Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Slave's Laboratory


  • Name: Mother Talzin's Grimoire
  • Manufacturer: Mother Talzin │ Witches of Dathomir
  • Affiliation: Darth Maliphant
  • Modularity: N/A

  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Exterior: Imbued Rancor Leather
  • Interior: Enchanted Bane Back Spider Silk Pages
  • Decorative: Various Small Bones w/ Unknown Metal Decorative Pieces
  • Classification: Grimoire
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Heavy
CONTENTS[*]Major Historical Records of The Witches of Dathomir & Nightsisters
[*]Lessons on Dathomir Magic Philosophy, Spells, Voodoo, and Weapons
  • Nightsister's KnowledgeThe tome holds within its pages the entirety of an order up until the fall of Mother Talzin, from its various spells taught to its many shamans, to the long standing history of the order of the very matriarchal society that the Witches of Dathomir were. This varied and extensive record of the order comes from one of its most exceptional leaders, that of Mother Talzin herself; who helped unite the order and consolidate what information was available on them.
[*]Enchanted Pages
  • While the book itself is certainly strong in an informational sense, the physical aspects of the Grimoire were enhanced and reinforced using innumerable rituals and efforts to ensure the maintained quality of the tome. With ink that refuses to lift or fade, pages that do not tear, and a cover that is arguably impervious to anything but a lightsaber; it is capable of surviving in the open storms of Dathomir for thousands of years with minimal wear.

  • Enigmatic FormDespite it holding the history of an entire order during one of the short periods of being unified, the Grimoire's words seem to rearrange, alter, and otherwise seem completely unintelligible to those unable to understand what message it holds. This was meant to protect the history of the order; server as a form of 'Gatekeeper' similar to that of Sith Holocrons, it constantly adjusts to give only as much information as it deems right for the reader, and no more.
[*]Book Weight
  • Considering how much the tome holds, both in form and intellectual property, it is equally as heavy. The book itself is far larger than more normal books, taking two hands to hold at any given point, and weighing in excess of fifteen kilograms; making it very hard to travel with. It is best suited for a sturdy stand in a well established library somewhere far from prying eyes, and certainly not for the careless hopeful looking to fight with the incantations of an order at their finger tips.


Prior to the Clone Wars, the Dathomirian female known as Talzin was given a vision from the spirits of her culture and helped bring about the unification of the Nightsister covens after; creating one of the most powerful force sensitive orders in the galaxy, next to that of The Sith and The Jedi; and arguably the most recognizable after the two foremost organizations. This did the Nightsisters as a whole well, as they were led through years of successful power moves before the eventual 'death' of Mother Talzin during the ritual she hoped would make her stronger than both Jedi and Sith combined; instead leading to her dissapearence.
Before this final ritual, Talzin worked diligently to create the Dathomir equvilent of 'The Telos Holocron' or 'The Great Holocron', only now for the likes of Dathomir Magic. Holding in its pages the entirety of their order, the artifact varies on subjects from the entire history of the Order as known from Talzin and the other Nightsister covens, but also the orders various spells, weapons, and philosophical standpoints. These records are kept under enchantment however, in the hopes of maintaining security; very similar to that of Holocrons and Datacrons.
Ritualistically enhanced, the grimoire hides many of its secrets behind a constantly changing ink and often unreadable text. That, combined with its various durability enchantments, help to make the book itself last thousands of years, and give out information only to those it deems worthy; just as so many artifacts before it. This has kept the book very sought after, though few actually know of its existence besides those with historical nods to the order of Witches itself.

  • Intent: To create a scabbard for those who carry Sith Warblades, and other melee variants.
  • Image Source: Here.
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
PRODUCTION INFORMATION[*]Affiliation: Closed-Market
[*]Model: Pandora's Scabbard
  • Various Aesthetic Changes
  • Various Size Changes
  • Custom Mounting
Production: Limited
  • Classification: Scabbard
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Light
  • Hides Sith Warsword Force Presence
  • Constant Blade Maintenance
  • Doubles as Lightsaber Resistant Blunt Weapon
  • Built in Force Lock
  • Protects Warblades from Force Light (Once)
  • Blade of GrassWhile the sword is important for any Sith who chooses to carry one, what many lack is a reasonable scabbard to hold such weapons in. The 'Pandora's Scabbard' ,as it has come to be known as, actively masks the presence of the sword within no matter how strong its aura, while in turn locking it on its owner's command. When not in use, and sealed, the blade seals the metal as one piece before letting go upon its owner's unconscious command; often done in one swift movement as it is pulled upon by those it is bonded to.
  • Those Space Lizards -In the presence of force cancelling fields, assuming the weapon is sheathed, it will cease to even open. With no force to be altered, the metal that keeps the blade protected from the elements will in turn fail to release and force the blade to be within the scabbard at all times. In the presence of Void Stone, it takes considerable effort to unsheathe the weapon, but is still possible despite this.

Following in line with the prior designs, and deals, with Akure Executive Interstellar; Blackwell Industries moved to provide additional items for Sith based markets. Most notably in the realm of providing adequate protection and maintenance of Sith Warblades, something that found a strong recurrence in the modern era despite the prolific nature of the Lightsaber. Knowing both of this, Blackwell Industries teamed up with its fledgling alchemic design team to create something all those beneath it could viable use.
To begin, every blade put within the scabbard is given two boons; the first is that while sheathed it can not be detected as to what it is. Simply put, for those Sith Warswords that carry with them such an infamous, terrifying presence, the scabbard is able to hold in its depths all that it is; effectively negating a very common danger they hold. In addition, while sheathed the blade also is reinforced, cleaned, and sharpened if need be at all times, creating the perfect automated care routine for any Warblade; keeping them pristine in all conditions. All of these do lose their effectiveness when drawn from the scabbard however, and only maintain so long as it is sheathed.
The last major boon of the scabbard, is that it has a force lock built into it that stops anyone but the original owner of the scabbard to pull the blade from its depths. Without knowing the very unique presence, sometimes ritualistic means of pulling the sword from the scabbard, there is no way get the lock to let go; protecting the blade from would be thiefs and more. This lock can however be overpowered by the exceptionally strong, both physically and metaphysically, though these cases are rare; and more importantly they will cease to open easily while in the presence of such items as Ysalamiri fields, or Void Stone, the latter being more of a tough draw than anything impossible.

While the alchemic side of the scabbard certainly gives it a number of boons, the last effective strategy of the scabbard is being an extremely lightweight, lightsaber resistance, blunt weapon in last case scenarios; or even to strike at someone in a non-lethal manner. Jar'kai be gifted, utilizing the scabbard in tandem with a blade will let the wielder open themselves up to a number of counter attacks and strong bind techniques regular users may not be able to use; without the exceptional strain of using a second lightsaber, or even a second warblade.

Overall, it is an exceptionally high quality scabbard capable of providing outstanding protection to blades in most capacities, from dangerous force abilities to the would be thief; effectively allowing the scabbard to be as much a tool as a weapon and an extension of a strong swordsman; all in the name of providing for the Sith of the modern era.

  • Name: Those Feral Few
  • Designation: Semi-Sentient
  • Homeworld: Barbatos
  • Language: Broken Common (At Best)
  • Average Lifespan: 20-30 Standard Years
  • Estimated Population: Semi-Unique
  • Description:
    Shambling, rotting corpses wander cells deep beneath the surface of Barbatos; their stench inconsoliable, their eyes having long lost their sight to cruel experimentation. Even the mere glance of the creations instill both a sense of fear and mild pity, for their rudimentary groans and broken common are the result of Sith Magics and genetic agumentations that never meant enough for the creators. Open wounds fester, jaws hang loose, but more than anything else Those Feral Few give off an uncanny radiance in the Dark Side of the Force; one that threatens to blind those sensitive to such overload. It isn't hard to tell where they came from, as their very existence seems to be an abhorrent abomination to the Galaxy and all its stands for.

  • Breathes: Type I
  • Average height of adults: 2.0 Meters
  • Average length of adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Grey │ Green
  • Hair color: Dark Variants
  • Distinctions:
    As a whole, Those Feral Few are anything but human; at least any longer. While their genetic baseform likely came from Humans or Near Humans off shoots, they are hardly recognizable now beyond their humanoid patterns leftover in the psyche following the various operations and experiments they went under. Just the quick glance at one of these poor, broken creatures tells more than enough about what makes them different, as their very nature has begone to break down from the Dark Side of The Force; open wounds tore asunder as bones breach the skin in a random and uncaring manner.

    The primary distinctive feature of the species is its almost unbelievable presence in the Force, radiating dark energies on par with a Sith Lord despite no capacity to actually manipulate the Force. This has resulted in the corrupted genetic material they suffer from, now used strictly as research probes for future iterations of the same species; their skin flaking off in droves as corruption of The Dark Side continues to break them down on a biological and fundamental level. There is little to be said on this, as just witnessing one as a Force Sensitive tells them enough.

    As cruelity goes, there is no differentiation between male or female, nor various groupings littered in research facilities around the galaxy. Those that were created were made from the Force Nexus and Research Facility from Blackwell Industries on Barbatos; and that is almost entirely where the species stays for its entire life. As Those Feral Few age, they slowly lose further control of muscular structures, bones become more brittle beneath the strain of The Dark Side, and anything that made them resemble humans further degrades into nothing.

[*]Races: N/A
  • Sith Lord In A Rotting Corpse
    While the fundamental nature of the ghoul's seems to be their zombie like appearence, the true strength of them is an exceptional prowess within the force, though one that remains untapped by their less than sentient minds. This serves the ghouls less than the researchers looking them over, as the nature of the Zombies can be overwhelming for Force Sensitives in the vicinity, though it is completely untouchable by Those Feral Few.

[*]Durable Nature (Sort Of)
  • Shambling corpses of varying degrees of dark side degradation wouldn't seem the most durable, however Those Feral Few serve an exceptional purpose in that they are very difficult to permanently hurt or destroy outside of the natural damage they suffer from The Force daily. While they fall apart, flake by the hour, an almost endless amount of experimentation can be done to draw from them exceptional amounts of data.

  • Force Incapable
    Despite a very strong presence within The Force, and no doubt a very viable potential in such, the very degredated nature of the creature's mind and body mean it is entirely unable to manipulate The Force in a meaningful way besides strong waves that can overwhelm Force Sensitives sensory abilities if they aren't careful. This makes them a failure in regards to their purpose, but viable for research regardless.

[*]Feral Few
  • In part because of Dark Side degredation, and the untold amount of genetic augmentations done on the creatures, has helped create a less than sentient creation. Those who were created were not able to handle the immense pressure of The Dark Side, in part due to their lack of experience in regards to their Force Sensitivity, but also in part that such sudden submersion in the Dark Side can no doubt cause near instant insanity. All in all, they are completely incapable of making intelligent thoughts outside hunger, and generally refuse commands they are given, at least vocally or electronically.

  • Diet:
    Those Feral Few do not have an appetite as we know it, as their very nature doesn't require conventional nutrients of sustenance; however, as the dark side degradation takes its course, the only thing that keeps the ghouls alive is eating the force energy and body of Force Sensitives; this can be Jedi, Sith, or even uninitiated Force Sensitives that know not of their ability. The affinity related to what they consume corresponds to 'calorie' intake, meaning the consumption of a mastered Sith Lord would last them far longer than the consumption of even a few Force Sensitives with no formal training.

  • Amongst them, there is no actual communication, nor is there sentient thought. The most that the creatures do is speak in seemingly unintelligible or unrelated sentences in Galactic Common; random sentences they likely said during their life. Some have been reported as saying 'Is it time for bed?' or 'Where are you, Son?' without so much as a reaction or reasonable intent on their part; only the disembodied croak of a dying corpse.

[*]Technology level:
  • N/A

  • N/A

[*]General behavior:
  • The creatures generally shamble, and do little else. They eat when they are given Force Sensitives to feed on, and they sleep in very short stints. Those Feral Few move like cattle at the butcher, though no anxiety is in their movements; only the accepted death of a future they know nothing about. They are broken, pieces of what they once were, and every action they take is done through blind memory rather than intelligible action.

    If one were to face one down, they'd be hard pressed to goad them into instinctive fighting without being a force sensitive. If one is a Jedi or Sith however, the few creatures that do exist would 'smell' them, track them down, and attempt to consume the flesh from their bones; though they are hardly effective at such. They are slow, shambling monstrosities with no urges besides that of carnal hunger; and just barely enough mind to not choke on the meat they slurp up during a feast.


Over the years, there is a common practice among Sith to clone themselves, alter their genetic makeup to strengthen them through natural means; only to give extreme boons to them after transferring their essence into these new formed bodies. Some come with shape-shifting characteristics, others a nigh invulnerable nature, while even some work through genetic augmentations even underground cartels wouldn't shake a stick at; and all of this is done in the name of creating the next generation of Sith.

However, many are one offs, failures, or even just lack luster replacements made for the likes of lesser Sith to compensate for poor power. Some are required to be viable again, though many more are simply just disappointing; and Those Feral Few are no exception to this rule. Created by Darth Maliphant after the study of these 'perfect forms' in the style of [member="Darth Vesper"], and the records of Imperial Sentinels in The Telos Holocron, there came a need to create.

