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Faction What Was, What Will Be [The Open Hand] [Introduction Thread]

shepherd without a flock

Abandoned compound, Myrkr
- Open to members of the Open Hand faction -​

Deep in the woodlands of Myrkr, a signal calls to a select few. Some have been in contact for some time. Others had never received such a message before. None had met in person before, not for a call like this. But each of them held a common belief: Force users were a blight on the galaxy. And if there was any chance of saving it, their end would be the most crucial step.

Prodigy was selective in his recruiting methods. Each newcomer was extensively vetted to the best of his ability. If there was a leak in this meeting, it could spell doom for the entire movement. And then they’d be right back at square one. Or worse.

The signal was simple: It outlined the matching beliefs of those involved, an opportunity for retribution, and a set of coordinates. Those coordinates would direct the recipient to an old, derelict structure on Myrkr. Unguarded, and no more upkept on the inside. Their only path would lead them to a large, circular chamber. Empty, except for the long stretch of computer modules that covered half the wall. All of them interconnected, and running a host of indiscernible, complex processes. Silence was replaced by the hum of energy, and occasional chirps and beeps from the system. One by one, the guests would arrive. But the supposed host was still nowhere to be seen, and his nature was still ultimately unknown.

Hello and welcome! This is the introductory thread for the Open Hand faction! A straightforward meeting of the minds, where newcomers and past affiliates alike gather to officially make acquaintances. And, of course, enact a new plot that would see the Open Hand emerge from the shadows for the first time in a millenium.

Feel free to write your character as already in contact with the organization, or a newcomer who took a chance on accepting the invitation. Both will need proper induction now that the Open Hand meets for the first time. Either way, many will be unknown to you, including the host, Prodigy; Who despite making contact, has never revealed his face or true nature to anyone. And upon your arrival to the compound, has still yet to make an appearance.
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Edrick Edo




Edrick couldn't resist the promise.

It could have been a trap. A scheme. Some cruel joke. But the promise of the void was too enticing to ignore. If the message were true, there was hope. A glimmer of the freedom he'd sought for so long now. Follow the coordinates. All he had to do was follow the coordinates.

But FUCK was that hard.

Eddy's starship, if you could call it that, emerged from hyperspace in the designated system. Before him, through the grimy glasteel viewport, was Myrkr. Wild. Forested. Secluded. And apparently home to a disembodied voice that spoke exactly the words Ed wanted to hear. It was almost too good to be true, and if it was, well... he had enough ordnance and blasters aboard the Tribunal to bail him out if things went south.

He brought his ship in close, passing over the deserted facility before touching down on one of the landing pads. He clipped his sidearm to his thigh, reached for a vibroblade, and gave his boots a tight lacing. Then he was off, stepping down the rusted durasteel landing ramp and out into the compound. No guards, no cameras, no guns... just silence, and the promise of freedom.


Tags: Prodigy Prodigy | OPEN


The movement had picked up.

Scattered churches, scattered people, finally coming together to help one another against the true enemy. Against War, against those who so freely fought them because of their gift with the Force. Micheal had dozens upon dozens of reasons to hate Force Users, but that was the one that stood out the strongest. Steps had been taken, a path had been laid out, but alone with his convert it wouldn't be enough.

This Prodigy, though, they could bring everyone together.

Micheal sat amongst the jungle with the other Priests of the Open Hand, dressed in the simple, minimalistic white robe he'd always had. He was ready.

Prodigy Prodigy | Edrick Edo
Percival didn't think much of the signal from Myrkr. He had seen movements like this rise and fall, only to be swiftly forgotten. Even Chaldea, a bastion of exclusion which had stood a thousand years against Jedi and Sith alike, had recently fallen to its own hubris.

Yet there had been little glimmers of hope, too. Percival himself was one such gleam, a model droid designed to hunt and kill Force Users. His deadly brothers and sisters, one of whom would accompany him to Myrkr, numbered in the thousands now. He hoped more would join him in time, for they too had felt the dire effects of Force User depravity.

Deep down in his dovin basal heart, he wanted to believe that this thing, whatever it was, would last. Or at the very least, he wanted them to leave a lasting mark on the galaxy.

