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The galaxy has been hoodwinked.
It is no secret that the imperial propaganda machine has been hard at work over the past few years, and the effects are easy enough to see. Because of this, many citizens have been fooled into thinking imperial rule is a good thing for them; that having their...
The pull to the dark side can best be described as a Razor in a candied apple. Sweet but dangerous. Heh it's amazing, how people are willing to take a bite even as they know it leads to harm. Simply fascinating.
I was reading that Jedi choose the light for all that it reveals. I guess Sith...
-Iron Giant
I apologize ahead of time for the fairly long post here, but at any rate, I'd like to discuss my little project with you.
You all, may, or may not know the Resu race. In fact, I’ll bet you don’t know them, and if you do, I haven’t told you everything about them. That would be...
There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no emotion…
She said the words over and over in her mind, normally they would give her some sort of comfort or direction. But no longer. They seemed hollow, empty and weightless. She knew the truth...
Intent: For copying mental content (including long-term memory and "self") from a particular brain substrate and copying it to a computational device, such as a digital, analog, quantum-based or software based artificial neural network or holonet. The computational device could then run a...
Show Rules
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Images: Please provide a line of credit (Ex. Image By So & So) and link to the original artist if you are using an image to illustrate your...
-Starship operating costs: Going off Jorus Estimates.
-Typical Docking: 20-500 Credits per day, depending on Station
-Typical Tune up fee for the whole of the Crop Duster: 2,500CR-5000CR
-Typical Cost of Hyperdrive overhaul (Every Thirteen to twenty Jumps: 1000CR
-Food Full: 500CR
-Water Full...
Demonsgate (planet)
Type: Terrestrial
Temperature: Hot
Atmosphere: Type I (breathable)
Hydrosphere: Arid
Gravity: Standard
Terrain: Volcanic plains
Length of Day: 31 standard hours Length of Year. 224 local days
Population: 786,000 (97% human)
Imports: Advanced tech and foodstuffs
Exports: Raw...
Voph stood silent on the observation deck of the Resolve. Tanaab had been costly. Limping back to allied space, the Resolve put in to port at the Locke and Key shipyards over Fenris long enough to install a new hyper-drive, then begin the journey home. Voph's injuries were on the mend, but the...
So I've been looking through the RP forums lately and I've noticed that there is an infinite supply of private threads, invite threads, invasion threads, dominion threads, development threads, faction threads, duel threads... All sorts of threads! :)
...Except for open public threads. :(
I never understood why people have to be rude online, especially to people they dont even know. The concept just baffles me, so I'm typing this complaint to myself because I can.
Announcement as of 850 ABY
As of 08:19 Galactic Standard Time, the king of Kesh has been found dead in his bed from a heart attack. Solan Charr has been named dead as of this morning and his successor will take the throne within the next weeks. The former king will be buried after a simple...
Lightsabers - The lightsabers built by Josh DragonsFlame after becoming a Jedi Master. A trip to Tython's crystal caves, this time singlehandedly, led Josh to acquire a new crystal that he felt better suited his new fighting style, after many years spent with his old saber and...
This auction will run for 48 hours only. This auction will close at 10 a.m. May 19, 2018 EST
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Aurora Industries - Tier 5 Company (Marketplace)
§Lot A - One Nebulous Cloaking Device: Open for bids
§Lot B - One Gravastar+ Ship Reactor Open for bids
Incom Corporation -...
I'll admit, I'm not good with sums. Maths was never one of my strong points. But I'm quite certain that all the food being served at the banquet could feed a ton of starving people. I reckon there will be many leftovers. Hopefully they won't go to waste. I'm not holding my breath with a crowd...
O'er many a frozen, many a fiery Alp, rocks, caves, lakes, fens, bogs, dens, and shades of death. - John Milton
+For four hundred years, the Unknown Regions have laid in the pall of chaos and death. Wracked by the Gulag Virus, none now know how these isolated tracts of space have fared. Under...