In this, Those Feral Few were the very first iteration in a soon to be line of 'Perfected Sith' the likes of which the Galaxy has never seen before. Taken from planets such as Ession during The Sith Empires great raid of the planet, to Slaves from out of Sith Space; there came a need to genetically augment they unfortunate few in a way that would allow them to resist the untold stresses that would be put on their bodies. The first and foremost being the inclusion of an almost excessive amount of Midichlorians; concentrating them with enough raw force potential to tear apart star destroyers.

This, however, was a failure; as even though they were able to pump the genetically augmented slaves with untold prowess in the force, none of them were able to retain that mental ability to control such abilities. The Dark Side festered in them, deep beneath the surface of Barbatos, and began to destroy the very nature of their skin and body; each becoming small wounds in the force that demanded sustenance through force sensitives not far off from the ancient progenitor of Darth Nihilus. However, the comparison ends there, as unlike The Sith Lord of Hunger, they became walking, shambling corpses of no intelligible use.

Knowing this, the creatures were kept as a foundation for future experiments, each locked away and fed their daily meal of force sensitive flesh while samples and data were recorded for future variants of the same creature. As these creatures exist solely in one underground facility, their danger is minimal and their overall nature is rather poor in the grand scheme of things; generally considered a righteous failure on the part of Darth Maliphant himself. Maliphant, not being a fool, took this as a chance to perfect his techniques at a later point; something he couldn't commit to just yet.

No, the man began his search for artifacts and catalysts that would allow such a beast to be created; but that would be far down the line, and to suffice his team of scientists and sith for now, they would simply study Those Feral Few that still sit in the Sith Laboratory

  • Intent: To create a Sithy means of transporting messages between other Sith.
  • ​Image Credit: Here
  • Canon: N/A
  • Links: Blackwell Industries
  • Name: Birds of Hermes
  • Designation: Non-Sentient
  • Homeworld: Barbatos
  • Language: N/A
  • Average Lifespan: 24 Standard Years
  • Estimated Population: Rare
  • Description:
    Vultures of an unknown origin, the very nature of the birds disgusts on look. Carrying multiple sets of eyes, beaks and claws able to under flesh to bone, and a twitchy malignent movement; they disturb anyone with a weak stomach. An obvious Sith Spawn, the creatures radiate dark side energy, and are covered from neck to leg in feathers darker than the empty arena of space, while a feathery wreathe of gray straddles their neck. With the addition of eyes with an unnatural void like black to them, they are the fundamental nightmare of children across the galaxy.

  • Breathes: Type I & Type II
  • Average height of adults: 0.75 Meters w/ 1.3 Meter Wingspan
  • Average length of adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Grey │ Blotched Tan
  • Hair color: Black or Grey Feathers
  • Distinctions:
    The Birds of Hermes are Sith Spawn vultures tasked with being messengers for Sith Lords with no fear of the disgusting or disturbing; as the very nature of the beast is terrifying. They are wrinkled, twitching abominations that reek of Dark Side presence, carrying with them the sensation of death and an indignation to reality. With it, their relatively massive wingspan forms and imposing creature that moves with the grace of a berserker amidst battle; choosing to glide when able.

    One of the most distinguishing feature of the birds is their head; the one area without feathers, they are wrinkled grey aspects similar to the face of Sidious himself, no doubt a side effect of their Dark Side genesis and presence within The Force. Each is given a set of three eyes, allowing for a full 360 degree vision, made capable by the endless void of each blackened eye, as not even light reflects off any of the six instead being absorbed. Their beaks are harsh, some even carrying teeth, but each are capable of sundering flesh with the iron like quality of the enhanced beak; though hardly used for actual combat, and more the consumption of meals.

    Their body is large, as mentioned prior, and requires much to eat. Standing almost three quarters of a meter tall, with a wingspan almost double that, they are a very large bird capable of hunting other Birds of Prey with little strain; and more importantly are capable of reasonable flight speed while actually in physical flight. Black feathers line the entirety of the body, with a grey collar reminiscent of volcanic ash, leading a very imposing nature to each. Just the simple glance of the creature is enough to run the blood cold, heavily in part due to its size.

    As the creatures age, they begin to molt more and more feathers, slowly losing their ability for flight, and restricting them to a cage for those with some sentimental value often by the age of twenty. The eyes begin to glisten as the creatures go blind, and pieces of the flesh will begin to flake off heavily in part due to dark side degradation; making their viable working lifespan only 18 years after their initial maturing section. Females are very similar to males excluding the singular addition of a crest on the back of the head, very small but enough to be seen by those with knowledge of the species; but past this they are a very asexual creation.

[*]Races: N/A
  • Messenger of The Gods
    Unlike conventional messenger birds, The Birds of Hermes are capable of holding both Telepathic messages and advanced voice mimicry capable of copying voices they have heard, though not able to fake this. They are only able to repeat the exact message they are told, and once they have said such they are immediately forgotten for the sake of security; a measure that was instituted for the sake of secrecy between Sith that choose to utilize the bird.

    Second, the birds are able to carry within them a parcel they will often regurgitate, or die trying, that can be up to half their body size. Unignited lightsabers, holocrons, even some weapons can be held within the creature at will with little concern for what may come of them. This is heavily in part because of the ability to reduce the amount of stomach acid the creature holds, and the extremely strong mucus layer within their gut that allows for such means.

[*]Neither Snow Nor Rain, Nor Gloom of Night
  • What truly differentiates The Birds of Hermes is their ability to do two things; the first is the natural ability to meld with objects and travel through them like Jedi or Sith. This allows them to move through space ship hulls, windows, and more for the sake of transporting a message or object to someone within said area; an extremely useful ability that lets it compete with the more common move of digital transportation of messages.

    The second however, is where its true prowess comes in. Falling in line with the Melding ability, is the Birds ability to teleport; making its transportation techniques extremely effective in a number of areas that would otherwise kill it through a conventional meld. This also increases the speed at which it is able to transport messages and objects, disappearing in a sudden cloud of black feathers before reappearing wherever it is destined to move.

  • Glass Bones
    While the birds are certainly fast in what they do, they are set in their ways and are not capable of much else. With hollow bones, and no true means of assault besides beak and claws, the bird is not capable of taking down even an untrained human in most cases; though might try and eat a child if they're unattended. Generally, the creature will be struck down by even a glancing blow or shot if it is seen, having no built in defenses or means of protection from anything but mental domination.

[*]Force Lizards Are Terrible
  • Being so heavily founded in The Dark Side of The Force, The Birds of Hermes begin to break apart and die when subjected to Ysalamiri fields, and even the passive touch of one strong enough can make the creatures lose not only their destination, but the message they were carrying. This makes for a grueling weakness when facing down opponents on a battle field that are actively negating the force in a large region, or even the wrong area at once.

[*]Force Light Are More Terrible
  • When subjected to Light Sided powers similar to Force Light, The Birds of Hermes begin to fester and bubble, as if being boiled alive. They are extremely weak to the ability, and will die with even minor exposures to such powers; as they have no viable defense against any sort of force powers in this category. Deathly assaults by Jedi are a constant fear for those who utilize the beast, as they are the bane of its existence.

  • Diet:
    The Birds of Hermes are carnivorous in all means, eating almost exclusively the carrion of fallen creatures when in the wild, and more notably the raw flesh of humanoids if not. The latter being a natural favorite amongst the creatures, the ability to eat and consume raw flesh is their primary means of sustenance; unable to feat on anything else. These serve as treats, meals, and everything in between for those willing to feed their chosen bird with care.

  • Unable to perform normal communication, the creatures are unable to do anything besides give off bodily communications of aggression, hunger, or need for attention. They are conventionally on the level of a smart dog; capable of barely communicating its needs to their master. However, they are able to communicate given messages from their master to a designated other, in both physically remarkable mimicry and the secondary means of telepathic means if able; though they are not able to communicate using this ability normally.

[*]Technology level:
  • N/A

  • N/A

[*]General behavior:
  • The very nature of The Birds of Hermes are disturbing, they twitch and blink in uncanny manners, never moving like a normal bird. They eat, pull, tear at anything they think is prey, abiding by only the dominating will of a Sith Lord they bond with. Loyalty is bred into the creatures, from birth to their chosen master, while they breed only at certain times in their life; a passive instance that comes once a year for a week at a time. Naturally, they are capable of feeding off the dead corpses of other animals, but they are not natural hunters by any means; but past this they abide by the one rule of their bonded lord.

    Moving from point a to point b with extreme prejudice, they are very single minded when it comes to the task they are given. When on messenger missions they suffer no distractions, choosing to press onward in the face of all adversity if able, releasing their chosen message to no other than the imparted chosen, returning only after they have committed their message to completion.


As digital messages and package carriers are hired to carry between Sith, there is a vexing problem of security and loyalty amongst couriers. Mistaken deliveries, raids on less than secure couriers, and even the occasional traitor there is a serious problem many are facing with what they want delivered. In time, this forced Blackwell Industries hand on making something viable enough to be used by most Sith in the modern era.

Created from the natural vultures on Barbatos, small populations of force sensitives messenger vultures were made through the cruel manifestations of a goal nobody but the few within the industry itself understood. Founded in the depths of The Harper Center, the creatures have small populations situated in various rooms tucked far beneath the surface of the planet; genetically augmented to handle the nature of the Dark Side pressed into every cell of the creature.

Their force abilities were given to allow them to wander, delivering their messages with not only stealth but a terrifyingly quick process; The Birds of Hermes are designed in every aspect to bypass the conventional restrictions of security, most importantly unable to be hacked or stolen through slicers, or even jammed. Only if the the careless Jedi comes across them, are they bound to be stopped.

This creates a tool for Sith Lords across the Galaxy, one built on speed and efficiency; carrying with it a darkness few other Sith Spawn can hold a flame to. Their nature is brutal, their goal singular, and they do all of this with an extreme effectiveness that makes them highly sought after.

  • Shipyards Name: The Hephaestus Shipyards
  • Classification: Planetary Shipyards
  • Location: Brentaal IV
  • Affiliation: Blackwell Industries
  • Population: Heavily Staffed
  • Accessibility:
    Situated where the Hydian Way, Perlemian Trade Route, and the Commenor Run meet; the strategic viability of The Hephaestus Shipyards is paramount to Blackwell Industries's continued efforts at creating viable naval assets for factions all across the galaxy. Sitting only a small distance from Brentaal IV itself, their is a suprising amount of industrial traffic that reaches the shipyard, as it not only shows up on most galactic maps but is relatively close to where both the major Trade Routes meet.

    Due to its importance, Blackwell Industries has closed off all but the necessary docking stations to public access; guarding everything else with dedicated security forces under the direct command of Captain Ri Kor. This not only assists with stopping major terrorist operations, but the addition of corporate subterfuge, and governmental spying.

  • Far from the orbital traffic of Brentaal IV is the massive foundry known as The Hephaestus Shipyards, many kilometers of length designed to hold as many production lines and drydocks as possible. Looking more like a massive, elongated claw, the facility is connected by a central ring around its 'base' that connects each of the massive production facilities; each tower being exclusively designed to produce all the necessary parts for a single classification of ship; enough to impress most with nothing but a mere glance.

  • Production:
    Serving as the primary shipyard for Blackwell Industries, the facility is able to produce a very wide variety of ships; from star fighters and bombers to star destroyers and battle cruisers. While most of the facility is dedicated to military production, a number of towers are built to not only rent out to smaller companies but additionally produce civilian grade ships meant for the more common markets; most of which get sent to Brentaal IV for the passing traders and smugglers.

  • While the facility as a whole produces much, the facility is designed heavily to accommodate the production of capital grade ships; massive vessels capable of power projection and tactical dominance, supremacy over the use of star fighters.

  • While there are certain facilities on-board for custom handicraft, the entire facility is automated by a massive IMS made by Aegis Systems; allowing for an expedited construction rate that puts it on par with shipyards that would otherwise dwarf the far smaller station. This production speed doesn't require a massive drop in quality either, though this is highly dependent on the literal supercomputer monitoring ever aspect of the station at once, meaning if it were to ever fall then the station would be grind to a halt.

  • The expressive purpose of putting such a large investment at Brentaal IV was for the ability to export to the entire galaxy without subjecting the company to unneeded transportation costs. This strategic location allows sells at minimal cost from planets like Barbatos and Terminus, to even Oroaturoo and Troiken; though their is a certain preference for 'Dark Side' clientele.


Security Rating: Medium

To protect against any variety of attacks, the facility has only a few public areas for independent contractors and transportation agencies; for those renting out drydocks and production lines to those dropping off raw materials. Outside of these few areas, the facility is constantly monitored by a mixture of Blackwell Industries Security Forces and dedicated Southstar Class Battledroid patrols provided by the SADS that protects the entire facility. A mixture of biometric security details, various sensors, and untold amounts of electronic data make the facility very difficult to break into; while a few dedicated stealthed corvettes actively patrol the area for any unapproved craft, not to mention the various light turbolasers, point defense emplacements, and hypervelocity cannons. Not enough to hold off a determined star destroyer, but enough to hold off a rampaging, disgruntled smuggler in a military corvette.

