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The farmhouse on Dubrava was quaint, if one were to be charitable. Starlin fought the mud sucking at his boots all the way up to the rickety front door, where he was greeted by a gatekeeper droid. Its single eye thrust out at him, nearly hitting him in the nose before retracting...
The Jedi Temple of Coruscant
Balun Vale sat in one of the meditation chambers of the Training Wing, the room vast yet empty. There were no longer any students remaining, save for those able to fight in defence of the heart of the New Jedi Order. Despite disagreements with the clandestine...
Above the world of Tion, the Sith had unleashed a storm of death and destruction. In the aftermath, Fiolette felt an opportunity unlike any other. From the deck of the Warspite, she surveyed the carnage below, feeling a strange mixture of sorrow and anticipation. This was the moment she had been...
Dear Ones,
The past whispers to you now. Your parents walked the path of the Force in one way or another; it's your turn.
The galaxy's full of twists. Trust yourself and each other.
Here's a token. You'll figure out how it works in time. Just know It'll grow with
A week before the Dark Empire's arrival on Coruscant
My friend,
I am about to do something dangerous. Maybe foolish. I admit, as I write this, I think of the visions Ryv had of his final duty, just as I think of my pain at hearing what he said of them. Now, I know how he felt.
I will not be...
The ten were brought forth in iron manacles, their sides pierced by iron rods as their gaolers forced them along. These few were among the only ones taken alive during the Mandalorian's ill-fated incursion into the Malsheem, disarmed and restrained by the agents of the Dark Lord. They'd been...
The following Art would appear overnight, defacing one of the larger public holo-vision boards often seen by passing commuters and local traffic.
No responsibility was taken; however, given the shoddy work, it may be concluded that this is the work of a juvenile delinquent.
Hail the Victorious Dead!
Six hundred Mandalorians had breached the Malsheem, the symbol of Kainite power and majesty, the first Mando'ade to do so. Many had not survived more than a few steps. Very few survived at all. This was a minor miracle, considering that casualty estimates were at...
The decks of Malsheem were soaked in blood.
It shined underneath the bright lights in a tapestry of crimson shades. It turned black as the blood deepened and pooled into rivers and lakes of carnage that flowed. Out through this ecosystem of death flowed torn bits and pieces, strewn limbs and...
Once more, the Galaxy was thrown into a state of war. It wasn't the first conflict of this nature, nor would it be the last. Even the current battlegrounds weren't unfamiliar — the Brotherhood of the Maw had made it deep into the core before it was pushed back and defeated as well. Now, Empress...
"This is Holly Starstorm reporting live from Coruscant. Today we bring you an update on Ord Mantell, now in the hands of the Dark Empire."
The screen flashed to images of the planet, showing a before and after phooto.
"Ord Mantell has been transformed from a planetary scrapheap and...
"This is Holly Starstorm reporting live from Coruscant."
The camera flashes to Holly behind the anchor desk and then quickly flashed to different video footage of members of the Artisian Commonwealth.
"The Atrisian Commonwealth has reached a large scale development in their...
The holoscreens flicker to life across the galaxy, casting a blue-tinted light in homes, cantinas, and spaceports. The familiar face of Holly Starstorm, a respected investigative reporter from Holonet News, fills the screen. Her expression is a blend of solemnity and determination as she...
The battle was over.
Flying high above the industrial moons of Tion was the all-black banner of the Sith, fluttering in the mild breeze as dozens -- no hundreds -- of Star Destroyers flew in organized formation high above. Dwarfing all of them was the Malsheem, the terrible fortress of Darth...
Following: A Monument To Your Sins
Hirata Estate
A cold breeze carried powdery snow into the room where the destinies of three Jedi interweaved. Piles of white covered the slanted roof beyond the opened window of the third floor at Hirata Estate already.
Bernard slid the window panel closed...
The following are transcripts of traditional ink-and-paper letters written by Jedi Master Inosuke Ashina. These three correspondences were originally addressed to Henna Ashina and Valery Noble respectively, with the final being an open letter to the New Jedi Order. In response to...
Capris could taste iron on her lips, a thin river of blood trailing from nose to chin before being smeared by a lone palm. She fought off a wince as firecrackers of pain danced over bruised skin.
Her fingers then curled right back into a fist.
She could take punches— practically had to given...