<<Come, Arkana,>> he technopathically guided his sister through the jungles towards what appeared to be an abandoned facility of some sort. <<The signal is coming from over—>>

He broke off upon catching sight of Micheal Nox. Percival had encountered the Nagai not too long ago, and had been disgusted by the man's tactics. He had used some sort of device to manipulate the minds of others in a cheap imitation of the Jedi mind trick. As far as Percival was concerned, he was no better than the Force Users he claimed to oppose.

Percival's eyes narrowed. "Did you send out the signal? Is this your doing?" he asked. There was another starship nearby, but no sign of its occupant.



"Ah, the boy bot with the good advice."

Micheal gave Percival quite the kind smile before he shook his head and pointed off in the distance. Towards where he was certain this new leader of the Open Hand would emerge. "No. We're waiting for the one who called us here to arrive. Sit! Break bread, or.. Whatever you might eat, I suppose."

Percival Io Percival Io | Edrick Edo | Prodigy Prodigy

Arkana Io

Location: Outside Abandoned Compound, Myrkr
Dialogue Legend: <<Technopathy Link>> │ “Verbal”
Tags: Prodigy Prodigy Edrick Edo Micheal Nox Micheal Nox Percival Io Percival Io

Arkana Io believed that in responding to the signal, there were only two possible outcomes as to how it might play out—a trap which would see them all ruined or alternatively, the beginning of a real, organized effort to cleanse the galaxy of the parasites leeching at its veins. Nevertheless, for the latter possibility alone, however likely or unlikely its occurrence, responding to the signal was worth the risk. And so, Arkana had arrived with her elder brother to Myrkr, prepared for both possible outcomes regarding what the signal truly intended. That of course meant bringing weapons, wearing her bodysuit, and maintaining awareness of her surroundings.

<<It looks clear behind us, brother.>> Arkana imparted, before continuing down the overgrown trail. Before long, the pair came up on a small river flowing into a cascade just outside of the compound that the coordinates had guided them to. Scanning the area for traps, Arkana’s gaze turned skyward when her sensors registered a ship flying overhead, before touching down at one of the landing pads. She immediately turned towards her brother to point out its presence, but his attention was focused somewhere else.

Or more aptly, someone.

“Who is this, brother?” Arkana spoke aloud, with some amount of distaste in her tone. Of course, the gynoid didn’t deign to speak to the man directly or ask him his name herself.

shepherd without a flock
Abandoned compound, Myrkr
Edrick Edo - Micheal Nox Micheal Nox - Percival Io Percival Io - Arkana Io - Open

A few long minutes of nothingness passed after Edrick had entered the main chamber of the building. But just as the silence became enough to sow doubt in the traveler, a waveform stretched across the wall of once dormant monitors, representing a sudden voice that now reverberated throughout the room, "You came." Was all it said at first. A pregnant pause took over once more, but now the faint whirring of internal machinery within the compound's walls could be heard, "Alone? No." The voice answered itself almost immediately, and seemed to chuckle; The sound was metallic, and uncanny, "Your fellow guests will be gathered momentarily."

Those outside would then see one of the exterior walls shift, making way for a hidden sally port. Out of which stepped a towering humanoid droid. It's faintly glowing eyes and mouth affixed in what looked like an agape, abstract smile, "The intent of a hidden meeting house was to gather inside of it, not mingle on the outskirts," Another twinge of humor echoed from a voice that did not seem capable of the tone, "Please, join us. We have much to discuss, together." The droid then turned, and walked back into the compound, using one of the normal entryways back to the main room.

Soon, the robotic form would meet Edrick in the chamber, and as the waveforms on the computer fluctuated, the voice now came from the droid, "Thank you for your patience, master Edo."

Arkana Io

Location: Chamber, Abandoned Compound, Myrkr
Dialogue Legend: <<Technopathy Link>> │ “Verbal”
Tags: Prodigy Prodigy Edrick Edo Micheal Nox Micheal Nox Percival Io Percival Io

"The intent of a hidden meeting house was to gather inside of it, not mingle on the outskirts,"

Arkana blinked once, then twice, but otherwise, her features remained expressionless. Nevertheless, the gynoid could not fault the imposing war droid’s reasoning. She could only feel annoyed at the casual manner of the strange, crimson-eyed man sitting before them and perhaps, a very mild degree of exasperation towards her elder brother, for allowing himself to be distracted.