Scutum Automated Defense System

​Master Command Unit w/ Heuristic Droid Brain
Model Dz5 Security Doors
Advanced Security Scanners
Two-factor (Code cylinder & Biometric) Security Locks
Automated Sensor Beacons
Weapon/Explosive Detection Sensors
Automatic Laser Emplacements
Coma Gas Dispensers
Southstar Battle Droid Patrols
Blackwell Industries Security Forces

Various Light Turbolasers
HVC-120 "Pit Horror" Hypervelocity Cannons
SIC-32 "Broadstroke" Solar Ionization Cannons
BE-1313 "Gos Karza" Class Battery Emplacements
Dedicated Taera Class Swarm Drones


Starfighter Production Arms -

Taking up two of the eight production towers, the starfighter production arms are built for the expressive purpose of pumping out any variety of ships up to fifty meters in length. This applies to any Blackwell Industries templates on freighters, bombers, or any iteration there of; with a certain affinity for complicated designs due to the series of molecular furnaces built into the production lines to supplement the already expedient rate of mass creation.

Capital Ship Production Arms -

While the Starfighters take up two of the arms, the capital ship production lines take up a total of four, those being the largest arms on the facility for the expressive purpose of allowing for many dozens of ships being produced at once; of varying sizes and needs. From corvette lines up to battlecruisers; the facility offers an exceptional quality of ship and materials from the import of resources from mining colonies such as Empress Teta and Barbatos.

​Independent Contractor Production Arm -

On the backburner of the IMS that operates the facility, is the single massive tower meant to offer production facilities for smaller corporations and more. The addition of a import facility and customs office allow for a dedicated monitoring of inventory that is then supplemented by automatic scans implemented by the IMS; this being the singular facility on the shipyard that is open to access from the galaxy as a whole, so long as they have the credentials to dock with a proper manifest.

Blackwell Industries Offices -

At the end of the ring, there is a large district of offices and computer centers meant to house the important people and systems of the station as a whole; though many more are situated on the arms. From the station monitors, to the head office of its current manager, the heart and soul of the station resides in these sectors.


Built in 852 ABY, The Hephaestus Shipyards were built and designed to be the primary production facility for Blackwell Industries; funded heavily in part by its current CEO, Dorian Harper, and a number of investors on Brentaal IV itself, most in the upper echelons of society. This dedicated investment helps the facility work without general restrictions having some pull with the planetary municipal government, helping to increase the profit of an otherwise established shipyards.

Since the facility as a whole wasn't able to be as massive as other shipyards due to cost restrictions, it was instead supplemented by extremely high quality production means. Dedicated Infrastructure Management Systems, Super Computers, and even a series of complicated molecular furnaces to allow for the quick production of extremely complicated components; the facility compensates for all raw production abilities with excessive efficient means; though there are currently a few hands on fabrication facilities designed for custom shipyards who work on a far smaller scale.

Outside of this, the facility stands as a monument to Blackwell Industries dedication to quality over quantity, something that expresses itself in every facet of the company at large. While certainly not the largest, or even most advanced shipyards in the galaxy, it is certainly something to appreciate for the size and scope of Blackwell Industries as a whole, and a foundational growth that will help see them once day to be one of the largest production companies in the galaxy.

[Please include at least one paragraph on the location's history. Include who created it and why. Who supports this shipyards now? What purpose did/does it serve? For older locations you can include historical events such as the Gulag Plague, the 400 years of darkness, and the Netherworld event where appropriate.]


  • Intent: To follow up with The Slave's pursuit of what was mentioned in not only Bestria's holocrons, but also numerous rumors and leads followed upon over the course of a few months.
  • Image Source: Here
  • Canon Link: Here
  • Restricted Missions:The Cold Wind Blows, where The Slave meets Velok the Younger in search of his father's staff. In doing so, they come to a deal where Velok will supply him with the remaining shard, and where to find those who can help him create it.
[*]Primary Source: Darkstaff
This is a Canon Item

  • Classification: Artifact
  • Size: Handheld
  • Length: 2.1m
  • Width: N/A
  • Height: N/A
  • Weight: 3.63kg
  • Sentient
  • Feeds Off The ForceFeeds On Force Essence And Force Artifacts
[*]Strengthens As It Feeds
[*]Lightsaber Resistant
[*]Vastly Improves Force Powers
[*]Can Alter Physical Reality Around It
[*]Creates a Disturbance In The Force
  • The Sin of Gluttony -​​With an appetite for destruction, and the infinite carnage that comes with it; the Staff is able to consume all that comes in its path. With a favorite meal being the force sensitives and essences of those who wish nothing more than to live their regular lives, there is almost nothing that is not considered the perfect dinner for this abomination of a creation. Most often, entire fields of carcasses are left in its ravenous wake, forever staining her trail in the blood of the innocent and unsuspecting. Over time, this hunger creates a great power in the device; a slow build to an eventual revelation.

    Despite this however, even it must discharge its built up prowess. Because this reincarnation of the original device is not made of all the pieces, it can not hold even close to as much energy as its predecessor, but a notable amount in itself. While still a behemoth, every action it takes takes away from its power, and it has a cap to be set; a cap that while nigh unreachable by the standard practitioner is still nothing unheard of.
[*]​The Ultimate Sith Artifact -
  • Surely, while the beast of a staff lacks what its original progentor held, it pulls from the depths of its origins that of what the reforged Darkstaff held before it. To pull a Star Destroyer from orbit, to make acolytes a master in simple strength, to any iteration of a power the person already knew and understood; all magnified to the Nth degree by the prowess of what is built into the creation. Long gone are its days of transporting entire solar systems into a different era in time, but strong is its ability to dwarf the menial and conventional powers of some of the strongest Sith and Jedi Masters in the galaxy; all at the cost of the user's potential and power.
[*]Dementophobia, or Theophobia? -
  • ​When in the presence of the beast, meek men shall falter to their knees and praise their new lord. Quiet ramblings, the subtle hints of madness, all signs that those who have witnessed her glory have fallen at her feet. The Darkstaff is a weapon so capable in its inferno of unbridled power, so destructive in its mere stillness, that those who bear witness to its greatness risk falling to the uncontrollable depths of pure dementia. To lose ones sanity to the greatest of creations is to fall to something great, in the most uncouth way.
[*]On The 7th Day -
  • ​In truth, the greatest strength the Darkstaff may posses is its incarnate ability to change what is around it; amplifying the very power of The Force in the user. From the ground one walks on, to the mountains they climb, to even the very beasts they meander past; those who wield its beautiful persona become God when he created creation itself. To edit, to change the natural order of things in a matter of seconds, to spit in the face of the artisan himself, is to sin in the highest regard; and to do so with such a wicked atrocity makes one forever damned in the eyes of the all seeing galaxy.

    In truth, even the simplest creation one could manifest with the staff could nearly dwarf the natural order of an entire planet; easily upsetting the balance of ecosystems fortified over millions of years. Manifesting the imagination in a moments notice at the strain of the user, or using it to amplify the users ability to alter at a far slower pace, this can effectively be used to become god when creating anything that lives and breathes. Challenging creation in its very own game, it is the absolute worst transgression to meet the eyes of god.

    Still, her artistic strokes are not instant; delayed in turn by the size of the change intended. While unable to instantly transition an entire planet in a moments notice; far smaller things can be done in a blink of an eye should the focus be there.
  • The Sentience of Man -​As the morality of man is fickle and thin, so to is the Darkstaff's; as she is Man personified, the sin they have festered for eternity brought to physical manifestation through the dark incantations of the lowest being. With a mind of its own, she too has become fickle and condescending, a malignant energy that feeds on the suffering of those around it, able to choose its master on its very whim. In truth, the staff seeks nothing more than to end the lives of almost anything it comes across, effectively making its user a solemn beast; given only the presence of the dead raised again, and the staff for endless conversation.

    With this, The Staff too comes with the quirks and dangers of even a regular being. With deceit in its nonexistent heart, and a hunger that forces it to feed in an infinite cycle of gluttony, she often allows all those around her to feed into the lies she gives off. Appeasing to the sin in men's hearts, she is the incarnation of the darkest places in humanities heart; a disgusting reflection of what lies in every creation of the force.

    Yet, even the most abhorrent of personalities finds itself weak to a single thing, Love. Although abusive, disgusting, and cruel, the Darkstaff becomes almost obsessive with its owner. Not in the traditional caring sense, but one of survival and manipulation; something it fails to see as any different in truth. Despite this, it still wishes the death of almost all sentient beings around the galaxy, believing itself the true Judge, Jury, and Execution of the Galaxy's filth with little more than the legs to traverse its slums. For the Strong to make the decisions, and the weak to fall to nothing more than slaves; it refuse to respect anything but the most stalwart bearer.

    And in this, the slow and grueling death of the bearer comes to light. Her all consuming nature begins to corrupt the bearer, destroying their personality and devouring their soul. In short order, they'll soon find what they once loved turned to dust, what made them laugh made little more than singed embers laid waste to in the grand scheme of all that is important.
[*]For The Kind, Find Strength -
  • ​While the weak, the forever desolated of all mortal men's populaces are subject to its will and consumption, those who are able to sacrifice their lives out of the love, the very compassion and goodness that holds itself in all men's hearts, she is unable to dominate. The very presence of the light, the yin to its yang, creates a disgust in its presence. This extends far past its simply feasting as well.

    In truth, the light is the creations greatest weakness; able to cancel nearly all of its prowess when in the presence of equally strong forces. Perhaps a single master could prevent its endless supremacy, but an artifact of the light would negate her strength greatly, even able to silence her very voice. With nothing left but a meager whisper that barely reaches the ears of its wearer, The Staff is forever subjected to a life of avoidance, to hide in the shadows from those that overpower her with nothing more than their very presence and virtuous heart.

    Those who master the light, can even become immune to the grand incarnation of sin through little more than a strong concentration. With mindset made calm, those who witness its bearer and this malignant flag can ignore her enigmatic calls and forsaken temptations; letting her fall to the wayside as the goodhearted hero lay waste to its empire of darkness. This is her greatest weakness, the final nail in a long overdue coffin that should have been closed and buried eons previous.

    This too applies for the objects of the universe that contrast her darkness in equal strength. Being able to mitigate its darkness, to even outright silencing her in her entirety through the light is achievable if not difficult to achieve; at worst subjected to the likes of Force Light, a power capable of decimating not only its creations and power, but its very body if overpowered.
[*]The Cost of Potency
  • ​Perhaps one of the greatest dangers of wielding such powers, is being subject to her fickle nature. While the endless capacity can tempt even the strongest of wielders, even they become nothing more than a leaf floating in the abysmal breeze that she offers; forever a meaningless victim to her random whim. From her gifts, to her horrible torturous punishments.

    When one bearer finds themselves on the bad side of her dangerous edges, they become the victim of her wraith. While this can range from their sudden death, to even a quick imprisonment into the void of space, perhaps the most subtle and painful punishments is the off chance the insane creation simply decides its user is no longer able to use the force. Destroy their connection, and its bearer becomes nothing more than a vessel for the negligence that she is, tasked with being the legs of the god. Nothing more than the nails that hold up the most grand painting to ever grace this side of hell, it would seem.

    With this same train of thought, the user is no more a means to an end for her; and with it comes the need for energy. Utilizing the strength of the broken staff requires the user to amplify their own strength through it, feeding their very essence into its jaws to create a swath of destruction behind them. In truth, while this may be powerful for some time, those who overexert themselves or lay to her outrageous demands can see themselves the same as if they were on her bad side. Forever an empty husk that walks her about, giving up their soul to the devil that straps itself to their back.

    She is no mistress to have, and those who do will find pain forever.
[*]The Grandest Presence -
  • When bore to the world, the Darkstaff is too prideful to be hidden away. In its mere presence the very fabric of reality is subject to distortions and changes, a chaotic churn that allows all those in the area to feel her presence. Perhaps a show put on for attention, if not a passive byproduct of its endless reserves, but something so forceful in its dealings that all those in a system wide area could simply tell where its malignant energy originated. To all those who can see, it would be a clear challenge, if not an invitation to bear witness to its decedent incarnation.
[*]​A Limited Reach -
  • As all things with their founding of power in the force, so too is the Darkstaff susceptible to the wicked and fickle ways of the force. Should it not exist, or should the force not appear in an area; then the staff is no more than a paper weight. Stuck within its wretched soul, the turbulent thoughts of an untold demon cry for release only to be met with an abysmal silence; a darkness that never offers more than a quiet disregard for its unholy wishes.

