Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Reclamation | TSE Dominion of Rhen Var

A harsh wind blew in from the east, blowing away the loose snow from a steep embankment littered with smoldering debris and carbon-scored bodies. Ahead several starfighters circled each other in a vicious dance, several ships falling out of step and plummeting to the cold icy surface below to be engulfed in a bright fireball. Above the killing field was the remains of a once proud and imposing fortress, whose high elevation afforded it an unparalleled watch over the valley and empty tundra beyond. Now all that remained was the broken spine of its primary tower, twisted and gradually slipping down as more and more of the fortress’ foundation gave way under continued duress.

Somewhere from within the mangled mess of steel beams and stone rumbled a dark power, a malevolent energy that erupted upwards with destructive intensity. Shards of metal and rock were flung in every direction, scattering far and wide as a gap was forcefully torn open in the ruins. Emerging from the conflagration was a single individual, his face a mask of scarlet from a ruined socket bereft of optical orb.

In his right hand he held a cylindrical object, far too small for his massive hands to wield effectively. In his other was something far more suited to a being of his gargantuan size, tattered black robes trailing behind him with every shift in the frigid breeze.

His one working eye looked over the mountain battle, a sneer of petulant anger cresting over unnaturally placid features. To what few remained within comm range to hear him, he made a single declaration:

Scour this world, let no apostate draw further breath, leave none alive!


The Sith-Imperial Fortress of Dreypa's Peak has been destroyed, leveled by the surprise attack of Jedi and their fetid ilk. Now all that remains is a crumbling ruin, continuously falling apart even as the battle rages around it. Drive the Jedi from the ruins and reclaim what remains for the Emperor, who is still embroiled in danger at the heart of the conflict.

Though the Fell Star has been removed from the chess board, there still remains raider and robbers who would pilfer the ancient lost city of the Jedi for artifacts that rightfully belong to the Sith. Destroy them and reclaim anything that they have unearthed.

The skies above Rhen Var are claustrophobic with warships from both sides, brutally fighting for supremacy of the frigid world. Drive these scoundrels from the system, and make them pay for ever daring to think that they could assault an Imperial World.

OBJECTIVE: Dreypa Awakens
STAR DATE: Unknown, some time before augmentation procedure
The engines of the attack carrier hummed as it dropped from the hangar bays of the Star Destroyer in orbit, Darth Raptious, only a Sith Warrior at this point in time as opposed to the titanic mountain they would become, gripped their lightsaber, Bittersweet, tightly between their fingers, their thumb rubbing against the button to activate it. The Jedi, such vicious fools to dare conquest against the masters of conquest. To dare to take the relics that rightfully belonged to the Sith and the Sith alone.

"Five minutes to drop," the carrier's pilot squawked over the intercom.

"Finally," Raptious muttered under their breath, activating the full systems of their helmet and looking over the hidden faces of every soldier in the carrier. "Are you ready to spill the blood of Jedi?"

"Yes, Lord!" each one called out with appropriate volume.

The Sith smiled, a toothy grin hidden behind their helmet and a veil of brutality, and rose to their feet, their grip on Bittersweet tightening even more, the leather of their gloves groaning against the stretch, "Are you ready to reclaim what is rightfully yours? To reclaim your home, and your families home? To remove these...these thieves, these invaders?"

"Yes, Lord!" they called once more, again with the appropriate volume.

"That is not loud enough! I want to hear the fervor! I want to hear your true passion! Are you ready?"

"Yes, Lord!" they called out again, their voices higher, aggression now clear.

Raptious laughed heartily and beat their chest three times, an action that was copied by the soldiers present, "I want to see each and every one of you kill and maim and slaughter the bastard fools who dare to take your land, your freedoms, your blood and sweat and tears and work. I want to see you rip and tear until it is done!"

"Yes, Lord!" they cried out, loud and full of pride, their weapons at the ready.

The carrier landed with heavy thunks and chunky cracks, now music to the soldiers' ears rather than worry of the future. The doors opened to the orchestra of war and death in the mountains, music to Raptious's ears, and those in the carrier charged out. Bittersweet was ignited with a drumming growl, the soldiers' blasters fired out with percussionist beats, and the fighters flew overhead with screaming vocals.

Immediately, a Jedi, no more than twenty-something charged from a snow embankment low on the mountain side, a leaping slash aimed for the neck of Raptious who responded with a violent counter-swing along with a leftward dodge. The Jedi flung to the side into a loose pile of snow and quickly responded with a charging series of thrusts and spinning swings. Raptious deflected all but the last of the swings which just barely nicked their left shoulder.

The Sith responded with a genuine laugh of surprise followed by a quick duo of left-and-right swings that pushed the Jedi back and down onto her backside. The Sith laughed and swiftly stabbed down, but only found rock and stone, the Jedi rolling out of the way and rising to her feet.

