Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. GhostKey

    First Reply  Dark Water Sushi Bar (Social, Connections, Meeting)

    Denon District 12 Dark Water Sushi Bar Early Evening, Light Rain OOC Entry Ideas: Feel free to be any role in this scene. Fixer, connection, stranger chance meeting, corpsec, intelligence service, employer, fellow slicer, denon local etc. [Theme] fa-play fa-pause Colors bled into the rain...
  2. Xrabel Vaasketh

    Public  The Metropole - Open 24/7

    || THE METROPOLE, MON GAZZA || Open for 18+ Characters, No Fighting No Exception Located in the center of Nova Kor Vella, Mon Gazza, The Metropole is a bar and nightclub owned by entrepreneur and guns-for-hire Xrabel Vaasketh. A haven for fixers, independent contractors, and infochants, The...
  3. Countess Anétresya

    Approved Location  The Qeniora Tower of Jutrand

    OUT-OF-CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Revamping my previous sub due the removal of planet and changing ownership to an active character. Create a well-known facility for plot opportunities. Canon: N/A Permissions: Links: TBAImage Credit: /...
  4. Laphisto

    Public  Bar and Recreational Zone

    Tucked away in a suitable corner of Dock 4, the Bar and Recreational Zone serves as a vibrant social nexus, catering to the diverse array of species and preferences that pass through Aurora Station. This area offers a welcoming respite from the hustle and bustle of the dock, providing soldiers...
  5. Jack Sandrow

    Approved Tech  "Chewbread Bar" Ration Card

    One bar, made of 15 segments, with 1 segment corresponding to 1 meal OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To craft a nutrient-rich compact ration bar, for use in 'speciesitarian' aid Image Source: Me, I made it! Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Inspired by the real-life...
  6. Nathan Bloodscrawl

    Approved Tech  UMF Dessert Bar #1

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an ice cream product Image Source: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Name: Dessert Bar#1 Manufacturer: UMF Affiliation: UMF Market Status: Open-Market Homeworld (optional): N/A Modularity: Yes (Can come in chocolate...
  7. Fitz Jarro

    Public  The Bounty, The Cantina and The Clouds

    Fitz walked down the ramp of his old, rusty ship and stepped down onto the elevated landing platform. He slowly looked around. The scenery of The City In The Clouds was covered in a thick fog, muddying up the view, hiding countless beautiful presidiums, fountains and buildings, the tallest of...
  8. Box Mattox

    First Reply  Where Nobody Knows Your Name

    SOMEWHERE IN THE RIM... Box walked into the bar, his muscles tense and his nerves on edge from two-dozen days of straight campaigning. The Company had just engaged in jobs for three clients, one right after the other. Now they were in a gap between jobs. It was something that could prove...
  9. Z

    Private  The Gambler, The Rambler, and a Dive Bar

    "] fa-play fa-pause Location: Coruscant Bar Equipment: Casual Clothing Tags: Alexander Hayes Meeting with Aiden had been more than eye opening. Learning the true fate of their squad after the ambush hadn't settled any of the feelings he had. Maybe had made them worse. His effort to...
  10. Z

    Private  The Past Catches Up

    "] fa-play fa-pause Location: Coruscant, Military Bar Objective: Catch Up Equipment: Wearing Tags: Aiden Rennek He'd tried another message to Aiden, this time in bold letters asking him to come. A favored military bar, if only because they gave a discount when you flashed your credentials...
  11. Syala

    Private  A Sith walks into a bar...

    Nar Shaddaa. A wretched hive of villainy and scum. It wouldn't be a surprise if most people thought this was one of the worst places in the entire Galaxy to be, but for Syala? It was practically heaven! Violence, despair, distress! There was so many negative emotions for her to breathe in and...
  12. Rezaq Karr

    Public  People watching, bar room brawls, and other things to do on Coruscant...

    So this was Coruscant? Rezaq had seen overly urbanized planets before, and a part of him itched to investigate the lower levels to see what had been forgotten to time's touch in the eons since anyone went down below where sapients still decided to live....but he knew better. Even places like...
  13. Kebos

    Approved Location  Astral Nights Lounge

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a base of operations for Kebos and social space for anyone to enjoy Image Credit: Reece Parrinder Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: Astral Nights Lounge Classification: Bar Location: Terminus Affiliation...
  14. Coffeetron1

    Public  Some old bar on Tatooine

    On the harsh desert planet of Tatooine, in the port city of Mos Espa, Kel was at a bar, leaning against a wall, listening in on conversations to gather information whether it be gossip or local rumors.
  15. Ruxan Jones

    Public  Trouble in Ralf's Bar

    Courkrus Tags: Valery Noble Planet: Courkrus Location: Bar in main city Vlarnya Ambience: Bar ambience Clothes: Link Gear: bluebolt blaster | clippoint vibrodagger The night arrived on the planet Courkrus. It was about time, for the nightlife to start in the city Vlarnya. Bars opened up...
  16. Ata Jairt

    Public  Galactic Bar Hopping

    Ata has been down on her luck recently, not getting any jobs and if she does, they pay next to nothing. In response to this predicament, she is currently using what little credits that she has and is drinking her woes away at a cantina in Nar Shaddaa. Her mando style helmet set on a counter...
  17. Mairéad Solus

    Approved Location  Reveries Epica - Bar and Recall Lounge

    fa-play fa-pause Intent: To create Mairéad's third business investment and a headquarters for the Family on Epica Image Credit: Neon bar name image Main bar area - midjourney ai VR chair image Rooftop bar Secure Cellar Canon: No Permissions: Original Reveries Bar Permission for...
  18. Katja Javik

    Private  SCAR in a Bar

    THE EMPIRE SCAR SQUADRON 501st Legion Castor E-196 | Kav Canthar | Open to SCAR Location: Ravelin maybe?? idk Finally given the luxury of a couple of days off, she planned to spend the evening in town with what little time she had. It was difficult to maintain any kind of friendships with...
  19. Aleksandr Stirsea

    Public  Sun Veins (Open to friend, foe, and everything in between)

    There are only a few things in the galaxy that make it worth living in. Hope was one of them. Art was another. But there was one that stood above them, a beacon of value that pulsed across the stars and tied blood and stranger together. Family. Family both found, and inherited. For Aleksandr -...
  20. Trextan Voidstalker

    First Reply  The wrong bar

    Riley's moon, Western Cluster It wasn't the worst bar he had ever stepped into. Since the collapse of the Galactic Alliance, Trextan had been learning from Choli's former mentor about the ways of the Wardens of the Sky. He had been travelling, trying to do some good wherever he ended up...
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