The Darkstaff is by far one of the most potent, abhorrent creations to grace the dark side of the force. In its endless years of corruption, consumption, and endless destruction, it has amassed an almost endless supply of power and metaphysical wealth. Able to know, understand, even create and change the very laws of nature, she is every darkness put into this galaxy in the palm of ones hand; yet even with all this prowess she is only a mere fraction of her original prowess, subjected to the whims of the great heroes of old that sent her latent pieces into black holes and shattered even longer before.
Yet this is at the end of her story, and she traces back many millennia before any of today's dealings. Made by an unknown father in the farthest reaches of the galaxy, from its very inception it was regret in the minds of those who witnessed it, perhaps being an accident that turned into the greatest abomination to ever traverse the cosmos. Even still, before it was allowed to run, it began with a mere few steps; in this it killed its original creator, subjecting them to the horrors of its first massacre. Now, no longer virgin to murder it lay dormant for years before being found and recovered an unknown amount of owners before ending up with the Sith Empire of old.
When found, it was not utilized, instead considered far too potent and traitorous to ever be considered a viable weapon against their enemies, no matter the promises of power she offered as whispers in the back of their blackened minds. Put into a now ancient space station known simply as the Arcanum, it became a prisoner to the careful scholars who cared for this prison of malignant powers. To be put into isolation, forever lost to the joys of manipulation and communication, it was destined to a life of dormancy from the outside world.
However, when a Sith Lord named Lord Tagriss laid siege to the facility for powers like the staff on the behalf of his horrid masters. Relieving the Darkstaff from its reliquary, Tagriss fled from the station to his master's sanctum, letting the other prisoners and soldiers he brought become a cloud of dissipating live to be used as a means of slowing down his less than cowardly pursuers. Even still, those who chased him eventually found where the abhorrent creation was taken, and inturn raided the sanctum themselves.
Yet, through enigmatic means, the staff disappeared shortly after. Lost to the annals of time, the staff simply lay void in history until it was found by a nameless trader who's name too found a grave in recesses of man's attention. However, although he may not be remembered, his actions became of great renown, as he was the first step in a long series of a run that would end with the life of an entire civilization.
It was her the Staff came into the possession of the species known as the Oblee. Studied by their greatest minds, it became their favored prophet of power, yet the staff itself had something else in mind. In its manipulation, its cruel manifestation created a massive shadow creature that fed off the literal fears the people of the planet held in their hearts. It became their greatest danger, their greatest fear in every waking moment of their miserable lives. With the Staff's presence, it became a danger to their way of life, and in turn the people of Oblis turned to its cancerous advice as the only truth they could understand.
Creating a weapon to destroy the creature from the dark mentions of the abysmal prophet, the Oblis fell to her cruel manipulations. Although some considered its advice to be against their greater interests, those who dissented were outcast and the final nails were planted into the coffin of their culture. Absorbing those fears, those hopes and dreams, the Darkstaff manifested their energy in the most destructive manifestation that it could.
Those who sought the staffs favor were instantly obliterated, made into beings who lurked in the darkness the sinful creation had made. Their planet fared no better, as it too was instantly destroyed in a matter of seconds; yet another result of its immaculate advice. Once more, the Staff was put into hiding amongst the planets rubble; forever to be guarded by the once grand people who trusted its creation wholeheartedly.
And yet, even this was not to be. Despite the attempts of nearly every owner thus far to hide away its endlessly apocalyptic energy, another would come forth and fall victim once more. A story with no end, forever repeating like the tail of Sinbad the great; sin after sin after sin, the torturous and endless cycle of absolute ignorance.
Eventually, a man known simply as Darth Rivan became the staff's next owner. Yet, even he quickly began to understand just how torturous the thing could be, and he too chose to destroy it. Though that was his goal, it too failed when the staff let its somewhat master fall into its own black hole creation, transporting him to his grave many years in the future.
Here, it was given to the next series of owners; The Jedi Order. Studied under the safety of its own light sided artifact, many assertions were made in their scholarly pursuits before it was locked away once more under the protection of many of their greatest warriors. Still, despite the precautions taken to keep the creation safe, it was lost once more only to be rediscovered by the greedy nature of criminal dissidents.
Although much of the history becomes shrouded in mystery, the truth was that the original staff was eventually destroyed by the selfless sacrifice of a nameless hero many years after its rediscovery. For almost a millennia, its darkness would lack a graceful entrance into the galactic plane, allowing once more the galaxy to understand and come to terms with balance and peace. This, their greatest chance at a future, was given to them by a single man who was forgot by all the people they ended up saving.
That is, until its subsequent recreation under the guiding eyes of a man known simply as The Slave, Velok The Younger, and Cerita Sarova, a woman simply known as Cerbera. Under the corrupted and nigh ignorant guidance of the triumvirate that calls forth a near Armageddon, they bring back a staff that was subject to the grave under a number of times. Now, brought back to the forefront of reality, it begins yet another chance at its end goal of power of everything.
Only time will tell how many lives it will take this time.
  • Intent: To rebalance and better utilize The Darkstaff.
  • Image Source: Here.
  • Canon Link: Darkstaff
  • Primary Source: The Darkstaff Reforged │ The Darkstaff, Revelation's Trumpet

  • Classification: Staff
  • Size: Average (2.1 Meters)
  • Weight: Light (4 kg)
  • Sentient
  • Extreme Force Drain
  • Amplifies Force Powers To An Extreme Degree
  • Lightsaber Resistant
  • Can Alter Reality
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 strength of this submission.)
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 weaknesses of this submission.)
(Describe some of the histories behind the submission. Give us some idea of how it might perform its function, what it excels against and what some limitations of it are. This is where you talk about your idea, flesh it out over at least a good-sized paragraph, and address some of the ways it might be used or abused. For especially powerful or ambitious submissions, a very thorough description is recommended.)

  • Intent: To sub the standing Executive leader of Blackwell Industries.
  • ​Image Credit: Here.
  • Role: Chief Business Officer of Blackwell Industries
  • Links: Blackwell Industries
  • Age: 29
  • Force Sensitivity: Sensitive/Untrained
  • Species: Corellian
  • Appearance:
    [Please describe the NPC in at least one paragraph. Any distinguishing marks? Do they show their age? What do they usually wear? For droid characters, link to their production model, either on Wookieepedia or as an approved tech submission.]

  • Name:
    Chief Business Officer Valara Truden
    "The Red Rose"


  • Being heavily in charge of the deals, finances, and general management of such a large corporation such as Blackwell Industries comes with its perks; that primary one being a seven figure income and untold gifted assets to ensure loyalty to the company. The woman known as 'The Red Rose' is wealthy to say the least, and while not on par with some of the greatest in the galaxy; she can certainly hold her own in a contest of how many numbers are in your bank account, owning a number of Blackwell Industries's assets, including a large stock portfolio.

[*]Notable Possessions:
  • Large Mansion on Bastion
  • The Azure Garden - Custom Minstrel Class Space Yacht
  • Tempest - Custom PL-90 Luxury Speeder
  • Excessively Large Closet w/ Seasonal Outfits

  • While Valara doesn't hold the skills of some special forces prodigy, nor the world dominating prowess of an alchemized Rancor, she does have a serious knack for finding, and securing deals that are extremely profitable. This is heavily in part due to her unrealized force sensitivity, making her a proper choice for such a high end position; turning Blackwell Industries as a whole into a more profitable company by the day through leading and training one of the strongest financial teams in the galaxy.

  • Softer than most, Valara has lived a well off life of loving parents and a strong family; never really experiencing pain to a serious degree. This has made her well balanced, adjusted for the galaxy as a whole, and one of the finest people to speak to with or without external influences, such as alcohol or a deathstick. Due to her early incited wealth, and exceptional strong knack for profitability, she had become known as a 'Great Gatsby' sort in the sense she throws constant parties at her estate on Bastion; well endowed due to her charismatic and beautiful nature.

    Her business personality however, is more calculating and decisive despite a strong inclination otherwise. With an ability to appear less threatening than she truly is, she can create an aura of vulnerability before stealing away the strongest deal and contracts possible. Valara knows no limits when it comes to thinking many steps ahead, thanks to a sturdy foundation of education in the academy of the Core.

  • Weapon of Choice: Wits & A Silver Tongue
  • Combat Function:
    Valara doesn't fight.

    She got in a fight once at school at a young age, but a winner wasn't decided, however the general consensus was that she lost. The video told much the same story. Valara doesn't like to talk about it; as she's really embarrassed about not being able to defend herself if someone came at her with any sort of hostile intent. If faced, she'd likely attempt to talk her way out of it, but wouldn't be able to do much past that.


Born and raised on Coruscant in the year 823 ABY, Valara Tionne Truden came into this galaxy with two loving parents, a strong backbone of financial support, and two other sisters that helped to create a well endowed, naturally affluent, charismatic business woman. During her childhood, she attended one of the numerous Academy's of Coruscant before graduating second in her class and moving on to internship with her father's company. After only a few years, she decided to go solo and work with the rising corporation known as Blackwell Industries.

Now, with a home purchased for her and solid assets given, Valara works as one of the lead executives of the company; training the next tier of employees and bringing about a golden age in the company's history. While a Sith or Jedi could tell much of this is due to her natural force sensitivity, the nature of it seems entirely focused on good luck and natural affinity for the world of Business, and he utilizes this to full effect whenever possible, despite knowing nothing of it herself.

  • Manufacturer: Blackwell Industries
  • Affiliation: The Sith Empire
  • Model: PU-96 "Imperius" Class Flight Suit
  • Modularity: Various Equipment Loadouts
  • Custom Insignia Based On Squadron
  • Various Aesthetic Changes
Production: Mass-Produced
  • ​Interior: Durafiber Skin Layer w/ FiberPlast Outer Layer
  • Exterior: Duralumin Fibers w/ Duraplast Hardpoints
  • Plates: Duraplast Chest Piece w/ Duraplast Helmet
  • Misc: Various Computer Components
  • Classification: Flight Suit
  • Weight: Average │ 14kg
  • Resistances:Blasters (And other plasma type weapons): High
  • Kinetic: Average
  • Lightsabers: Very Low
  • Ion[background=#232323]: [/background]High
SPECIAL FEATURES[*]Helmet[*]​In Built Motion Interface Package
[*]Back Plate
  • N/A
  • Thermal Gloves
  • Standard Handheld Navigational Computer w/ Microcomputer
  • N/A
[*]Boots[*]Combat HarnessStrengths:
  • Rising Sun -Given all the traditional bits and bobbles of a flight suit, with the additional enhancement of Jaeger Solution and Blackwell Industries ingenuity. These various creative aspects helped to create not only a very valid combat uniform, but one that offers protection and suitability to any pilot in The Sith Empire. From the vacuum of space, to the climates on Mustafar, the suit is capable of surviving nigh any environment so long as the internal life support systems last.
  • Foo Fighters -The major downside of the armor is that what it does well, is all it does well. It offers no protection for ground operations, and while it can survive a crash landing, there is no guarantee that it will protect against the various elements that seek to capture the high value bounty on a pilot. Only the chest and helmet, the most vital areas, truly have decent protection; everything else relying entirely on the suit's underlay.

Originally designed by Blackwell Industries, the "Imperius" flight suit is capable of prolonged engagements with or without inbuilt life support systems, with the additional enhancements of various computer engagements to ensure a better flight ability while actively combating enemy forces and should worse come to worse, the ability to defend a downed fighter from semi-overwhelming odds, or survive in inhospitable conditions for some time.
The armor itself comes with a number of components, from the dedicated combat attachments in the hud that allow an active display of a battlefield in a near 360 degree sight, with optional field of vision adjustments. This allows a constant monitoring of where other fighters appear along with squadron emblems, and callsigns all displayed in real time. Active objectives, active communication channels encrypted through careful manipulation of short range S-Threads, along with a variety of enhancements usually disabled for the sake of ease for the pilot, but automatically activated when pushed into a combat scenario. The suit even has certain adjustments to help the ship automatically adapt to a user's brain patterns, effectively allowing those ships equipped to 'predict' what its user will do, and compensate for it. This is not all however.
While the armor holds a number of active operative sensors and abilities that make it strong in the use of ace pilot scenarios, it in addition finds a moderate amount of defense should the ship ever go down or otherwise begin to fail. Active internal life supports are designed to kick on should the main life support fail, ensuring the pilot has the abilty to fight for a continued 18 hours if need be, or at the very least survive in the vacuum of space until dedicated response teams are able to retrieve them. Internal locking systems allow for the armor to absorb mid air collisions, or fall from orbit with minimal damage and a near 92% effective recovery rate with minimal injuries. This however restricts the user for up to a few hours, designed not to disengage until a 'safety' signal has been activated, though emergency overrides are viable should the need arise.
Coming with drawbacks however, the armor is unable to be used as an active combat armor for the primary concern of its lack of overall protection. Surely the armor can protect against some strikes from the likes of many weapons, though deploying it in large combat situations would see its users broken down relatively easily when faced with more active armors that might protect them to a better degree. Basic survival equipment is packed with the armor for the sake of emergency survival situations, not the outright assault of a compound nor special forces operations; only survival. Anything past this is not guaranteed or backed to work, and the internal flares or SOS signals should be minded instead of combat, whenever possible.

  • Intent: To create a genetically 'Perfect' Sith, a prototype meant for Maliphant's Apprentice.
  • ​Image Credit: Here.
  • Canon: N/A
  • Links: Blackwell Industries │ Darth Maliphant
  • Name: The Everchosen
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Homeworld: Barbatos
  • Language:
    Galactic Common
  • Sith & High Sith

[*]Average Lifespan: 105 Years
[*]Estimated Population: Unique
  • Physically, the first thing one might notice about The Everchosen is their snow white hair and pale complexion; the result of numerous alterations made through the genetics labs of Blackwell Industries. Black horns erupt from the scalp from the Zabrak DNA put into the very essence of the creature, while its eyes carry with them the darkness of thousands of years of Sith Lords. Even in The Force, the nature of the beast is undeniable, nearly blinding in sheer presence to the unprepared Force Sensitive, easily able to cause headaches to the unitiated, and nagging migraines to those in tune with their sensory abilities.