"Come on then!" she shouted with a point of her blade, daring the Sith to charge, a dare they answered, screeching in a language indecipherable.

The sabers clashed in a violent spark and both owners met each other's glare, one snarling in hatred for the other and one laughing in sheer delight at a challenge. The battle had only just begun.


Saint of the Damned
Location: Rhen Var
Objective: Dreypa Awakens
Nearby: [member="Lorale Farmar"]

There weren't many things that Lark's eyes missed. Pure sensations of fear were not one of them.

A duo of young Jedi fled from battle within the ruins of the temple, their master gruesomely beheaded by a Sith Lord's vicious blade. After seeing their source of inspiration and guidance so brutally executed, it was no wonder the two could only flee in terror. It was truly a shame, Lark had come to expect better of the Jedi. Their beliefs were misguided, judgments fraught with error and erroneous faith. But these Jedi weren't even worth breaking. There was no point in corrupting one who fled in terror after witnessing a simple decapitation.

Lark watched the pair flee, observing from several meters above, perched on a crumbling column like a gargoyle. At the moment he lurked on the outskirts of the battlefield, ambushing Jedi who fled and tried to reinforce their allies alike. The terrain was treacherous, remnants from the fortress collapsed by the moment, crushing those careless enough to ignore their surroundings.

Including the two young Jedi who fled from battle. Lark crushed the few remaining beams supporting the column he was roosting on, letting the slab of granite slide down heaps of rubble and debris. The mass of stone crushed one of the Jedi, over the orchestra of blaster fire and death throes Lark could hear bones crack and shred into dust. The remaining Jedi, to her credit, reacted quickly enough to avoid the hunk of stone and launched a quick counterattack, but it was an attack fueled by uncertainty and doubt. Lark avoided the swing with a leap off his makeshift slide, and plunged his enchanted dagger into her neck.

One Jedi slumped dead at his feet, the other was now a paste underneath a few tons of rock. But they were only two among many. All the Jedi who were foolish enough to attack this hallowed ground would meet the same fate as the ones Lark had just disposed of.

A slow death was the only fit punishment for ones so foolish.
Location: Ruins of the Temple of Ice
Wielding: Sword of Omens | Lightsaber
The Sith had returned to Rhen Var.

A sky colored red shattered the silence of the long night with brilliant flashes of crimson lightning as turbolasers sailed through the heavens in a terrifyingly beautiful display of power. The triangular behemoths of the star destroyers were monstrous silhouettes, haunting the skies far above the clouds.

It was from out of those shadows that the drop ship appeared. Flanked on either side by TIE fighters, the shuttle descended through the hail of blaster fire and into the torrential winds that blanketed the surface with heavy layers of snow.

As magnificent as the sight of the Sith assault on Rhen Var may have been, the young Cathar's attention was directed inward. A hard light bubble of holographic windows was currently projected around his small frame, as the cat-eared Sith hopeful mulled over their precise landing coordinates.

The Silver Jedi had been very thorough in their flight from Voss-Ka, but remnants of their records and writings had been found or uncovered from among the Voss Mystics nonetheless. One such fragmented record spoke of a set of Jedi ruins on the planet that had been unknown to the Great Library of the Sith. According to the information that the Prophets of the Dark Side had been able to decipher, a Silver Jedi by the name of [member="Théodred Heavenshield"] discovered the a Jedi artifact within the ruins of a Jedi fortification outside the known limits of the Lost City of the Jedi.

"There," the kitten uttered finally, as the computer guided navigation at last found a match between the topography beneath them and the fragmentary records recovered from Voss. Passing the coordinates to the co-pilot, the tabby glanced over at the Sith Imperial officer in command of the military mission.

Captain Ghazikhanian stooped down to give a cursory review to the youngling's work. Then, nodding approvingly, issued the command. "You may start your landing."

The surface of the planet soon rushed to greet them, as the Sith dropship rapidly descended from out of the sky. As the landing struts deployed, the windows became a white out as the snow drifts seemed to overtake them. They descended from out of the fire in the sky into the ice below.

And there, Rhen Var would be challenged to surrender what secrets it held to the Sith.

Amaya Cardei

HIMS Redoubt II

Commodore Almeyda's cybernetic hand prattled along the arm rest of her chair. The woman was more machine than human, but it only mattered the she had survived the fight on Concord Dawn. Quietly she rose from her seat, metallic boots made an unmistakable sound against durasteel. Steel on steel as she walked along the pathways with the crew in their trenches tending to the new Redoubt's stations. Much like the Commodore, the Redoubt had been reborn, remade in the Empire's image. An officer alerted the Commodore to revision, "good." She acknowledged, "all hands to battle stations, we'll clear the vermin from this system. Send report to Rear Admiral Solieau of our presence here."

