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Vulpesen's eyes started to glaze over as he sat before a panel of advisors. Strewn about his Teradin wood desk were papers filled with legislation, each one giving its own take on how he might proceed to recreate his home. "We need to recreate the Military. Since the collapse of our main...
To the illegitimate usurper [member="Kay Arenais"] and those who follow her on the path of villainy,
In your quest for personal gain and power, you, the vile and cowardly Kay Arenais, a lowly criminal fleeing from the righteous hand...
ABY 853
Terminus - The Gailles Wharfs
Warehouse 87(A2)
Terminus Sec-Com was foundering. Over three hours and the loss of an initial forty officers, they'd gained only twenty meters out of a heady thousand, starting from blasted in maintenance side-entries flanking Warehouse 87(A2)'s locked...
Something close to my heart and any ‘fleeter’ in the RP is the enormous space battles in the Star Wars moves. All six have some form of space combat, whilst three of them have full on combat. This, expanded by the EU, expands out the picture to the extent that Endor and Coruscant are...
Projects to be Completed
New Projects: GREEN
In Progress: YELLOW
Complete: RED
Medal and Ribbon Series (Ongoing)
[Not to be counted in the available work que slot limit of six]
The Mandalorians: Service Medals and Campaign Ribbon Series (Additions)
Galactic Republic...
So, many of you Mandalorian types might notice I've been revamping the Service ribbons a bit. I had to change how I was denoting multiple campaigns. Initially, it was with a gold double stripe on the ribbon. But, as things continued, and the color schemes for the ribbons shifted with each...
So we've got another one, but instead of raging like I did with the last guy who copied and pasted our stuff, I show these guys nothing but support.
They've been given my okay to copy and paste our rules, copy a lot of the ideas of Chaos, etc. So long as they don't lift anything that's been...
It Comes With a Sword [Open to the One Sith]
Nerium Oleander
From the Ashes, we are Reborn!
Death to the False Emperor
A Wild Acolyte Appears!
New Blood
A Recruit as Old as Time
New Blood
Exthracior! (OS Dominion of...
Just like last year with Episode 7 this forum has a strict no spoilers policy unless it has the neat new prefix on the forum.
What this means:
No spoilers in any thread without the "Rogue One Spoilers" prefix.
No spoilers in any thread or blog title - be vague like "The Ending" rather than give...
"Something's off."
"There's always something off according to you. What does your 'gut feeling' say this time?"
"The holonet is never this slow. There's something going on, I'm telling you." Fabian had a worried look on his face as he grabbed his camera. Whether there was anything funny about to...
[background=IRON IS OUR BLOOD[/font]
[background=OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION[background= [/font]
[background=I[b]ntent: [/b]To flesh out a Mandalorian Clan centered on Concord Dawn
[background=[b]Image Sources:[/b] Self-Created
[background=[b]Role:[/b] Mandalorian Clan
It's only been a day since Taanab. A day since the Confederacy of Independent Systems thought it wise to liberate a sovereign planet from a culture who did not run it. A day, since my home was destroyed a second time. A day since I nearly destroyed myself, and discovered my Force sensitivity...
ABY 853
Terminus - The Gailles Wharfs
Warehouse 87(A2) ~ Two Hours Later
Taase Bar-Sharzanon brought his 'recorder' for the task. The recorder ambled at his feet on truncated grav-plats, no larger than a common street waste-bin, though chased with engraved plating and incorporated emerald...
The Banshee's Wail
It was a strange thing standing there, the empress had ordered us to work and use old technology, old methods for what she wanted. Organic crystals hadn't been used since the force hounds of the old empire, our power had even been diminished but the forebear of the Fringe...
This has been inspired by
*sigh* Okay, I'm sorry I brought you here on such short notice. But we need to talk, it's about our relationship and the fears I have for it. Now I know my heart you...
FACTION: The Tenth Fleet of Baalia
RANK: Prince, Member of the Royal Family of the continent of Ukanan, Planet Baalia.
AGE: 33
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'3"
WEIGHT: 170 lbs.
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Dark Brown,sometimes appears black
SKIN: Medium
A little eye-popping at first, isn't it? How do you feel about the statement?
If you're anything like me, you don't really care. And I don't mean it in a put-offish way, like I'm handwaving things to the side to project a cool demeanor- I mean it in the sense that, yeah, a lot of people...
The holonet would come on with a bit of fanfare and the display of "Special News Broadcast". The network had been abuzz, absolutely abuzz. Apparently there was a change in galactic politics. And they were looking to contact the galactic Associated Press to see if there was any clout behind the...