Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public The Knights' Tomb | Agents of Chaos | The Wild Hunt | +Open


Ondoher. A small and insignificant planet in the Unknown Regions, shoved by galaxy nature almost entirely against the rim, and 'tis in constant danger of simply falling off the edge of the galaxy' as the locals put it. For numerous millennia it had been left alone in piece, mostly because of its distance and lack of riches to offer. The people of Ondoher were a strong people, and proud, but even they knew that the planet had little offer beyond providing for food to sustain the dwindling population. Any scans for precious or even useful metals had drawn an empty, the fabrics were considered sub-par in quality, and other than a remaining handful of villages, there was truly nothing there.

And still, these were people that had wanted their freedom to remain as we were. Their pride would not let them willingly join another empire, yet their pleas to be left alone had gone unheard by the Empire of Rannon, a rising empire that the Agents of Chaos had faced before. And following their victory on Kuat and Alderaan, the Agents were more than happy to be of help to someone closer to home, that carried it reduced mission related pressure since the eyes of the galaxy would not likely to be on them while there, at least at first.

This time, their meeting with the Empire of Rannon had been brief and swift. The Rannonians, remembering them from Zoscha, had mostly tried to flee from the Agents, and the few remaining forces were too weak to put up any sort of resistance. The disappointment on some of the Agents' faces from how simply it had been this time was easy to see, and they had begun to pack their gear up, preparing for extraction.

One of the groups (this means you, all yee Agents of Chaos who wish to participate in this story) was standing in the middle of a village to do, after having prepared it for a battle that had never ended up happening. The children of the village had begun to step out of their houses, running and screaming with excitement. Their parents tried to catch them and bring them back homes, sending an endless amount of apologetic looks towards the Agents, but it seemed that nothing would settle the noisy brats.

It was only when the village's elder slowly came out of her own hut and sat down on a large rock by the center, that all the children moved towards her, and when her story began, they hung on every word, not a single one uttering a sound to break the magic of story time.

"Many generations ago," the old woman said, "Ondoher faced repeated attempts of conquering. We were many more people then, and while others knew our planet had nothing to offer them, a lot of them wanted to take us as slaves! We fought, and we fought hard, but during the Monsoons of the Red, it seemed as though we would at last lose, and Ondoher would find herself empty of her own people, left to die and fall off the edge of space.

The people of Ondoher prayed day and night for aid from the Gods, but none ever came. Women delivered babies that did not survive their first year, and men died, younger and younger. There was no hope.

But then a Warrior sprouted, from the village of Adha'me, which no longer exists. His name… Boraboos! It was said that he had been a weak child, that he had not been expected to survive his teenage years. But oh, he did! And that was because Boraboos, had found the Stone of Tholouse, and had bathed it with his own life's force. Having given the life force to it, the Stone of Tholouse made Boraboos invincible, and he began to grow tall and strong, fighting back against all our enemies. The village of Adha'me had not known such safety in a long time, and slowly, more warriors began to flock to it, wishing to team up with Boraboos, to fight back and remove the threat of the enemy forever!

Boraboos showed them his stone, and every man and woman who wished to fight gave some of their life force, and in return, they too became strong! Within the year, Ondoher was safe, and until the Empire of Rannon came some months ago, we have been safe for most of this time."

The children, filled with their ooh's and ahh's, squealed at the story, their tempers calmed down enough so that their parents could control them now. Slowly, the village center began to clear, but the old woman remained there, looking at the Agents of Chaos who had still been packing through it, some of the perhaps having even been listening in.

"It is not a myth, you know," she said to them with a toothless smile, "Baraboos was a man who had truly lived, and his stone had existed. When he died, he was buried with it. You will find the cave with the stone several miles from us, for we are now what Adha'me was many generations ago. I know that we have offered you no payment or retribution for keeping us from being enslaved. And we do not have enough people to send you servants. But let this not be an empty charity. Go to the cave, kill the spirits of the restless who guard it, and take the stone. We do not use it anyway."

