Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Judah Dashiell

    Life Day Holiday Challenge Winner

    I'd like to personally thank each and every SWRP member who participated in the contest. You guys rock! Now, without further delay..... We at the Codex are happy to name [member="Aster Rose Baelor"] and her submission of Ruvaen as the winner. Congratulations on the win. As mentioned in the...
  2. Judah Dashiell

    Life Day Holiday Challenge

    The Life Day Holiday Challenge... Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa. Throughout the month of December countries around the world come together with family to celebrate and be merry. It's a joyous time for family friends to be thankful with one another, exchange gifts and good times, and appreciate...
  3. Progflaw99

    Intra-Faction Contest/ Competition! ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- [member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="Ludolf Vaas"] ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Friends, First Order Citizens, Writers, lend me your ears!... er.. Eyes! Okay, so real note. It's been discussed, the idea of doing...
  4. Quietus

    Build an EVENT PLANET Competition

    Hello Chaos! Many of you have been pining for another Staff Event and today you're going to get your first teaser of the next one on the docket. Without going into too many details, I am here to announce we [[member="Valiens Nantaris"] and I] will be running a competition to help build the main...
  5. Cira

    Rank Title Creation Comment Thread

    Please use this thread to comment and or discuss any of the Rank Title's submitted for the contest thread found here.
  6. Cira

    Rank Creation/ Remake Contest

    The Staff team has decided to once again hold a Rank Title creation contest. Creation Contest: The staff team has decided to allow a one for one swap of the lesser used rank titles for brand new or remake rank titles through the creation of this contest and added to the current list of...
  7. Orion Darkstar

    Who's got the Knowledge?

    This is for the Contest taking place for the Codex submissions. I just wanted a little more of a synopsis than what the timeline actually gives about the events that took place.This is so I can somehow think of a unique idea or location for the submission. If anyone knows about any of the...
  8. Chevu Visz

    Vote for the GA major rank tag here!

    It's time to vote on all the amazing entries we got for the rank tag contest. I think I can safely say that the response to the contest exceeded all of our expectations. Really nice work everyone! Personally I love them all, but unfortunately we have to pick one :P 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6...
  9. Alric Kuhn

    Rank Title Creation & Remake Contest

    The Staff team has decided to once again hold a Rank Title creation contest as well as allow some remakes of old Rank Titles! Creation Contest: The board currently has a total of thirty two additional rank titles that one may select from, the staff team has decided that 3 brand new rank titles...
  10. Alric Kuhn

    Creation/Remake Comment Thread

    Please use this thread to comment and or discuss any of the Rank Title's submitted for the contest thread found here.
  11. Jsc

    Galactic Event: Through the Mirror Rewards

    Galactic Event: Through the Mirror Rewards Create a Tag Contest I'm hosting a Galactic Event this weekend and looking for Artists to create Custom Tag Rewards! If you would like to participate, post up here with your submissions. Next week members who participated in the Event will be linked...
  12. Tefka

    Design The Next SWRP Theme

    STAR WARS CHAOS: THEME CONTEST This is your time to truly shine, Artists of Chaos. I am holding a contest for Chaos's artists to design the next background theme for SWRP Chaos. You may view all previously created themes in the paintbrush icon in the top right of the top navigational bar of...
  13. EmKay

    The Unofficial Chaos Force User Rank Title Competition

    Parent Thread [member="Ket Van Derveld"] / [member="Anija Ordo"] [member="Tefka"] / [member="Ashin Varanin"] / [member="Matsu Xiangu"] [member="Spencer Jacobs"] / [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] [member="Valiens Nantaris"] The (Unofficial) SWRP: Chaos™ Rank Title Competition For Force User Rank...
  14. Tefka

    Create New Avatar Borders

    As you see in this thread: I have provided a few resources for the community to use when creating art. I'd like to see more! Art & Design's current challenge is "CREATE AN AVATAR BORDER"! These borders will be provided to the community for...
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