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=| FO-02 Stormtrooper Armour |=
Intent: To update the First Order Stormtrooper Armour for the Modern Era.
Image Source: Sideshow Toys/ Hot Toys First Order Stormtrooper, Editted by [member="Aram Kalast"], Fantasy Flight Games: The Force Awakens Boxed RPG.
Image Source:
Intent: Creating a personal suit of battle armour for Zmej Ren
Development Thread:
Impervium – won two duels in one Rebellion thread, posts #814 and #991
Manufacturer: Order of Ren
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Zmej Ren
Modularity: No...
Image Source: Raider power armor, by MuHut
Unedited Image:
Intent: Improvised armour for Knell
Development Thread: If necessary
Manufacturer: Knell
Model: N/A
Affiliation: N/A
Modularity: More plates can be attached
Production: Unique
Material: Durasteel, transparisteel visor, armourweave...
Armour of Ren
Image Source: From the film Batman Begins
Direct links: Image 1, Image 2
Intent: To create an optional armour for use by Knight of Ren characters
Development Thread: Cats on Fire
Manufacturer: Order of Ren
Model: N/A
Affiliation: First Order
Modularity: As the armour...
Image Source: | artist:
Intent: To create a suit of armour with an interesting camouflage system
Development Thread: If required.
Manufacturer: Ahren Panteer assisted by Iron Crown Enterprises's resources...
Image Source:
Intent: To cash in on Naamah's Silver Prize by giving her some armour.
Development Thread: Omega Silver Tier Prize (for stygium), Hi Ho Hi Ho, Its Off To Work We...
Image Source: DeviantArt
Intent: Personal armour for Wolf
Development Thread: Omega Event Rewards [Gold]
Manufacturer: Order of Ren
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Wolf
Modularity: Not easily. Possible further alchemisation on orbalisks, though would be difficult
Production: Unique
Material: Orbalisk...
HD Coat
Intent: Space Suit. Omega Event Reward.
Development Thread: None - per Omega Event Silver Award - [member="Karen Roberts"] - Personal Option - link
Manufactured by: ATC Lianna
Model: Mk I
Affiliation: Personal (Karen Roberts)
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Agrinium...
Image Source: http://pd-black-drag...esign-454654809
Intent: To create a special suit of stealth armor to allow the 228th to conduct its mission.
Development Thread: Development - Wraith Class Stealth Armor
Manufacturer: Kiribian Systems Armory
Model: AS-07 Wraith Class Stealth Armor, MK 2...
Dha Rekr be Bico
Image Source:
Intent: Varien’s Beskar’gam...
Image Source: Me and John Marzo
Intent: To Provide Kami with personal Armor lightweight armor
Development Thread:
As Needed
Manufacturer: Kami Meran the Mandalorian
Model: Not Applicable
Affiliation: Kami meran
Modularity: Yes
Corporation Name: Odyssey
Headquarters: Bastion
Locations: Coruscant
Operations: Cybernetics │ Armour
After countless raids and ransacks of wild space planets following the collapse of the Primeval, Ebon found himself not only in control of a large portion of what was once the...
Intent: To create a personal set of armour for Reinhard Baelor
Development Thread: N/A
Image Source: Pinterest
Manufacturer: The One Sith
Model: Custom Inquisitor Armour
Affiliation: Reinhard Baelor
Production: Unique
Modularity: No
Image Source: http://img08.deviant...use-d69puc5.jpg
Intent: To create a personal set of armour for Annaliese Zambrano.
Development Thread: If necessary
Manufacturer: The One Sith
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Annaliese Zambrano
Modularity: Yes, anything that can be attached to the armour.
(Davon's armour has plates that provide full coverage, unlike image)
Intent: To Provide the Mandalorians with Updated standard non Beskar Armor
Development Thread...
Image Source:
Intent: Advanced Stealth Armour for the Republic's 228th Black Operations Division
Development Thread: None
Manufacturer: The Galactic Republic
Model: Wraith Class Stealth Armour...
Image Source: and
Intent: To make a good starter armour for force users
Development Thread: Cortosis and Phrik Auction one lot, also one other mining thread for phrik
Manufacturer: House Thul...
Image Source: [member="Corruck Kazen"]
Intent: To provide a basic medium armour for the TU.
Development Thread: If necessary.
Manufacturer: The Techno Union
Model: V.1 Quadtech armour.
Affiliation: Private Market
Modularity: No.
Production: Mass-produced.
Material: Durasteel, Armourweave...
Image Source:
Intent: To make a light security/ combat armour
Development Thread: If required
Manufacturer: House Thul Estates
Model: Light Combat Armour
Affiliation: Open market...