Wearing: Armatura | The Forgemaster's Ring | Ring of Stasis | The Sofitor
Wielding: 7 Nozhi Blades | 1 Whimsy Knife | 1 Whimsy Witch Knife | 2 Nastirci Combat Knives | Clarion | Copero's Wail | Fire and Smoke | Combat Gauntlets | Tessen | 2 TOTT-001 Arc Light Blaster | 2 Dissuader KD-30 Pistols with Glitter Bullets | The Parasite
Tags: Open


Scherezade had been standing with the rest of the people in that village, tending to her weapons. The entire trip had been a disappointment for her on the personal level, though she already knew the mission was going to branded as a success since the Empire of Rannon had been pushed back yet again. Someday, she knew, she'd take a bunch of Agents and go infiltrate Rannon's capital planet, get into his palace or whatever it was they resided in, and gut him from navel to throat. It would be something to keep her hands busy, at least.

But when the old woman had begun the story, Scherezade had been as entrapped within its swirls of fume that she might as well have been one of the children sitting in front of her. She could see it in her mind, the battles, the fights, the stones. At the mention of a stone that could make them invincible… It had to be just a story, though Scherezade knew well enough of various artifacts spread across the galaxy that were capable of strengthening a person or an army, and sometimes even more than that. The term invincible sounded like bullchit, but maybe there was something?

When the story ended and the magic shattered, Scherezade shook her head at herself and went back to folding equipment, almost missing that there was an additional part, that had been aimed at them.

Glowing eyes looked around to those who should've been her battle mates, had a battle actually taken place in that part of the planet.

"I'm going for the stone," she announced with a grin, "Lucrative bonus for any of you who are joining in."
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Ingrid L’lerim / The Red Witch
The Red Witch; Emperor's right hand; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard, Agent of Chaos / The Wild Hunt
Location: Ondoher
Equipment: AoC light armor | sniper rifle | Black blade lightsaber | Red blade lightsaber shoto | 2x vibroblades
Tag(s): Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter | Open

Hard months were behind Ingrid, but finally she has a little time to aid her friend, and her faction, the Agents of Chaos. She made a new armor, which was perfect for AoC, this time she wears that. She arrived to the Ondoher, and found the assembly point. She arrived to the right time to hear the old woman’s interesting story. She was not particularly religious, but she loved history and legends too. She remembered when her parents tell legends and fairy tales to her and her sisters when they were young. That was the reward for the hard agent and assassin training.

She smiled involuntarily under his helmet to the kids' reactions. Kids… after the imperial wedding she and her husband talked about having a child, or children. They had been married for years, so it was time. She wants a child too, but the timing was terrible. As the Emperor’s right hand and the third person of the Eternal Empire she didn’t know how about time for that. And if Tubrok’s tribes will join to the EE, they need to move to EE’s space from CIS’s space. Maybe after that…

While she was thinking about it, the old woman finished her story and Scherezade accepted the stone quest. Ingrid stepped out of the shadows and walked closer to her friend and master.

”I’ll join to her” she said.”Scherezade! I'm glad to see you. I came when I heard about this. It is always a pleasure to work with you.” she said cheerfully. ”How are you? We can’t speak at the wedding.”


WIELDING: 4 Whimsy Knives, 1 Nastirci Combat Knife, 2 HG-88 ‘Big Iron’ Hand Cannons, 1 R12 LMG
WEARING: Phase I Haywire Armor on top of UL-13 Corporis Skin Suit
TAGS: Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Sasmay watched silently from behind the helmet as children played while being chased by adults. They were carefree and full of wonder at life, the hard eyes of the former slave hidden behind the shaded visor as the old woman's story began and had her enraptured as well.

The story drew to a close, and Scherezade announced her intention to seek the stone. Shaking her head a brief second had Cull standing from her impromptu bucket seat to grab the LMG up and move toward her leader as another joined. The comfort shown by the other did not warrant Cull doing anything more than nodding to the woman she did not know.

It seemed clear the new person was an Agent of Chaos if they knew where to find Scherezade. Cull gave a nod to Scherezade, touching the comm link on her arm as an affirmative to joining her as well.

