Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Valiens Nantaris

    A Fleeting Challenge

    So, as many of you have noted, I rather like fleeting battles. I’ve noted with disappointment how many of them in invasions devolve into vaguely worded snark-fests, with neither side taking much damage and grand pronouncements being the order of the day. So with this in mind, I am throwing down...
  2. Dhasias Vunumera

    Sith Combat RP

    Hello. I have mostly completed my characters bio, and I am working on getting an updated avatar, sig, and lightsaber. Anyone wanna rp with me? Looking for Sith, Assassins, soldiers, ect looking to kick some ass =D. My character is looking for ways to expand her powerbase, fighting battles...
  3. D

    Clockwork Rebellion: Battle on Alderaan

    New Alderaan Alderaan was a peaceful place. And beautiful on top of that. Onyx was in orbit inside his Fury class fighter. He sighed as he looked out the portside window to the city below. It was the capitol, though the name escaped Onyx. The once peaceful world was torn by the droids of Omni...
  4. Valiens Nantaris

    Strategic RP 1 - Assault on Aegina City

    @[member="Darth Sidic"] @[member="Isley Verd"] The stage was set for the battle to decide the rim world of Aegina. The locals, determined to defend their homes against Imperial invasion have called out to the Alliance to help them. The stage is set for a grand battle. To the north the Alliance...
  5. Valiens Nantaris

    Strategic RP 1 - Assault on Aegina City OOC

    @[member=""]Isley-Verd @[member=""]Darth-Sidic Below are the notes and map for the battle RP I have planned. Choose your side, first in, best dressed. When the two sides are chosen I'll start the thread and PM the writers some additional information specific for their side. Apologies on the...
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