Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Mairéad Solus

    Approved Location  Reveries bar and Recall Lounge

    fa-play fa-pause Intent: To create Mairéad's first business investment and a place to RP Image Credit: Neon bar name image Main bar area VR chair image Canon: No Permissions: Permission for Family use of Nakaioma tech Permission to use cyberdive-64 Links: Cyberdive-64 Network intrusion...
  2. Muad Dib

    Public  (Hand Wavieum) This is NOT the Bar You Are Looking For

    Another dead end. Another dead group of jackals who swore they possessed the information wanted. Another dead bar. Well, not dead per say. Certainly not alive. Even the flames have died down to dull red embers. The wind stoked the charred remains as though the ruin of the establishment once...
  3. Kusana

    Private  A Jedi, a Chiss, and a Felon walk into a bar

    Ouch! Kusana stepped back, rubbing her forehead. The reflection of her face in the steel bar ahead acted to give it a persona that mocked her as if to say "Watch where you're going." She made a small pouty face at herself before ducking underneath and walking through the pub entrance ahead. She...
  4. Jasper Kai'el

    Public  The Philosopher Mobile Bar Comes to Coruscant

    The Philosopher Mobile Bar Comes to Coruscant _____________________________________ Jasper shot up, sweat dripping down his spine. He had that dream again... the one about the old man he didn't recognize. The exile slowed his breathing, trying his best to relax. Before long, there was a knock...
  5. Jasper Kai'el

    LFG  Mobile Bar Arrives on Coruscant. Looking for Patrons.

    Anyone in the general area of Coruscant? Looking for somewhere to relax after recent, rather chaotic events? My character, Jasper, will be bringing his mobile bar to galactic city if anyone is interested in checking it out. I plan to make it a public thread tomorrow. My idea is that guests can...
  6. Percival Io

    Private  A Drink On New Alderaan

    The three of them were drawing stares. Percival could sense the eyes of the other patrons upon him and his brothers. Most were probably just curious—after all, it's not every day you see identical triplets seated at a table in a no-name bar. Never mind that these weren't triplets in the...
  7. Dantum Kryszar

    Approved Location  Spango's Bar and Cantina

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a location for my character to hang out at Image Credit: Here Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Spango's Bar and Cantina- Company Listing SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: Spango’s Bar and Cantina Classification: Cantina Location: Blue...
  8. Dantum Kryszar

    Spango's Bar and Cantina

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Here Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: Mos Eisley Cantina CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Spango’s Bar and Cantina Headquarters: Blue Sector, Coronet City, Corellia Location(s): Blue Sector, Coronet City, Corellia Operations: Sells food...
  9. A

    Public  In A Bar, In A Galaxy Far, Far Away

    Cold. Cold and rainy. That's all these days were now. It didn't matter how hard he hoped the day would be sunny, it was always rainy. That was Corellia for you. If you hoped it was rainy it would be sunny and if you hoped it was sunny, it would be rainy. That's all you could do, hope. Avery...
  10. Aktur Seii

    Public  The Nexus; a trending bar on Denon

    THE NEXUS DENON On Denon, there were a number of establishments that sentients of a shady persuasion could go. It was a city spread across a world, after all, a ecumenopolis and there was no lack of buildings or structures. Yet, there were few establishments that those same sentients could...
  11. Tharil

    Private  Bar Hopping

    Drinking was Tharia's favorite pass time. There were plenty of ways she loved to zone out, but yeah. Drinking was always number one on her list. So when news hit about a new bar opening on Kestri? "You bet your sweet ass I'm there." She was speaking to no one in particular, even as she stood...
  12. Damaaris Huwe

    Public  A Besalisk and a Nautolan walk into a bar…

    Dam snorted in the Yvara air as he set one foot on the landing pad. Like memory warned him, the place still reeked of mouldy mushrooms and burning engines, two scents that never mixed well together if you were planning on keeping your food inside your stomach. His right foot landed, metal met...
  13. Evelynn Ostium

    Public  Evening at the Rudy Nexu

    Location: The Ruby Nexu Places of interest: The Bar (ground floor), VIP rooms for private meetings and conversations, Performance Stage to watch staff preform various dances and entertainment displays and The Auction Room (staff only, unless event in active) Building Music (epilepsy warning on...
  14. Okkeus Dainlei

    First Reply  A Jedi Walks Into A Bar

    Rishi Copacabana Kalimba De Luna Cantina Small specks of sand were kicked off of the Knight's shoes as he stepped inside. The sunset from the beaches of Rishi had been better than he had expected. Redish-pink reflections off of the water Illuminated the surrounding buildings before finally...
  15. B

    Public  A Hutt Slithers Into A Bar [Coruscant - Open]

    Red Rancor, Coruscant The Red Rancor was far from an upstanding establishment, you wouldn’t find the top of the top coming to a literal hole in the wall such as this. Named after a vicious predator with crimson lighting that put one more in the headspace of a Sith Lord than a warm faced...
  16. Cato Demora

    Public  LOTS │ Rebuilding [Open To All]

    Korriban, 864ABY A dingy bar... There was a certain musk in the air Cato could not deny; heavy and burdensome on the nose, he never seemed to be able to escape it. If it weren't the cold, or the dust, it was that itching feeling one got around the Sith that bothered him. Also driving its way of...
  17. Zelroga

    Request  Looking for chefs, mixologists and club/ cafe/ restaurant/ opera house owners etc!

    Hello all! My character is the executive chef of the new Kalipher's restauarant in Coruscant. It would be great to get involved in/ establish rp that revolved around the food and entertainment industry across the galaxy -- be that supplying catering (thus adding to event rp), having cook-offs...
  18. Zelroga


    KALIPHER'S THE VEDA PEARL CORUSCANT 101998 674 Sick of those seedy bars in the lower sectors of Coruscant? Come treat yourself to culinary delight at Kalipher's.... ABOUT: A classy restaurant found at The Veda Pearl complex on the Coruscant Plains specialising in Batuuan cuisine. An...
  19. Porl Berlmat

    Public  An Elnacon Walks Into A Bar (Character Introduction, LFG)

    Scene The HT-2200 Medium Freighter shot across the sky over Nal Hutta, a small trail of smoke escaping it as it began its decent down towards the planets capital of Bilbousa. Like usual the spaceport was packed with all kinds of ships, ranging from expensive leisure yachts to run down...
  20. King

    What A Day, So Far (Open Cantina)

    Bins and empty crates littered the busy alleyways and streets of lower Coruscant. Neon lights flashed and buzzed away illuminating the hive of people that roamed, all doing their best to survive the chaotic lower levels of the city planet. Two sets of footsteps echoed down a dull side street...
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