Talk of a wedding made the woman steer away from that conversation hard. Choosing to stand watch for the pair as they spoke.
Wearing: Armatura | The Forgemaster's Ring | Ring of Stasis | The Sofitor
Wielding: 7 Nozhi Blades | 1 Whimsy Knife | 1 Whimsy Witch Knife | 2 Nastirci Combat Knives | Clarion | Copero's Wail | Fire and Smoke | Combat Gauntlets | Tessen | 2 TOTT-001 Arc Light Blaster | 2 Dissuader KD-30 Pistols with Glitter Bullets | The Parasite
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull

"Ingrid!" Scherezade smiled as her redhead friend showed up, and she waved excitedly at the woman. The two had known each other from the days during which they had both been Confederates, working to help the wrong people grow a reach they did not deserve into the galaxy. It wasn't long after Scherezade had abandoned the Southern Systems that she'd invited Ingrid along for the ride.

"I'm okay I guess. You know me. Mission machine." She smiled. The last few weeks, Scherezade had been feeling lost, without a purpose, without something to steer towards to. War was fun and war was great, but something within her wanted more. She didn't know what that more was, or where to even start looking for it. So, in the meantime, more missions. And a few more.

"What about you??" she asked, catching Sasmay's movement in the corner of her eyes. Once Ingrid had answered, Scherezade motioned for her friend to come along. The two walked directly by @Sassmay Cull, where Scherezade made them pause.

Grinning at the other woman, she motioned with her head. "You look like you wanna join us," she smiled, and then renewed the walking towards the direction the old woman had pointed them to – hopefully, with Sasmay with them.
Last edited:
Wearing: Clothes & Blasters and whatnot
Wielding: My wits
Tags: Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter | Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull

It had been quite the couple of months for Morgan after she'd finally escaped her homeworld. The vastness of the galaxy had almost even proven to be too much for her, and she'd almost returned to the garbage dump from where she came.

Almost, being the key word there. Despite her anxieties about the gigantic galaxy and all that, she couldn't miss out on all the fun, of course.

Morgan cautiously made her way over to the little group in front of her after making sure a woman named DeWinter was amongst them. Or well, she was 90% sure after seeing the holo image. Maybe 60% would be more accurate. She really needed to buy tech that actually worked for once.

She stopped a small distance away from the group, curiously eyeing both them and their surroundings. It didn't exactly look like the battle she had imagined in her head.

Eventually she loudly cleared her throat, just in case she hadn't been noticed yet.

"Did I... Did I overdress? I feel like I overdressed. Totally did", she mumbled, looking at her unused blasters. "I expected more of the... you know...", she added, throwing a couple of half-hearted finger guns towards the women.

She slowly nodded as she let an awkward silence slip through.

"Right. Yeah. Okay. Uh, back to where you were. Don't mind me", she smiled. "I'm nobody... just going to uh, follow along. Okay? Okay, sweet."
Wearing: Extremely loud fur coat, Black pants [x]
Wielding: Hunger for violence
Tags: Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter | Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull | The Bridesmaid The Bridesmaid

Wasswa watched, head hung, as his men began boarding back onto the Dandu ships. He had not felt the thrill of battle in a long time and thought he'd find some form of it here on this poor and desolate planet. The Lavi part of him growled and clawed from the inside, hopelessly trying to find it's way to a battlefield. Not today it seemed.

"Gods watch over my people on their return." He sighed, reverting into his mind to reminisce of warmer memories and glory past. This never would have happened on Zanjiani. Not only would the enemy show up but there was always some Sumarian to capture or kill too.

Perhaps he wandered in his head for too long, as the next thing he knew Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter was turned around and addressing the group he happened to be standing with.

Stone? What stone? Wasswa's day dreaming landed him completely lost in the conversation. He first looked around to his idle compatriots, hoping one of them would just blurt out the information he needed to decide weather or not to tag along. Unfortunately, no one did.

When his eyes returned back to DeWinter a small group already seemed to be forming around her. He knew time would be scarce to decide, so without much more thought he stepped forward beside The Bridesmaid The Bridesmaid .