"Of course," the officer went about their duties, as the hum of consoles were soon drowned by the sounds of klaxons.

It would not be long now, they would be over Rhen Var and would soon reestablish their control over the system.

Darth Wyyrlok XXIV

Snow peppered the ground around him, followed by falling rocks. Fluid movement transitioned his lunging gallop into a spin as he tore one of these fallen stones free from where it had landed, swung it through the air, and willed it to smash directly into the back of the fleeing smuggler's head. The cranium burst on impact, showering the frigid whiteness around them with grotesque streaks of crimson and chunks of warm meat. The body collapsed instantly crumbling in on itself and carried forward by its own momentum until it slammed into the ground, bounced once, and then came to a still.

The Chagrian who had been chasing this unfortunate individual slowed as well, skidding on the slick snow until he was right next to the fallen body. Reaching down, he plucked an object from the body which the smuggler had hooked to his harness. It was clearly ancient, the stonework comprised of intricate geometric designs and written in a language that no one could comprehend.

Except for him.

Darth Wyyrlok, the twenty-fourth of his lineage, was one of the Loremasters of the Sith, charged with maintaining their ancient history and knowledge. He came from a long line of Wyyrloks that began with the creation of the One Sith eight-hundred-and-thirty years ago, his father being the twenty-third Wyyrlok, and his grandmother being the twenty-second Wyyrlok. When he too passed away, his son would become the twenty-fifth Wyyrlok and his chosen child would become the twenty-sixth Wyyrlok. On and on it would go until the line of Wyyrlok was ultimately spent.

But for now, Wyyrlok XXIV was in his prime and served one of the greatest Dark Lords of the Sith in recent memory.

Retrieving this stolen artifact was a start, but there was more to be done if these trespassers and grave-robbers were to be truly punished for their sacrilege.
Location: Dreypa's Peak
Nearby: [member="Lark"]


The sabers clashed again and again, and each time they did, the Sith Warrior was shocked to the core at how this mere human woman could keep up with them, not only in speed, but in power as well. She was fascinatingly aggressive for a Jedi and far beyond the skill of those Raptious had faced by then. She had a fluid viciousness, a singular purpose to wipe the Sith from this world, to defend her kin.

Her traditional robes and hood had long flown away in scraps and tatters by this point, revealing a dark woman with brown hair that appeared more silk running in the light of the sun with eyes as gold as the freshest veins in the mountain mines. She was sharply featured and bore bright red tattoos running down her cheeks in angled lines. Her arms also bore numerous faded scars, semi-removed brands, and so on.

A true warrior, the Sith thought to themselves upon catching a gaze upon these marks, a grin as wide as the Empire's galactic hold spreading across their face.

A backward swing glanced off the chest of the Sith's armored robes, a blazing orange line sizzling with near-death. Where other Sith would have reacted with fear or insults, Raptious merely grinned and lightly touched the tips of their free fingers to the mark. In all of their foes at that time, this woman was the first to come so close to killing them.

"What is your name, Jedi?" the Sith asked without looking up from the mark, blatantly ignoring the battle raging around them in the mountain citadel.

"Why do you care?" the woman responded with heaves and hacks, her lungs inflating and deflating at a rapid pace in contrast the Sith's seemingly rested state.

Raptious gazed up from the mark and cocked their head as if genuinely confused at the question, "You are the first to come so close to killing me, and I would have your name."

The woman breathed heavily and was barely able to stay on straight legs, but still managed to sigh in contempt, "You...will know Tiyra Shorcrow...and I will drive your filth from this world!"

" By the Emperors decree, You are sentenced to death. Jedi." Azure and violet blades clashed. Interlocking energies, the intent of both wielders could be felt through the touch of heated plasma. High pitched sounds shrieked from both blades merged into one intersecting point. Collectively the light from both sources worked in tandem to illuminate the entire cave. Light and dark in balance. The violet blade swept upward, raking the azure energy away with a force of sheer strength. Stumbling back almost tripping over a stone motioned an older man. With full beard and a brown guilded cloak he quickly found his balance. Saluting to his opponent the Jedi took up once again the stance of a true duelist. Makashi.

Blue eyes similar to the azure blade took in its opposite. Crimson eyes, red skin, ancient religious tattoos and a scowl that was his grimace. Labored breaths sounded from his mouth. The aliens head shook lightly. A motion that brought animation to the many tendrils that adorned his crown. All of which were marked by tradition. The mark of a warrior. In a blurr of speed the violet energy arose closer to the aliens face. A Feeorin. Widening his stance with a simple step. He gave his jedi opponent no query in regards to his form to be used. Rather instead there would be only a blitz of movement followed by two handed flourishes of the blade. Carving the air with an vertical figure eight.

The violet charges, the azure retreats and thus the graceful bladestorm of lightsaber combat continued.

