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Just a blog entry to make sure I have this down to request next week.
Alright, to start, I apologize for the amount of work I'm dumping on you guys. I'll try to sort it as best I can.
All products' affiliation/sale status have been altered through this thread.
...say you want the same thing too...
Short quick vibrations shook my arm at an ungodly hour. Took me a few moments before I reached over for the watch and pressed the small button on the side to stop the silent alarm. Sitting up, I felt the lump that was Ibaris next to me, I hadn’t expected...
Ever since my expedition to Demonsgate a few years ago, Clan Rekali has been a small but noticeable presence in the Kathol Outback. Clan Rekali is formally a Mandalorian clan; formally, it's also a Witch clan, as well as a Vahla clan. This intermixing happened step by step over the past couple...
This 2018 American superhero film, based on the Marvel Comics superheroes and the nineteenth film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), is directed by Anthony and Joe Russo and features an ensemble cast including Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Evans, Scarlett...
I suppose I am sounding like a broken record, but I hate needing a cane to walk. The annoying tap, tap every time it touches the floor. The feeling of being dependent, of not being whole. I plain hate it. It cannot be helped. I will overcome. There is no try.
Two months have passed since...
Welcome to this episode of Hydiran Way News, all the news worth reporting, I'm your host Melissa Clairborne.
Chaos broke galaxy wide for unknown reasons when droids stopped working and began a massive interplanet rebellion against their masters. Information is still sketchy at this time, but...
A blog entry that I can copy and paste later into the factory to get some things altered.
Again, sorry for the massive list of stuff. I'll organize it as best I can for you. All alterations are based from this thread.
Weapons and Armor
Weapon Systems
[ANIJA] The Coliseum
[ANIJA] Return to Yourself [The Rescue of Mirshko Betna]
[ANIJA] Raid On Echoy'la
[ANIJA] Generis to a Fault Line [Second Mandalorian Dominion of Generis]
[ANIJA] Dealers of Death [Mandalorian Dominion of Jagga II]
[ANIJA] Swords and Plowshares
[ANIJA] The Ziost Affair...
Liber Libertas
A Publication of O.O. from the High Priestess whose Name is hidden.
Witness my seal
Chapter One
Hear our Word, for it is the only Word; the first and the last.
We speak in riddles, you and I.
Rested upon the cliff face of eternity, we weep for desire...
This 2018 British science fiction thriller is directed and written by Andrew Niccol and stars Clive Owen, Amanda Seyfried, Colm Feore, Sonya Walger and Mark O’Brien.
In the not too distant future, biosyn implants allow humans to be connected to an endless visual stream of information known as...
Dear Diary,
There is much at stake. I am conflicted in myself as much as the Galaxy seems to be. My inaction in the past has allowed many of these conflicts to take place. My pacifity in the past has allowed this. Now it is probably too late.
Had I have acted earlier to attempt to create a gap...
Well, I've seen quite a bit of people wonder how they can make their roleplaying experience kick it up a notch for readers and writers alike. These are just a few nuggets of information and advice, and you can take it as you will, but it certainly gives a roleplay a bit more flavor.
Star Wars...
Telekinesis, an ability that all force sensitives developed. It involved stretching out one's feelings through the Force to mentally seize an object in question, exerting one's will on it so that it performed as the user wished, and could be used in a more aggressive manner where the user...
A lot of people probably know that when things get tense in a thread, and I see it, a gif of a cat usually gets posted in an attempt to help people relax. Considering a bit of tension we've had lately I've decided to post my collection of gifs. They'll be divided by subject (cat, dog, people...
There are memories that are spread within the shadows of time. Memories that will never fade. As long as we remember them, then nothing is ever really lost to us. Memories that shall remain in our hearts and souls forever.
Quote by Kixi Rajki / Å pela Kristijana Rajki - 2015-10-19.
[size=4][background=The moon with a silvery rain,[/size]
[size=4][background=Velvet and air intertwined in light.[/size]
[size=4][background=Its gaze resting over a world,[/size]
[size=4][background=Unjudging and staring.[/size]
[size=4][background=The silvered light casting its embrace over...
When a director you love has an average rating for you of 4 stars, and an actor you love has an average rating for you of 4 stars, when the two combine, it's going to be a match made in cinematic heaven. Clint Eastwood directs Tom Hanks in this true story that is gripping, thoughtful and...