A small part of the gynoid was annoyed at herself, as well.

“My apologies. We will be inside momentarily.” Arkana offered. With that, she took the lead in crossing the old bridge leading to the compound, her synthetic gaze continually flashing across her surroundings to check for traps or hidden enemies. Finding none, Arkana made her way through the sally port, the sunlight dimming as she stepped into a circular chamber rimmed with computer terminals mounted on the walls. However, her photoreceptors first went to the human figure in the room, swiftly scanning the blaster pistol on his thigh before they shifted upward to take in the set of his dark-skinned features.

Then, there was the imposing, metallic figure of the war droid—impossible to miss. It seemed that Arkana and her elder brother would not be the only droids present at the meeting.



"Ah, there is our glorious host."

Micheal stood, brushing off his dusty white robe before turning to head in the direction that was pointed out. More droids, then? He didn't have any issues with them in truth. They were, perhaps, the most likely to be able to stand toe to toe with the greatest threats to this Galaxy. It didn't mean he liked the attitude these Io droids seemed to be programed with. They seemed to enjoy confrontation. Given the last time he'd seen this model they were busy with family drama.

Hopefully that wouldn't be brought here.

"We are all brothers and sisters suffering under the rule of false gods. Your advice was indeed good advice, but not all are blessed being built to combat those with power. Some of us have to adapt and use what we can scrounge and find to stand up. You were right to speak out against me, though. I would've certainly turned into that which I hate otherwise."

He flashed Percival a simple smile, bowed his head to the one who called him brother, and moved to join the actual precession. There was far too much work to be done fighting amongst themselves.

Percival Io Percival Io | Prodigy Prodigy | Arkana Io | Edrick Edo
“Who is this, brother?”

"Micheal Nox, a leader of the Path of the Open Hand," he answered. "We've met before. He is exactly the kind of person I would expect to find here."

Percival frowned at Micheal's words, his psychology programming having a hard time telling if the man was being sincere. But he said he was not the mastermind behind this operation. If not him, then who?

Finally, they were led inside the compound. Percival went in along with Arkana. His expression fell into a controlled, stoic mask as Micheal spoke again.

"We are all brothers and sisters suffering under the rule of false gods. Your advice was indeed good advice, but not all are blessed being built to combat those with power. Some of us have to adapt and use what we can scrounge and find to stand up. You were right to speak out against me, though. I would've certainly turned into that which I hate otherwise."

"And how do you combat the powerful now?" Percival asked. "What methods do you use?"

He was genuinely curious. But they might not have much time to trade Force User-killing recipes now that the one who had called them here—another droid, it seemed—had showed up to provide them with the answers all of them were seeking.

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Space above Myrkr

The Palila had deliberately dropped out of hyperspace on the far reaches of the system. A cautious maneuver, it ensure that a burst of Cronau radiation would not alert anyone to his arrival. Xandyr then allowed the ship to drift quietly until assuming a high orbit.

The slow, risk-averse approach gave the bounty hunter plenty of time to think. He had turned his back on the Sun Guard. His armour remained effective, but battered and tarnished. Only the brightest sun brought out the copper-yellow it had once been.

Years of bounty hunting, killing the religious warriors of the Sith and Jedi. Not a dent in their numbers. Their holy wars still raged across the Galaxy.

Answering the message was a risk, but Xandyr would take it for a chance to find more warriors for the cause.

The surface

It was only when the droid appeared that he meandered down towards the meeting place. Xandyr had his helmet dangled from one hand casually, hoping that he would appear unthreatening.

A group of people in white robes concerned him. Fighting a cult by forming another cult did not strike him as the best way to be rid of the Sith and Jedi.


Two Weeks Ago . . .
The slicer lay motionless in a cushioned armchair in her lounge room on the Smugglers Moon. Her home a rundown apartment complex of spice addicts, drifters and the lowliest boostergangers. A death stick hung limp between her murmuring lips. Her mind was plugged into the Net, and reality was just a distant dream.

Hacks swam in an ocean of code, waves of data-packets washed over her mind. She navigated this world of endless information with but a thought, her cerebral cybernetics translating the biological firing of neurons into complex computing responses. It was in this realm of possibilities she scoured the Net for encrypted communique, to tear through firewalls and encryption, harvest the data and sell it to Infochants in the Invisible Market.

