Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Gabriel Satra

    Character  Gabriel Satra

    Gabriel Satra NAME: Gabriel Satra FACTION: The Zweihander Union RANK: Sith/Rogue/Grey/Nightbrother Apprentice SPECIES: Dathomirian Zabrak AGE: 20 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6’2” WEIGHT: 100kg muscle-bound EYES: Blue HAIR: N/A SKIN: Light...
  2. Menelik

    Character  Menelik

    • Name:Menelik • Alias:”The Philosopher Sith” • Faction: Sith Empire • Rank: Sith apprentice • Race/Species: Human • Age:18 • Sex: Male • Height: 5’9 • Weight:175LBS • Eyes: Brown (Yellow while tapping into the Dark side) • Hair: Dark Brown(in sunlight),Black • Skin:Butterscotch brown •...
  3. A

    Character  Amaranth

    The Following document is an overview, compiled from various ORDIS Documents regarding the Imperialization of Subject #2891902, given name Amaranth. Since said case involves a Force Sensitive, Inquisitorial Agents and members of the Sith Order were also present during all evaluations. General...
  4. K

    Private  Dark Sciences, New Teachings

    Valkholm, Dromund Kaas. It was a strong keep, protected by four square towers connected to four thirty-foot-tall and thirty-foot-long rounded walls that served as both a defensive and decorational aspect. The walls themselves were large, wide, and made of a polished metal that somewhat...
  5. Kalt Bruq

    Character  Kalt Bruq

    Kalt [Created by Jokessoneoneone; Commissioned by Me] [ Theme ] Name: Kalt Bruq Species: Devaronian Age: 23 (as of 864 ABY) Gender: Male Homeworld: Yavin-4 Faction: The Sith Empire Rank: Sith Acolyte Force Sensativity: Yes; Apprentice-Knight Level Current Master: Alina Tremiru Former...
  6. Darth Athora

    Approved NPC  Anila Sipal

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To give Zahori a trophy after her victory at Pantora. ​Image Credit: Lucas Mendonca Role: Future apprentice of Zahori Denko Links: N/A PHYSICAL INFORMATION Age: 17 Force Sensitivity: Untrained Force Sensitive Species: Pantoran Appearance: Young girl with...
  7. Aurelion Nova

    The First Steps

    As Aurelion drew his new set of robes around himself, breathe still slightly shaking from reliving that nightmare from so long ago, before gathering his wits and stepping out of the room the Order has prepared for him in the Silver Rest. The leafy boughs of Kashyyyk's mighty, verdant forests a...
  8. Mauda

    There is Nothing

    Manarai High Command Coruscant Orex stood with his hands behind his back, gripping each wrist. He was waiting at the foot of a Landing Pad for the arrival of his apprentice, [member="Darth ravenous"]. Today, Orex would complete his training and induct Ravenous into what he simply referred to...
  9. Mauda

    Youths These Days

    Kessel "The Bone Pit" DEAD Spice Mine Midday The Spice-ridden atmosphere infected his single exposed nostril. Kessel's air choked his lungs while he stood in the open. He didn't intend to spend any time on this abhorrent industrial wasteland. The noise of distant humming and drilling plagued...
  10. D

    Friends in high Places

    Draconis was lined up with the other Sun Guard initiates. He was curious as to what the taskmaster had gathered them all for. It was supposedly something big. Some sort of meeting with royalty or test. They had been told to adorn their armor and be as battle ready as possible. It was in truth...
  11. Neoplix

    Je'nari Training (Closed)

    IC: Darth Neoplix Location: jenates, academy Neoplix guided his ship down to the surface, dropping out of hyperspace and streaking through the atmosphere. He skimmed across the land, the environment shifting and changing as he went. His recent acquisitions (the captured Jedi Alex StormWolf...
  12. Allya Vi'Dreya

    Character  Allya Vi'Dreya

    Allya's Song Voice Name: Allya Vi'Dreya Alias: None Factions: Confederacy of Independent Systems, Silver Jedi Order Affiliations: Confederate Defense Force, Dauntless, Clan Vi'Dreya, Locke and Key Mechanics Careers: Dauntless: Major CDF: Researcher Silver Jedi Order: Associate Locke...
  13. Vaylin

    Between a Rock and a Hard Place

    Some months ago... The Crimson Valkyrie exited hyperspace, appearing in view of their target. Before them was a sizable planet, an aquatic world that had several sizable islands as its only landmass. Although it wasn't the Valkyrie's main target, but rather the derelict ship that was hovering...
  14. Darth Carnifex

    The Heart of Darkness

    Florn It had been nearly thirty rotations since the Empire had pacified Florn, disabling the World Engine and clearing out a good chunk of the hyper-lethal wildlife around a section of jungle designated by the Emperor as a personal sanctuary. In that time, the Emperor had commissioned the...
  15. A

    Anastasia Blackwood II

    General Information Name: Lady Anastia Quentin-Carthagnion II, of House Blackwood Aliases: Ana, Annie Faction: The Sith Empire Rank: Sith Acolyte Species: Human Age: 22 Height: 5'5" (165cm) Weight: 125lbs (56.7kg) Eyes: Hazel Hair: Depends on the Day Force Sensitive: Yes Force Rank: Apprentice...
  16. Draven Dursden

    The makings of greatness

    Draven would stand amongst the flowers and vegetation in the temple gardens. He stood next to an enormous, and beautiful fountain which let out long arcs of water, sparkling in the air as they fell peacefully. Draven felt anything but peaceful. He felt like crud covered crud. The young knight's...
  17. Asaraa Vaashe

    Tournament Time!

    Now that I've got your attention :) The Silver Jedi Order cordially invites all the Padawans, the Apprentices and Low-level Knights out there to a tournament to held on Kashyyk. Bring your best game, bring your masters and friends and let's have some fun. Right now we seem to be in the middle...
  18. Arax Dorn

    Master Wanted (other Sith/Ren/Scum welcome too) [Even Jedi]

    While I'm in no hurry to beef this character up, I'd definitely like to get some fluff around her going. By chance, would there be any more senior Sith willing to take up a relatively raw apprentice? Basic lightsaber and Force abilities are there, but pretty much rudimentary as at this point...
  19. S

    Psst, hey, you wanna duel?

    Hello, all! Sera Sadow, here. Some of you may know me as the writer of Lethia Morow, Nisha Skaiyr, or Darth Imperia, while others - those who don't pay attention to relatively uninteresting and generally unimportant people - probably haven't ever heard of me. That's fine too! Either way, I'm...
  20. S

    Sera Sadow

    Name: Sera Sadow Faction: The Sith Empire | The Sith Assassins Rank: Assassin Initiate Species: Human Age: Young Adult Sex: Female Height: 5’7” Weight: 135lbs Skin: Pale Hair: Black Eyes: Green Alignment: Lawful Evil Force Sensitive: Yes Force Rank: Apprentice Appearance Sera Sadow is a rather...
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