"I am Wasswa Timve of the Dandu." He spoke with unneeded authority but purely out of habit. "I will join on this hunt."
Wearing: Armatura | The Forgemaster's Ring | Ring of Stasis | The Sofitor
Wielding: 7 Nozhi Blades | 1 Whimsy Knife | 1 Whimsy Witch Knife | 2 Nastirci Combat Knives | Clarion | Copero's Wail | Fire and Smoke | Combat Gauntlets | Tessen | 2 TOTT-001 Arc Light Blaster | 2 Dissuader KD-30 Pistols with Glitter Bullets | The Parasite
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim The Bridesmaid The Bridesmaid Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull Wasswa Timve Wasswa Timve
Scherezade looked over at The Bridesmaid The Bridesmaid and grinned. She knew the pains of social awkwardness all too well – prior to the Agents of Chaos, it had usually been her who was standing where the other woman was now, often just hoping not to be turned away with laughter. She ran her scanner quickly to check her.

"Welcome to the team, Morgan," she smiled, "It's been my experience that as long as you can keep moving at your usual speed, you can't be overdressed. Whatever the occasion is."

Turning to the man, her smile only widened. "Scherezade deWinter," she introduced herself and gave him a friendly wave. There was no of Endelaan to add to it. Princess she might have been, but her planet was currently forgotten by the galaxy, and she had every intention of keeping it that way. Especially considering the fact that she had not stepped foot on it for over seven hundred years.

"Guess we're off!" she announced then, and motioned for everyone to follow her.

The walk through the forests was… Honestly, like any walk through the forests. The sounds of insects trying to procreate filled their ears, and occasionally a russle in the leafs from afar could be heard as well, but nothing actually got near to them. Not while they were a group of heavily armed human or close enough to human were making normal human walking sounds.

At least, that was for the first few miles.

Though they could see the rocky mountain formation at the bottom, they were only about halfway there, but the sounds in the forests had been getting gradually louder for these past few minutes.

Now, in the precise span of a single breath that naturally almost everyone took at the same time because that's how it always works in such thing, it could be heard.

The ground between them vibrated ever so slightly as the boom of a heavy step was heard. And another. Before they even appeared, it was clear that there was more than one.

A few leafs trussled, a tree was ripped aside, and there they were – five Nydaks.
WEARING- Basic merc armor

The man trudged through the forest, watching his step, but who was he kidding? He was far too heavyset to avoid detection unless bullets and screams rained down from the sky. Regardless it was smarter to avoid something that could cause him some harm, especially now, in the middle of nowhere, it was a relaxing nowhere but still, nobody would find him for days and by that time...

He rolled his eyes, nothing with the least bit of smarts would mess with him. Between the weapons, the vengeful eyes, and the fact that he was pretty much a giant in terms of size, the man could only hope nothing tried to mess with him. Besides, today he wanted to save bloodlust for the real reason he was out in the forest, a holo.

A bit ago the merc had received a holo, he wouldn't consider himself a full-time Agent of Chaos but... maybe that could change. He just had to keep a steady head, still angry that had he to go all the way out here, to find who-knows-what at who-knows-where on the one day he wasn't called for anything, nothing he had to do, but now, he did. In moments he snapped, before regaining his composure and continuing on his walk, it was a chance, an opportunity, he'd meet some new people, he'd get to hit things, and maybe get more involved in this new faction of his.

A rustling drew his attention however, he pulled out a vibroblade ready to attack. The merc began towards the sound, rather than finding a beast however. He found five and a group of people, a small group, but still a group. Staring closely at the gathering, he noticed something, and slowly sunk back into the woods. He was ready to attack.
WIELDING: 4 Whimsy Knives, 1 Nastirci Combat Knife, 2 HG-88 ‘Big Iron’ Hand Cannons, 1 R12 LMG
WEARING: Phase I Haywire Armor on top of UL-13 Corporis Skin Suit
TAGS: Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Wasswa Timve Wasswa Timve The Bridesmaid The Bridesmaid Zaldros Sabolte Zaldros Sabolte

Sasmay turned her to face Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter when spoken to, her helmet not showing the smile she wore now. "Always willing to tag along." Sasmay happily informed her, shouldering the large weapon and looking to the pair before her eyes moved to Morgan. The awkwardness would pass, and the large woman made sure to give the her a thumbs up. Another spoke, introducing themselves while Sasmay gave the man a nod before moving to keep behind her leader.

