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A short time before the evacuation of the Hoth Enclave
There weren’t many delivery services that could get to Hoth -- but Auteme was a determined gift-giver, so the package was left during the last day of her visit to the enclave before the holidays. Quill would find it tucked in the corner of...
Welcome to Second Chance, the Motel in the Upcity region of Denon. Second chance is a small motel for the more seedier people life brings into the Upcity. Gaining a reputation as a No-tell Motel many people come here for a cheap thrill after touring the red light district. The rooms take credit...
C O M P L I C A T E D , I R R I T A T E D
Sixty days, was the last of the count he remembered- not that he was the one keeping track, of course. It was a bit tricky to do such a thing when one had the...
Fortress Dosuun
Prefsbelt IV
1643, Local Time
“ETA to their hangar is approximately two minutes.” The shuttle pilot reported. It had been one of many for Prince Lucien Dooku on his visit to Prefsbelt IV. One from the omnipotent NIV Tregessar in orbit, another from Prefsbelt Airspace Command...
They know not of fury; untouched by proper scorn nor destruction, unscathed, unmarked.
Their days have been numbered. Their shadows will betray them.
And she will become worse... a butcher of their kin.
Death to the Sith, justice be done.
#1 -
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Why They Earned This Ranking - T
A Short Story -
#1 -
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Why They Earned This Ranking - T
A Short Story -
#1 -
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Why They Earned This Ranking -
A Short Story -
Maybe there was a time when Tak Shuga the nikto spicelord could have afforded something within the top fifty levels of Coruscant, but not anymore. He spent much of his time, as he did now, strung out on a low velvet couch before a gloomy lowsector window surrounded by...
Dear Chaos,
I've been in the trenches with a lot of you.
You might not have seen me RP for long periods of time, or even at all. But I've been in the trenches, I've yelled at the monitor, I've sat in backrooms and bitched and moaned and hyped and raged. I've plotted, I've waged war, I've led...
The Mandalorian stood on the ridge of a hill, a heavy repeating blaster hung from her shoulder and was firing a slew of bolts towards the Sith who had infiltrated their land. It seemed they were not best pleased with this as she could see one of their commanders give the order to take her out...
16 years ago...
Living on the inhospitable planet of Rhen Var was a lonely experience but the sense of camaraderie was strong and the Imperials found solace in each other, with two even going as far as forming a relationship. A relationship that would not go unnoticed as it would result in the...
So, this is my first attempt at making an article for Chaos, and I wasn't really sure what I could talk about...I do not have the vast experience writing in this section that would make it easy...some of you use this section to tell in character stories, however short. I've never done that, and...
Her face was frozen numb, but she didn't care. A small, weathered pile of stones partially covered by snow shared in her silence. Kneeling down on her right knee, Draulvesi placed what appeared to be a rather old, tattered cloth embroidered with a faded emblem of the...
It was a hot, dusty evening on Tatooine and Oda was packing to leave. That's when the announcement broke out over the holo-news playing in the cockpit:
"... And finally the station would like to pay last respects to Rett Zul, a human trader in his mid 30's and the owner of...
The set of TRAA was silent before a gonk droid found its way inside. They had finished a shoot earlier in the day, signing off for the night and closing shop as everyone went their own ways to find inspiration or peace.
The slow shuffle of feet along the floor and the occasional screech of its...
Sleep had come surprisingly easy in the days and weeks that had passed since Amea had come back from Dantooine. In this place, this new home, there were no nightmares. There was no void that had to be filled. The guilt of murder had managed to slip off of her shoulders even if it had never been...