Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Progflaw99

    Approved Location  Avalonian Nights - Synthwave Club

    Name: "Avalonian Nights" Dosuun - Avalonia Image Source: Source - Tumblr Classification: Night Club, Entertainment Venue Location: Avalonia, Dosuun: Underground Facility, Warehouse District, Accessible through Subterranean Access Stairwell, Substation 2-B. Affiliation: Dash Fisko...
  2. Progflaw99

    Avalonian Nights Incorporated

    Corporation Name: Avalonian Nights Incorporated Headquarters: Avalonia, Dosuun Owner: Dash Fisko (NPC) Locations: Dosuun - Avalonia -Prosperia Bespin -Cloud City Skye -City of the Winged People Operations: Night Club, Entertainment Venue Rationale: Dash Fisko opened his first club, the pilot...
  3. Aiwaz Khath

    Welcome to Purgatory [open]

    Club Purgatory, Nar Shaddaa [Music] ((Open to all who may be inclined to indulge in an evening of debauchery and hedonism)) Late... Deep and heavy came the throbs of bass that rumbled around the large complex that was Purgatory, one of the newer and quickly rising clubs in Nar Shaddaa's...
  4. Dancer

    The Most Dangerous Work (Vineech)

    She whirled on her stiletto heel on the table top. The stench of the cigarettes, spice, and cheep alcohol filled the room. As Mystique dipped in a graceful arc, bringing her bosom to bear with one of the paying patrons, she could feel the table wobbling under her weight. These cheep clubs had...
  5. Jen

    Second of the Day: Arianna Maneria vs Jennifer Phoenix

    For many the outcome of the fight between Lysle and Sebastion had been easily seen. For some even hours before the match. For others it was completely unexpected. And now with the first finished it meant that the second fight was about to start. Jennifer was sitting inside one of the locker...
  6. Eliza Downheart

    The Duchess' Lair

    Planet: Nar Shadaa Time: Late night, around 9pm Eliza walked entered The Duchess’ Lair for her very first shift, she had never worked at a strip club before but she wanted to make a name for herself. It wasn’t a big club compared to the others on Nar Shaddaa but is was one of the most...
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