Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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brat pack

  1. J

    Public  Friendships forged on Chaos [Brat Pack Intro Thread]

    Location: Unknown Planet. Starship: Public Transport From Svivren to Coruscant. Surviving Passengers: Liorra | Zaiya Ceti | Aris Noble | Loomi | Braze | Toby Perris | Kalira Aldan | Eloise Dinn | Kitter Bitters | Plus. It had all happened so suddenly. Jaitre Lanabre-Arenais had been quietly...
  2. Aela Talith

    Approved Location  The Sparrow's Nest

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To Sub a neat piece of history from Aela, and a few others past ​Image Credit: Ben Zweifel, [member="Netherworld"] Canon: N/A Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: The Sparrow's Nest Classification: Hide-Out Location: Lubang Minor Affiliation: Aela...
  3. Jacen Voidstalker

    The Gathering Storm

    Religion was not something that Jacen took much of an interest in. It was something that happened, just usually elsewhere. He’d heard of the Moross crusade of course and how it had petered out before reaching the civilised sectors of the Galaxy. He’d never had much of an interest in coming to...
  4. Micah Talith

    So four months in...

    And Micah has come pretty far. I'm having a blast with him, developing him since he was four years old to a late teen in that time. I totally loved roleplaying his childhood and growing up with the brat pack. I've done loads of rps, both open and private, and I'd like to find out what people...
  5. Vexen


    Concept: Several layers thick, the heavy bandage engulfed her vision and left her in a world of complete darkness. Far from being a disconcerting experience, the defel pup found this remarkably calming. Even the artificial lighting of the ship...
  6. Magdalena Lethe

    Somewhere beyond the space lanes...

    Somewhere beyond the space lanes, new stars shine, there’s a world that I heard of once in a lullaby. Magda awoke in the precarious position of half herself draped over the rungs of the open stair leading down into the lounge of her ship. It was dark and very silent - two things that never bode...
  7. Scherezade deWinter

    Moab Zabel - WIP

    Moab Zabel NAME: Moab Zabel FACTION: n/a RANK: n/a SPECIES: Human. AGE: 15. SEX: Female. HEIGHT: 4"7 WEIGHT: 80 pounds. EYES: Gray HAIR: Bleached to death. SKIN: Pale. FORCE SENSITIVE: yup...
  8. Micah Talith

    Where The Old Gods Rest

    O L D M O R O S S T E R R I T O R I E S E X O C R O N Moross Crusade. The Shamalain Talith progeny were well aware of what that meant. What it stood for. The stories their father, mother, aunt, and uncle would reveal a history and people rich in tradition and in devotion of...
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