    Past this however, The Everchosen looks very harmless; their soft features carried by an even more feminime form, with a saunter that does not betray this. From shoulders to hips, brow to shin, the nature of The Everchosen is still that of an average sized female who would find more a place within the Echani than The Sith, carrying with it a beauty that is undeniable and striking. More than anything, The Everchosen can not be ignored when it walks into a room, as every aspect of the creature is that of pride and narcissism; from creation to existence.

  • Breathes: Type I
  • Average height of adults: 1.8 Meters
  • Average length of adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Pale Gray
  • Hair color: White
  • Distinctions:
    While normal Human and Human Like creatures carry with them a biological mess of traits and conditions, The Everchosen do not. Where mankind falters in the mind, The Everchosen do not. In all that makes man weak in the eyes of The Sith, The Everchosen is not; and all of this is done to ensure the perfect form to be made, at least in the dark side's perspective. The very nature of The Everchosen is built into the darkness that holds a vice grip over the Galaxy, the abysmal nature that is The Force.

    To look upon The Everchosen is to see beauty, danger, and the work of thousands of years of Sith Lords all in one. While she carries the beauty of untold thousands, black horns jut out of her skull to never betray the true danger of who she is; gracefully covered by the alabaster locks that fall whimsically to any side of the creature. Although feminine in nature, it could hardly be called such with as disturbing a creature it is, though it certainly appears to be so, carrying soft shoulders and effeminate arms that hang loosely near her form.

    The Everchosen, however, is more than her parts, but the sum of an Order. The primary ability of the creature, the greatest strength it holds, is the terrifying prowess it has within the Force. The result of the learning that of 'Midichlorian Manipulation' from Darth Sidious, The Everchosen is capable of far more strength in its abilities than a traditional being, though still requires hearty training to be able to perform any of this. Telepathy, telekinesis, all used to hold together the perfected form and allow it to run wild with its strength.

[*]Races: N/A
  • The Everchosen -
    Built on the research and foundation of [member="Darth Vesper"] and @Darth Maliphant's genetics, that which was once created by The Darkstaff and the Gene Pool, comes the creation of a being so defined in The Force, that it has the capacity to blind that of a normal, conventional force user on nothing more than presence alone. Its feats are on par with beings created strictly from Midichlorian manipulation, that which once created The Chosen One from Prophecy. The being may have an upper limit, but those have not been reached as of yet.

[*]Genetically Perfected -
  • Although its primary focus is that of The Force, the body it inhabits was designed to hold the prowess of a warrior, contrasted by the beauty of its effeminate form. Strong as figures far surpassing it in size, and able to regenerate from strikes that would kill normal beings, The Everchosen sees as dangerous as itself, and it expresses this in combat and more.

  • Light of Truth -
    While the proverbial 'Sithari' created by Maliphant is able to express The Force in dangerous drastic levels, the creation of it, and its inhabited soul requiring an essence transfer, forces the creature to be unable to return to the Light side of the force, nor can it handle exposure to light sided abilities. Assaults from weapons such as Force Light and Wall of Light become so overwhelming, The Everchosen can risk being instantly disintegrated by its touch; the vexing condition of being born from the darkness.

[*]Taxing Existence -
  • The outright power of the body creates a troublesome contradiction in its host, while able to perform such abilities as it is capable of, so too will its soul lose its understanding of the world over time. Only the strong are able to survive, and the condition of the body is wholely dependent on if its soul can handle the brutal, double edged strength and strain that it puts on it.

[*]Perfect Perspective -
  • While The Everchosen is perfect for that of a Sith, it is not perfect in its entirety. It suffers from a series of issues, all minor in nature, but enough to add up. Night blindness being chief among them, The Everchose is unable to see in the darkness, with the addition of numerous minor health issues forcing them and their prototype nature to be looked over by a nurse very often to maintain peak performance.

  • Diet:
    Although able to produce a minor amount of food through exposure to sunlight, the nature of the body restricts it to a relatively conventional diet. Whatever a human eats, so too can The Everchosen, though in a far greater depth. The excessive regeneration, power, and overall fortitude of the body forces it to nearly triple its calorie intake as the internal metabolic engines run a redline at almost all times, with the same expressive poisons effecting them. If it can or can't be eaten by a human or near human, then so too does it apply to The Everchosen.

  • While The Everchosen is built in with the knowledge of Sith and High Sith, the general communication methods for the form are galactic common or telepathy. It is no different than the usual forms of communication utilized by both Sith and Jedi, with the capacity to form force bonds and otherwise at the same rate.

[*]Technology level:
  • N/A

  • N/A

[*]General behavior:
  • N/A


The Everchosen is the prodigal prototype of the ultimate Sith Form created by a number of dedicated Alchemists, that of [member=Darth Maliphant], [member=Vereshin], and [member="Darth Vesper"]; all of which utilized the underground facility of The Harper Center on Barbatos, in conjunction with the natural nexus of the planet, to create what could theoretically stand as the ultimate form of Maliphant's apprentice, [member="Nilia Saavilin"]. The power of the form is immense, and its history goes back farther than even Maliphant realizes.

While The Everchosen holds a candle to the numerous Sithspawn bodies inhabited by Sith of the day, the original genetic material utilized by Maliphant came from that of not only himself, but that of Darth Vesper. Many years prior to present day, Vesper was under the stress of his body breaking down under his control, forcing the man then known as 'The Slave' to utilize the unholy artifact known as The Darkstaff and that of the Gene Pool to create his new form, a perfect clone of himself with all the additional benefits of being made from the most dangerous artifact in the galaxy, only booned by the Gene Pool that it was incubated within. This helped form the original body that The Everchosen would be designed off, though the improvements would be noticeable.

Following Maliphant's manipulation into the Darth that he is now, he came across the form of [member="Darth Morrow"], and off testing her abilities in combat was able to find inspiration in his own designs. Following the failure of 'Those Feral Few', Maliphant moved to the next stage of perfecting the otherwise broken design, creating the unique form of The Everchosen through the course of months with the help of The Genoharadan and its memberbase. This massive combination of efforts led to what came about today.

Holding the genetic information of Firrerreo, Zabrak, even Echani and Epicanthic, the form of The Everchosen holds the galaxy's natural ability to create the ultimate beings all withheld in one form. With horns forming a dark crown, alabaster locks of hair, and an untold beauty likely taken from Maliphant himself, the creation of The Everchosen found its genesis, though it was meant as a gift for his apprentice only after she ascended to the rank of Sith Lord; brought on early by an accident.

Following a destructive fight with the Jedi Grandmaster, [member="Alexandra Feanor"], Nilia Saavilin was brought to the bring of death, forcing Maliphant to perform the essence transfer himself. With pain in his heart, and the hope of his apprentice and lover to survive, Maliphant forced her fading soul into the new form and worked tirelessly for days to ensure it took well enough to survive on its own. With rituals lasting innumerable hours finally done, Maliphant fell unconscious, only to have his apprentice wake and witness the world in the eyes of his unholy creation.

  • Intent: To create a personal Beskar'gam for Soloman Priest.
  • Image Source: Here.
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: Mandalorian Armor
  • Manufacturer: Soloman Priest
  • Affiliation: Soloman Priest
  • Model: Dasu'r b Jalyr - The Demon's Coat
  • Modularity:
    Various Aesthetic Changes
  • Slow Modifications done over time for tactical purposes.

Production: Unique
  • ​Fabric: Duraplast-Weaved ​Armorweave w/ Titanium Ballistic Mesh Inlay
  • Armor Plates: Carbonized Beskar Carrier Plates w/ Duraplast Lining
  • Misc: Various Computer Components │ Various Metal Accents

  • Classification: Multipurpose Beskar'gam
  • Weight: Average
  • Resistances:
- Blasters (And other plasma type weapons): Extreme
- Kinetic: Extreme
- Lightsabers: Very High
- Sonic: Average
- Ion: Low


[*]Back Plate


  • Retractable Baradium Rocket Launcher


[*]Combat Harness

  • The Demon's Coat
    Like many beskar'gam before it, the very nature of the "Dasu'r b Jalyr" is that of war; from head to toe, it is lined in various high qualities materials that impart upon it as a whole the resistances to stand up against blasters, disruptors, slugthrowers, verpine shatter guns, ion weaponry, and even the dreaded lightsaber, so long as it hits in the right spots. That which holds up on the field of battle, the beskar'gam of Soloman Priest is nothing to shake a stick at, on par with Mandalorians many times his age, but not many times the warrior.

[*]Tactical Options
  • While the armor has a variety of options for every situation, it brings full bore the reliability and tactical options of a Mandalorian on the go. From slicing droids and backup computers, to deployable droids capable of offering covering fire to a reasonable degree, and various other elements; the very nature of the armor allows an almost unstoppable amount of tactical fallbacks in any situation, making the armor capable of running solo or with a group in all battlefields and operations.

  • Ion/Sonic Division
    ​While the primary, critical options for the suit are well protection by combat deionizers, any of the tactical options on the exterior of the suit suffer the chance of direct ion interference, capable of wiping out the various droids onboard, slicing computers, and any outside contact the suit would have otherwise had. Even stronger blows can disable the interior workings of the suit in its entirety, even killing its wearer should the exoskeleton's microservo motors go into overdrive and snap bone. In addition, while the wearer's ears are protected with sonic compensators, any strong sonic presssure could bypass the suits lining and plates and kill the wearer with enough force, something not compensated for in its otherwise well put together design.

[*]​Lightsaber Be Gone
  • ​While the armor itself has a number of resistances built into it to resist the likes of Jedi, Sith, and anybody claiming the tag of 'Grey Jedi', it's protection is limited to certain areas, while more fabric lined areas are fully susceptible to direct lightsaber strikes; at most able to resist glancing blows or single direct strikes. Pushing these limits will leave the wearer missing an arm, a leg, or various other body parts should they run the risk of pushing the stalwart defenses of the beskar'gam.


Dasu’r b Jalyr”, The Demon’s Coat -

The name was given to the armor based on Soloman Priest’s name, a name he had received after being accused of murdering a fellow Ori’ramikade during his time with the organized Mandalorian clans. The Dasu’r, as he’d come to be known, holds a harsh reputation among Mandalorians; and his armor is no different. Built far more modern than many equivalents, the Dasu’r b Jalyr holds innumerable utilities added over the years - not far from the conventional Mandalorian armor, but its utility is on par with notable versions wielded by Jango Fett and Jodo Kast.

Its high tech nature gives much of its credit to Jaeger Solutions and Aegis Systems - from the holster and boots, to the sensors and targeting system. Various slicing, protection, and recon droids cover it - and allow for immediate force multipliers in most situations. Its cutting edge nature however, comes with a darker side - it is notoriously susceptible to ion energization; and once its shield is used up, it can lose the majority of its systems and droids; making it no more than a regular beskar’gam, which in itself isn’t a bad thing, but certainly worse than what it was.

As far as customization, the armor is painted a black to signify Soloman’s own need for justice - though this isn’t regarded by most that see it. Symbolizing his need to see his own justice against those that falsely accused him of the Ori’ramikade murder years prior, and the various bounties he hunts now - but in truth, he almost never actually wears it anymore. Often, it is a showpiece for him to stare at in a drunken stupor, and consider the times he had lost.

A mandalorian depression of sorts, it would seem.

When it isn’t spending time as an expensive, culturally significant dust collector - it is by far one of the most dangerous armors in the Outer Rim; something Soloman takes serious pride in. Its a shame, for him and the Mandalorians who helped him build it, that it no longer sees service in all but the most dire of times.

  • Intent: To expand on The Sith Empire's Capital.
  • ​Image Credit: Here.
  • Canon: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Structure Name: The Great Sith-Imperial Library
  • Classification: Library
  • Location: Revalin, Bastion
  • Affiliation:
    Affiliated with The Sith Empire
  • Overseen by [member="Darth Maliphant"]

  • Centered in Ravelin, the capital city of Bastion, the facility is set within the same district of the city as The Palace of The Dark Lord and other important governmental buildings, though lacks the bureaucratic restrictions. The majority of the facility as a whole is open to the general public, with subjects unrestricted for the sake educating the masses and serving as a grand example of the power of The Sith Empire as a whole; however there are a few careful sections restricted to use by Sith, and others still restricted to rank of Sith. The highest security areas, that filled with the oldest tomes, is reserved for high ranking government officials and the likes of Sith Lords exclusively.

  • The greatest library in Imperial Space, that of The Great Imperial Library stands as a testament to both the power of The Sith Empire, but its tireless efforts to recollect the lost archives of Sith millennia before. Structured in the center of Ravelin, the facility imposes a sense of wonder in the casual imperial citizen, inspiring the next generation to look towards the government and its strength for more than just security, but growth and knowledge. An entire facility given to the masses as a sign of respect, enticing each of them to explore the annals of history and trades, while serving as an integral part of restoring the lost history of The Sith.

    A series of buildings holding most known and freely given information in the galaxy, each building is a set of many stories of datacrons, books, and datasticks capable of storing the entirety of galactic history. Separated by section, the facility holds 20 separate buildings with minimal security, besides automated security doors in the situation of terrorist attacks or criminal intrusion. Their walls follow traditional imperial design, large and imposing with minimal windows, besides a central skylight that runs down the center of each building, gracing the various readers in a warm light.

