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The difficulties in categorizing Sithspawn are hindered by imagination. Not a lack thereof but an overabundance. Compared to planetary census' detecting ordinary populations in the trillions, 'spawn are only a drop in a bucket. Often enough, however, their presence within sapient...
Images: / Soul of Cinder: Dark Souls III
Name: Mirakure
Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: Eclipstica
Language: Basic, Vahla, Miralukese
Average Lifespan: 100 years
Estimated Population: There is only three of them in existence
Average height of...
So I've been kicking around the idea of doing write-ups for your basic faction archetypes for a while now, and since the Mandalorians are a hot topic at the moment, I decided to start there.
Before we dive into Mandalorian factions, it helps to have an understanding of Mandalorian writers. Bear...
A brief but hissed inhaled parted her lips to expose gritted teeth as the swab of bacta brushed against the bruising patch by the corner of her eye. Fingers carefully touched against her forehead and cheek to expose the slight gash left by one of the brute’s particularly nasty right hooks. The...
To Whom it may Concern:
The Violation of treaties and the continued war between the United Clans Of Mandalore vs The Confederacy of Independent Systems, Sliver Jedi Order and the Core Imperial Confederation has required the Magistrate of the Corporate Protectorate to issue a legal notice to that...
ABY 853
Outbound - The Unknown Reaches
~Three Months Later
Seroth kept his eye on the console's turning chronometer. It laid nestled between indicators for oxygen scrubbers and the centralized vessel heating, tuned to Central Core Time and the Galactic Calender. Five standard minutes remained...
The following log file has been edited for reader convenience. It follows a quick turn-by-turn based style. Please forgive the time stamps, and format coding, as some of the symbols and numbers were for IRC based chat rooms.
[02:23] Gav_Daragon , as always, was in the mechanical throne which...
Nei grunted as she lifted up the heavy crate. What's in here?! Dead bodies?! Staggering a bit under its weight, the teenaged Nautolan managed to set it onto the hoverpad, leaning against it slightly.
Though the job wasn't glamourous, being a worker in the spaceport paid well enough, and it got...
Jedi Knight
Storyline: 27/30
Chapter 1: Starting as a Jedi Padawan you pass your trials and uncover dark plots leading to a fun chase to uncover the location of a superweapon. These components of the superweapon form your first planet location settings culminating in a dramatic battle with Darth...
[background=[size=5]Projects to be Completed[/size]
[background=[color=rgb(255,0,0)][Medal and Ribbon Series shall not be counted in the available work que slot limit, as they are ongoing][/color]
[Projects listed as ON HOLD shall not count towards work que limit of 2]
[Medal and Ribbon Series...
[size=4][background=Bear with me a minute.[/size]
[size=4][background=I’ve watched a bit of Deep Space Nine recently, and I found myself paying attention to how territory and government work in Star Trek. Outside the Federation, you get nearly monocultural enclaves, Major Factions by Chaos...
Entry One: "When I was a young girl... well older in body then I am now but younger then in my original body. My commander said to me the best way to wage a war was to go for total war and not leave a chance for retaliation. They would be something that would be getting involved with plots for...
Name: Caedyn Arenais.
Age: 15 Standard Years Old.
Location: Aboard the Prophet.
So...I'm not sure how exactly you're supposed to do these sorts of things but my Master's suggested that recording some sort of Journal might be a good thing for me, something about expressing my emotions and stuff...
I could have delegated this. When she ordered me to pass the sentence, Mother did not specifiy that I actually had to do it myself. Most of the time she leaves it to firing squads and hangmen. The comparison is probably kinda unfair because if she handled every single execution herself, she...
I want to break down this blog post because I'm bored and because I think there's some serious misgivings provided by the post.
It is.
Staff is 10 members strong, excluding myself. 4 women, 6 dudes. I don't think the women have beards currently, I haven't asked. There's also plenty more...
Finish creating Vivienne Zambrano's biography.
Immediately move on to finishing Davor Skaldiin's bio.
Directly afterwards work with Darth Hauntress to create Tempor Legion for the Inquisition.
Add in details about Aldrin squad and...
//Opening file [Nightlight]
Play> Y/N?
Zandra sits on the edge of the bed, facing away from the camera. Music plays in the background from somewhere. She's shivering like she'd just been doused in ice water. Between shaking fingers, she holds a cigara, her favorite brand. The...