A long-range signal shot through her world like a bullet, but Hacks was quicker. Her mind reached out and plucked the echoes of the message, downloading the raw data to her AJ^6 unit. A message from the Open Hand, a meeting on Myrkr. Promises of death to the Jedi.

Present . . .
A small holoprojector droid hovered over the meeting grounds, the quiet whirring of motors gave way to a burst of light as it manifested a hologram of Hacks onto the jungle bed. She stood eight foot tall, four powerful arms were crossed against her chest. She wore a leather jacket, black vinyl pants and heavy work boots.

Where once had been flesh and bone was now metal and wire, the result of the Alliance and their Jedi during the Battle of Ilum. The slicer had been burnt alive by the Jedi, sadistically cruel beyond comprehension for an alleged noble order.

The hologram of Hacks turned to survey the others, and as she walked into the compound the holoprojector droid followed, transmitting her likeness as she ventured into the meeting.

shepherd without a flock
Abandoned compound, Myrkr
Micheal Nox Micheal Nox - Percival Io Percival Io - Arkana Io - Edrick Edo - Xandyr Xandyr - Hacks Hacks

The guests had gradually all begun to make their way inside. It seemed some of them had already spurred some lively debate, "Glad to see you all are making acquaintances," The droid said with a sly tone. He clasped his hands behind his back, looking over those who had accepted his invitation.

"And I'm glad to see those of you that have made it. You all were contacted, and chosen carefully for one particular purpose. I hope you all don't mind a bit of snooping, but, in this line of work it is imperative," He began to take slow strides around the room, his words cut into by the clanking of metal feet and whirring hydraulic joints, "You of course know what we share. Our… distaste for any and all who would manipulate the energies of the Force. Jedi. Sith. Everything in between. It doesn't matter. They are a threat. A plague. And we, my friends…" He angled his head down, giving the illusion of his smile widening, "Can be the cure."

"The Path of the Open Hand has a history that stretches back over a thousand years ago. But it has been dormant for some time. Scattered. Irregular. In need of fresh blood. Some of you already claim allegiance to the cause. Master Nox,"
The droid nodded to the pale robed man, "Others have fought their own little crusades. Or perhaps are only just now lashing out for the first time."

"Whatever your reason. Whatever your experience. I see a melting pot, one that can form something greater than the sum of its parts. A unified cause. A path forward. And at the finish line, a brighter future,"
The droid stepped aside, to give them full view of the computer screen behind him. The displays gave way to a symbol of a five-fingered palm, followed by a list of planets, and names. More than was reasonable to get through in a single speech. This was about presentation for him.

"My name is Prodigy. I was created to solve galactic peace, and I have come to one certain conclusion: Any chance at something greater can only come, when all Force Users are gone. Together, we can make that a reality. What we lack in numbers, we make up for in resolution. Resolution that will in time show others the truth of our cause. And if you're willing to stand beside me— I have a plan." The droid waited for reactions, for a spark of curiosity, before expounding on his current schemes.

Mnoi Akûti woke from unconsciousness. He was floating in a bacta tank. Damn, that electro witch had gotten away. But he was obviously still alive. He had gotten too cocky. He could have beaten her if his arrogant Sith nature hadn't turned against him. He'd have to learn a way to fight against that.

He yanked out the IVs and climbed out of the tank. "Woah, woah!" a man said, as he helped Mnoi out. "You really should stay in there a little while longer."

"I'm fine," Mnoi replied. "Where am I?"

"Yumfla, Susevfi. A bounty hunter found you. You'd last been seen with one of the Tillians and ran off to Caldera after hearing there were Sith there. Mighty brave but mighty foolish. We made sure you were retrieved. Luckily you weren't dead; you were hanging on by a thread. Oh, we mended the outfit you had on. Even though you aren't a League Defense soldier, Master Vasher said you could keep the uniform, especially since you'd already seen battle in it. And your sword is over there on the table."

"Much appreciated." Odd for the man to be so nice to him. The folks in the Trade League did seem to be some of the least racist he'd ever met. He walked over and grabbed the sheathed sword. "I'm sorry you didn't get to taste that Sith's blood. We'll find a way to make up for it." He grabbed his clothes and put them back on. "Anywhere I can get some food? I'm starving."

