Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. B

    Rough House

    OOC: Image belongs to the SWTOR series Nar Shaddaa is not for the faint of heart. Nor any place within former Hutt Space even so countless end up one way or another. Bruticus silently observed the crowded and music playing bar from a back corner with his first mate Falso. The Transdosen raised...
  2. Venandi

    Bottoms up

    Abregado-Rae, it was a lawless world, one fit for smugglers and less savory folk, and situated in the core. It was a rather perfect place for things to happen and then disappear from official records, a fact that Venandi wanted to use to his advantage. It wasn't too long ago that he had been...
  3. Kalic Daws

    Fun and Games (Serpena)

    Serpena. She was a jungle world for sure. Hot, humid, tons of planet life outside the colony cities. It was not only a world many mercenaries and smugglers would use to repair their ships, but also had a couple of popular watering holes, cantinas, and bars around where one could find work, hire...
  4. Adenn Kyramud

    It's a date then.

    It had been little over a week since the incident on Binaros. In that time, Adenn had done many things, though always, somewhere in his mind, floated the words "It's a date then." Said date would possibly be with Hawk. He honestly didn't know if she had been joking or not, but Adenn was always...
  5. Kiki Katarn

    Approved Location  Yum Bunnies - Zeltros

    Made by Chris Delightfully tacky, yet unrefined! OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Expanding Yum Bunnies Locations Across the 'verse Image Credit: here Canon: N/A Links: Yum Bunnies SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: Yum Bunnies Restaurant Classification: Restuarant & Bar...
  6. Kiki Katarn

    Approved Location  Yum Bunnies - Coruscant

    Made by Chris Delightfully tacky, yet unrefined! OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Expanding Yum Bunnies Locations Across the 'verse Image Credit: here Canon: N/A Links: Yum Bunnies SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: Yum Bunnies Restaurant Classification: Restuarant Location...
  7. Djonas Vile

    Codex Denied  Bittie Land

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a place Djonas can spend most of his time at when he's home. ​Image Credit: Below Canon: N/A Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: Bittie Land Classification: Nightclub & Casino Location: Naboo Affiliation: Djonas Vile Accessibility: In...
  8. SiRiDio

    Costa's Lagoon

    Walking into the bar on the planet of Tython in a swamp its the planets most populated bar for criminals and bounty hunters sitting inside in the corner without his cloak he sits near two weird looking guys drinking and having fun laughing over stupid stuff while yelling and clearly everybody...
  9. Darth Abyss

    Approved Location  The Dead Dragon

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To add a Outpost/Money Source for Abyss in the New City of Maena ​Image Credit: Canon: N/A Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: The Dead Dragon Classification: Crime Hub, Hideout Location: Maena - The New City - Level 477-487 Affiliation: Darth...
  10. Myles Davorak

    Rest on Rishi?

    (this thread will take place before Myles started his private security company, and before anything else really) There he was, in a cantina nestled not too far from Raider's Cove. Rishi always held a special place in Myles' heart. The beaches with soft warm sand, the crystal blue waters that...
  11. Ismael Skhaos


    The galaxy is a large abyss of souls, each soul with ambitions, hopes, dreams, and fears. As you inspect each one you find that each soul has a reason to live, some are for reasons of sentiment, vengeance, or for another; however, others live to live, they have no hopeful purpose that keeps them...
  12. S

    Always an Adventure (Open)

    [member="Vengeance"] [member="Nicair Claden"] [member="Vokun"] [member="Kiran Arlos"] At a bar on Coruscant. Sadran sunk further into her booth as she contemplated the day's events, it was a bad day to say the least. She had come to Coruscant to buy a ship. The reason, she had no idea. For...
  13. Felyn


    Barfront Rear workshop Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A Workshop Name: Avalon Location: Aboard a space station in the Kathol Outback Specialty: Powered Armor and Powered Armor Weaponry (though the staff make some rockin’ mixed drinks out front) Tier: I DESCRIPTION Avalon is a new and...
  14. E

    "Better not be a bunch of cows..." (open to all!)

    Edward sighed as he sat in his booth, quietly sipping a watered down drink he didn't know the name of. The shabby little cantina was like every other one you'd find on Tatooine. It had low ceilings potted with a few blast marks, the paint on the walls was pealing, the lighting was practically...
  15. Subject 37

    Approved Location  Dawn

    Name: Dawn Image Source: "Sci Fi Bar" by Lachlan Page Classification: High Class Bar Location: Coruscant Affiliation: SIN, Heartbeat House Description: Dawn is the first establishment opened with the new partnership between SIN Incorporated and Heartbeat House. The Club is situated in the...
  16. N

    "Next round is on me" (Open)

    Nar Shaddaa, Dark Melody Nealons eyes wandered through the bar, subtly stopping on the same group of girls every once in a while, the small bar filled by the entrancing voice of some twi'lek woman singing in some language he didn't knew or really cared for. The fancy drink in his right was half...
  17. Jamie Pyne

    Approved Location  The Salty Gungan

    Name: The Salty Gungan Image Source: [X] Classification: Upscale Restaurant and Pub Location: Naboo - City of Theed Affiliation: Sorthar Temsworth (NPC) Description: The Salty Gungan is an upscale eatery and late-night bar for Theed's more prominent citizens. The restaurant maintains an...
  18. Cherry Grapier

    Coruscant Bar (Open! Drinks, Barfights, Gambling)

    Cherry had decided to get a side job as a bartender in Coruscant, she had a job but it wasn't always active so she wanted to do something instead of wait around all day. But it wasn't that active here either so to make people come inside she got a blackboard listing their specials and sure...
  19. Hailey Sosis

    Nal Hutta Nights

    [member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="General Beyyr"] continuing after this thread After the shuttle was repaired, by the droid she had enough fuel for a jump. She decide no matter what she need a drink, and where better than Nal Hutta. Ther ship took off, and made lines to planet. She found some of...
  20. Darth Abyss

    Out of Business

    Nar Shaddaa Some run-down bar Abyss was sitting on a table that he picked based on the fact that it was placed as far away from the rest of the bar as possible. The drink in front of the young sith apprentice was almost empty, but he wasn´t ready to finish it yet, as it was the only reason he...
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