Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Valery Noble

    Contest  Codex Contest — Paradigm Shift

    After a few successful rounds of Factory contests for the Galactic Alliance, it's now time to give some love to the Codex as well! For this contest, we're asking for submissions that play into the recent news that was announced in this article. The Dark Empire has invaded the Core and is...


    PLANET LOCATION -- alvaria palace -- nouqai's cavern SPECIES -- parasite -- nouqai's serpent -- nouqai's sea dragon -- falentra's children LORE -- valmarr guard NPC TEMPLATE LINKS Species Creation Location Creation Planet Creation Lore Creation
  3. Spirit of Initiative

    SIA Codex Contest

    Welcome, one and all, to the first (?) annual (??) Strategic Intelligence Agency/law enforcement codex contest! This is a test run to get a feel for whether this system is feasible. In future, depending on how this goes, we may look at focusing on different styles (intel vs. law enforcement)...

    Request  Vote to rename Codex Judges.

    Tefka I'd like to formally propose a renaming of the Codex Judges group to Factory: 'John's Queens', Codex: 'Srina's Ducks'. , pretty please :) . Context, a recent discussion on the sith order had spiraled to near chaos after accidentally referring to Zachariah Conway as Lore Approval Person...
  5. Arla Rodarch

    Codex Contest?

    So, i had an idea to have a creation contest. This competition would be all about codex locations for the city of Keldabe. There might even be prizes, we'll see. What I imagine we would see are unique and interesting locations, from a home or dwelling to a shopfront, or a building, or a...
  6. Aelina Corsanis

    Solan's Codex

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Establish the small but militant order that Solan serves under Image Credit: [ Provide credit to the original artist of the images in your submission. Link to the web page where it can be found and state the name of the original artist if possible. Each...
  7. Amani Serys


    The Vonnuvi, Ithorian Herdship The Vonnuvi Jedi Enclave
  8. Kitter Bitters

    Question  Another codex question

    For NPC submission to the codex can you submit NPC's that are deceased? They would help flesh out notable members of a family but not be alive anymore.
  9. Kitter Bitters

    Question  If I submit an NPC to the codex

    If I submit an npc to the codex (after the holiday break obviously) but latter decide I want to turn it into a pc is that allowed? Thank you
  10. Sahan Dragr

    Work In Progress  Codex WIPs

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Expand upon a factory sub and provide species mutation associated for PC Yolaghun Image Credit: Dragon | Background Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Duinuogwuin Mythosaur Basiliskan Kyron Mythosaur Mutagen DEV: Replication, Acclimation, and Mutation...
  11. Reggie

    Factory Manifest

    Tools of the trade, available to Code Zero agents in the field. Blasters Small Arms FAS “Clerical Error” Slugthrower Pistol (Open Market) Misc. Tech CryptNet 2.0 (Open Market) - A powerful network designed for anonymity.
  12. Tytos Saxon

    Approved Lore  Kadir'litr Codex

    K A D I R ' L I T R C O D E X "Kadir'litr is a tool for accessing the arcane. Through this discipline, the secrets of the Force are revealed to those who seek them." - Excerpt from the Introduction OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a manual for Mando'a-based Force Powers. Image...
  13. Aloy Vizsla

    Work In Progress  WIP codex master list

    "And there I beheld them; Wolves fighting Wolves" — Song of the Akaan'werda OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Codify a threaded campaign into a series of historical events for public viewing Image Credit: The Mandalorian: Chapter 24 Canon: N\A Permissions: N\A Links: Mandalorian Union...
  14. Mr. Janus

      Jhiaxus System (1st codex sub woot)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To sub a location where I can build Treatech's secret headquarters/things in case I end up doing future RP stuff with the company Image Credit: N/A Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Namesake --> Jhiaxus SETTING INFORMATION Star System Name: Jhiaxus System...
  15. The Great Architect

    Codex Manifest

  16. Ishani Dinn

    List of Codex Submissions

    Planets, Moons, and Astral Bodies Zaathru Damara (moon) Dagda (moon) Locations Arboria, Realm of Adamanthea: Sky Temple Deodoro Mountains Ámathosia, Realm of Desdinova: Amithosí Desert The Grotto Mount Pele Celephaïs, the Capital Desdyrva, the Holy City River Inakhi Meriphoril, Realm of...
  17. Ari Naldax

    Ari's Codex

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Flesh out a rogue/independent military unit dedicated to freeing Imperial-occupied planets Image Credit: Wookieepedia Permissions: N/A Links: Inspired By: Antilles's Rogues GENERAL INFORMATION Fleet Name: Ari's Rogues Classification: Rebel Fighter Wing...
  18. Tathra Khaeus

    The Draelvasier - In house species codex page

    The Draelvasier OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To keep an up to date, detailing of the The Draelvasier. Image Credit: Midjourney Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: GENERAL INFORMATION Name: The Draelvasier Designation: Sentient Origins: Extra-Galactic & Draemidus Prime Average...
  19. S

    Lareina's Codex

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Establish the Chaos-Era incarnation of a canon Chiss Organization Image Credit: N/A Canon: UAG Permissions: N/A Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Organization Name: Universal Analysis Group Classification: Research & Development Institute, Intelligence Agency...
  20. Unblessed

    Codex Entries

    Update showing TNWs progress at creating a Force Cure
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