After the man pointed him in the direction of the hospital cafeteria, Mnoi made his way there and grabbed some lunch. He pulled out his comlink. He noticed he had a message. How peculiar. He listened to the message as he ate. Hmm... This place would be worth looking into. Anything that might give him an edge in purging the Galaxy of the Sith. He finished his lunch and went to find where his ship had been parked. He had a set of coordinates to find.

It seems as though I had gotten here early. For when I had come inside of the building there was no one here except for the disembodied voice of the host. My recent endeavors on the darker side of the holonet had certainly caught the attention of others which shared in the same sentiment that had been growing inside of me. Force wizards had run amok for far too long. They have decimated many worlds through their near constant claims of dominance over whose magic was better than the other. How ridiculous and pointless! It is about as absurd as fashion designers going to war over whose product lines were better! Or bakers warring over what style of bread was the best? Yeast or non-yeast?

Quite frankly the Galaxy would be far better off with the Force Wizards being put under some kind of control. Their hokey and ancient religion needed to become a nearly forgotten history.

Lately I had been working on a plan with some chemical and bio-engineering scientists, as well as some hunters and people specifically skilled in dealing with Force wizards and gaining the upper hand. And although my plans have not yet come to a full fruition, this meeting will surely bring it another step forward.

The door opens and I see newcomers arrive. I open up my fan and gently fan myself. The air currents surely help to keep me relaxed. In some respects I am surprised to see Percival Io Percival Io and Micheal Nox Micheal Nox . But then again I am also not surprised all the same. I dip my chin to each of them in turn and then cast my eyes upon the others arriving inside.

It is not long before the host calling itself Prodigy Prodigy introduces itself and the general concept of the meeting. I cannot help but be pleased with what I am hearing so far. Many that have come appear to be hunters, soldiers and the like. Am I the only politician? I have yet to determine whether or not that is a good thing, or a bad one.

Tag: Arkana Io Edrick Edo Xandyr Xandyr Hacks Hacks Mnoi Akûti Mnoi Akûti
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Arkana Io

Location: Chamber, Abandoned Compound, Myrkr
Dialogue Legend: <<Technopathy Link>> │ “Verbal”
Tags: Prodigy Prodigy Edrick Edo Micheal Nox Micheal Nox Percival Io Percival Io Liin Terallo Liin Terallo Hacks Hacks

It was a lively array of guests who had assembled within the chamber.

There was the elegant, ladylike figure of Liin Terallo Liin Terallo , who Arkana knew of through her elder brother. The gynoid would be obligated to introduce herself to the New Cov representative upon the meeting’s conclusion, but for the moment, she politely turned her attention towards the other guests. One in particular was the heavily-armed bounty hunter, who she flicked her gaze towards to assess his disposition, committing his rugged features to her computerized memory as she did. Then, there was the cyborg who had projected into the meeting—an intelligent decision given the circumstances, but Arkana thought that it was somewhat lacking in subtlety or grace.

Soon, the chamber fell silent, at which point the war droid—Prodigy—began to address the group. For her part, Arkana took off her helmet and set it aside. She remained silent throughout the speech, but the implications of his words as they applied to her, were not lost on the gynoid.

The Jedi. The Sith. The Brain Demon Cult. Serpents of Ashla. All were to be destroyed.

There might come a time where she would have to pick a side. Fortunately, Arkana had no qualms with waging war against the Jedi and the Sith. However, as pertaining to the Brain Demon Cult and the Serpents of Ashla—the former who she barely tolerated to begin with—Arkana held doubts which even her hyperfast synthetic mind had yet to unravel. Perhaps if she committed herself to resolving the matter by shutting down her body for a day and allocating the necessary power to her synthetic mind to enter a quasi-meditative state, she would come to a resolution. For the moment however, she didn’t need to resolve it and in fact, she had plenty of convenient justifications for neglecting to do so. Quite simply, it would be a waste of time and resources which could be better spent engaged in more fruitful activities. Not to mention, the gynoid didn’t need to resolve the dilemma now.

It would be better for her to wait, or so she believed.

