She placed a hand upon her shoulder and gave a reassuring smile though she caught he mimicking the coveted sign language and lowered her voice

refain from doing that, you'll be taught in time about it...but I admire how you picked that up so quickly truely when we truely begin training youll excel

Velmorite bladed lightsabers
Comm device
Blaster pistol
The young woman shared a momentary with the well dressed woman across the room and returned the little smirk. Now she was very curious who she was. She was relieved that Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae was happy to provide reassurance, she felt safe here and she started taking in more of the room, it was a strange sensation being around all these people but it wasn't unpleasant.

refain from doing that, you'll be taught in time about it...but I admire how you picked that up so quickly truely when we truely begin training youll excel
She blushed as Stardust corrected her behaviour, but enjoyed the compliment. She held back a little wince as the hand rested on her shoulder, there was still a little sensitivity in that joint from the neural regenerators, but the House had done a wonderful job putting her back together and she was already mostly healed. Star would likely feel this very subtle tension in response to her contact.

"Sorry, old habits, you spend a childhood scared they might hear your voice and get used to those sorts of things. I just hope I didn't sign anything rude." she grinned nervously, she had literally no idea what she just signed, maybe a fireball with extra shots was on its way for her too, but with Stars reluctance to have her mimic it, she would guess it was something more important.

She looked around "so who is who in here? Start with her over there? Is that the leader you mentioned? The Donna?" She pointed again at Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora . "I feel like a lot of these people know you, are you a big shot here too?" she raised her eyebrows a little playfully this time, teasing her mentor as she began to relax. Stardust was one of very very few people she didn't feel on edge with and trusted enough to let her guard down a bit. And she was extremely grateful to have someone like that in her life.


Ela slid Jai’galaar’s drink to him, listening as Ghoul spoke, and with an agreeable nod, she replied, “Of course, sir. I’ll get that started for you.” Taking a glance to the other man’s order, that Samuel was making, she turned to grab a bottle and three glasses.

Now, as she made the Zabrak’s drinks in front of him, she snuck quick looks around the lounge. More people had entered. There was a man staying out of the way, in the corner, to which she took note to being just a bit odd. The very man in front of her, fiddling with his credits, which she counted in her head as being just enough for the drinks with a meager tip. Ela didn’t really care about the tips anyways, this was a well-paying job and she’d learnt to deal with bad tips from the sort of people on Tatooine.

She finished making his order right as he mentioned smokes. “I don’t think we sell anything like that right here at the counter, but you can ask miss Marcella,” She pointed to the curly haired woman smoking a cigarra, “about it. She can tell you where to get them.”

And then, she gladly went right to work on two more drinks, a fireball plus a few extra shots for Stardust, with her deciding to make one for Mairéad as well. Samuel passed by with a quiet, "Be right back." She just nodded, giving him a quick smile.


After having passed the drink to Ket, gaze lingering for a second as they watched the man seemingly get lost in the reflection in a fleeting moment. Samuel’s gaze shifted sidelong to scan the crowd for anything suspicious, out of place - force of habit - and any additional patrons approaching the counter. He might’ve recognized that look from Ket, that sort of lost stare you get when you feel you’ve seen a little too much, or just want it all to stop for just a moment. Regardless, he made no notion to acknowledge it, due to how rude it would be to intrude on such thoughts or at the very least inquire. Wasn’t his business, anywho - more just something for the mind to chew on as he waited for the next patron. Noting more people entering, such as the well-dressed Twi’lek and their company, as well as the curious woman with the monkey-lizard on her shoulder. Face scrunched as gaze turned aside. Hated those damn things.

It was then the request was made - “Not bad at all, my friend. Another, if you please. I was told I could find the proprietor of this establishment close by. Any chance you'd know where they might be?” Sam’s gaze flickered back to the man in return, as he took the now-empty glass that had yet to melt ice in it. “I do.” Pouring the repeat of the drink at the same time, before shifting it to place on a tray. “If you wish to speak with them, they are right this way.” Jerking his head in a gesture to follow as he lifted up the tray and stepped out from the bar - in his best attempted professional manner for the situation. Passing by Ela, who was likely preoccupied with making a drink, there was a murmur of “Be right back.” Phaelix would have to pick up any of the slack for the brief time he was gone - though Samuel doubted the Zeltron would mind given his antics of the night thus far.

