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Intent: Creating a unique documentation system for in character members of the Imperial Knights.
Image Credit: Marcin Cecot - Artstation
Canon: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Links: The Order of the Imperial Knights,
Media Name: Codex of the Knights...
Victims of the Bryn'adul Part 1
Victims of the Bryn'adul Part 2
Map of Former Bryn Territory
Outer Rim Development Corps
Jedi Praxeum
Stars' End Cantina
Chalacta Healing Center Ruins
Solitude | Chalacta...
Codex Competition!
With the rise of the Sith Empire in the shadows, we are working from an angle of proxy and secrecy. Given that, we are looking to create a combination of cultists, political movements, and fifth column extremists actively pushing sith ideals publicly. We are looking for those...
Codex Manifest
– Vitruvia
– Order of the Sacred Blades [ Sala Corsanis ]
– Order of the Sisters of Ashla [ Isla Draellix ]
– The Sons of Ession [ Cedric Grayson ]
– The Holy Guard of the Host [ Pietro Demici ]
– Hades Comando Assault Team [ Brimstone ]
– Brotherhood of the...
It's that time where we're looking for some fresh faces to help out with the Codex and the Factory.
Prior experience submitting is a plus, however, it's not a requirement.
If you have any questions about the application process or expectations feel free to reach out to Srina Talon and John...
Ello, ello!
I got the idea to do Codex sub commissions (though they are free, nothing paid just so we're good on wording :D) and thus The Architect was born! Have a sub you've been meaning to get to but haven't yet? Did the muse say sike and pull the rug on that one idea ya had? Well, that's...
Intent: To create a holocron.
Image Credit:
Headers by Ingrid L'lerim
Canon: N/A
Permissions: PM for permission, would love for Sith to add to the holocron or use in roleplay.
Holocron Name: The Stygian Codex
Alignment: Bogan
Origin: Darth Solipsis
New Sith Order...
To the line.
On your marks.
Get set.
The Codex and Factory are now open for business. I hope you all had a good holiday and we're all looking forward to seeing what kinds of submissions you've all been working on.
While we understand that everyone has been working on submissions over...
"As long as they keep on making upgrades for this baby, the Z-95 will never become outdated."
―Outlaw tech Klaus "Doc" Vandangante
"The Dreadnought stands along ships like the Zed 95 Headhunter in the eyes of spacecraft enthusiasts, serving so reliably and for so long that it has become a...
I believe that is a suitable theme song for this announcement. As of now (yesterday really) [member="Neri Rashal"] has stepped down from her admin duties. I’d like everyone to join me in thanking Neri for her hard work and commitment to the board. Her...
Intent: To create a personalized suit of armor for Faye.
Image Source: Here
Canon Link: N/A
Primary Source: Mandalorian Armor
Manufacturer: Faye Australis
Affiliation: Faye Australis
Model: N/A
Modularity: Yes
Production: Unique
Material: Beskar, Ciridium...
Codex Judge Application
Do you enjoy exotic locations, cool new species, ancient tomes of history, and player-generated content? Codex is looking to add to our roster of judges! We are hoping to bring on several new faces to help support the Fluff Side (sorry, Dark Side has the cookies, but we...
Codex is back with our Highlights for May and June (if a week late). As we move this forward and continue to bring attention to subs we find particularly excellent, I would like to invite the Chaos membership to contribute nominations for future Highlight Posts...
Before the winners are announced I would like to say a few things.
This contest was incredibly difficult to judge. Both Codex and Board staff took a lot of time and a lot of thought to come up with the following winners. To say that things were incredibly close would be an understatement. The...
"An old friend has learned the path to immortality. One who has returned from the Netherworld of the Force."
The Netherworld of the Force, also known as the Mist-Beyond, was the place Force Sensitive souls went after their physical bodies died. Darksiders, Lightsiders, and those between...