Darth Koaaon

​Menacing warships and nimble fighters danced around each other in a furious dance for superiority, The violent torrents of wind and sleet gave way to the searing heat of explosions and blaster fire raining all around the Dark Lord. Her goals and ambitions since getting out of the academy was retrieving Sith knowledge. She was meant to be here the artifacts were meant to be here and deep in the hearts of the attackers they knew they would not succeed. The feeling of determination was in the minds and heart of imperial soldiers, it brought a eerie smile to Koaaon's face as the crunching of snow beneath her boots gave way to the sounds of battle.

​The sizzling of Lightsabers could be heard from a distance the crimson and color blades whirling around in a graceful display of light and fire. Koaaon reached for her saber its hilt only big enough to fit one hand at a time. The cracked bleeding crystal crying to be healed its crimson blade melting the ice that stood around it. Snow and hail fell on the blade evaporating into steam upon contact. The storm was intensified by the pure force energy clashing at the planet. The force fueled a storm so the force controls it as well.

The Dark Lord clasped her hands together and shut her eyes connecting with the will of the force. She outstretched her arm and sent form an indiscriminate shower of sleet and hail, the skies around Rhen Var darkened as storm clouds consumed the fleet above.

​"You people are expendable. Our emperor and our artifacts however are not."

With that sentiment she made her way towards the battle her crimson blade trailing smoke behind her.
Tailing the shuttle like a lost puppy, the Echoing Giggle shied away from taking initiative and spearing the way forth despite being vastly faster and better equipped to do so. Laser fire rained all about, determined to stop the Sith forces from setting foot on Rhen Var. Afraid of no danger and armed with powerful shields, the H-type Nubian yacht bravely remained in cover behind the drop ship. Within the silver yacht’s cockpit, two sharp-dressed men seated behind the controls exchanged a knowing glance. Behind them posed a little child, arms crossed, peering outside. Her violet gaze coolly observed the storm raging behind the transparisteel canopy. The yacht cared nothing about the sharp wind whipping against its unyielding chromium plates, but the girl did, for her task required her to step outside and defy the frozen plains.

“Are you sure about this, Miss Teriyaki? Our shields can take it and we’re faster than the drop ship.”

Her attention snapped toward the pilot, revealing Funami’s awfully relaxed expression. “Come on, chill! It’s not a race! Um, safety first, right?” She shrugged, eyes gleaming with an impish light.

“If they get hit we’ll crash right into them, Miss Teriyaki,” the pilot’s unamused reply informed, producing another shrug from the pink-haired brat.

“Well, um, our shields can take it,” the pink-haired Sithling retorted, sticking out her tongue. “Besides, you are not paid to doubt my magnificent orders, tee-hee-hee!”

And off she went, child-sized boots skipping to the main chamber serving as her bedroom. Already clad in layers of warm clothing, all of which rested wrapped beneath the sturdy winter coat, the child slipped a fluffy beanie on her head and wrapped a ridiculously long scarf around her neck. Turned into a soft ball of cloth, Funami waddled toward the boarding ramp. The floor beneath her feet shook as she pranced about the tight hallway, indicating they had landed and permitting the Sithling to step out. One glance at the control panel and the airlock snapped open, letting in a gust of frosty air. Taking one last breath of warmth, the child ventured into the coldest wonderland she had ever visited.

Brrr! Chilly!

Sauntering down the metal ramp and into the snow, hearing the whipping gale and the snow crunching beneath her feet, she took a glance left and right, spotting the drop ship parked next to her personal shuttle. Pulling the scarf up to cover her mouth and cheeks, the pink terror grinned and edged closer.

“Nice flying, fufufu~!” The Sithling giggled silly and waved a gloved hand.

What did the briefing say again? Kill raiders, recover relics, go home and enjoy a hot meal.



Location: Adjacent to Dreypa

Rach'ta had a knack for visions facilitated by the Force, not all of them were of the future. Almost in equal commonality were visions of the past which is what made his voyage to the planet of Rhen Var a gamble "Thank you for your cooperation." said the Twi'lek to the Rodian pilot who had landed his light freighter not far from the hostilities. The ramp of the starship lowered and as Rach'ta exited the vessel the pilot seemed to realize just where he was. No longer under the influence of the acolyte the Rodian hastily began to take off. As the engines roared and the craft lifted into the air Rach'ta walked towards the fighting, which was quite some distance away. As on Nar Shaddaa the Twi'lek was able to detect those individuals who were Force sensitive. He was drawn to them "What are you fighting for? What treasure is it that you are seeking?" he asked aloud, even though he was clearly too far away from any individual to hear. The visions, while clear, were not completely comprehensive. He was unaware of the purpose of either side on the planet, the strategic locations, or the vast majority of combatants identities.