Their trip was relatively trouble free, given the terrain until the leaves began shaking and baking. Sasmay pulled the LMG from her shoulder and pointed it accordingly, before the five beasts appeared. "Well chit." Sasmay gave a resounding huff as she pondered needing a bigger gun.
Wearing: Clothes
Wielding: Not enough weapons
Tags: Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter | Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull | Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Wasswa Timve Wasswa Timve | Zaldros Sabolte Zaldros Sabolte

"Not even a single weapon pointed at you. You're doing better and better, Morg", she whispered to herself after Scherezade warmly welcomed her into the group. Her eyes then shifted towards the larger woman giving her a thumbs up, and Morgan shot her a thankful smile in response.

She cautiously followed the rest of the group, occasionally looking over her shoulder. The rest of her time was mainly spend observing the group she travelled with as she curiously tried to figure out what kind of people she was dealing with.

Thanks to that curiousity she was slightly caught of guard when a tree was ripped aside a little ahead of them. She stupidly stared at the emerging group of beasts for a second before she took a blaster out of her holster.

"Guess there's not much chance these guys are actually super nice and sweet, right?", she asked as she looked over her shoulder and saw Sasmay holding an LMG. "And now you're making me feel underdressed. You're just doing this on purpose now", she jokingly mumbled to herself. "I have to get one of those. Maybe one for each hand, too. That'd be awesome."

She then decided to shut up for a second as she slowly reached for her second blaster, not willing to be the one to make the first move. They could totally be friendly in a mean looking, about-to-murder-you kind of way. If that even existed.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Ingrid L’lerim / The Red Witch
The Red Witch; Emperor's right hand; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard, Agent of Chaos / The Wild Hunt
Location: Ondoher
Equipment: AoC light armor | sniper rifle | Black blade lightsaber | Red blade lightsaber shoto | 2x vibroblades
Tag(s): Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter | Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull | Wasswa Timve Wasswa Timve | The Bridesmaid The Bridesmaid | Zaldros Sabolte Zaldros Sabolte | open

They started working together long enough, but Ingrid still loved working with Scherezade. Yeah it was long ago, when both of them were worked to the CIS, just like it was ages ago or maybe it was another life. Both women changed side, left the CIS and joined, or rejoined other faction/factions. She involved Ingrid to the AoC. Just like she thought ages ago.

”I’m fine, you know I’m a workaholic” she smiling under her helmet.”You remember the man who was with me at the wedding? Well, he is an OPA agent. I think I managed to twist his head”

Now she grinned for a moment. She tried to finish her words before the others got too close. She didn’t want the others to hear this. These were a private matter, just like her real name. On the missions she wears another name.

”Welcome! I’m Valeria Ragal, or the Red Witch” she introduces herself to the others.

She nods, and follows Scherezade and the others. While they are moving, she checks the environment with the Force. Now she can do this easily and she didn’t want surprises. Ingrid only loved them when she got it from her husband, otherwise she hates them. The distance didn't bother her, she was in good condition, because of this the walking was a great warm-up to her. As a matter of fact their unanimous journey ended with a ripped tree, and five Nydaks.

”Well, after all, they are not rancors!” she said.

Under her spoken she got the sniper rifle off her shoulder and fell to her right knee. Ingrid aimed one of the nydak, Exactly between the creature’s two eyes, she retool her rifle to the most strong - deadliest – degree. She saw the other women are doing the same, they took out their weapons. She didn’t want to be the first who attacked, maybe someone can handle this situation in another way, but if she didn’t have any other choice, she would fire…



Wearing: Armatura | The Forgemaster's Ring | Ring of Stasis | The Sofitor
Wielding: 7 Nozhi Blades | 1 Whimsy Knife | 1 Whimsy Witch Knife | 2 Nastirci Combat Knives | Clarion | Copero's Wail | Fire and Smoke | Combat Gauntlets | Tessen | 2 TOTT-001 Arc Light Blaster | 2 Dissuader KD-30 Pistols with Glitter Bullets | The Parasite
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim The Bridesmaid The Bridesmaid Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull Wasswa Timve Wasswa Timve
Zaldros Sabolte Zaldros Sabolte

Everything happened so quickly. One moment they were having a stroll in a forest, the next there were Nudaks, and now it was pew pew all around the area. Scherezade grinned, looking at her teammates shoot the big ugly things, and smiled, stretching her neck a moment as she let her lightsaber hilts slide into her hands.

