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Private ://UMBRA_Terminus

Jand Talo Jand Talo
The Alliance’s borders were, for now, free from enemy contamination. And it was the Intelligence Agency’s sole duty to ensure that dormancy remained just so — ideally through proactive measures. Measures that were constantly active and thrumming with information; and the dawn of an enemy was starting to become a consistent theme through reports submitted by plants through the Outer Rim.

Most reconnaissance was passive, until Dominik Borra Dominik Borra had been dispatched alongside representatives of The New Jedi Order on a mission to Terminus, and his report had indicated the names of participants who had their own perspectives on what they uncovered.

One such was Jand Talo.

He’d received an official invitation (one step short of anything more forceful) to share his perspective with The SIA, under the premise of further Alliance support and involvement to the end of the Hydian way.

M would let him speak plainly, cross reference details with notes her analysts either had or didn’t have — basic information gathering. But the root of her curiosity was to answer her first question on resources:

Was this an enemy of The Alliance, or The Jedi?

“Jedi Talo,” M was in the room when the Jedi was escorted in. It was bright, white, and surprisingly soundless. Spartan in decor with only two seats and a table between them. Like an angular, uncomfortable talk show.

“Thank you for taking the time to meet with me. We’ll get right to it. I’m interested in the purpose and outcomes of your visit to the Outer Rim.

What prompted this mission? Under what terms was it approved by your Council?"


SIA Headquarters
Outfit: Operative Suit | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Blasters | Lightsaber
Tag: IVI IVI Jand Talo Jand Talo

The click-clack of Valery's footsteps drew closer quickly until she stepped into the room with the director of the SIA. Valery wasn't dressed as a Jedi this time but had chosen her old operative suit. Not because she cared about adhering to some kind of dress code, but because she preferred not to be easily recognized in a public setting sometimes. Especially when she had to interact with the SIA once more.

Her fiery gaze briefly turned to IVI IVI , a woman she had always respected and even saved once. But following the Battle of Exegol, she could only wonder what her part was in the disappearance of Lightpoint Station. Not that she planned to inquire now — she had already tasked a pair of Jedi in secret to conduct an investigation.

She'd patiently await those results, and meet the Director with her usual smile until then.

"Director," Valery finally said politely before she waited for Jand Talo Jand Talo to arrive. Valery would remain standing, allowing the Knight to sit down on the opposite side of the Director's desk. She only greeted him with a silent dip of her head when he did step inside, and M was quick to get to business.

She wanted to know the facts, and so did Valery.

ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴅᴜᴇʟɪsᴛ

SIA Headquarters, Coruscant

The summons to meet with the SIA had been unexpected, but once the connections and reasons were fully considered, it made sense. The mission into the southern sectors of the galaxy had resulted in some troubling intelligence, and not only for the Jedi Order. As it was, the small team assigned to gather the intel on rumors in that region had succeeded in rooting out the reformation of the Sith, and that development would undoubtedly have far reaching effects on many.

Dressed in his Jedi robes, per usual, Jand was escorted into the debriefing room. He looked to Master Noble, who he bowed his head to, and then to the mysterious individual - a blue-skinned alien with red eyes, who sported a slice across the face - whom waited at a desk, seated. Jand walked to take the opposing seat, though noted the Jedi Master stood nearby.

"Director, Master Noble."

Without preamble, it began.

"On my return from the Maw-Alliance frontline, I encountered Master Noble in the Jedi Temple, where information concerning rumors of a darkness in the southern galaxy was suspected. Given my experience in the border war up to that point, I offered to take a small team to determine the validity of any rumors."

Jand looked between the pair, then fixed his gray eyed gaze on the SIA Director.

"The approval was given for a small team to seek out those sources, and I elected to act in a clandestine manner. All efforts for discovery of intelligence was done undercover, without Jedi association, with assistance from SIA Agent Guns Galore to ensure that cover was maintained throughout mission operation."

Jand waited for the following questions.


Meetings like this were M's favourite. No ego, no preamble or pleasantries where politicians lied through their teeth and M threatened through hers. Just facts and information sharing without resistance. It made it feel all the more like a true Alliance.

Briefly, M's eyes slid to look in Valery's direction and give a nod to The Sword in salutations; but for the most part, her attention was on the Padawan. When he fixed his eyes on hers, her gaze steadily held.

"And as for the validity of those rumours and the sources you sought, what did you find?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Jand Talo Jand Talo
ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴅᴜᴇʟɪsᴛ

SIA Headquarters, Coruscant

Jand nodded, as he reached into his robes and pulled out a datachip. He placed it onto the table, searched for the holo-function, then activated a floating display before the pair. Before them was a graphic of the Jutrand system, which showed the planet and a number of red indicators.

"We were able to determine that Jutrand served as something of a central location for Sith, by way of learning the system from Terminus contractors who had worked for the group," Jand motioned to several points. "These were ship formations, not large in comparison to Alliance forces, but still considerable to cause expansion in surrounding regions."

Jand indicated several other spots on the display.

"Formations were composed of a number of vessel classes, the data chip has what we could determine from long range available. We were limited to our ship sensors at the edge of the system. Other than that, we were unable to get close enough to the planet itself... but given the sizable fleet, I am certain that closer scans would indicate armies capable of manning those vessels."

It seemed the rumors were true.

The Sith Order had returned.

"I would also like to inform you both that I will be returning to Saijo, outside of Jedi purview, to assist my family and community in relocating out from under Sith influence and control. My people have transport ships, we live in hidden cities to avoid the Tof and other dangers, but I doubt our capability to hide from any Sith on the planet for a long duration... and to avoid causing an incident, I will be acting independently as a Nagai citizen."

Jand looked between the Director and Master Noble, determined.


Sharp and calculative, M narrowed her eyes at the blue lines and red dots.

The Sith Order’s return hadn’t taken long at all. Wormy things that they were, and for them to have the formations that she was seeing in the projection, coupled with the data that had been discovered on Ossus about that doomsday-sized-destroyer teleporting through space rather than traveling, calling it a return felt like an understatement.

They’d rebuilt. Reinvented.

Her brow arched, and she looked through the image to the angle-eared Padawan that stood across from her. Briefly, she glanced at Master Noble, and then steadied her eyes on the youth.

“Operating as a Nagai citizen, with Nagai resources.” M nodded. “I applaud your perceptiveness.

The last time The Alliance pursued the demise of a Sith Order beyond its borders, their soldiers were put through a Civil War that would have otherwise left them unaffected. The Stygian Campaign had been bloody, and jeopardized The Alliance’s resources for an ally that had betrayed them in the long run.

Homeworlds though, was always a heartstring puller for the Chiss. She was familiar with the broadness of loss, and preparatory actions were prudent and wise. They might have transports, but defensive ones? What if the Sith sank in their claws to their citizens, and sought numbers for strength?

“If you’re acting as a citizen of Saijo,” M drew a shape through the holographic. “Then you are subject to the consequences of a civilian within The Sith Order’s jurisdiction. Which could put you at risk, and exploit your cause, as well-intended as it might be.

Fugitives en masse tend to grab attention from the wrong eyes.”
The Sith were one thing, pirates, scoundrels, bounty hunters, were another. And they were often readily exploited by the Sith dollar.

She leaned back in her seat and steepled her fingers. The points of her hands centered between her eyes.

“At this time, I will not authorize members of The Defense Force to operate on any operation in an official capacity.”

Her head tilted in the direction of The Jedi’s Sword, who might be able to cut through the politics and wider influence of The Alliance “But if The New Jedi Order authorizes or aids these actions, then attachés may be within reason.”

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Jand Talo Jand Talo

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