In the distance he was able to make out what appeared to be a fortress of some kind. Yes, just as he had seen. Though this fortress looked far more distressed than in the vision. Then a revelation "This is the struggle." he muttered in awe. Yes, it was unmistakable now. Those who had committed themselves to the Light now battled here with those who had committed themselves to the Dark As it had been for thousands of years the Force compelled its representatives to battle.

Above him it the skies seemed to darken in a way that did not seem to be natural, then an explosion. The freighter that had run the blockade to land the Twi'lek on the planet's surface had now been intercepted by what could have been a Turbolaser or perhaps some sort of missile. Rach'ta stared at the fireball as it plunged to the ground hundreds of yards of his current position with neutrality "At least you died with a purpose." more than what could have been said for the many in the galaxy. Rach'ta turned away from the crash and walked towards the battle.
Location: Ruins of the Temple of Ice
Wielding: Sword of Omens | Lightsaber
The stormtroopers were establishing a base camp around where the dropship and shuttles had landed. White armor troops carrying out modular crates to form temporary fortifications as the base station and communications were established.

Stepping out onto the loading ramp, the young Cathar's fur bristled as he shivered with the burst of cold air. Why did it seem like the Jedi and the Sith were always fighting over planets that no one in their right mind would want? Like frozen wastelands. Or volcanic fire pits. Seriously, why were there ruins of great cities on a planet whose ice age was buried under thousands of years of permafrost?

This was the kind of planet that they needed to save for when the next Death Star needed testing...

Holding out a datapad, the boy downloaded the aerial map that the shuttle had snapped during the descent. Triangulating their position using the signal telemetry for the star destroyers overhead, the kitten oriented himself as he worked the navigation figures. "The ruins should be about eight hundred meters to the southwest," the youngling announced, as the shadow of Captain Ghazikhanian passed overhead. "We should deploy the stormtroo..."

A large, human hand snatched the datapad from out of the boy's hand. The Cathar's ears perked up, turning in just slightly so that they appeared to take on the form of devil's horns as he boy started to protest. "Quiet," the Sith Imperial officer snapped, turning his back to the child as a stormtrooper commander approached.

The pair conferred over the datapad's map for a moment. "The ruins should be about eight hundred meters to the southwest, sir," the stormtrooper noted aloud. The Cathar just rolled his eyes.

"Very well. Deploy your stormtroopers," Captain Ghazikhanian ordered, before pressing the datapad back into Micah's arms. "Here, carry this."

Ears folded back, flat against his head, the boy made a hissing sound as his fur stood on end, watching as the human just walked off, dismissively.

Turning his head, the boy looked over at the other Sith acolyte that was there and sarcastically remarked, "I'm so glad we brought adults here to tell us these things."

[member="Funami Teriyaki"]

Amaya Cardei

From hyperspace, ships of the Sith-Imperial 4th Fleet emerged over Rhen Var.

Interdictors were quick to lock the system up, preventing anyone from simply espacing via a single hyperspace jump. Dagger shaped vessels began their movements across the void and aboard the new Redoubt, Commodore Almeyda's cybernetic hand stretched out before the console lightly tapping in her target projections. A light cloak draped around her shoulders and as she turned to walk back up toward the raised platform of the command center. The whir of her servo motors could be heard, the sound of steel on steel as the cybernetic legs carried her. "We're engaged with enemy forces."


Silence reigned over the command center.

"Let no one flying Coalition colors survive, and let those aiding them be reminded of the price they shall pay."

She said with a look over her shoulder toward the communications officer, her red cybernetic eye sending fear down the young man's spine. Her timbre was like that of a binary echo throughout an engine room. It was clear that the events of Concord Dawn had forever changed the woman both inside and out.

Darth Koaaon

The weather on Rhen Var was getting increasingly worse as the snow gradually got harder to trudge through. Ships and debris continued to fall all around the dark lord making the blizzard even harder to see through. Her crimson Lightsaber emitted a dim light in the storm she had created. She tripped over a rock skinning her ankle before falling in the frigid snow. She looked around loosely looking for the nearest battle. The force called out to her tugging at her like a child in distress. Sprinting could be heard in the 12 inches of snow as a Cyan blade came racing at her neck its plasma melting the snow while tearing through it.

Koaaon's mind went full alert and her body followed suit as she leaped 5 ft into the air landing hastily onto her feet. Her head frantically twisted and turned looking for the owner of the Lightsaber. It was silent devoid of noise completely, in fact even the blizzard itself appeared to be silenced. The aberrant silence soon showed its deadliness as Koaaon felt herself stripped of her grip on her body. The force no longer whispered to her but instead beckoned her from all sides. The Sith collapsed to her knees clenching her heart as if it were going to rip through her chest.

The spit fiery red of her Lightsaber was extinguished as her blade contracted the hilt flying away from her hand and into the snow leaving her field on view. The woman clenched her stomach as she fell to the ground in agonizing pain her power and very life force being stripped away.