Steps would move up from the lowered platform that the bar was on, and towards the stairs - hopefully with Ket in-tow if they listened. He didn’t know who the proprietor was, really - at least not face-to-face. Marcella vaguely mentioned to them that if someone requested to see the proprietor, you were to take them upstairs to a specified booth for the night. While he could’ve dismissed it as ‘how high-end places do things,’ he could not help but feel it was a little odd. His gaze glanced back yet again out of habit; checking to see if one, Ket was following, and two, if he could catch anyone staring a bit too long at their leave - for he doubted one would be too obvious as to blatantly follow. Regardless, he continued up, and eventually to the private booth - perhaps farther than he should’ve. Curiosity and paranoia demanded he at least see the face of the overarching employer. Samuel came to a stop, “This man wished to speak with you, Miss.” Now, perchance, face-to-face with Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud .

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(Speak Softly, Love)


A gentle melody, as soft as a feather, wafted through the Lounge's open air - the band atop the stage (which dominated the wall across from the bar) had struck up the tune in preparation for the evening set, signalling a beginning to the night's festivities. As Samuel Exel Samuel Exel led the stranger upstairs, the music was dulled but did not disappear entirely. The entirety of the Star Lounge's upstairs dining area was decorated with dark imported wood, brass fixtures, and the softest red velvet carpet. Each booth, which stretched down a hallway along the perimeter, bordered a wall on the left & a railing on the right which looked down into the large open space below. The setting was intimate, the lighting subdued; a far-cry from the open, party-like atmosphere on the first floor. Upon reaching the top of the stairs, one could easily see what had made the Star Lounge so famous: A certain duality of mood & tone, to cater to beings from all walks of life.

The Star Lounge, indeed, exuded an atmosphere of privacy & royalty unlike any other place in the Galaxy.

As Samuel led Ket Van-Derveld Ket Van-Derveld down the carpeted walkway toward the rear of the building, a few patrons were visibly seated at a number of the booths - holding private conversations & enjoying meals and drinks. The scent of roasting meat and fresh-baked bread wafted through the air, intermingling with the subtle smell of fine cigarras & alcohol. The entire building was spotlessly clean - not at all a dive bar, or a restaurant attempting to be what it was not.

Toward the rear of the dining area, down the long walkway between booths, a separating wall stood with a single door set within. On the front of the door, a brass placard was marked with a single word: "Private."

It was through this door that Samuel would lead the visitor.

Beyond, a separate space of six booths awaited; each decorated similarly to the open seating of the dining room, but each was set into an alcove of its own and concealed behind twin velvet curtains which concealed whomever was seated within them. On the left-hand side, each booth was butted up to a wall & decorated with artwork and photos of landscapes from across the galaxy (some perhaps even familiar). On the right, each private seat appeared to possess a high railing which allowed covert view down into the first floor. These booths appeared to overlook the dance-floor & stage, providing occupants with a close, over-head view of the patrons below.

The curtain of the middle booth on the right-hand side had been drawn, and it appeared that this was the only occupied booth in the private area.

As Samuel Exel & the tall, handsome stranger approached, a lone figure could be seen seated facing the way they'd come; a woman in a long, black coat & knee-length black dress, with a wide-brimmed black hat concealing her features. Her head was tilted down, but rose as the two men approached - revealing a face which might have been chiseled from porcelain. The corner of her soft ruby lips quirked upward in a half-smile which reached a pair of strangely-colored eyes: a soft violet, rare indeed, which would intensely drink in the sight of the two individuals as they approached her booth. Hanging from her neck on a silver chain, a small stone twinkled with its own internal fire... immediately recognizable as a rough-hewn Kyber Crystal set in a simple clasp, which hung just above her bosom and immediately drew the eye. Such a stone, even as small as it was, would have been worth a fortune.

An air of control and self-confidence exuded from her like a soft & heady perfume. The small datapad she'd been looking at was set aside, discarded.
“This man wished to speak with you, Miss.”

