Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Herdship Vonnuvi

A massive mobile city ship and Jedi praxeum, dedicated to expanding the horizon of its people, and bringing aid and attention to the more neglected regions of the galaxy.

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Amani Serys
The NJO is moving its most vulnerable to mobile ships like the Vonnuvi. Members all around have been invited to meet and greet
Amani Serys
Emergency meeting on the Vonnuvi! All are welcome to join and voice their thoughts on what happens next!
Amani Serys
New social and faction intro thread! Go take part in the Herd Meet festivities!
Amani Serys
Please take a moment to register yourself as a member of the Vonnuvi herdship in our new Roster! Feel free to also join our new discord (listed on the About page)
Amani Serys
New thread for members of the Vonnuvi! Explore Lao-mon and recover priceless cultural artifacts from remnants of the Maw!

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