She had firearms, sure. She even knew how to use them. But there was no join in battle like that of close range, sometimes wayyyy too close of a range, fight.

"Keep shooting!" she screamed with delight as she rushed forward, letting the Force guide her body as she moved with the elegance of a dancer, avoiding the shots fired with the efficiency of a snake.

A second later, she rolled beneath the legs of the Nydak closest to her, and suddenly she was standing behind them, the big insects now placed between her and the rest of the Agents.

She had the attention of two of the Nydaks now. Scherezade grinned as she ignited the sabers, coming closer to them, closer, and then jumping back, narrowingly avoiding the hulk smash of the one closer to her, entirely missing that the other one had used that moment to give her one of his own. It was only by luck that the smash was more of a violent shove or she'd have turned into a pancake, but still, that amount of strength in that shove was enough to send Scherezade flying a dozen or so feet into a tree.

The giggling scream erupted from her until it came to a panicked pause when she thought she heard something crack. But she was a seasoned fighter. If something had indeed cracked, it meant she had minutes at most to make it count before her body caught up with what the crack meant.

Screaming, Scherezade launched forward, dropping the lightsabers and picking up her sharp blades, flying head first into a Nydak, knife stabbing and cutting all that touched it.
WIELDING: 4 Whimsy Knives, 1 Nastirci Combat Knife, 2 HG-88 ‘Big Iron’ Hand Cannons, 1 R12 LMG
WEARING: Phase I Haywire Armor on top of UL-13 Corporis Skin Suit
TAGS: Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Wasswa Timve Wasswa Timve The Bridesmaid The Bridesmaid Zaldros Sabolte Zaldros Sabolte

Not rancors.

Well, at least they weren't that Sasmay thought, letting the lmg open up on the targets in front of her. Her grip was solid, the recoil making her take a solid stance as the blasts went downrange and made a few of the beasts curl their face in defense. She switched her aim to extremities, making them draw claws and feet up and away briefly as their focus split between the shots and the stabs delivered by Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter .

"Keep shooting!" she screamed with delight as she rushed forward, letting the Force guide her body as she moved with the elegance of a dancer, avoiding the shots fired with the efficiency of a snake.

Sasmay didn't let up the rain of fire at the words, eyes darting to the ammunition indicator before focusing on not hitting her leader behind the Nydaks. Had her helmet not been on, everyone would have been able to see the smile she wore at the challenge of not hitting her. Or at least not sending nearly as many shots her way, it was hard to tell with the unexpected outburst of violence.
Wearing: Clothes
Wielding: Jealousy, because the others have bigger pew pews.
Tags: Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter | Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull | Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Wasswa Timve Wasswa Timve | Zaldros Sabolte Zaldros Sabolte

Morgan jumped slightly at the loud sound of blaster fire suddenly going off around her, but it didn't take her long to join in on the fun. She continuously fired both blasters towards one of the rather ugly beasts while the others did similar things. She raised a confused eyebrow as she saw what she assumed the leader of their little group rush in to fight the creatures up close. Whether the woman was screaming out of joy or pain she couldn't exactly tell, and she wasn't about to ask either. They could handle themselves.

Focusing on one of the Nydaks now, Morgan cautiously stepped a bit closer to make the whole aiming part of the shooting a tad bit easier. She innocently looked around for a bit before she opened fire on the creature's eyes and other softer spots. A big blind monster would be a slightly less dangerous big monster!