Her memories dawned on her studies at the Sith temple, She recalled an artifact that caused the force to flow around an person instead of through them. Effectively stripping them of the force completely. The Jedi and scoundrels could not be allowed to have possession of such a powerful and rare artifact. Rage filled the air around Koaaon when she began to rise from her position determined to claim the power and knowledge the piece held for herself. Using what little strength she had had left in the Force the Darth pulled for energy towards herself energizing herself and supplementing her own power.

She could feel the Jedi holding such power and history in the palm of their hands....To think a Padawan came across this was embarrassing.

She would make them suffer for their insolence and more importantly for daring to attacking a Sith held world. The dark outline of a figure paced through the snow circling around her like a vulture ready to pick off a corpse. By all accounts they must have thought she was to weak to fight but they would soon learn of the true power the dark side wields.

"You underestimate my ability to endure your attacks. But once I rip that gauntlet off your hand YOU will feel MY wrath."

The boy came into view the gauntlet in full sight. He was a Nautolan blue in color, He dressed in beige robes the traditional Jedi attire. He bored her already his unwillingness to be strong and stray even the slightest from his traditions was inane ad made the Jedi of present day seem even more senile than they already were. He glared at her not even the least bit impressed with Koaaon, But she refused to return his gaze instead looking to the gauntlet he possessed and the power it gave the user.

"I will admit I am impressed with your ability to both find and wield the artifact successfully. I take great pride in liberating it from you."

He remained silent not even blinking despite the heavy hail and sleet raining down on the two. Koaaon smiled taken back by the child's bravery. Her weapon swayed from side to side on his belt begging to be ignited.
The hustle and bustle of the white-armored snowtroopers reminded Funami of ants. It was fun to watch them work. Being a small, outright tiny acolyte with no physical strength or stamina whatsoever had its perks. Nobody asked her to partake in the heavy lifting, and thus she got to parade about like she owned the frozen wasteland. Naturally, her short legs brought Funami to the cat-like creature, clearly a competitor in cuteness. The telltale uniform adorning the young alien’s body said it all; a fellow Sith acolyte. Her brow furrowed as the girl considered telekinetically disposing of the adorable challenger in some deep, gaping ravine. She liked to hoard all the attention for herself, unwilling to share with others.

“They only have power over you because you let them!” The Sithling squealed a piece of ancient Sith wisdom and dramatically waved a hand as if to dispel the fellow acolyte’s worries. With the snow crunching underfoot, the fluffy ball of warm clothing ascended a small mound of ice to appear taller. Posing akimbo atop of it and throwing a disapproving glower at the nearest stormtrooper moving her way, the child cleared her throat. The sharp winds seemed particularly vicious as she opened her mouth to speak, showering the small-statured figure in chilly, frosty snowflakes.

“I am Funami Teriyaki, apprentice of the Emperor’s son!” The small Sith blurted out her trump card loudly enough to overpower the howling storm as if expecting the entire galaxy to stand at attention and offer her a sharp salute. A large grin widened on her face.

The stormtrooper walked past the child without acknowledging her presence at all.

Her stare remained fixed upon his form, even as he disappeared into the storm. “Hey, don’t you dare ignore me… h-hello?!”

Nothing! Such insolence! The soldier walked off and Funami looked at the acolyte, adopting a sad expression. Pulling those big, sad puppy-dog eyes on him, a pout curled her lips. Once more she gave the impression of a lost little girl somehow wandering into things far beyond her comprehension. Big things, adult things!

The characteristic sound of blaster fire exploded from the southwest, indicating trouble.

“Um, do you hear that? Perhaps we should investigate? It’s our task to assist the Imperials, after all!”

Did she pack her lightsaber? Gloved hands went to her waist, finding nothing but layers of woolen sweaters. Dumbfounded, she looked up.

Lightsabers were for suckers anyway. True Sith only used the Dark side.

With a look of newfound determination dawning on her expression, she scurried off in the direction of the disturbance.


Darth Koaaon

Lights shined off in the distance their brightness tearing through the almost impenetrable sheet of snow filling the battle field. The sound of blaster fire the rain of snow and debris was like a torrent of deafening noise rattling her to her core. Most Sith relish at the the opportunity of a fight but she preferred the subtle psychological approach of a sneak attack, but on occasions a fight could be beneficiary if executed properly. But this attack was a complete mess it was so quick and so loosely put together that an entire response team was on the ground within the hour.

The woman appeared on the makeshift imperial base obviously hastily put together. To their credit they didn't have much time to set up and time was of the essence. ​Two children around the same size sat in the middle of the operation seemingly mingling on the job. The troopers were setting up a tent to shield their supplies and the others were securing a perimeter.

It was then the commander of the camp approached the dark lord.

"Sir we have established ground operations and all proceedings are going to plan we just need to establish a tight perimeter."