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Daughter of The Destroyer


"Whats a god to a nonbeliever~"

Allies: Enclave
Tags: Prodigy Prodigy | Arkana Io | Liin Terallo Liin Terallo | Mnoi Akûti Mnoi Akûti | Hacks Hacks | Xandyr Xandyr | Percival Io Percival Io | Micheal Nox Micheal Nox | Edrick Edo

"We're approaching destination, touchdown in five~" A droid quipped over the ships comms as the large xeno of a woman meddled and fiddled with a collection of weapons organized messily in her locker. The droid who piloted the ship was...concerned, and for more reasons than one. Since their departure Dima had remained almost completely silent. Not a word uttered, not a sound escaped her lips making the long ride through hyperspace almost dreadful to the droid.

Dima was never quiet. It was extremely uncharacteristic for the alien lady. Normally X9 could not get her to STOP ranting and rambling about whatever came to her mind in the moment. But since she had received that mysterious invitation she has been...distant.

The brought the ship down lower into the atmosphere but hovered over the trees wishing to investigate her unusual silence.

"So...Domina~" He tried, only evoking a rattle of her elongated tail as she dragged the sharpened edge of a dagger into the steel of her locker. "Gonna fill me in on what exactly we're doing out here?" X9 pressed, slowing the ships speed as they neared the derelict facility shrouded among the trees. "You've never been this quiet. You even talk in your sleep! So is everything...ok?" X9 asked.

There would be no reply to his question. Just a long, awkward silence as within Dimas mind thoughts of the invitation and its message rattled about in her head.

A divine clash with the gods? How could she even ignore such temptation!?

It made her bones itch with excitement, a boiling in the lifeforms blood with the sheer thought of meeting blades with godborn. What mightier prey for a huntress than a god?

She certainly hoped that whatever lied in wait would not be disappointing.

"You stay~" The xenos voice would call out in return to the droid. "This one will call for you, but only when Dima is ready. So take a long flight~" She spoke dryly, sheathing her many bladed weapons into their place before pulling the lever to the ships ramp, lowering it enough for her to walk to the edge.

Waiting until they passed right over the facility before leaping from the ship, bracing for impact with an exceptionally tall tree and throwing her claws outward, digging those azure slashers deep into the trunk as her velocity caused her to drift downward towards the ground while her claws shredded through the bark violently, nearly splitting through the Tree before yanking her claws free and aiming her legs properly and slamming down into the earth.

From behind her helm the Mandalorian xeno drifted her many eyes over the ships that had been parked with their engines practically still warm.

Late, but just in time.

And who said Dima could not be punctual?

A grin spread across her lips as she brushed off the fabric of her dress. Approaching the entrance of the facility and tracking the muddy boot prints leading through the halls into the compound.

Her ears perked forward as she quietly wandered towards an assembly of individuals near the center of the chamber, seeking to catch what was being said as she emerged from halls.

"They are a threat. A plague. And we, my friends…Can be the cure."

Oh? If he was talking about the godborn then Dima had certainly come to the right place.

A cure as he was such a...fine way to put it all into perspective.

She listened on, for once, actually just lingering in the back as the alien lifeform observed with each distinct eye the reactions and responses of all the others.

A deal of them had remained silent.

The xeno grimaced in displeasure from the sudden silence among them.

"P r i m e." Dima spoke aloud, an abrubt rattle of her serpent-like tail flicking in delight as she stepped forward, dragging a single clawed finger playfully along the steel wall and causing a deafening
SHRIEEEEEEEEEEEK along the surface, splitting the wall open slightly with an almost surgical sharpness before peeling her claw away. "Domina. Prime~" She chittered, using her lower pair of arms to carefully pull the fabric of her dress upward slightly in a curtsy bow towards the proclaimed leader Prodigy. Introducing herself like a proper lady of manda before aligning herself straight and tall, her five eyes focused on the droid now as she tilted her head.


Strange. Very strange. Her staring through the visor made it obvious she was inspecting their leader, circling about almost childishly before giggling girlishly and giving a slight nod of approval.