"I bet they'd be great pets if they had been a bit smaller", she said to no-one in particular. "I would've totally taken one with me if that was the case."
WEARING- Basic merc armour

WIELDING- I.M.D Axe Blaster / 2x Vibroblade

TAGS- Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter Wasswa Timve Wasswa Timve The Bridesmaid The Bridesmaid Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

As soon as the gunfire began he followed along a narrow path, attempting to avoid as much detection as he could. Not as though it was needed, even his hulking footsteps were masked by the group's gunfire. Just as he reached the bare edge of the forest, still shrouded in the tree's shade he pulled out his blaster and fired at one of the hideous beast's neck. He couldn't tell if it did much, but his presence was already partially known, so he did what he could, pulling out his knives and charged at the Nydak he had shot, it seemed both dazed and on high alert, but of course it could only be one of those...right?

His thud into the beast did a small amount of damage, not enough to hinder him useless. Yet those arms could make a difference, the man had never faced a Nydak himself but he had heard stories, of course, the majority seemed to differ greatly but if there was one or rather the only thing he heard common in these stories is the strength of their arms. If he wasn't smart enough, quick enough, or firm enough on his feet these creatures could do quite the damage, thankfully he was only dealing with one.

Pulling out his blaster once more he dug his feet deep into the ground and began firing at the creature, who didn't seem to take far too kindly to any of his attacks and maybe plotting one of its own. If it caught him weak the beast could break a bone or two, a pack leader though could break many, sAgeo he hoped, hoped that none of these fellow Agents of his was dealing with an alpha, well without the right armour and weapons they weren't.
Wearing: Armatura | The Forgemaster's Ring | Ring of Stasis | The Sofitor
Wielding: 7 Nozhi Blades | 1 Whimsy Knife | 1 Whimsy Witch Knife | 2 Nastirci Combat Knives | Clarion | Copero's Wail | Fire and Smoke | Combat Gauntlets | Tessen | 2 TOTT-001 Arc Light Blaster | 2 Dissuader KD-30 Pistols with Glitter Bullets | The Parasite
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim The Bridesmaid The Bridesmaid Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull Wasswa Timve Wasswa Timve Zaldros Sabolte Zaldros Sabolte


Scherezade flew into the first Nydak, her screams of laughter resuming as she stabbed the giant beast with all her might, trying to be so swift that she moved from part of it to another part of it so quickly that it was almost a blur. However, it wasn't enough. The Nydak's hide was thick enough to withstand simple blades, and most she managed to do was just piss it off even more.

But if that was meant to somehow deter the Sithling, it did not. She resumed her attacks, continued to dance around him. Around her, she knew The Bridesmaid The Bridesmaid and Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull had not stopped shooting, the bullets flying around faster than cocktails on during a male auction night on Eve. One or two hit her, but thankfully her armor protected her, and other than small hits that she wouldn't have to worry about until the day after, no actual damage was done to her.

More shots were being delivered, and she happened to see the direction of one. It wasn't coming from the Agents, it was coming from… Scherezade had a split of a second to look, her glowing green eyes falling on Zaldros Sabolte Zaldros Sabolte . Her Blood Hound senses immediately notified her that she was looking and scenting an Echani, but that split of a second was more than what the Nydak needed.

His large hand slammed into Scherezade and she yelped in surprise. It was not a stab, it was not the Force. Just sheer brute strength that she had not defended herself from because she was momentarily distracted. And the next thing she knew, she was flying.

Well, flying wasn't the right word. What did you call it when someone hit you so hard that you went into the air and more feet than you cared to count before the descent began?

Right. Flying.

And though she did not know it yet, without a dues ex machina, she was going to land several hundred meters away from the rest of the gang.

Friggin' Nydask.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Ingrid L’lerim / The Red Witch
The Red Witch; Emperor's right hand; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard, Agent of Chaos / The Wild Hunt
Location: Ondoher
Equipment: AoC light armor | sniper rifle | Black blade lightsaber | Red blade lightsaber shoto | 2x vibroblades
Tag(s): Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter | Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull | Wasswa Timve Wasswa Timve | The Bridesmaid The Bridesmaid | Zaldros Sabolte Zaldros Sabolte | open

”Keep firing!” Didn’t have to say it twice. For a moment it’s the thought occurred to her she needs to switch her sniper rifle to her lightsabers, but she soon dismissed the idea. She changed her position to see the enemy better. She still keeps firing, trying to aim the deadliest point, just like the head, eyes, or the lower abdomen. She switches her rifle to the deadliest grade, and continues what she started.

