Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Julius Haskler

    Private  Unlikely Allies talking Dirty Jobs

    Tag: Khoan Fellis Objective: Negotiate Julius walked out of the corridor. A few minutes ago, a security alert had rung in his office, alerting him of a presence. A cargo had been sucked out of hyperspace, above Yinchorr, and the Azure Hammer Command had caught it. The repair teams had begun to...
  2. K

    Faction  Cross Swords (Open to SJC Allies)

    Location: Sneeve In the wake of the loss of Sarka, the Silver Jedi Concord then were forced to deploy diplomats and Jedi to the world of Sneeve where there was an ongoing humanitarian crisis after the fleeing Sarkans made landfall on the neighbouring planet. The planet was struggling to sustain...
  3. K

    Faction  Ashes to Ashes (Open to Sev Tok Allies)

    "The brave die never, though they sleep in dust: Their courage nerves a thousand living men" Location: Kashyyyk The recent battles against the Bryn'adûl had wounded the Concord, laying damage to their pride, their hope and their numbers. Their friends, families, allies and strangers had all...
  4. Halketh

    Public  You're Invited | NIO & Allies - OOC

    queue the groove Lord Halketh humbly requests your attendance at a cocktail party to be held on Carlac! This is a social event for the New Imperial Order, Galactic Alliance, and any others who have established themselves as NIO allies and aided in the past. This event will be held in a...
  5. O

    First Reply  Life of the Political Party (Open)

    Octavia surveyed the throne room of her parent's palace on Mindabaal. The palace staff were moving quickly about getting it all set up for yet another hosted event. There were always parties and events at the palace. They were used to boost the morale of the people, as well as the coffers of the...
  6. S

    Night of Murder, Haunting and Partying! - SJO Halloween Social

    It is finally time for the SJO to host their very on spookactular event! It is Halloween on Kashyyyk, cobwebs are dangling from the trees (more so than normal!), jack-o-lanterns have been carved by the children and adults alike and it is finally coming to head with three big events happening...
  7. S

    Party in the Taanab! - SJO Dominion of Taanab

    Taanab was a beautiful farm world, simple lives for easy-going people. Unfortunately, during the CIS invasion of the world, the planet suffered a lot of damage. Now, that the fires have settled and the world is primed for rebuilding and restoring life back to the world. The Silver Jedi Order has...
  8. Darlyn Excron

    A most uncommon teacher [Niman Lesson]

    Wearing: Robes Carrying: Tricksaber, Hunter's Saber Location: Force Praxeum Darlyn had felt the odd urge, lately, to try his hand at teaching. He wanted to pass on some kind of knowledge on. He didn't know why, but he wasn't going to argue with it, instead he was just going to get down to...
  9. Valiens Nantaris

    Requesting Aid Rule Change

    SWRP Staff are always looking at ways to make invasions smoother and easier for all side. This is one of a number of measures which are being worked out. The requesting aid rules have been amended as follows. REQUESTING AID 1. Both the opposing and defending Major Factions in an Invasion...
  10. Asaraa Vaashe

    UCM Invasion of SJO: Roche

    Hey guys! So, in case you weren't aware that it happened the UCM have decided to invade the SJO as a response to the Summit thread where the rest of the board decided to condemn them. Here is a link to the OOC declaration of war. So, you know how this goes, great opportunities for story...
  11. Paragon of Virtue

    Down Where it's Better [CIS + allies]

    N A B O O O T O H - P A R T A H It had been over a year since Naboo was brought into the welcoming and protective fold of the Confederacy. While by no means a planet that was in any sort of need save potential military assistance one in a blue moon, the joined efforts of the Scientists of...
  12. Yasha Cadera

    Evaar Buycika New Cradle (ME & Allies Social)

    Evaar Buycika New Cradle Mandalorian Empire Celebration on Er'kit OOC: Open to ME & Allies only. A social thread, to have fun, bond as a team, and enjoy ourselves. No serious fights (take any arguments into a Duel thread). Just fun! Mand’alor the Infernal was presiding over a different...
  13. Jairdain

    Conga (Valor Training)

    From time to time, Jairdain wanted to pass on some of her knowledge to groups of people rather than just one. So today she planned to do just that. The lesson would be a fun and interesting one. It could also lead her students down a path of support which was exactly what she was. At her...
  14. Adron Malvern

    Approved Tech  Copero's Lament

    Intent: Honorific daggers for the allies who stood by the CIS at Copero. Image Source: Link Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A Manufacturer: [member=Adron Malvern] Affiliation: Closed Market- {Copero Invasion-CIS Allies] Model: N/A Modularity: No Production: Semi-Unique Material: Alchemized...
  15. Naata Sil

    Academy NPC Organizations List

  16. Kay-Larr

    Commenor Liberation Ceremony

    Just a heads up, but I'm looking to have the award ceremony/celebration thread starting up on Wednesday afternoon PST. All those that participated in the Ground and Fleet Campaign threads are welcome to attend. OOC gifts are included for the opposition as well :)
  17. WolfMortum

    Stage One - Fleeting OOC: Freedom for the Common Man

    Stage One - Fleeting OOC: Freedom for the Common Man. Sign up's and discussion/planning for the first stage of Commenor's Liberation is now open! Commenor Administration Team: [member="Lady Kay"]. [member=Veiere Arenais]. [member="Darlyn Excron"]. [member="Bradshaw Ku"] (LOA). The Sith...
  18. Jairdain

    A Place In Nature

    It had been a good amount of time since Jairdain had held any form of class for the Jedi and their allies. So she set word out about her class. She hoped to help empower more Jedi with the ability to become what many people call a Shadow. Knowing it would take time to bring this aspect of the...
  19. Queen Bots™

    Beautiful Castagne | CIS Dominion of Hex [S-46]

    For quite some time [member="Karlie Lynn Destat"] has followed the path of the Confederacy on behalf of her Father, the esteemed, [member="Tarssin Destat"] and the time has come for Castagne to officially join the nation. For this reason, the people have invited the CIS to participate in their...
  20. Ara Zambrano

    FO and Allies | To Rise Above, Soar

    Neo-Polis The Vex Estate Music and light poured out onto the streets of Halycon, the Vex Estate alive with the sound of revelry and celebration. The evening’s festivities were well in swing by the eleventh hour of the evening, dusk having swept across the sprawling mansions and lavish estates...
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