​Koaaon stood there freezing away in the below frigid temperatures. She pulled her cloak tighter around herself smiling as she was wrapped in the warm embrace. Her gaze returned to the trooper waiting for her response, she was about to speak when he cut her off.

There are some brigands 8 clicks to the north west of us we are gearing up to take them out."

Just what she needed, more thieves as if their unprepared state didn't put enough of a damper on things. She sighed spun the trooper in the direction he gave her with the force frightening the young man as her hand clamped down on her shoulder. She removed his helmet and and pressed the side of her face between his.

"If you could do me the biggest favor in the world and take them out you would be my best friend for life!"

Koaaon often enjoyed screwing with the troops to inspire them to fight harder it was weird and often got her reprimanded but it was effective in some quantity at least. An large explosion rang out before the two of them launching fire and wind in their direction.

[member="Funami Teriyaki"]
Location: Dreypa's Peak
Objective: Drepya Awakens
Star Date: Unknown, before augmentations
Nearby: [member="Lark"] | [member="Darth Skodd"]
The fight was on once again. Where it had begun on the mountain side, the two warriors had moved on into the fortress proper, lightsabers clashing in a profane mix of orange and blue, power and power, strength and strength. Against her will had the Phoenix empowered her, draining the life energy and the Force of a Jedi that had wandered foolishly close to the battle, likely to aid his companion.

Unfortunately for him, Raptious was so intoxicated by the woman's tenacity, so enthralled with her persistence and strength of will, that they willingly used the power they had sworn to never conjure. The sacrifice crumbled into the snow, lifeless, mouth agape in shock as his energy was forced into the unwilling spirit of Tiyra Shorcrow.

The instantaneous rage the woman felt was immense, dark and wild, and the reactionary usage of Force Push, strengthened by the life of her peer, sent the Sith flying beyond the walls of the fortress and down into the courtyard. The woman barked and leaped after the Phoenix, only barely missing her savaged falling strike, which transitioned into the newly profane mix of orange and blue.

"You fight with strength! Endurance! Does it not feel rousing? Does it not stir that which has been suppressed? Was that man's life not worth this power?" Raptious chortled gravely over the orchestra of war around and above the duo, using a split second of disdainful contemplation from the woman to gain distance.

As opposed to letting her take the bait of their question and make her own mistake, the Phoenix rushed forward. The Jedi still managed to dip and weave right as the Sith was about to reach her and slashed downwards with the lightsaber. The Phoenix parried with their own weapon and the sabers clashed with a shriek that sent sparks flying into the air. But the Jedi was quicker than Raptious had anticipated and slashed upwards at the Sith Warrior, attempting to catch them from stem all the way to stern.

The Phoenix sidestepped to the right just enough to let the lightsaber pass by a hair's breadth from their face. Shorcrow still managed to respond with speed, swinging with the followup motion and slicing through the first layer of skin and muscle of the Phoenix's left side. Raptious cackled and howled in response and backed away, clutching the wound as the woman donned an expression of surprise.

"Of all I have faced!" the Sith called out, bopping their head to a tune unheard, a tune of combat. "You! You are preeminent..."

"Enough with your words! Die!" the Jedi shrieked in feral anger with a charge, the effects of the dark empowerment beginning to take hold.

A joyful, almost erotic fury had overtaken the Sith as the woman charged, a fury that made them toss their lightsaber away and beckon the Jedi to strike. She performed the exact attack the Sith anticipated and it was at this exact moment that Raptious knew they had won. Enhancing their speed for a brief second, Raptious shoulder-tackled the woman mid-attack, knocking her back several feet. Quickly, before she could respond with a counter, the Phoenix swiftly punched the Jedi in the solar plexus, knocking the wind out of Shorcrow and stunning her for a brief moment.

The blow had opened her up for another attack and the Sith obliged her, putting a simple sidekick into the Jedi's stomach, doubling her over, and followed that up with a quick rising uppercut and then a forearm to the back, knocking her down to her knees.

"You fought well and you have thus gained life," Raptious gleefully proclaimed before they finished the fight with a lifting knee to the jaw.

Tiyra Shorcrow crumpled to the blaster round scorched ground, unconscious, bleeding, swollen, bruised, battered. The Sith Lord would have her taken away, kept alive to be further honed and drawn towards the way of life the Phoenix knew was right. Dark and Light mattered not in this instance with this woman. It was the simple elation of battle.

Regardless, Raptious had won the first duel of the day and let out a primal bellow for all around to hear and awaited their own peers to arrive to coordinate a grouped assault.