”Yeah, just like the rancors!” she replied ironically to The Bridesmaid The Bridesmaid .

She tried to not hit her friend, just the animals. After she was firing, at the end she changed her plan. She hung her gun on her back and started to run to one of the beasts. She would have automatically reached for her daggers, but fortunately she remembered that she didn't need it. What she only needs this time is the Force, nothing else. She lets the Force lead her move, so she isn't afraid the others will hit her with the rifle missiles.

When she came close to the nydask, whistled to draw attention to herself, and it worked. Then she didn’t hesitate too much, when the nydask gave him attention, she started to use what she learned from her master. This time not what she learns from Scherezade, but what she learned from Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe . Force lightning. First the sparks appeared at the end of her fingers in both hands, then small lightnings, finally the purple lightnings that eventually reached the animal.

The nydask whining and thanks for the lightning the beast rose from the ground about a meter high. She continues the Force lightning until she, or the others kill the bastard…



Wielding: Pew pew
Tags: Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter | @Sasmay Cull| Wasswa Timve Wasswa Timve | Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Zaldros Sabolte Zaldros Sabolte | people

Morgan momentarily stopped firing as she saw Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter getting absolutely stomped out of the corner of her eye. "Oh wow. She... she is ours. That's not very good."

For show, Morgan fired a couple of extra shots to that specific Nydak. That would show the big ugly creature not to mess with her... people. After all, if one of them got hurt or died it would probably make the mission a bit more difficult. The concern was all professional, of course. Morgan was incredibly professional. Promise.

"Rancors?", Morgan asked as she kept firing at her own target. "They do sound cute, I suppose."

When she noticed Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim stopped firing too, she sighed deeply and rolled her eyes. "Why does everybody want to get up close and personal with those things?", She muttered softly. "Why not entertain them with blasters while also keeping a nice and comforting safe space. I mean isn't it much more effec - oh" She was cut off when lighting seemed to magically appear out of the woman's hand, striking the creature and lifting it up into the air. That was definitely... effective too.

She momentarily looked at her own hand, before shaking her head. "I'll just keep firing", she whispered to herself. She felt incredibly useless and underpowered compared to the others, but she figured they'd all been in similar situations. Unless they were born with lighting coming out if their hands. Morgan momentarily lost her attention while she imagined a little baby running around shooting lighting all over the place, but she soon regained her attention thanks to the continuous and uncomfortable sounds of war.
Hanna, Post 1
Location: Forest, Ondoher ( Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter The Bridesmaid The Bridesmaid Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Zaldros Sabolte Zaldros Sabolte Wasswa Timve Wasswa Timve )
Equipment: Hanna’s Phase I Haywire Armor, F-11E Blaster Rifle, 1 Sonic Grenade, 1 Impact Grenade, 2 Whimsy Knives

Hanna had initially stayed behind in the village, in order to protect the villagers in the unlikely event the Rannonians found their courage and decided to mount an attack against the Agents of Chaos. However, after only a few minutes, she had quickly changed her mind. Following the tracks left by the small, yet heavily-armed group of Hunters, Hanna broke into a full sprint when she perceived the muted reports of blaster fire, sensing that her allies had finally run into the resistance that the Rannonians had failed to provide. She was fast, especially for a woman of her vertically-challenged stature. However, she was still very far away from the source of the discordant sounds of violence.

Unfortunately, in her rush to find the fight, Hanna had lost sight of the tracks she had been using to lead her towards the Hunters. She was not a good survivalist or a tracker by any means, and in addition, her sense of smell was virtually nonexistent as was typical to most, if not all individuals of her species. However, with her long, pointed ears, she had very powerful and sensitive hearing.

As such, the sound of a particularly thicc Blood Hound landing on the ground only a few feet behind her registered in her ears like the sound of a mass driver discharging its massive payload. The diminutive Huntress immediately turned around, her rifle raised to her cheek and primed to fire, until she quickly recognized the woman from the emerald color of her armor and the way it hugged the generous curves of her form.

“Sc-Scherezade?! Bless Discordia, a-are you okay?!”
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