    The real beauty of the facility however is the central tower and its surrounding holds. A ring of classes, additional libraries, assisting in teaching the masses not only a trade, but offer free support of the capital as a whole. The entire Tingel Arm looks to the Great Imperial Library with longing, as hundreds of thousands visit the library in a week just to read and learn all that they can. For decorative purpose, a basin of water stands between the inner ring and the central tower, though it carries its own security measures than the few bridges connecting the two are easily defendable in the situation of a siege.

    Inside the tower however, is where a number of high quality and unique tomes are kept. The entirety of The One Sith Archives, for example, are kept restricted for the sake of danger and ensuring the uninitiated are incapable of getting to the most valued artifacts and historic documents of the The Sith as a whole. Within the tower holds a number of security forces, secondary biometric scans, and an untold army of scientists and Sith archivists studying and transcribing all that they can at all times of the day.

  • Outlying Libraries -
    Separated into 20 buildings, the entire facility looks more similar to a modern university campus than a singular great library; however this was done for the sake of security, ease of infrastructure, and ensuring there was never too many people in a singular are of the library. Generally, each building is exactly the same in layout, however each holds a number of variances in what they hold in terms of information.

    Five buildings are dedicated to Fiction, that which holds as many stories as possible for the enjoyment of the matter rather than the learning of it all, however it is the smallest section of books by comparison to the massive collection of Non-Fiction articles. The largest of which is galactic history and trade, taking up a number of buildings by themselves, and often the most visited sections of the library as a whole. Most documents are vetted however, ensuring that despite the pursuit of knowledge, a certain 'decorum' is kept, and a consistency is monitored with raising the perceived nature of The Imperial Government and Sith in history, compared to more strenuous 'Jedi' and 'Republic' elements.

    Numerous buildings have been dedicated to certain notable individuals in history, most notably;

    The Vrag Library
    The Tregessar Library
    The Adekos Library
    The Thumahra Library
    The Reverance Library

    The Invicta Library
    The Yvarro Library
    The Hauntress Library
    The Ophidia Library
    The Fortan Library
    The Talon Library
    The Velok Library
    The Derith Library
    The Carnifex Library
    The Prazitus Library
    The Voracitos Library
    The Avacyn Library
    The Krest Library
    The Maliphant Library
    The Vyrassu Library

[*]The Outer "Varanin" Ring, 'Ashin' -
  • Holding classrooms and additional trade books, the Outer Ring of the Great Library holds an exceptional amount of free use computers and rentable classrooms for the sake of training not only apprentices, but entire groups of people under any circumstance. The exceptional large amount of books are rentable, and even deliverable to these classrooms by the various robot librarians tasked with serving every need of the visitors; making for an exceptionally quick and well adjusted infrastructure for anyone who requires such.

    Each classroom is capable of holding up to thirty, with a few auditorium areas able to house up to five hundred a piece. The largest room in the Outer Ring is reserved for exclusive events, able to hold up to two thousand people in a massive theater capable of projecting itself to every known holonet computer in Imperial Space if the need raised. The Grand Auditorium, as it has been called, serves as the primary location for large scale training when endorsed by the local Sith officials, or the government's go to announcement arena when required.

[*]The Inner "Varanin" Ring, 'Spencer' -
  • Unlike the Outer Ring's dedication to training, and the outlying buildings focus on actual library needs; the Inner Ring serves as a mixture of intractable museum, and an display to all that the Sith have done for the galaxy as a whole. Statues line the walls, carrying the caricatures of known Sith who have achieved the rank of Knight with a bust, while Lords and Ladies get their own statue as a sign of respect for their duties and dedication to The Force; additional statues exist for the most exemplified areas of the Imperial Government, in the form of its Generals and most renowned political elements while plaques set out with the names of those who offered grand donations and respected individuals line the doorways, halls, and benches.

    The real substance lies within, where massive murals and displays offer a mere glimpse into the power of The Sith and the Imperial government. Sections dedicated to Sith Artifacts offer glimpses of copies of notorious objects such as The Heart of Graush, Sith Holocrons, Lightsabers, and even The Gauntlet of Kressh The Younger; all for the sake of enlightening the masses to what their government and its people are capable of. Other sections still are dedicated to galactic history, or the Imperial Navy and Military, with scale models of ships such as The Behemoth to look over, and donated imperial military garb for the sake of enlightening all that come.

    The Inner Ring also holds a series of six bridges that connect over the water basin that separates The Tower from the rest of land, though this area is where the first level of security is presented, with only those qualified in archaeology capable of going past, assuming they have the correct credentials.

[*]Lake Arcanix -
  • Mostly for decorative purposes, the water basin that surrounds the tower has a number of rentable boats for relaxation or the casual date; able to move the boats around and dock with any required facility both on the inner ring and outer ring, though is mostly there for decorative purposes. Fountains line the deeper parts of the basin, spraying outwards to offer the riders a view they will not soon forget, with the hourly water works show that gives just a mere glimpse into the grand nature of the library as a whole; calling to anyone with an awe inspiring display of hegemony.

    Many from the Outer Rim visit Bastion just for the chance to witness one of the shows.

[*]The Lussk Tower -
  • Inside the tower, the very core of the Great Library, a number of unique and ancient tomes exist in climate controlled areas very unlike the rest of the facility. This serves as a means of restoration for ancient works of Sith Art, Knowledge, and Culture, serving as the primary exporter of lost Sith Knowledge for the sake of the Empire as a whole. Untold amounts of information both enters and leaves these walls, with thousands of Sith and Scientists working tirelessly to ensure the continued archiving of Sith Knowledge.

    The first few levels of the facility is where Acolytes are allowed, where a number of the more dangerous artifacts and books are kept for their perusal. This is a generally open area to anyone within the Brotherhood of The Sith, and offers the general concepts of The Sith along with their understanding of The Force as a whole; effectively offering all that an acolyte would need to move towards the area of Knight; even holding a few Misini Class Training Droids for the acolytes to learn more applicable skills, though these droids are situated throughout much of the central tower for all who wish them.

    The middle of the tower is dedicated to the sake of Knight, that which holds more dangerous materials one might not trust with the Acolytes; that of Sith Alchemy, more violent force powers, and the very nature of the Sith as a whole. Whatever one requires to become a Lord is situated here, with lessons on all aspects of being a Sith and their history, or what at the very least is known. A number of anonymous donations of Sith Knowledge allowed for this section to be one of the greatest sources of Sith knowledge in the galaxy.

    However, the upper levels of the tower stand as a gift to those who lead the great nation of Sith; the Lords and Ladies of the order here get the generous donation of unique tomes and various holocrons that serve to teach them anything they require. Otherwise forbidden knowledge, every aspect of known Sith history, even legendary and unique tomes are situated within the Great Library's central, highest chamber. This area is off limits to all but the most renowned of the Sith's member base, and requires direct confirmation of use by the likes of [member="Darth Carnifex"] or The Triumvir of Knowledge.


Security Level: High

While the majority of the facility holds no outstanding security besides automated monitoring systems and blast doors, the central portion of the facility, that of The Tower, holds a number of security forces and automated sensor systems meant to hold back the tides of any infiltrators. Constant monitors, and advanced droid brain to keep tabs on all present occupants, and dedicated Sith guards allow for the facility to restrict access to all but the most skilled infiltrators. This is necessary for the sake of ensuring all Sith knowledge remains within Sith hands, and serves as one of the most guarded facilities on Bastion despite its relatively low security rate outside of this singular area.


Scutum Automated Defense System
Master Command Unit w/ Heuristic Droid Brain

Model Dz5 Security Doors
Advanced Security Scanners
Two-factor (Code cylinder & Biometric) Security Locks
Automated Sensor Beacons
Weapon/Explosive Detection Sensors
Automatic Laser Emplacements
Coma Gas Dispensers
Southstar Battle Droid patrols
Sith Knight Patrols
Dedicated Imperial Legion Guards


Following Darth Maliphant’s ascension to Governor of Bastion, he was vexed by how to reinforce his position, but to bring respect and admiration to his soon to be eternal rule over the great capital of The Sith Empire. Many nights this was considered, even more ideas thrown out the window from giant revolving statues, to the creation of an obelisk for the sake of impressing the empire, yet all of these were thrown out the window at their seeming uselessness. No, instead Maliphant decided upon the creation of the greatest library in the galaxy, a modern wonder for Sith and Imperial citizens alike to enjoy.

In this, the construction effort began on Bastion, harnessing the engineering core of The Sith Empire as a whole, with a few carefully injected mining resources bought from Maliphant’s personal company. This together helped to streamline the process into the massive Library now enjoyed by the Galaxy’s many occupants. However, with something so grand, the need to verify the greatness of those who came before was paramount, and so each building and section of the facility was named after great Sith and Imperial’s alike, with a few names from outside the galaxy just to add to the flare.

With so many mentioned, the focus soon became the inclusion of the Galaxy’s entire known knowledge, a monumental task as constructing the gargantuan facility in the first place. Every known area of the galaxy was scrounged for copies of books, holotapes, data sticks, and ever matter of information; from fiction to trade crafts, to chemistry and biology, to the statesmanship, the facility holds every book and file it can on any subject that matters. Even still, the library imports information from the galaxy as a whole at an astonishing rate, taking a serious amount of credits to keep afloat and maintain by the Imperial Government.

However, paying back the needs of the few, the facility serves as an archeological epicenter for the various elements in the galaxy. Sith history is eternalized through the tower at its center, manned by hundreds of Sith historians and many thousands of scientists tasked with the restoration or duplication of ancient sith tomes discovered through the dig sites on planets such as Korriban, Dromund Kaas, and many more. More dangerous materials and highly valued unique tomes are restricted upon rank, with the highest and most valuable tomes and holocrons kept to that of the Triumvir of Knowledge and The Dark Lord of The Sith themself.

Overall, The Great Library stands as a monument to the power of The Sith, and the greatness that comes with Imperial rule. Shadowing all but the most grand of libraries, it serves as the epicenter of modern sith teachings, and an integral part in power projection for the Sith Empire as a whole.

  • Intent: To create a librarian for the Great Library.
  • ​Image Credit: Here.
  • Role: To serve as the primary overseer of the Great Library, in charge of its daily workings while answering directly to [member=Darth Maliphant]
  • Links: The Great Library
  • Age: 143
  • Force Sensitivity: Force Dead
  • Species: Morellian
  • Appearance:

  • Alana Khel betrays her age with a soft, impressionable feminine grace that comes with the sake of the Morellian genetics. Long blue hair, angular yet soft nose and eyes, with a rolling brow and a few distinguishing red marks above her left eye; all of which done to appease the appearance she portrays. That of a wise librarian, though with the youthful spriteness that that carries her through The Great Library that she has been assigned to.

    Generally adorned in rolling, loose fitting robes, she enjoys a purple aesthetic that carries dark, dull, enjoyable colors that are soft on the eyes and match her black hair. Feathers line her hair, with a corusca gem pin threaded intricately through it, a sign of her wealth and luxury. Her hair is held in two braids that fall in front of her, bound by leather straps intended to retain their form, while circle rim glasses sit gently on the bridge of her nose.

    Overall, the soft nature of Alana draws the eye, yet never betrays the knowledgeable nature she carries with her. This creates an aura of a scholar, despite her enticing features.
  • Name: Alana Khel │ Darth Sia
  • Loyalties: The Sith Empire​ │ Darth Maliphant
  • Wealth:
    While not as rich as many of the galaxy, Alana Khel holds the fortune gifted to her through a strong lineage in the Outer Rim, rumored to descend from Xim The Despot. This, and the excessive salary she receives from her new position as Overseer of The Great Library, allows her the comfort to not only live in luxury, but study to her hearts content. More than anything, her wealth is used to live the life of a scholar, and has spent the entirety of her life reading and studying both The Force, and the world as a whole.

[*]Notable Possessions:
  • Corusca Gem Hair Pin
  • Personal Library (Extensive Collection)
  • Darth Sia's Lightsaber
  • Darth Sia's Holocron

  • While Alana has spent a lifetime as a Sith Lord, at the end of the day she has been cut off from all her force powers, and now lives a life of pure scholarly pursuit. This has allowed her to retain her knowledge in the force however, and as such is capable of teaching anyone who requires it almost anything they wish, and if not then she can surely show them way to do so through the library she oversees. It is the truest and most prolific of her abilities, that of a tutor.

    Despite this, she was once a master of the Niman form, and retains much of her skill in its use. However, with the nullification of her force powers, and her distinct lack of training in such over time, she has lost much of the ability to keep up with more dedicated duelists, stuck more at the level of a Knight even now. It is her singular combat ability, not that she looks to fight as Sith before her have.

  • Unlike most Sith, Darth Sia as she was once known is suprisingly welcoming, friendly, and inviting in all ways. Never truly finding homage in the teachings of the Sith, she abandoned its teachings in favor of that of knowledge unbiased through the corruption of the darkside, and as such never allowed its corrupting touch to infiltrate her bubbly personality. She is as gentle as they come, especially amongst Sith.

