Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Mia Monroe

    Skirmish  Eternal Conflict - Assault on Garos IV (Mando Protectors & Allies Vs Sith & Allies)

    Garos IV Hibridium Mining Facility Base of Mount Usca The hibridium mining facility loomed on the horizon, dwarfed only by the mountain at its back. The drills support arching over the great chasm, control centre at its peak. The mining hole itself was at least a click wide and flanked by low...
  2. Mia Monroe

    Skirmish  Eternal Conflict - Assault on Garos IV (Mando Protectors & Allies Vs Sith & Allies) OOC & Sign Up

    The Premise In a bid to secure resources to rebuild and restore Mandalore to its former glory, the Protectors reach out to local systems to establish agreements and good exchange. Garos IV, known for its production of Hibridium, among other minerals is plagued by remnants of the Kainites, left...
  3. Ijaat Mereel

    LFG  Looking For Allies and Enemies

    Title says it all. Ijaat is restoring Mandalore (With good folk like Mia Monroe and Elise Vizsla ) and has laid claim to the Mask and title of Manda'lor, mainly to provide a fun unofficial/non Faction set of stories for those wanting a non-Crusader Mando flavor. No designs on being a Faction on...
  4. Aana Xyston

    Public  Shaking Off the Rust

    Aana Xyston, GA Spec Ops, walked down the massive halls of the Anaxes War College. The Pathfinder wiped the sweat off her brow, grateful to finally be in the main building's air conditioner. The sun was beaming down hard outside, and it was even hotter wearing full armor. But that was okay, it...
  5. Domina Prime

    Faction  [Mandalorians + Allies] Sons & Daughters

    Planet Kestri, City of Tor Valum [A social thread for Mandalorians of any clan or 'faction' to celebrate their culture, their fallen, and their newly founded. Play games in the coliseum to prove your metal, share war stories & meet other fellow Mandos, take your fill of food and drink, plan...
  6. Jared Starchaser

    Faction  When a World is Under Fire (ZINO and Allies)

    The world of Belazura was once one of the jewels of the Galactic Republic. The sad thing was it currently was a shadow of its history. With many corporations leading the way to carve their own chunks out of the world. Companies coming in, trying to capitalize on the last few square kilometers...
  7. Valette Puritis Yumia

    Faction  Hope and Providence | Galactic Alliance and Allies

    HOPE AND PROVIDENCE INTRODUCTION: ORD PROVIDENCE At the conclusion of the SECOND GREAT HYPERSPACE WAR, much of the galaxy has been left in ruins. With Alliance Space ravaged by the Brotherhood of the Maw, even in spite of their victory, the time is now to pick up the fractured pieces and put...
  8. Formerly Spirit of Valor

    Mission  GREAT HUNT | NJO and Allies

    THE GREAT HUNT HAS BEGUN! With the SECOND GREAT HYPERSPACE WAR finally drawing to a close, those who remain must now deal with the aftermath. While the Galactic Alliance managed to weather the storm of the Brotherhood of the Maw and come out victorious, the rest of the galaxy has been smothered...
  9. Jand Talo

    Faction  Bacta Heals All Wounds | GA/NJO

    GALACTIC ALLIANCE MEDCENTER CORUSCANT It was a curious thing, to be submerged in bacta. Following the events of Metellos, Jand had taken significant injury from a monstrous opponent - Tegan Starfall - who had unleashed with Force Lightning on the Padawan during their duel. The Nagai managed...
  10. B

    Faction  Hapes Charity Gala [Jedi and allies]

    YOU'RE INVITED Queen Kha'la Daaray warmly invites you to a special charity event hosted in the Grand Hall of her residence, the Castle of Per'Agthra (Fountain Palace). The event will host live music for a donation entry ball, and an auction of a few items of the Queen's private art...
  11. N

    Mission  Intrigue on Quesh

    INTRIGUE ON QUESH With the Brotherhood of the Maw on the run after the Tython Debacle. The Rise of the Techno Magorum Tribe has now begun with the development & production of Quani Venom. A highly addictive variant of the Venenit Queshaaga otherwise known as Quesh Venom. Instead of providing...
  12. Saryn Zambrano

    Public  Maiden Voyage (Sith/Sith Allies Welcome)

    It wasn't often one owned the largest private yacht in the galaxy. Rivalling a Super Star Destroyer in sheer size, Saryn wanted to make a bold statement about the wealth and respect one loyal to the Sith could gain, having personally designed the Jewel of Panatha, as the ship had so been...
  13. S

    The Festival of Stars (SJC and allies)

    The Festival of Stars was taking place all throughout Concord space, with the many worlds within all celebrating in their one way. In Commenor’s capital, Chasin City, there was a massive festival that was bringing in traditions from the many worlds that made up the Concord. Many kinds of food...
  14. Liedran Kathause

    Campaign  Where Night is Blind - [Open to GA and Allies Mentioned Below]

    Where Night is Blind [Csillan System] [3rd Expeditionary Carrier Line] The observation deck shimmered with the distant glow of pulsars, the stars’ pale light leaping from the void, glancing off the viewport surfaces, off the room’s darkened walls, off Liedran’s bittersweet expression. Dark...
  15. Kalie Alverez

    Public  The Art of Deception [SIA Persona Masterclass] - Open to GA and Allies

    SIA SENIOR AGENT: KALIE ALVEREZ PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: TEACH A MASTERCLASS ON PERSONA DEVELOPMENT FOR AN SIA ACADEMY WORKSHOP The classroom was decently packed, each row progressively descending towards the center of the room, were Kalie was beginning to demonstrate another technique for persona...
  16. Valery Noble

    Faction  Jedi Guidance and Conversation [NJO + Jedi Allies]

    Valery Noble Jedi Guidance and Conversation Location: The Prosperity Valery at her core had always been a fighter — she was trained and prepared for the war in the Old Republic, and now her focus had shifted to bringing those same skills to the front as a member of the NJO...
  17. V

    LFG  Looking for Allies or Enemies

    Greetings to you all, It is I Darth Mordheim After my battle with Valery Noble on Mancharakorkon. I figured it would be time to make new friends and enemies within the galaxy that could start a thread with me. A little bit about me is that I am a Sith Necromancer and can raise an army of undead...
  18. Spirit of Wisdom

    Faction  Alpine's End [GA & Allies]

    Coruscant // Avenue of Core Founders Day of Mourning // Memorial of the Fallen Once the smoke and debris of war had been cleared from the high streets of the Capital Planet, in the wake of the Great Battle of Coruscant, the people of the Galactic Alliance began to take stock of those who had...
  19. Briana Sal-Soren

    LFG  Allies, Foes, Mentors?

    After coming back from my most recent LOA, I am now feeling ready to better explore this character. To start that journey, I am looking for all types of characters/aliens/whomever might be interested in writing with me. Whatevs. Briana is destined to eventually become a Jedi, something she...
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