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Image Source: CCP Games, Eve Online / Dust
Intent: To create a new set of standardized armour for the One Sith infantry.
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: The One Sith in cooperation with the Primeval Fleet.
Model: New Model Armour Mk. I
Affiliation: The One Sith
Modularity: If you can...
Each step, each step drilling across the metal floor. The castle was coming together nice, it was starting to look like a castle once more. The High Marshal had other issues however, two new recruits. Two new guardsmen waiting to be broken into the force. [member="Nyx"] was an old friend of his...
Image Source:
Intent: a clever, but gorgeous evening gown that is also unobtrusive body armour, fit for a Hapan nobewoman who has to deal with the possibility of assassination attempts all the time...
Intent: To create a basic lightweight armour for Kaan
Development Thread: If needed
Manufacturer: Self
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Open Market
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Durasteel, Mesh Fiber, Armorweave
Classification: Multipurpose
Weight: 7 kg...
Firebat MKI Armour
Image Source: Pinterest
Intent: To create an armour for the Firebats (Greta's personal guard)
Development Thread: Nil
Manufacturer: Greta Kohler
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Greta Kohler
Modularity: N/A
Production: Minor
Image Source:
Intent: Standard armour for Hapan Space Marines
Development Thread: TBA
Manufacturer: Paragon Enterprises
Model: Paragon Enterprises Type 3 Mk1 Personal Defense System...
Image Source: Pinterest
Intent: To create a personal armour suit for Greta
Development thread: The Hunt for the Precious
Manufacturer: Greta Kohler with aid of Techno Union
Model: DemonGuard MKI
Affiliation: Greta Kohler
Modularity: Helmet can be worn and...
CAS – 6 Heavy Armour
Image Source:
Intent: A basic armour system offering increased protection over the CAS – 5 model armour.
Development Thread: N/a
Manufacturer: The Orion Corporation
Model: CAS – 6
Affiliation: Security / military...
Image Source:
Intent: To provide a lightweight and versatile armour set that allows soldiers maximum movement and increased protection in the battlefield.
Development Thread: N/a
Manufacturer: The Orion Corporation
Model: CAS - 5...
Image Source:
Helmet: Google Image Search: Sith Mask
Intent: To make a personalised assassin’s armour for Saiah/Darth Ophidia.
Development Thread: (For the Bes'kar)...
Image Source: My TOR Fashion
Intent: To showcase the Talesa family armour
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Sinnok Talesa
Model: N/A
Modularity: Able to swap out wrist-mounted equipment. No other modularity
Production: Unique
Material: Metal plates: 90% beskar, 10% durasteel. Body-glove...
Image Source:
Advanced Personal Protection Environmental and Atmospheric Suit of Armour
Development Thread:
If neccesary.
Chandassian Guasi (Made up person)
Image Source: Robotpencil, DeviantArt
Intent: To create a very durable yet agile piece of armour for Anja to use in battle.
Development Thread: Acquiring Phrik and Cortosis for her armour.
Manufacturer: The Primeval Fleet
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Anja Aj'Rou ; The Primeval
Modularity: Limited: It...
Image Source: Odobenus, DeviantArt
Intent: To create standard battle armour for The Primeval. Everything else we've made has been specialized and limited production.
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: The Primeval Fleet
Model: Primeval Battle Armour
Affiliation: The Primeval
Modularity: Very...