    Motherly in nature, the ex Sith Lord rarely speaks ill of any, looking towards curiosity as her most appreciated trait. Anyone who meets her would realize how wholesome she truly is, and how dangerous efficient she is at being stalwart to manipulation. The very nature of Darth Sia is that of a friend, yet even despite all of that she is very protective of her books and knowledge, serving as the primary reason for her declared leadership over The Great Library.

  • Weapon of Choice: Lightsaber
  • Combat Function:
    While the aging Sith Lord certainly once held a serious amount of training in the dark arts, she no longer holds such devilishly warrior status. Trained in basic Niman, she was once a master of the form enhanced by her endless knowledge of The Force, yet now utilizes it mostly as a form of meditation, falling to the rank of Knight in terms of use. Because of this, she is hardly a threat to more dedicated light saber duelists, but certainly a danger to the untrained of the galaxy. Enough to defend the library, and herself if required.


Born on Muunilist during a great storm, Alana Khel was gifted with two loving parents who sent her to the greatest school they could; the Sith Academy of Barbatos. At a very young age, the Sith was able to prove herself to not only her parents, but the academy as a whole, and soon became top of her class in many aspects of both The Force and lightsaber training, graduating with top marks before turning to the research companies that were aboard Barbatos.

This career as a scientist lasted many years as she declared herself Darth Sia, working towards the eventual goal of owning the legendary artifact known as The Telos Holocron. While this dream would never come to fruition, the very nature of Darth Sia began and would end with the pursuit of knowledge, before the eventual danger of her expeditions into the core of Barbatos.

Searching the history of the planet, Sia discovered a section of the planet previously unexplored, and sought the knowledge that very likely existed. Rumored to be an archive, a lost cache of Sith Knowledge, but one that Darth Sia would never truly know for certain. Somewhere in the search for the artifacts lost to the galactic eye, Darth Sia and her expedition were assaulted by a group of unknown entities that killed all but Sia herself; leaving her alone to escape, though at the cost of her force sensitivity and the memory of the event. While she certainly remembers why she went to the tomb, she does not know what occurred during the investigation, and only knows not to go back at the fear of death.

Following this, she spent many years serving the research centers of Barbatos before being recruited by the far younger Darth Maliphant to serve as an Overseer of the project being built aboard Bastion. With this in mind, and the benefits of being able to read to her hearts content for the rest of her venerable life, Darth Sia accepted and moved to Bastion to serve Darth Maliphant, and the Sith Empire as a whole.


  • Intent: To create a flagship droid brain with the help of various Tech Companies.
  • Image Source: Here.
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source:
    Droid Brain


[*]Affiliation: Open-Market
[*]Model: B-10 “Tensai” Droid Brain
  • Various Programming Presets (Class I, II, III, IV, V)
  • Personalized Personality Matrix
  • General Program Compatibility

[*]Production: Mass-Produced
[*]Material: Laminanium Core w/ Duraplast Structure
  • Laminanium Construction with Durasteel Support
  • High Level Artificial Neural Networks w/ Heuristic Processing
  • Genetic Algorithm Subroutine
  • Cloud Based Memory w/ Dual Linked Gabonna Memory Crystal
  • Notable Features
    Specialized Subprocessor
    Various Presets (Security, Administration, Class (I/II/III/IV/V), Pilot Protocols)
  • Overclocking Options

[*]K65 Targeting System w/ MFTAS Digitized Module & Lidar
[*]Engineer Module (Class Two Focused)
[*]Life Preservation Programming w/ Optional Logic Matrix Override
[*]Sure Deal-R BNL Initiator
[*]Optional Internal Restraining Bolt
[*]Personality Matrix w/ Gender Fluid Vocabulator
[*]Advanced Behavioral Circuitry Matrix
[*]EnhanceScan General-Purpose Scanner
[*]Holoprojector & Holorecorder
[*]High Level Translation Software

[*]Internal Security Measures

[*]Automated Uplink Networks w/ Second Gen. DataUplink & UCI

[*]Contingency Systems

  • All Purpose -
    The 'Tensai' is capable of supporting almost every kind of droid in a single universal package - from high level calculation for research assistants, to instant translations and repairs, to the robust and instant decision making of battle and assassin droids. With the right adjustments, the brain can ensure any droid is equipped with the tools necessary to get the job done - whatever the job needed to be done.

[*]Always Connected -
  • ​Able to backup its entire hard memory via a constant connection to local servers (be it central server hubs on planets, or even star ships in orbit), each droid and its personality can constantly be monitored from anywhere on the world. This means even its restraining bolt, active monitoring, and earliest memories are accessible remotely from anywhere at anytime.

[*]Multi-Role Droid -
  • ​An additional trait of the droid brain is its high level processing power, and its ability to allow more advanced and capable droids to express multiple classification of droid operation at the same time. This was inspired by the natural ability of Class V Assassin droids to simulate Protocol droids on numerous occasions - though this does lead to a more often need to reset droids to stop a true personality from forming.

  • A Small Sun -
    Dual gabonna crystals serve a great purpose in maximizing processing power and memory storage of the droid, yet they do not come out with a significant drawback. Small form factor droids are more often than not, incapable of carrying this high level droid brain, simply because they lack the inevitable power source to feed it. Without it, the droid brain will simply not be able to function to its full ability, if at all.

[*]Electrical Discharge -
  • ​Any amount of ionization energy can easily upset one of the droid brains, to the point of immediate and drastic failure. The fairly complex nature of the droid brains mean that even static electricity in the wrong place can see the entire system fail, or arguably more severe - corruption to the personality and restraint programming, leading to unknown and chaotic consequences.

[*]​Data Sampling -
  • ​Despite the droid brains internal security measures - it has a notorious weakness. Because of the Hubris REED and wireless access features, helping to bypass the manual control nature of many astromechs, it has a wireless connection always available for any would be hacker to take advantage of. This means that both its central hub and the droid itself can be accessed and manipulated by anyone with the technical know how to bypass Aegis Systems various security measures in place. An almost surefire goal for notable Mechu Deru specialists.


The B-10 "Tensai" Droid Brain the child of renown robotics designer Arken Lussk and Dorian Harper, with assistance from Core Automata, Jaeger Solutions, and many of the IGBC related subsidiaries and investments. In design, the 'Tensai' is meant to serve as the foremost advancement in droid brain technology in the last eight hundred years - serving to push the power and capacity of modern droids to the modern limits; though without so much advanced technology to make it less producible than current variants.

While the cost has skyrocketed compared to its market opponents, the 'Tensai' serves to fill the market place for discerning customers looking for the highest quality they can receive for any run of droids they have in mind. Marketed towards companies primarily for their production line droids, it has still seen custom use among enthusiasts and the like for its overclockable nature and raw power by conventional delivery. This has also led to a large cult like following on the holonet and darknet for its modularity, but also for its unfortunate security lapses.

Many have searched on how to take advantage of its wireless uplinks, and many have succeeded - though not without cost. Blackwell Industries, another contributor to the project, has used the help of a hyper advanced AXIOS AI to restrict online access to this information, and even gone as far as raiding known homes of hackers leaking this information on holonet forums. This has led to a slight backfire on freedom of information, yet most journalists who have reported on this news also seem to disappear - though it is unknown if Blackwell Security is related to these incidents as well.

With all said and done, the 'Tensai' looks to modernize, and revolutionize, the standard in Droid Brains, and serve as a flagship computing system for every technology company to date. Most notorious, it will serve as the primary, Pride of the Fleet processor for all future IGBC related droids - much to the joy of its investors and board members.


  • Manufacturer: Blackwell Industries & Aegis Systems
  • Affiliation: Closed-Market
  • Model: TD-54 "Tniya Kirs" Class Training Droid

  • Production: Semi-Unique
  • Modularity: N/A
  • Material: Durasteel Fram w/ Duralumin Connecting Plates
  • Classification: Fourth Degree
  • Weight: 77.11kg
  • Height: 1.88m
  • Movement: Bipedal
  • Armaments: 4x Training Lightsaber
  • 4x Stun Blaster w/ Overcharge Capacity
[*]Misc. Equipment: SPECIAL FEATURES
  • Knight Level Force Capable
  • Master Level Quad-Arm Dueling Capability
  • Extremely Agile & Dexterious
  • Synchronized Fighting Network
  • [background=#232323]Training Module[/background]Information On:Body Zones
  • The Three Rings of Defense
  • Marks of Contact
  • Ready Stances
  • Moves & Maneuvers
  • Form Specific Maneuvers
  • Sequences
  • Dulon
  • Velocities
  • Twin Suns
  • Faalo's Cadences
  • Trial of Skill
[*]Lightsaber Forms
  • Form I: Shii-Cho
  • Form II: Makashi
  • Form III: Soresu
  • Form IV: Ataru
  • Form V: Shien / Djem So
  • Form VI: Niman
  • Form VII: Juyo / Vaapad
  • Three Forms: Strong Style / Medium Style / Fast Style
  • Unorthodox/Hybrid Forms: Sokan / Jar'Kai / Trakata
[*] Unarmed Combat
  • Teras Kasi
  • Echani
  • Hosnian
  • k'Jtari
  • Prismatic Self Defense
  • Traditional Boxing
  • [background=#232323]Robotic Battlemaster -[/background][background=#232323]​Must as its predecessor, the aptly named 'Msini', the Tniya Kirs is a droid well versed in almost every form of martial combat known in the galaxy. Much of this was in part due to anonymous donations, and the tireless holographing of known Jedi and Sith battlemasters - a feat that took years to perfect. Now, in the updated Tniya Kirs; there is the exceptional fortitude offered by updated electronics, refined teaching algorithms, and the maximization of the droid's capability.

    These many aspects give the Tniya Kirs its exceptional quality, and more notably its ability to fight on par or above most well versed Masters in their chosen forms. In this alone, it serves as the singular solution for Masters of various forms of combat looking to increase their skill.[/background]
[*][background=#232323]Force Capable Droid -[/background]
  • [background=#232323]​One of the primary details holding the 'Msini' back from fighting on par with Master level fighters was its inability to utilize even basic force powers - a notable requirement to even use a lightsaber. Where it was once brute forced into exceptional fighting class - it now has the benefit of an enslaved Tsil crystal; giving it knight level force powers, and the more important detail of keeping up with Masters of the arts with randomized, well adjusted implementation of offensive and defensive force powers. [/background]

  • (Sorta) Non-Lethal -​While the droid itself has very few of the restriction the 'Msini' had for the sake of ensuring Masters have no issue with its fighting style - it should be noted that the droid is wholly incapable of being used in most live combat situations. Simply put, that despite it being on the skill level of some of the best in the galaxy it simply has no means to 'kill', and will cease to function should it carry a lethal weapon - and while extreme overrides to its programming may change this, it will not stand up to the needs of combat.
[*]Delicate Droid -
  • ​There are very few things the Tniya Kirs can handle. Ion, sonic, blasters, kinetic, and lightsabers without saying can irreversibly damage the droid and see it destroyed. In no way was it ever meant to be used outside the confines of a training room - and without complete reinforcement and alteration to its prowess, will there ever be a day the droid viably sees the grotesque nature of war.
[*]Deathly Expensive -
  • ​In addition to its complete inability to fight in actual combat, the droid is immensely expensive. Costing on par with some star destroyers, it may have no equal in terms of combat - but it also has no equal in its cost. Its extreme investment means the droid is meant strictly for the well endowed, discerning customer with the credits to fork over for it - or the backing of a powerful, and rich benefactor.

Building on the previously thought 'pinnacle of combat' - The Msini - the Tniya Kirs manages to supercede the droids capacity in every way - though at the cost of a wider potential market. No, the magnification of the droid has seen it become the magnum opus training droid for a very specific type of customer - the credit soaked rich masters of the galaxy.
While the original Msini was capable of teaching the basics and then some to a Padawans and Knight's alike, it suffered when it came to Masters. Surely, multiple of the droids could keep a master on their toes - but one was hard pressed to find a real challenge among non-force using droids without the reaction capacity or prowess of one on their own level. This is where the updated Tniya Kirs comes in to play.
Using Blackwell Industries expansion into the droid brain market, the 'Fringe Technology' department was able to maximize the processoring power, reaction speed, balance, and agility; thought while this update alone may have been able to fight on par with lesser Masters - it wasn't enough for Darth Maliphant's would be chosen droid. No, so another solution was added;
Enslaved Tsil Crystals.
Rarely used, a Tsil Crystal could be force sensitive and implemented into the body of a droid to give it a psuedo connection to the force. An enslaved Tsil was one alchemized to only abide by the standards of its creator - and Maliphant had a history with doing such for personal projects. Individually creating the enslaved, their implementation into the droids was a tall order atop it all - having to create a number of subsystems capable of coaxing the Tsil crystals into compliance whenever required by the droid brain.
The result however, was an exceptional improvement to the already aggrandized nature of the droid. Where as previous generations of the TD series saw them only move on par with non-force users, the TD-54 was able to accelerate its movements, control the lightsaber to a greater degree, and even use various offensive and defensive force powers in active combat. This alone pushed the droid to levels above many Masters - falling in line with legendary duelists throughout history.
Among it all however, Maliphant found the Misini lacked some credible details in its fighting style - and decided to increase the fighting prowess a degree. Using the Telos Holocron, Maliphant used the very embodiment of Darth Sidious himself to motion capture the droids - turning the greatest duelist in known history into the very figure the droids based their style after. While they can't fight to the legendary Darth's power - it did help to make them far more powerful than they had ever been before.
Add on the benefit of four arms after historic recordings of General Grevious, and the droid fought above most Masters - meaning it had finally achieved the goal that was sought with it; to be able to train a master in the art of combat; something no training droid thus far had ever been able to achieve. With this, the 'perfectionist' nature of Darth Maliphant had been subsided - and the drawbacks set in.
Durability was the primary issue the droid faced - needing a constant repair and update schedule to ensure its complicated hardware, firmware, and software were never in question of reliability. So much so that a dedicated repair and cleaning station are given with every droid - which helps to ensure their general upkeep between recommended service intervals. This says nothing, however, of its lack of environmental protection.
When faced with the harsh reality of ionization energy, basic requirements of a battlefield, or even the passive accumulation of dust - the droid begins to break down. It is not, nor was it ever meant, to be utilized in active combat situation - and while a personal protection droid is in the works by Jaeger Industries - Blackwell never chose to pursue it beyond the use of training.


