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Intent: To continue the Coratanni Cartel's Expansion
Image Credit: James Ledger
Canon: N/A
Links: N/A
Structure Name: Coratanni Biological Research Facility
Classification: Research & Production Facility
Location: Unidentified Ice Planet...
I'd been stressing about the idea of having a clone of myself made recently. Not for the creation of a doppelganger but rather for the ability to give my AI Ares a body of her own. I'd been questioning how advanced she was as an AI but that had been settled weeks ago when I'd been laying in my...
Name: VT-Carosi Cloning Laboratories
Image Source: Dustry Crosley
Intent: To expand Vanir Technologies into a few facet of Industry
Classification: Cloning Laboratory, Communications Outpost
Location: Carosi XII
Affiliation: Vanir Technologies
The Carosi Cloning Labs were...
The ship landed with a heavy thud on the platform. The ancient Lambda-class Shuttle seemed to let out a screech as its wings rose and its ramp automatically lowered. Alric sat inside, quietly reading from a datapad and scanning its contents. He smiled slightly, stretching and standing as one of...
.:+ R Y T H A N A +:.
Your quality cloning choice
Rythana labs offers high quality clones within Omega Protectorate Space. The cloning business is becoming one of the most lucrative industries in the galaxy, and an innovative and vigorous company can quickly get a good turnover...
Dathomir, centuries before now
There was a certain chill in the air. There was something, a stench of death and a feeling of ending. Even before she opened her eyes, Mira had felt it in her dreams. It should have frightened her, but there was nothing inside her now, but devotion. The Optivus...