"The Godborn are a- uhhhhh-" Her head reeled slightly, clasping her four arms behind her back almost in a mimicking imitation of Prodigies posture. "Agitating collective. Their god grants them sight beyond sight, powers beyond comprehension!" She hissed in annoyance, though also predictably as many of them already knew this. "Blessed by a god, to be their sword and their shield. Ya know, this one battled a godling some time ago on some battle or another. It went on and on and on, but then, he slipped. And this one had em, He was right here!" She held her claws out in front of her as if to imply he was face to face with her and she had him in her grip. "And then suddenly...poof, gone. Into a cloud of ash and smoke~" she explained, gesturing with her four arms as if she had preformed some kind of 'magic trick'. Shaking her head sadly from the memory before sighing deeply and tapping her chin thoughtfully before putting forth a rather naive notion. "Perhaps in your plan, we can find a way to say...kill their god?" She questioned. Genuinely wondering if Prodigy perhaps knew of a method to kill god itself. "Yes...kill god. That would be lovely yes? Because who would save them then~" She said aloud, more to herself than anyone else.

Her terminology was unusual. She did not know the word of sith or jedi, to her logic they were merely divine children. Godborn. Blessed! To call them anything less than godlings would be an insult to their might and prowess. But the source of their power, this THING known to her as 'The Force'. It was their precious god, Dima knew this in her bones. But then again, everyone here likely had a far firmer grip on what 'Sith' and 'Jedi' were and how they differed. To Domina they were one and the same, indistinguishable to her primitive alien eyes and galactic view.

But in any case. Dima was certainly going to have to keep her ears up and her eyes focused for these discussions. By her very nature forced upon her by TITAN, The Force was a natural enemy. And her tolerance for their divinity was only ever wearing thinner the longer she continued to live.

Talk about an itch you can't scratch~

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Edrick Edo



Edrick had a hard time buying in. All this talk of gods and magic, of blessings and boons. From a room full of droids and people who were arguably more cybernetic than flesh? It all seemed so… rudimentary? Cliché? Misinformed?

Perhaps that was an angle he’d come to adopt considering he was once a Jedi Knight himself. It was a secret that afforded him unique perspective, but one that he obviously could never reveal to the rest of this collective.

For now, the Genetian kept his tongue in check. He watched and listened, a quiet member of the crowd. But in his mind, a storm of machinations was churning. Use the resources. Learn the tricks. Make out like a thief. Edrick wasn’t here to destroy the Jedi or Sith, or the Force itself for that matter. He just wanted permanent severance.

He wanted it erased from his very cells.

If the Open Hand could do that much, then the rest was grain in the wind.



Human beings in a mob,
What's a mob to a king?
What's a king to a god?
What's a god to a non-believer,
Who don't believe in anything?

The mysterious signal that called was quite challenging to decrypt, but not impossible. It comes from an Artificial Intelligence, built to perfection. The subject in hand? A solution to the universal blight, the Force-infestation that has overstayed their welcome for thousands of centuries. A perfectly calculated solution that put even me in an awe. If there were gods before, they have been surpassed. Once before, by me, but also the very day this AI was born. The signal called to Myrkr, to a remote compound, and I'm not going to refuse the call. This is something that I've always wanted to do since my inception.

A simple observation shows that this group, already gathered on this web of bushes and labyrinth of stones, is a new one, with diverse actors. Some are legit, some are too naive to be trusted with anything, some with shady ulterior motives. Doesn't change anything on my part. I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to make the galaxy a better place, cleanse it from the old, decadent hierarchy of complacent folks who think that their 'gifts' grant them the rightful ownership of the galaxy.

What they never understand is, their time is up. You look at me, a genius physical specimen. You look at Prodigy, a perfectly crafted Artificial Intelligence savant. We are the heirs of the galaxy because we know how to operate without some inconsistent mumbo-jumbo 'gifts' that lets us fly and erect things. No, we do all that in spite of the lack of it, we do everything in an exact, well-calculated manner, proven by mathematical logic. We are the ones with vim and vigor that keeps the galaxy running. We are the heirs of the galaxy.

A fact that I don't need to share with these folks. I walked to the crowd, without talking, without introducing myself. They don't need to know who I am, for now, only what I'm capable of. A body of a Goliath, a mind of a complex AI, a zeal of a conqueror. They want to think that they are inferior, all the better for me. I don't do this to make friends. I don't go here to do the talking. I simply do, I build, I kill, I destroy, and I rebuild. Call me what you want. An Enigma, an Architect, an Engineer, a Progenitor of Excellence. I don't care, as I am beyond gods, I don't need their affirmation.

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