Overall, the star destroyer level cost of the Tniya Kirs sees it as a very specialized purchase for only the most experienced fighters in the galaxy. Dangerous for conventional fighters, and almost impossible to be used by non force users - the droid's effectiveness comes at a stark disadvantage of who exactly could use it, or has use for such a utility. In the end, its worth is determined by the consumer - and while it shall certainly be used by its creator, its hard to say just who will purchase the robot.
  • Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
  • Canon Link: IGBC
  • Development Thread: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A

  • Investment
  • Banking
  • Stock Exchange
  • Company Management
  • Fiat Manipulation

(At least a paragraph description of your corporation. Particularly for player-made corporations, this should detail some of the processes of how the company does business. Does it accept private manufacturing requests? Is it loyal to a particular government or faction? Are they a benevolent corporation, or do they grind planets into dust for money? It's the little details like this that we're looking for.)

(How did your character come to own and control the company? Did they make it? Hostile takeover? Clever political scheming? Please write at least five sentences in this field)



[*]Akure Executive interstellar
  • 2% Ownership

[*]Locke and Key Mechanics
  • 30% Ownership

Parent Corporation: N/A

  • Intent: To flesh our Maliphant's personal Sith Knights.
  • ​Image Credit: Here.
  • Role: Jurin is one of the many, the first generation of Maliphant's personal Sith Knights with an undying loyalty to him; all backed with the skills he and Overseer Seki taught them. They will be used to complete dangerous missions that Maliphant otherwise can not go out and achieve himself. They will also be guides to PC apprentices down the line.
  • Links:
    Sith Academy of Barbatos
  • Overseer Seki
  • Darth Maliphant

  • Age: 20
  • Force Sensitivity: Knight
  • Species: Firrerreo
  • Appearance:
    Jurin is a youthful Knight, only partially corrupted by the darkside. He carries black hair, the gold, red rimmed eyes of the Sith - and would otherwise be a very conventionally attractive male if it were not for the very large and crippling scar across half his face. He was trained to not speak with a lisp, but the scar restricts much of his face from showing emotion - and even his eye from fully closing. Peace be with those that mention it to him.

    He stands a righteous 1.8 meters tall, with a hefty 86.18Kg to his name. He is fit, strong and well versed in combat - with scars lining his body from every mistake he's ever made. He serves his master well with his skill, and it is evident in the war like scowl he takes on whenever he is faced with an opponent that would see him harm.

    Draped overthis, he often wears the conventional blackened clothes of the Sith; with synthetic stranded single weave shirts spread tight across his chest; and loose flared pants for the comfort of his lightsaber movements. Notably, he wears a heavy leather coat over his normal attire; one resistant to the Force and lightsaber strikes of most attackers, but one he doesn't wear in fights with the more skilled opponent for the simple sake it slows him down.

  • Name: Jurin Solaris
  • Loyalties: Darth Maliphant
  • Wealth:
    Jurin Solaris holds no wealth, with all things he requires provided to him by Darth Maliphant. There is no need for him to be paid, at least not in credits - no, instead the Knight is paid in knowledge; a constant influx of technique and history that increases his power by the week. He would have nothing else.

[*]Notable Possessions:

  • Where many Sith see themselves the unequivocal blade in combat, Jurin never found much grace in his strength. No, instead the Sith Knight found power - and he uses it with a deadly efficiency. As a result, Jurin specializes in a hybrid form of Djem So, with skills in Shien for defense; but what makes it a hybrid is his focus on utilizing the aggressive, power focused form in both hands; making him doubly able combatant in Jar'kai.

    Jurin is an extremely aggressive lightsaber duelist, and with two blades swinging with the full strength of his form - he is able to create a hard pressed assault even masters can be pushed back by; anger festering in every swing, emotion dripping from the blades like blood on steel. He is a tough combatant, and an insanely talented duelist - but it the only thing he shines in.

    Outside of his lightsaber combat Jurin fails in many regards. His connection to the force is hampered by fear, a secondary result of the conflict that resulted in his scarred mug. Its this massive apprehension that has restricted him to a life of more physical pursuits, though not to say he is unable to utilize more basic forms of the Force; more so that he simply can't proceed further in the ways his Master hopes for him without first overcoming his crippling anxiety.

    Past that, Jurin also finds a significant skill in piloting ships; taking a personal fancy in the Thunderbird fighters aboard Maliphant's personal ship - The Acerbitas. It is more a past time of his at current, but it certainly worth noting that he has outclassed more than a few 'ace pilots' in the Sith Empire, and more in the Core Worlds. More often, he can be found swoop racing on Coruscant when his master's needs are met; and working on his own personal swoop bike when able.

  • [ Describe the NPC’s personality. Acerbic? Friendly? Ditzy? Annoyingly calm and superior? What about mannerisms or habits? ]

  • Weapon of Choice: Dual Lightsabers (Form V │ Jar'Kai)
  • Combat Function:
  • [ Combat is difficult to avoid -- after all, this is Chaos. Should your NPC wind up in combat, what would they be good at? How would they work alongside you, or would they be a liability? Remember: An NPC is weaker than a PC of an equivalent level, and will not match them in power, skills, or abilities. ]

  • [ Provide, in list format, some strengths of this submission. 2 recommended. ]
  • [ Provide, in list format, some weaknesses of this submission. 2 recommended. ]
[ Include a description of the NPC's history here. ]

  • Intent: [ State why you are making this submission and what purpose it will fulfill in RP. ]
  • ​Image Credit: Here.
  • Role: [ Is she your character's daughter? Is he your squad's sniper, the man you trust on overwatch? Is she your longtime pilot and occasional lover? Are they the Force ghost who appears to give you cryptic guidance? Is he your mortal enemy? Did she put a bounty on your head? Explain the role this NPC will play. ]
  • Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, equipment, etc here. ]
  • Age: [ Please keep it sensible. ]
  • Force Sensitivity: [ Choose from: Force Dead, Non-Force User, Untrained Force Sensitive, Apprentice/Padawan, Knight, Master. ]
  • Species: [ Remember to consult the Banned Species List, and be very careful about how you use banned species which are allowed to be NPC'ed. Provide a link to the species. ]
  • Appearance: [ Describe the NPC. Height and build? Any distinguishing marks? Do they show their age? What do they usually wear? ]
  • Name: [ Also worth including: aliases, nicknames, ranks, titles, etc. ]
  • Loyalties: [ Faction affiliation? Is he an NPC companion for a certain character? Is she part of a specific military unit? Only themselves? Link any relevant characters, faction pages, or groups. ]
  • Wealth: [ How wealthy are they? Where does that wealth come from? Are they stakeholders in existing corporations? If so, link to them. ]
  • Notable Possessions: [ Describe or link any notable possessions they might own. ]
  • Skills: [ What skills does this NPC have? Are they a pilot, a farmer, a mechanic? Do they paint or knit in their free time? For Force users if they have any special abilities that are rare list them here. Be reasonable. ]
  • Personality: [ Describe the NPC’s personality. Acerbic? Friendly? Ditzy? Annoyingly calm and superior? What about mannerisms or habits? ]
  • Weapon of Choice: [ Military blaster rifle? Toy lightsaber? Bioweapons? Wits? Charm? The Force? ]
  • Combat Function: [ Combat is difficult to avoid -- after all, this is Chaos. Should your NPC wind up in combat, what would they be good at? How would they work alongside you, or would they be a liability? Remember: An NPC is weaker than a PC of an equivalent level, and will not match them in power, skills, or abilities. ]
  • [ Provide, in list format, some strengths of this submission. 2 recommended. ]
  • [ Provide, in list format, some weaknesses of this submission. 2 recommended. ]
[ Include a description of the NPC's history here. ]Scuf Ross - Cybernetics Dwarf


  • Manufacturer: Jaeger Solutions
  • Affiliation: Closed-Market
  • Model: A-02 "Omniscient" Class Super Processor
  • Modularity: N/A

  • Production: Limited
  • Material: Gabonna Memory Crystal │ Diamond Connections │ Various Superconductor Plates

  • Hardware
    Quantum Super Processor
  • Superconducting Architecture
  • Gabonna Memory Crystal-Bank Redundancy
  • Self Contained Near-Zero Kelvin Temperature Housing

  • MACA Neural Architecture w/ Annealing Programming
  • Quantum Programming
  • Quantum Supremacy w/ 100% Fidelity

  • Omniscient
    The A-02 is well known for its exceptional speed - being the singular reason anyone would ever require such a device. Its processing power allows it to simultaneously process every possible solution to a problem at an incredible rate; helping to crack many research issues that have pestered the galactic great for generations. Additionally, it also allows the more infamous approach of cracking prime number keys that help protect encrypted traffic - leading to the fastest hacking solution in the galaxy to date.

  • Due to its internal nueral architecture and heuristic set up, the A-02 is capable of making its already substantially powerful raw processing power far more efficient to solutions that require it. Simply put, it learns the easiest, most effective way to solve any problem and remembers it for future endeavors. This means that the A-02 is nearly completely future-proof, and the longer it runs under load, the fast it gets. ​

  • Deus -
    Due to the massive cooling required for the device, it is nearly impossible to set up smaller form factor droids. More often, the processor requires the cooling potential of at least a small shed - and unless a very advanced, nearly unique cooling nature was developed, it would never fit in the likes of run of the mill protocol droids, with a reactor capable of powering its own cooling.

[*]Flare -
  • As any strong computer component goes, the A-02 suffers from ion energy - meaning any direct shot on the cooling, or even the device itself will see it break down the current process it was under and overheat in short order. Ionization is the achille's heel of the device, and is the singular best way to end its processing power; leave alone explosions, vibroblades, or even the would be blunt instrument.

(Describe some of the histories behind the submission. Give us some idea of how it might perform its function, what it excels against and what some limitations of it are. This is where you talk about your idea, flesh it out over at least a good-sized paragraph, and address some of the ways it might be used or abused. For especially powerful or ambitious submissions, a very thorough description is recommended.)

  • Intent: [ State why you are making this submission and what purpose it will fulfill in RP. ]
  • ​Image Credit: Here.
  • Role: [ Is she your character's daughter? Is he your squad's sniper, the man you trust on overwatch? Is she your longtime pilot and occasional lover? Are they the Force ghost who appears to give you cryptic guidance? Is he your mortal enemy? Did she put a bounty on your head? Explain the role this NPC will play. ]
  • Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, equipment, etc here. ]
  • Age: [ Please keep it sensible. ]
  • Force Sensitivity: [ Choose from: Force Dead, Non-Force User, Untrained Force Sensitive, Apprentice/Padawan, Knight, Master. ]
  • Species: [ Remember to consult the Banned Species List, and be very careful about how you use banned species which are allowed to be NPC'ed. Provide a link to the species. ]
  • Appearance: [ Describe the NPC. Height and build? Any distinguishing marks? Do they show their age? What do they usually wear? ]
  • Name: [ Also worth including: aliases, nicknames, ranks, titles, etc. ]
  • Loyalties: [ Faction affiliation? Is he an NPC companion for a certain character? Is she part of a specific military unit? Only themselves? Link any relevant characters, faction pages, or groups. ]
  • Wealth: [ How wealthy are they? Where does that wealth come from? Are they stakeholders in existing corporations? If so, link to them. ]
  • Notable Possessions: [ Describe or link any notable possessions they might own. ]
  • Skills: [ What skills does this NPC have? Are they a pilot, a farmer, a mechanic? Do they paint or knit in their free time? For Force users if they have any special abilities that are rare list them here. Be reasonable. ]
  • Personality: [ Describe the NPC’s personality. Acerbic? Friendly? Ditzy? Annoyingly calm and superior? What about mannerisms or habits? ]
  • Weapon of Choice: [ Military blaster rifle? Toy lightsaber? Bioweapons? Wits? Charm? The Force? ]
  • Combat Function: [ Combat is difficult to avoid -- after all, this is Chaos. Should your NPC wind up in combat, what would they be good at? How would they work alongside you, or would they be a liability? Remember: An NPC is weaker than a PC of an equivalent level, and will not match them in power, skills, or abilities. ]
  • [ Provide, in list format, some strengths of this submission. 2 recommended. ]
  • [ Provide, in list format, some weaknesses of this submission. 2 recommended. ]
[ Include a description of the NPC's history here. ]

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