Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Darth Metus

    Approved Tech  Armor of Darth Metus

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION INTENT: IMAGE SOURCE(S): Template - Charles Michael Davis & Star Wars Photomanipulations - Darth Metus Armor - Pablo Dominguez CANON LINK: --- PERMISSIONS: --- PRIMARY SOURCE: Armor of Darth Metus PRODUCTION INFORMATION MANUFACTURER: House Verd, Inc. (Parent)...
  2. Ascendant Muse

    Faction  Social Harmony || The Confederacy + Open

    S C A R I F SHOREHAVEN RESORT The Southern Systems were not immune to troubling times. In recent history, the Galaxy was no stranger to turmoil. It was said that strife could always be found among the stars - yet the present chaos had been nearly unprecedented. Practically every civilization...
  3. Ascendant Muse

    Faction  Social Upheaval || The Confederacy

    N A B O O GOLBAH HILL, THEED What was the price of benevolence? When facing utter annihilation, the urge to survive will cause any soul to flee. When faced with the choice between death and life, most would do whatever it took to continue breathing. Oftentimes, it matters very little how...
  4. E

    Major Faction A Balance. An Energy. The Force. | Knights Obsidian, CIS

  5. The Ascendancy

    The Ascendancy

    The Ascendancy, otherwise known as the Ascendant Empire, was once the dream of freedom among the stars - yet the hellish Shiraya Expanse threatens to consume them. Theirs is a martial empire at the end of the Galaxy. Masters of survival, they tame their brutal environment and bare their fangs...
  6. Ascendant Muse

    Faction  Bibliotheca Obsidia || Knights Obsidian

    N A B O O ARX OBSIDIAN Naboo was a blessing in disguise. In the wake of the Cataclysm, the Knights Obsidian had been a midst on the brink. The majority of their comrades had been met with an ill fate: either transfigured into beasts...or mauled by the very same. The tragedy had been one that...
  7. R

    Faction  Crown of Thorns || Knights Obsidian

    APATROS Their ranks were diminished. The Cataclysm had been a sobering event for the Knights Obsidian. In but the span of a single day, thousands of their midst were wiped away. Either transfigured into terrifying beasts, or ripped apart by them. In the wake of this disaster, the order had...
  8. Darth Metus

    A Father's Rage [ Part 2 ]

    DROMUND KAAS It was almost hard to breathe. Everything before the Vicelord's gaze seemed...wrong. From above, the light of day bled through ornate glass - spilling pale rays onto an ornate slab. Stone. Cold. Atop this foundation was laid a length of crimson silk. One could tell, at a glance...
  9. Darth Metus

    A Father's Rage [ Part I ]

    N A B O O The knock was an omen. Meetings. It seemed as though the Vicelord's existence was simply floating from one holo-call to the next. From the moment the sun rose above Naboo's horizon to well past its retreat, there was always some urgent matter that required his signature. His...
  10. Magdalena Lethe

    Faction  The Heart Line Story - Don't Make It Starweird [CIS]

    Orbit of Bothawui GUIDE HQ: Beacon of Broadcast Heart Line Hyperlane Project Flotilla CIS Obsidian Knights | Isaiah Dashiell | Loske Treicolt | Hazel Scheler | Rann Thress S T A R W E I R D S "My name is Magdalena Lethe and I am the Founder of GUIDE. I would like to personally thank you all...
  11. B

    Public  Threads of Fate

    Rumors had swirled and circulated around the Intelligence branches of the Confederacy, and that of Naboo. A rebel attack was imminent on the Capitol, dissidents who railed against the changes made to the Constitution were intent on disrupting the new government from being seated – and Kairi...
  12. J

    Character  Joesph Leigh

    NAME: Joesph Leigh FACTION: Confederacy of Independent Systems RANK: Sargent SPECIES: Human AGE: 53 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6"4 WEIGHT: 245 pounds EYES: Dark brown HAIR: Black SKIN: Caucasian FORCE SENSITIVE: No STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) : [+] Natural-leader...
  13. Darth Strosius

    LFG  Looking for some Confed contacts

    Hello there people of Chaos! Tis I, Random Sith Acolyte #11. To cut to the chase and make a long story short, my boy here is in search of some information on old Confederacy ships. Such as where they're held, how much they could be purchased for, what kinds they have, that sort of thing. This...
  14. Var Talon

    Character  Var Talon of Eshan

    BASIC INFORMATION NAME: Var Talon ALLEGIANCES: The Confederacy House Talon of Eshan RANK: Obsidian Knight SPECIES: Echani SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6'2" WEIGHT: Middleweight EYES: Silver HAIR: Platinum SKIN: Alabaster FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes ALIGNMENT: Neutral Dark STRENGTHS & WEAKNESSES + HERITAGE: Like...
  15. E

    Dominion  The Wind Bares Ill | CIS Dominion of Taloraan Hex

    Taloraan. A hot planet, and one of the rare gas giants which had the ability to support organic life. Diving in and out of the gaseous orb’s decadent cloudscape, one might see any one of a number of large beasts to include Fleft-wauf, Island-beast, Sleft-chuff and Thafsalnu. But be weary, for...
  16. Paragon of Virtue

    Invasion  Great Balls of Fire | Agents of Chaos invasion of CIS-held Rodia and Talay

    Our arrival was not a surprise last time. Our arrival is not a surprise this time either. When the Confederacy of Independent systems decided to murder millions of refugees on the Scintilla in cold blood, while also claiming that they might have been slaves, and therefore, their deaths were...
  17. Scherezade deWinter

    NEVER FORGET | Confederacy Murders Millions of Refugees in Cold Blood

    A re-cap of events Agents of Chaos were invited to Siskeen by former Viceroy Derek Dib to support his bid for a free planet. While they were there, he sent his brother, Muad Dib, ahead of time, and regardless of the outcome, to spread bombs around the Scintilla, alongside thousands of...
  18. Alkor Centaris

    CIS First Supporting Mandate

    Disclaimer: Everything contained within this post is strictly In Character. Don't @ me. M A N D A T E There was a time when the turmoil of the Galaxy necessitated that various sovereign nations band together in order to mutually defend against foreign threats. During that time, the...
  19. Darth Metus

    Rebellion of Atrisia - CIS Victory!

    A T R I S I A Today, we are proud to announce that the Confederacy has claimed Victory on Atrisia! To all those who participated, especially amidst the challenges of present, thank you so much! This thread was easily one of the most fun PvP scenarios that our faction has written! To our...
  20. Anakwor Farlorn

    Approved Tech  M128 "Tread-Kriffer" Light Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher (LRPG) (CIS ONLY)

    Intent: A mass-produced lightweight infantry anti-tank weapon Image Source: M72 LAW Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: RPG-7, M72 LAW Manufacturer: Confederacy of Independent Systems Affiliation: Confederacy of Independent Systems Model: M128 LRPG Modularity: Iron sights can be...
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