Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Scherezade deWinter

    Approved Location  The Seolaide

    Intent: To create an HQ for the Confederacy's Knight Obsidian Pathfinders Image Credit: Header CIS/KO Made by [member="Darth Metus"] Header fort found here. Additional images through the submission have their source immediately beneath them. Canon: n/a Links: Military Base Name: The Seolaide...
  2. Paragon of Virtue

    The Dark Cargo [Black Bha'lir]

    Devaron Hex Corellian Trade Spine The Confederacy of Independent Systems has grown above and beyond what any of those who opposed to do could have ever had nightmares about. What had begun in the small areas within the Southern Systems was now a sprawling cloud that spread not only over there...
  3. Srina Talon

    Approved Location  The Vanguard of Polaris

    "We do things the Vanguard way—The right way." ______________ Intent: To create an exclusive and completely over the top tower for both temporary and permanent lodgings to Confederate citizens and guests. Image Credit: Main Header: X [Giorgio Grecu] and X [JOnasDeRo] Dividers: [member="Srina...
  4. Naedira Darcrath

    Technicolor Cookies

    Location: Geonosis [Golbah City] Wearing: XXXXXXX Tag: [member="Alkor Centaris"] Every day had its routine. Naedira was a creature of habit when she wasn’t required to attend to some sort of duty or mission objective. In early mornings she could be found taking a run through the already...
  5. Bastille Rommer

    Sand in the Gears

    G E O N O S I S CAPITAL OF THE CONFEDERACY OF INDEPENDENT SYSTEMS ​Up-and-coming entrepreneur, capitalist, company owner - whatever you call him, it was undeniable that Bastille Rommer, head of Te'mansoa Industrial Works had struck a vein of luck when he had started the small mining and ore...
  6. Malok

    Approved Lore  Eshan Exclusion Zone: Taskforce Vail-Talon

    T A S K F O R C E V A I L - T A L O N OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATIONIntent: To codify the Confederacy's protective zone about the Eshan Hex. Image Source: SWRP: Chaos Map (Edited by: [member="Zoe Rosella"]) Links: Exodus Crash: The Invasion of Eshan (Eshan Hex Liberated) Exodus Crash: A New Dawn...
  7. Kiff Brayde

    Character  Kiff Brayde

    BASIC INFORMATION Name: Kiff Brayde Species: Human Age: 32 Sex: Male Height: 5’9" Weight: 154 lbs Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown Skin: Fair Force Sensitivity: None Appearance: Kiff is quite small for the military, and he hasn’t grown for a while, giving him a bit of a disadvantage when it...
  8. Alkor Centaris

    Approved Tech  Alkor's Marauder Armor

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: New armor for Alkor Centaris. Image Source: GamerFuzion Canon Link: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Alkor Centaris Affiliation: Alkor Centaris Model: N/A Modularity: No. Production: Unique. Material: Phrikite-Desh alloy Phrik Desh...
  9. K

    Kyle Whir

    [hr] [SOCIAL INFORMATION] Name: Kyle Hal Syn Whir Alias(es) Ghost of Dosuun Hunter One Eye Revenant Venator 07/0125 (Warrant Number) Title(s) Assassin Bounty Hunter Machinist Marksman Mechanic Mercenary Mercenary-Sergeant Sergeant (Coruscant Security Force) Faction(s) Chiss Ascendancy (Faction...
  10. Queen Bots™

    Oh, Hoylin | CIS Dominion of Hoylin [Hex X-39]

    Oh, Hoylin. This seemingly picturesque world has been through a lot in the less recent past. At a distance, at a glance, it seems perfect. Located in the Mid-Rim, the Fei Hu Sector, and close to the Gamor Run trade route—It should be an idyllic place to visit. There are lavender-blue skies...
  11. Paragon of Virtue

    Hitchhiker's Guide to the Confederacy (RP Contest!)

    Darlings, munchkins, and Queenie's gremlins – the Confederacy has a plethora of planets, locations, and interesting places to explore within its cloud space. As the New Year rolls in, so does a new contest – the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Confederacy! So gather your friends and go have an RP in...
  12. C

    Approved Tech  Project NEXU | Panther-type Strike Armour

    P a n t h e r S t r i k e Intent: To submit a limited production special forces armour for the Confederacy. Image Source: Here [Edited by [Member=Scherezade deWinter] ] Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: Medium Armor Manufacturer: Alterra Arms & Armour Affiliation: Confederacy of...
  13. C

    Approved Tech  Project NEXU | Nexu-Type Strike Armour

    N e x u S t r i k e Intent: To submit a limited production special forces armour for the Confederacy. Image Source: Here Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: Medium Armor Manufacturer: Alterra Arms & Armour Affiliation: Confederacy of Independent Systems Model: Obsidian-Type Strike...
  14. B1-667 Aquilus

    B1-667 "Aquilus", Crimson Eagle

    BASIC INFORMATION SERIAL NUMBER: B1-677-0012 ALIASES: AQUILUS DROID TYPE: B1 Series Battle Droid MANUFACTURER: Baktoid Combat Automata AGE: 1 Year since manufacture date SEX: Masculine Programming PHYSICAL INFORMATION PLATING COLOR: Crimson with Slate Undertones SENSOR COLOR: Black...
  15. Srina Talon

    Silver Circuits, Roger Roger [Diplomacy]

    System: Pyrshak Planet: Manaan Location: Galene Medical Center [Conference Location] & Gritti Hotel [SJO-CIS Delegation Housing] A Continuation Of: A Drop In The Water Tags of Participating Members: CIS: [member="Adron Malvern"] | [member="Srina Talon"] | [member="Darth Metus"] |...
  16. Pei Ven

    Pei Ven

    Character Song: Name: Pei Ven Faction: Confederacy of Independent Systems Techno Union (Previously) Rank: Commando Species: Human (Melida/Daan) Age: 27 Gender: Male Height: 5'11'' Weight: 190 lbs Eyes: Green Hair: Wavey Dark Brown Skin...
  17. Tmoxin Temi

    Seven Moons Rising (CIS Trade Expo, open by invitation)

    Soundtrack: Stop, Drop and Roll One Tmoxin hadn’t thrown a large party in over a year. Due to major damage on her ranch caused by a couple of hearty saboteurs, the renovations just to get her Bothawui home back in working shape was time consuming and costly. Holding a soiree was out of the...
  18. Malok

    Approved Tech  Obsidian Talisman

    O B S I D I A N T A L I S M A N [CENTER] OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATIONIntent: To commemorate the promotion of [member="Kurenai Yumi"] to Master Image Source: Jacques Achille Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: Talisman of Concentration PRODUCTION INFORMATIONName: Obsidian Talisman Manufacturer...
  19. Paragon of Virtue

    Love Gods [CIS Dominion of Aikhibba | W-40]

    Once the home planet of the Hutt Boss Spadda and various crime lords, the changes that Aikhibba experienced over the last few centuries have turned it into a planet populated predominantly by humans. Two years ago, biological warfare targeting the Y chromosome killed off the majority of the male...
  20. Scherezade deWinter

    Approved Tech  Knight Obsidian Sword

    Intent: To create a uniform sword for the Knights Obsidian of the CIS Image Source: Header made by [member="Darth Metus"] Weapon image: X, edited by [member="Scherezade deWinter"] Shield image: Mass Effect 2 screenshot Canon Link: n/a Primary Source: n/a Manufacturer: The Confederacy of...
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