The woman looked at the Star Lounge's bartender, peering up at him from under the rim of her wide-brimmed fedora. When she spoke, her voice was musical. "Thank you, Samuel." Though the two had never met, she still was familiar enough with the Lounge's newest pair that she knew his first name & had no trouble using it.

"If you would, please let Phaelix know I'd like my usual." Simple Syrup, a dash of herbal bitters, and a single cube of ice - three fingers of the Lounge's finest bourbon, and topped with a freshly-cut piece of citrus fruit. Phaelix would know it well, and was the only one allowed to craft it.

Then, the woman directed her steady gaze upon the black-clad man following dutifully behind her employee. She would appraise him immediately, looking from the tip of his booted feet to the top of his head before settling her eyes directly upon his own. A moment's pause...

Then, she offered the handsome stranger an open palm, indicating the bench across from her. Around her wrist sat a thin band of metal, and a single silver ring prominently adorned her middle finger. The tips of her fingernails were painted in an intricate pattern of black & white, and appeared to mimic the shapes of twisting, leaf-less branches.

"Mr. Van-Derveld. Welcome to the Star Lounge. Please, have a seat."

It would appear her visitor's reputation had preceeded him.

"I hope your visit to the Core finds you well." She stated, conversationally.

Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora Viz Harridan Viz Harridan Ela Exel Ela Exel Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred Ghoul Azri Ghoul Azri Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus Dominik Borra Dominik Borra Viz Harridan Viz Harridan
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“I do.” Pouring the repeat of the drink at the same time, before shifting it to place on a tray. “If you wish to speak with them, they are right this way.”

With a nod, the old wolf stood from the stool he'd occupied. As Samuel turned to walk around from behind the bar, he slipped his hand into an inner breast pocket of his coat, and pulled out a small stack of credits. He let them slide gently from the palm of his hand onto the counter-top, and as they slid to halt, he picked up the rocks glass once more. Bringing the glass to his lips, he paused, giving Marcella and her growing coterie one last look before finishing off it's contents in a single, smooth swallow. Setting the glass onto the bar top as well, he brushed his coat off to the side once more, as it's hem found it's home at the soles of his feet yet again. He nodded to Ela, and walked purposefully behind Samuel as he led him up an ornate staircase to the level above.

It was then that the band began to play, as the Lounge's in-house singer began her set. For Ket, it was in one ear, out the other. He took note of the various patrons, chatting, laughing, eating and being merry as they walked the long corridor. It was then that they reached a private room, denoted by the closed door and brass placard. The bartender opened the door, with what seemed a bit of hesitation before walking through it to the room that lay ahead.

Curiosity and paranoia demanded he at least see the face of the overarching employer. Samuel came to a stop, “This man wished to speak with you, Miss.”

The alabaster skinned woman seated at the booth seemingly took what seemed an eternity to appraise them both, before dismissing the bartender completely. Her violet eyes were of stark contrast to the muted, warm colors that surrounded them, at least to Ket. She seemed to measure him from tip to tup, stem to stern. And that was to be expected. He, of course, reached out into the intangible realm of the Force, attempting to get a bead on Ivory before he sat. Yet, nothing. Not just a lack of any real feeling, but a complete void, as if nothing alive or dead occupied the space. A smart precaution, he mused. Still, one did not need the Force to ascertain the woman seated before him. She absolutely exuded confidence and wariness. She had the air of someone who did not trust easily, and even then, never completely. The demeanor and body language of someone who was in charge and knew it. A Boss.

Sapphire blue eyes met Amethyst violet, and the old wolf nodded respectfully at her invitation, brushing his coat to the side once more as he sat down upon the rather plush seat. His was a face that hid the scars and weathering well, for he did not give the appearance of a man who'd been through hell and back so many times, he had reserved seating at the devil's table. Yet, all that was in the past. And he had a feeling if this 'Capo de tutti Capi' wanted it, she'd find the details of a great many things with ease when it came to the Lupine.

"I hope your visit to the Core finds you well." She stated, conversationally.

"The Core is as chaotic as it ever was, Ms. Stroud. The more things change in this galaxy..." he paused for a moment, letting his gaze linger with her own. "...the more things stay the same."

Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud | Samuel Exel Samuel Exel | Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora | Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred | Viz Harridan Viz Harridan
Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus | Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae


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