Location: Dreypa

Rach'ta found himself amongst the disintegrating structure of Dreypa, the battle around him was intense "Yaah!" came a yell of a Human Jedi as he lept into the air to strike Rach'ta with his blue lightsaber. In response the acolyte used the Force to push him away. The Jedi was thrown off his course due to the counter-attack. Then the Jedi preformed a graceful back flip to land on his feet, saber at the ready "This will be you end, Jedi." Rach'ta warned while preparing himself for the Jedi's next move.

The two began to circle one another at a maintained distance "Behold!" the Twi'lek exclaimed while thrusting both hands out which sparked with energy, lighting shooting from his fingertips at the Jedi who skillfully blocked the attack with his lightsaber. Plasma began to fling off the contacted points between the lighting and saber while the Jedi began to make steps towards the acolyte.

Rach'ta ceased the lighting and turned his head to a large chunk of rumble, then drew on the Force to levitate the object which was then flung at the Jedi adversary. In response the Jedi rolled under the projectile and at the finale of the maneuver thrust his lightsaber at the Twi'lek's chest. Rach'ta Force Dashed backwards, away from the strike and in a fluid movement brought his fists forward. The Jedi was flung onto his back from the unexpected Force Push, saber still in hand "Do not underestimate my skill! Your lightsaber is a crutch! You have not embraced the Force as I have and that is why you will fail!"

"Your arrogance will be your down fall, Sith." retorted the Jedi as he flipped back onto his feet, his lightsaber held in front of himself. The Jedi was convinced that Rach'ta could not sustain such use of the Force, it would be far too exhaustive. The veiled Twi'lek began to laugh as in disbelief "Your thoughts ring louder than your words. As does your fear." he hissed. Surprised the Jedi tightened his grip on the lightsaber, and Force Dashed at Rach'ta in an attempt to deliver a swift cut to his opponent's torso.

Amaya Cardei


The Redoubt let loose her arsenal.

Commodore Almeyda watched from her command center as those who crossed the Sith paid for their sins. The loss of Rhen Var would not be tolerated, and the Sith would remind the people here of just who would be their overlord. Vessels of the Fourth Fleet made their presence known, and the enemy forces would certainly feel it. Turbolasers crossed the black making contact with enemy shields, and in return, the Sith would find themselves reeling from their opposition's counter-attack. "Engage in formation Bastion-One-Three-Besh." Almeyda ordered, and the lines began to shift as the assault group pushed out and the escorts moved to intercept the fighters.

Bloody fighters, the Alliance had always used them and it seemed their would-be successors used them just as well. "Engage in flak and anti-starfighter screens."

"Why are our fighters not already deployed?"

Officers scrambled to get the message across.


Almeyda's cybernetic eye landed on the poor soul, and she debated her options here, "do remind yourself of this incompetence, learn from it - or it shall be your last."

"Y-yes ma'am!"

Fighters emerged from the Redoubt's hangars flooding into the abyss as the Hellstrom carriers deployed their own forces. Almeyda turned her attention to the viewport and watched as the Sith-Imperial Starfighter Corps met with whatever fighters their opponents had fielded. "Do give my regards to those who dare trespass on Sith territory, pilots." She remarked on encoded comms.
A daring chase was being written above the skies of Rhen Var, a nimble Imperial interceptor pursued by an Alliance X-Wing.

The interceptor banked right, and the X-Wing followed.

The interceptor banked left, and yet still the X-Wing followed.

The interceptor tried spinning, that was always a good trick. Yet it was in vain, for still the X-Wing followed close behind with its own tight rotation through the air. Laser fire pinged off of the interceptor's aft shields, multiple warning runes flashing across the pilot's instruments.

Another hit like that and he's be little more than debris pasted across the snowy mountains.

He careened his fighter low, trying desperately to shake his dogged pursuer. But he could feel the X-Wing's guns training in on him, could almost hear the targeting system acquire a lock, and he could visualize the X-Wing pilot's finger squeeze down on the trigger that would end his life.

And then suddenly the X-Wing peeled off from its pursuit, smoke and fire billowing out through a jagged tear in the strike fighter's fuselage. It spun away, lost control, and smashed into the ground in a fiery explosion that melted the snow around the impact zone. The interceptor may not have realized it, but he had been inadvertently saved from certain doom by the unleashed rage of the Dark Lord of the Sith, who in his anger, had thrown his lightsaber like a javelin through the air to spear the Alliance fighter as it passed by. Now he recalled the weapon to his outstretched hand, and bounded across the darkened snowbank in search of his next victim.

An Alliance soldier was trudging through the snow, his fellows following behind him with their weapons trained and ready. Yet when the colossus fell in among them, their weapons were little better than toy replicas as the monster shattered their guns with a thought, tore them from their grasps, and then set about hacking off limbs, bisecting torsos, and removing heads from shoulders with frightening precision. Each cut was clean, instantly cauterized.

When the Dark Lord moved on, all he left behind were dissected corpses to be covered up by the increasing snowfall that fell over the region, never to be found again.

Lost eternally.

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