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Thread up here!
Y’all already know what time it is.
Another year, another big ‘ol party thread open to everyone.
This is an interest check for a public thread to take place at Solstice Vine night club on Bespin, which is currently neutral on the map. Anyone is welcome to join—Jedi, Sith...
Intent: To codify a neat public location that doubles as a secret base for Starlin Rand.
Image Credit: Mark Foster Gage "West 57th Street Tower" | Aurora Noir | The Shadow (1994) | Scrying
Canon: N/A
Standardized Training Droids [Open Market]
Intent: A Stun weapon component for the Omega Squad Mk II armor.
Image Source: Phil Saunders @
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: Gir Quee/Lucerne Labs
Primary Source: N/A
Manufacturer: Lucerne Labs
Affiliation: Aien Mueller/Omega Squad...
Hello all!
My character is the executive chef of the new Kalipher's restauarant in Coruscant. It would be great to get involved in/ establish rp that revolved around the food and entertainment industry across the galaxy -- be that supplying catering (thus adding to event rp), having cook-offs...
location :// NAR SHADDA
local time :// 0217
objective :// RELAXATION
tags: :// Kyrinov
Why was she so tired? The Lethan wondered such a basic question as she finished rinsing herself off in the shower and stepped out onto the mat, collecting a towel to dry off as quickly as she could...
Coruscant - Mid levels
Club rooftop
Lysa stopped next to the railing, leaning against it, arms crossed while her present company lit his deathstick, taking a few puffs of coloured smoke. The twi'lek was supposed to pay her and her associates a sum of credits for their part in a mixture of...
Another night in the lower levels of Triple Z...Seemed like not much had changed. Not too terribly long ago I was dancing for some sleazy club owner, now I was the one owning a club. As a Jedi Knight no less. Funny how things progressed....So far tonight had been good. Some of our regulars had...
Intent: To create a base of operations for the Yōkai
Image Credit:
"Sleeping Dogs -Night Club"
Canon: None
Structure Name: Ozai
Classification: Night Club and Secret Base
Location: A-Town
Affiliation: Yōkai...
Just another day of dancing for the Zeltron, Mag was quite a sight as he danced around a pole, it was very much akin to what would be expected of others, extravagant, smooth, sometimes very fast, sometimes very slow, but with more attention to the considerable muscles, a sweaty buff Zeltron man...
| Jorge's Smooth Spacers Club |
~| At Jorge's Smooth Spacers Club
~| In Carson City
~| On Kyrayc
Points of interest:
~| 1st Floor contains:
~| Jizz-wailers doing their thing, playing music on the stage.
~| The dance floor in front of the stage for dancing.
Intent: To sub Elizabeths homebase
Image Credit: GossII Cassel Bar
Canon: N/A
Links: N/A
Structure Name: Circuit
Classification: Nightclub, Lounge
Location: Nar Shaddaa Promenade
Affiliation: Elizabeth Sabine Castille
Circuit is a nightclub located directly within the central...
Intent: To sub a mix of city and nightclub on Katarr
Image Credit:
Canon: N/A
City Name: The Blackout
Classification: Urban Center
Location: Katarr, On the Black Sea east of Defiance
Affiliation: Darth Abyss
Demographics: 70% Human/Near...
Name: Dark Nebula Night Club
Image Source: Link
Classification: Night Club
Location: Zeltros
Affiliation: Golden Entertainment
Description: The Dark Nebula Night Club is located on Zeltros, the capital city of the planet Zeltros. It is a...
Nar Shaddaa, One Level Below the Entropy Nightclub
The Entropy was neither one of the biggest or most exclusive clubs that were build in the dirty streets and dark corners of the galaxy's most notorious cesspool of crime. Yet it has a certain brand of charm, based on the fact that it was...
So I am planning to further Abyss influence on Nar Shaddaa, so I am now hiring a few goons to aid him in taking over a club there.
Plan is fairly simple: We bust in without a warning, kill any security and push everyone but the staff out, dead or alive doesn't really matter. Abyss himself will...
Name: Haneul Lounge
Image Source: three images)
Classification: Nightclub
Location: Sejong City, Seoul
Affiliation: Jonathan Ma (NPC)
Haneul Lounge is situated near the center of Sejong City, Seoul. It is a...
The Aura Night Club
The Aura Nightclub... a place of bliss, drinks, and parties. Everyone had a good time here, no one was down, no one was sad, everyone was there for the time of their lives, for a little while. Many attractions went on there, people gambling, people sitting, drinking...
Hullo Everyone!
As I'm sure many of you have recently seen or heard, the Black Empire, a growing Sith Faction under neath the joined ruled of [member="Darth Carnifex"] and [member="Darth Prazutis"] has somewhat made themselves known. We're currently on the rise but as per usual with the...
Name: "Cloud 9000"
Bespin - Cloud City
Image Source: Source - Tumblr
Classification: Night Club, Entertainment Venue
Location: Cloud City, Bespin: Hover Platform with Large and small tiered landing pads. Accessible on three sides which lead to three large landing pads, splayed out much like...
Name: "Trouble in Prosperia"
- Prosperia
Image Source: Source Link
Classification: Night Club, Entertainment Venue
Location: Prosperia, Dosuun: Underground Facility, Central Prosperia, Accessible from Descending Staircase off of main Concourse
Affiliation: Dash Fisko, Avalonian...